《The Inheritance Saga》Chapter 2


Bare feet padded softly across a rough stone floor as a scrawny black-haired youth leaped over puddles and slid between jagged stalagmites. Bulbous blue mushrooms and the patches of yellowish moss clinging to the walls glowed softly, scarcely illuminating the surroundings.

As he wove his way through the damp corridors beneath Mount Stormpeak, Atell reflected on his confrontation with Raiden. He still couldn’t figure out why the older boy constantly sought him out and harassed him. It was clearly more than a petty grudge, and their conflict had begun long before the physical altercation during the celebration at last year’s Harvest Feast.

‘...But why?’ Atell nearly shouted aloud. The Troll-Bloods held the lowest status among the few Demon tribes that had been subjugated by the Aurelians. They never fought for resources and always worked diligently in the mines.

What’s more, Raiden was considered a holy child now. If not for being a male — he would have been immediately selected as the Clan’s next leader. The boy had everything. Why must he continue harassing the bastard child of a disgraced priestess? There was nothing to gain.

Atell’s eyes glistened with tears as his feet carried him mechanically to the small den he shared with his grandfather.


“Welcome back,” a hoarse voice whispered as Atell brushed past the worn curtain hanging at the dwelling’s entrance.

“Good evening, Patriarch,” Atell replied, bowing slightly. The words casually left his lips but his mind was still absent as he offered the customary greeting.

In the center of the cramped domed room, a bald old man sat at the protruding slab of stone that served as a table. He stared blankly at a bowl of cold stew; his withered green and brown skin hanging loosely from his bones. One might mistake the geezer for a corpse if not for the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

“What’s wrong, Grandpa Tenshi?” Atell temporarily chased away his doubts and discreetly wiped away the wet trails on his cheeks as he took note of the somber frown the man wore.

“Nothing, child. Just a small disagreement with some of the other old men. You know how we like to squabble.” Tenshi spoke slowly and with great effort.

Atell rushed over and sat down opposite his grandfather. “Grandpa, don’t bother with those unpleasant seniors. They squawk more than the Ravens. You need to eat and save your energy.” He placed the idle wooden ladle into his grandfather’s hand as he spoke.

“Ai... You’re right, of course,” the ancient Demon chuckled wryly. “But you need to eat too, little one. Torin is almost twice your size already. He might take over your spot in the Foreman’s crew next season if you’re not careful...”

“I’m still stronger!” Atell declared indignantly as a mischievous smile emerged on his grandfather’s wrinkled face. “But what does it matter anyway...?”

“Now, now… You mustn't think that way, Atell.” Tenshi chided. “Our duty is important and I’m relying on you to set a good example for the others.”

“The Aurelians don’t care about us. Why must we work so hard for them?” Atell bit back, his earlier anger resurfacing.

“Atell… we’ve talked about this. Our tribe isn’t strong enough to fend for ourselves in the Hinterlands. The Aurelian’s shelter us, and in exchange — we work for them. We’ve maintained this relationship with them for decades, just like the Ravens and the Stags.”

“I know,” Atell grumbled.

For a moment, only the soft scraping of Tenshi digging through his bowl filled the air. Atell wrestled with Raiden’s cruel words in his mind once more as he struggled to control his animosity. Unwillingness swelled in his chest.


“One day… I’ll be strong enough. And I’ll protect everyone instead.”

Tenshi looked deeply into the child’s vibrant golden eyes as Atell made his declaration. Inside, he saw a vast ocean of determination, but there was also a fit of dense anger churning beneath the surface. He knew of the conflict between Atell and the chosen scion of the Aurelians. And he loathed how powerless he was to assist his grandson with anything more than words. Tenshi did not want the boy’s early years to be consumed by hatred when he had already fought so bravely through the loss of his father.

Yet… a small part of Tenshi was glad. For he too despised the Aurelian Clan. They had stripped away his potential and youth when they arrived at the Trion Mountains all those years ago and seized control of the region. He wanted nothing more than to see his family regain their independence. Too many of the tribe’s youths knew of nothing but the caves beneath Stormpeak and the shackles of the mine. The elders were passive — satisfied with maintaining the status quo. Among them all, Atell shone like a solitary star. He was intelligent, ambitious, forthright… and likely the tribe’s only hope of returning to a steady life on the surface. To roaming freely through the wilds.

Anger was a dangerous spark of motivation, but Tenshi believed that it held the potential to bring about a great change. And the tribe desperately needed a change... for ominous clouds loomed on the horizon.

“I know you will, Atell. Your father did too.” Tenshi smiled gently at the bright child. “Now go get some food. There is something I must give you after we finish supper.”

“A gift?” Atell asked, his curiosity piqued.

“Not just a gift, a blessing. Now hurry on.”

“Yes, Grandfather!” Atell shouted as he ran off towards the large cavern where food was distributed.


After retrieving his meal, Atell wolfed it down with unprecedented speed.

“Don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere, child.” Tenshi laughed.

Atell rolled his eyes. The toothy grin his grandfather had been sporting throughout the meal made it apparent he was just as eager.

“Alright, well I’m done anyway. So... what’s this ‘blessing’?”

“One moment.” Tenshi’s smile nearly stretched to his eyes.

The old man sprung up from his seat with grace and ease that belied his decrepit appearance. He strode over to the opposite end of the room with a single step and swept past the curtain hiding his quarters.

Atell craned his neck, hoping to catch the first glimpse. ‘Could it be a medicinal herb of some kind?’ That was his best guess. Herbs were a rare commodity in the caves. Used to help cleanse the body and improve a person’s foundation. But even then… the herbs weren’t this special.

At least a few times every year, the Trolls would conduct discreet trades with the Stags who cultivated the fields. Therefore, it wasn’t too strange to see a few stalks of Thunder Cress or Bloodthistle make their way into the hands of some of the tribe’s promising youths. These trades were the only means by which the small tribes could produce the occasional Witch or Warlock.

Before Atell had time to think further on the matter, Tenshi emerged. Cupped in his hands was a small bundle of cloth. With utmost care, the Patriarch unraveled the bundle, exposing the small chunk of amber inside. As soon as the fossil was exposed to the air, it emitted a faint pulse of light and energy.


“W-Wha…” Atell mumbled in a daze. He knew right away this small object was far more extraordinary than any medicinal herb he had ever seen.

If the first pulse of energy wasn’t proof enough of this item’s uncommon nature, the second and third certainly were. Atell drew closer, attracted by the strange force. Tenshi lowered his hands to allow the boy a better look.

A writhing ball of deep crimson energy was contained inside the amber. The orb struggled to maintain its form but it fluctuated steadily, producing a burst of energy with every rhythmic expansion and contraction.

“This… is a Heartstone. A resource so precious that the Aurelians might kill us just for sparing it more than a glance,” Tenshi declared.

“T-Then put it away!” Atell covered up his grandfather’s hands in a panic.

“Settle down, we’re safe here,” Tenshi assured with a laugh. “I only wanted you to understand how valuable this object is. Now take it.”

“Well, what does it do?” Atell accepted the Heartstone in a daze. The crystal seemed to tug at his very soul, slowly pulling him in into its depths.

“Heartstones contain Flux Essence, a rare amalgamation of Nether and Origin Energy. Absorbing it will broaden and temper your Origin Channels — going further than simply improving your foundation... the Flux Essence can increase a person's potential.”

Tenshi’s explanation barely registered in Atell’s consciousness. The man's voice felt distant and muffled like he was listening to his Grandfather while underwater.

It took a concentrated effort to rip his gaze from the object. Only after he broke free from his trance did Atell realize he was sweating profusely. His hands felt like they were burning as he covered up the Heartstone in an effort to calm his nerves.

“Grandpa, this feels… dangerous.”

“Don’t worry, child. The Heartstone can’t bring you any harm. Your mind was likely just overwhelmed by the dense concentration of foreign energy.”

The profound nature of the Heartstone continued to astound Atell. “You said that Flux Essence is a mixture of the two Celestial Energies... But how could Nether Energy appear here?”

Tenshi sighed, “I’m certain that there must be a Shard lying deep beneath Stormpeak…”

“...A Shard?” Atell interjected.

“You’ve heard the elders spin tales of the Scourges and Corruption?” Tenshi asked. Seeing Atell’s faint nod, he continued. “Well, when the twisted souls invade our Plane — they do so through the Shards. The scattered portals connected to the Nether Realm.”

“Then isn’t it dangerous down here! W-We… We should have everyone evacuate!” Atell’s voice grew frantic.

“The Shards are dormant for now,” Tenshi assured. “It’s only been a few centuries since the previous Incursion. Plus, the Aurelians should be able to easily handle any stray ghouls or monsters that may emerge in the meantime.”

“But what about our work…?” Atell finally understood why they’d been dismissed from the mine earlier.

“Aye, that’s where the issue lies,” Tenshi sighed, his gaze clouded by doubt. “If a source of Heartstone has been exposed, then the tunnels have nearly encroached upon the Shard. But that’s not an issue for the young ones like yourself to worry over. I’ll be handling those matters with the Aurelians. For now, we must get back to the matter at hand.” Tenshi’s eyes roamed back to toward the small bundle in Atell’s hands.

Hesitantly, Atell exposed the Heartstone once more. The amber’s mesmerizing presence was greatly diminished now that he was mentally prepared.

“H-How do I go about absorbing it?”

“You’ll drink the liquified energy inside. Now, let me just find…” Tenshi’s voice trailed off as he returned to his quarters, rummaging around for a minute before he returned with an awl and a small rock hammer.

“Now, give it here.”

Atell handed over the Heartstone, watching with great interest as the old man proceeded to hammer the awl into the amber. When the sharp prick reached the core of energy, Tenshi hurriedly removed the awl and shoved the Heartstone towards Atell’s face.

“Quick, drink!”

A wave of heat gushed outward from the tiny hole as Atell snatched the Heartstone and brought it towards his lips. Trickling forth, the scalding, viscous liquid entered his mouth, flowing like lava down his throat.

Suddenly, Atell was struck by a bout of dizziness as the last drop of purified Nether Energy escaped its amber cage. His mind seemed eager to flee from his body as his organs struggled to contain the boiling mass of energy. Unable to quell the rising tide, Atell yielded to the energy. Dark flames surged through his circulatory system, but to his amazement — they brought no pain. Rather, the constantly shifting sensations felt oddly familiar… That kind of vague recognition, constantly gnawing at the back of his mind, set the boy on edge.

His will battled against oscillating temperatures. One moment, his body felt drained from overheating, only to soon feel like he had suddenly been submerged in a snowdrift the next. Atell quickly grew weary from the constant struggle. It was only Tenshi's steadfast presence by his side that allowed him to continue onwards without fear.

Eventually, Atell was able to dismiss his remaining apprehensions, allowing himself to sink into a trance as time crawled onwards.

The reforging of his Channels continued on for some time, late into the night. Tenshi observed the process patiently, ready to assist his beloved grandson at a moment’s notice. If the Elders knew he had allowed Atell to use the Heartstone, the tribe may very well descend into chaos. There were already those who were in favor of handing it over to the Aurelians, let alone allowing a non-Initiate to absorb it. However, Tenshi couldn’t allow the efforts of those who had gone through great lengths to secure the resource under the Aurelian’s noses go to waste.

In the eyes of others, Atell’s mixed heritage hindered his potential; but Tenshi knew that was far from the truth. The boy was nimble and fast, not unfavorable traits... but the Troll-Bloods were valued as laborers due to their great strength, stamina, and natural recovery. Yet, despite the boy’s frail appearance, Atell surpassed his peers in those categories as well.

Therefore, Tenshi was willing to bet it all on this child. Irth was too simple-minded and the other candidates too cowardly. Placing all of the tribes' hopes on this boy was unfair, but the Hinterlands were violent and merciless — righteousness and rationality had little use here. Atell would either rise like the sun or the tribe would be drowned in the darkness.

Lost in his thoughts, the old Patriarch failed to notice Atell’s soft snoring for a time. Tenshi smiled warmly at the boy who had fallen asleep still sitting upright. Then, after collecting himself, he gently lifted the small Demon and carried him off to bed.

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