《Abyssal Fortress girl in another world》Chapter 20: Life in the dock(As seen by Lt.Woods)


Good morning.

I am the lieutenant who is currently working under commander Gladys Griefheart, my name is Kai Woods.

I am a socket soldier that created by Trinity Force faction to act as a vanguard. Unlike other spearheads made of people, we are just clones made into socket soldiers, so our lives took very lightly by leads. If they ever face a scenario that requires many sacrifices then they would always choose us socket soldiers to be those sacrifices.

Trinity Force itself is a faction that was/is made of three authorities to fight against the Abyssal forces, to tell the truth that was all the information about the faction i could remember / i knew, despite spending more then a century in it.

The life of a socket soldier is simple our commander wakes us from the stasis chamber and then we are installed into a heavy combat armour along with injecting the battle serum into our system

if there is not enough combat armour then the leftover socket soldiers are installed into run-down body's similar to the body i am currently using and sent into the battlefield to act a role similar to armed militia. after the battle they just threw us back into the stasis chambers like throwing food back into the refrigerator to use another day.

Well then, let’s just quickly move on.

Now it has been more than one month since we woke up from our stasis chambers. I don't know how long we slept but when we woke up our dock was already destroyed and everything was surrounded by water without any sign of Trinity Force. i found the skeletal remains of our previous commander inside of a escape pod along with a few other remains of people who were dressed in expensive looking clothing

Oops, I went a bit off topic there.


Just like every other day, I went to the practice shooting chamber to check how the soldiers accuracy training was progressing.

*Bang* *Bang*

[Happy boom hour]


The familiar scene of chaos entered my vision at the moment i stepped into the room. Just as always except some people with the right mind they are firing at moving targets with cheerful glee using all kinds of weapons like rockets, machine guns, energy weapons, and explosives. Thanks to commander Gladys Griefhearth's ability to replenish ammunition and weapons by using a small amount of material mass we can practice like this.

Well it looks like more shooting gallery than practice thought

Normal people and new recruits think we are born stupid, its because of forced growth and cloning but the real reason was that of battle serum injected into our system before the battle for purpose increasing our battle efficiency and nullifying extreme pain caused by the nerve connection.

As result damaging a part of our brain by little everytime battle serum injected our system. In the end, turning us into idiots. Because of me and some people entered later, so our mind is still in a good state.

[I always wanted to shoot with this thing!]

Said number 18 grabs hold of anti-material rifle and pulls a trigger.

*Bang!* *Crack!*

With loud noise practice, target disappears along with his hand.

[Hahaha your hand got busted]

[Oh!, it is true]

Noticing his arm destroyed by recoil number 18 begun to laugh along with other. Sometimes I little bit envious of them because they only live by today without any worry. But I said a little.

[Oh it is lieutenant!]

[Yeah it is]

[Greeting s.Sir]

Said number 35 tried to salute but only botchering comically by pitting his hands up to air while his head swaying to his right side.


[Greetings 35. now all of you get back to practice]


[As for 18 quickly visit Mr.Kurogane's room to fix your arm]

But still aren't weapon handling module installed into all socket soldiers' mind?

How come is your weapon handling that bad?

[Sir I forgot which way it is]

Number 18 aren't you visited yesterday?

[Okay let me guide you rest of you continue the practice when I return I will check each of your hit rates.]



[Let me use machine gun]

As if I let you!

[No infantry support weapon or LMG's]


[Not Fair!]

[I gonna tell Commander about this]

Commander is not your parent!

God, sometimes I felt like talking with kids.

[Let's go number 18]

Then with number 18, I went towards a large room that was previously weapon experimental room now it is refitted by Mr.Kurogane for his works. I arrived in front of his door.



[Excuse me Mr.Kurogane it is Lt.Woods one of my colleagues has damaged his arms.]

[Come in]

A childlike voice answered from behind the door.

Inside the room was full of all kinds of equipment varying from standard telephone to Bio-Cloning machine able to completely build any parts of the body from an inserted cell along with pieces of equipment that even I don't know. In mid of equipment a weirdly dressed child with four horn sitting on a small chair while working on an elegant looking arm made of entirely cogs and pistons.

This child is Mr.Kurogane personal servant of commander Gladys Griefheart also one who is restored this dock along with our body.

[Number 18 you again ?]

Said Kurogane shook his head while he reached toward drawler to take our spare arms but suddenly stops in midway.

[Hey number 18 you want new strong arms ?]

He said with a dangerous shine in his eye.

Eh.number 18 don't answer him what is he saying is definitely an only good part of it.


Number 18 said with shaking voice.

Yeah, even idiot will notice how dangerous that glint is.

[You want to blow things up right ? do superhuman things right? I have this look isn't this a look good]

Said Mr.Kurogane shows us the arms he working on along with the very attractive word. It definitely looks elegant even can pass as an art piece.

[Really I can blow stuff up ?]

Just like a little child who is tricked by strangers with a piece of candy number 18 got attracted by the word 'blow up' This is bad number 18 got trapped. I know he definitely does not do something that damages or harm number 18 but I can't say on his body.

[A Si-]

[What is it Mr.Woods? right now number 18 and I talking]

Are you basically saying get out?



[Ah nothing. Have good day sir]

[Yes have good day Mr.Woods]

Number 18 I don't forget your sacrifice.

After this, I went to meet our Commander Gladys Griefheart.

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