《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 8- CHAPTER 1


“Where is Le’On?”


After entering the command tent, I asked Javel. He was pacing vehemently throughout the tent. His face was tense and seemed in deep thought. There was no one inside the tent except him. Taking advantage of a free chair close to the large table, I sat down. Javel looked like he was in deep thought and I waited for him to notice me… but that did not happen.

I sighed while deciding to interrupt him.

Me: “Javel… Where is Le’On?”

He continued to pace around as my words flew right past him. Something serious must have happened for him to be so much tensed. I heard about the scout group being missing and some turned out to be dead. Maybe… the matter of the scout might be pushing him to be in this kind of state.

I should come back later.

I got up and before heading towards the tent exit, I informed Javel.

Me: “Javel, I will come later.”

I turned around.



Immediately, I turned towards him. He had stopped pacing and was looking towards me in a questioning look.

Javel: “Did you need something?”

Me: “Finally… you noticed me.”

He looked a bit confused and asked.

Javel: “What?”

Me: “I have been present for around ten minutes in this tent and even called you twice, but you didn’t answer. I thought I should come back later.”

Javel: “Oh… Oh okay.

I am sorry... about that.”

Me: “Did something happen?”

Javel: “Yes.”

I sat down on the chair.

Me: “You do know you could share it with me.”

He too followed suit and pulled up a chair and sat opposite to me.

Javel: “I know… I was just thinking about how to go on about it.”

Me: “Come on, tell me.”

He locked his eyes with mine. Noticing his serious mood, I asked.

Me: “Is this has to do with the scouts being missing?”

He gave a nod of his head and replied.

Javel: “And much more.”

Me: “Meaning?”

Javel: “You must have heard that some of the scouts were found dead.”

Me: “Of course.

As per your order, I dispatched two medic teams in the poison grounds.”

Javel: “The reason behind our scouts being dead has been found.”

I waited for him to continue.

Javel: “They were ambushed by monsters of the poison ground. Higher level monsters… who should have been in the middle or inner circle of the poison grounds.

The monsters were directed towards them…”

He paused while I broke down the information.

How could the monsters be directed towards doing anything? I have nev-

It hit me… I looked towards Javel.

Javel: “Yes… just like the attacks on Reha as well as the Galeform Clan. It is the work of the same people whose members killed Aby.”

Me: “Then we should alert all other groups and return back. Feli could be attacked at any time!”

Javel: “Hmm… Do you want to see one of those perpetrators?”

I squinted my eyes towards him with a questioning look.

Javel: “I sent Le’On to search for the scouts and all the field reports about the situation of the scouts came from him.”

Me: “Le’On is in the grounds? Alone?”

Javel: “No… two more adventurers are there with him. Moreover he managed to kill one of them and sent me the body for safe keeping.

Do you want to see it, Marion?”

I nodded my head and replied.


Me: “Yes! Where is it?”

He got up from his chair and motioned me with his hand to follow him. I have known him since we both started adventuring and very few times I have seen him in the state which he is now… quiet and tensed. Without wasting any time, I followed him. He led me out of the tent and towards the area where the living quarters has been erected. Few beastmen could be seen in this area as most of them probably are together with their respective assigned units. The lightstar was about to set over the horizon as light faded slowly. The wind picked from the south a little. We were walking opposite to the wind and I was thankful for tying my hair with before I even came to meet Javel. If I had kept them loose, then I would have to make the extra effort of tying them against the current of the wind.

Javel kept leading me without speaking even a single word. What happened that made him so sombre?

Walking for few minutes, he stopped in front a tent. The tent was being guarded by two adventurers who upon seeing Javel, parted and gave him a clear to the entry. Javel looked backed before entering and signalled me with a motion of his right hand to follow him.

Entering the room, I saw Javel stood in front of a table. A body bag was placed upon the table. Javel glanced towards me before averting his eyes towards the body bag.

Javel: “This is it.”

Me: “Why is it here?

I should be the one to examine this body before anyone.”

Javel: “Le’On wanted this body not be seen or touched by anybody except me or him.”

Me: “Who’s he to decide what should be done to an enemy body? It’s my job to do it!”

I got a little annoyed on Le’On.

Does he not trust me?

Javel: “I wanted you to see this body for a very different reason.”

Me: “What different reason?”

I inquired.

Javel slowly undid the straps of the bag and went on to open the bag. He opened it wide so that I could have a good view.

Javel: “Because of this.”

My eyes grew large and I felt something went up and down my spine. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Me: “It’s-it’s- it’s him!

Javel! It’s one I treated!

Wh-what is going on?”

Javel: “Yes… he is one of those two whom we helped and travelled with. I believe he said his name was-“

Me: “Wilm… he said his name was Wilm, but how?”

Javel: “Apparently he is the one behind the killings of the scouts.”

I looked towards Javel still unsure what to think.

Me: “Are you sure he was the one?”

Javel: “Le’On faced off with him and killed him. Le’On informed me about it and I don’t think he will lie to us.”

Me: “No… no he would not.”

Javel: “*sigh* And furthermore, I contacted the Council of Zoit with Le’On’s insistence and was ordered to back Le’On in whatever he needs to find the rest of these people if there are any left.”

Me: “Javel… How did this happen?

I didn’t pick up any malicious nature from the-…”

Another point struck me suddenly.

Me: “Javel!

The woman!”

Javel: “I know… his partner. I have already informed Le’On about her and he is currently locating her.”

I touched the cheek of the dead body lying in front of me.


Me: “So… this is a member of the Zendon people.”

Javel: “They had blue crescent eyes. Le’On mentioned about the eyes didn’t he?

I had completely forgotten about them.”

Hmm… I slowly traced my finger close to his closed eyes and slid up his right eye lid revealing a blue crescent eye. I looked back up towards Javel and told him.

Me: “Javel, send someone to my tent in the Medic area to bring me my kit. It is probably placed on the table there.”

He looked questioningly towards me and asked.

Javel: “Why?”

Me: “I am going to perform certain test on this body.”

After few minutes of intense staring between the two of us, he let out a long sigh and left the tent. I brought back my attention towards the body.

What should I do first? Hmm… Start with some blood work… see if anything helps me with my other project. I hope the last two potions I made are not poisonous. If so then the skin of this body will turn pitch black… that I do not want it to happen. I am sorry Wilm to test it unto you, but you are dead and no one to claim your body. Why waste a perfect practice body?

Apart from the eyes, there are a number of physical attributes I noticed with my eyes. This race does not have any resemblance to any beasts like us. They do not have any canines and their ribcage seems to have lesser bones than we do. The rest would be known when I open him up. I hope Le’On does mind… Ahh… Who cares! He ran off without seeing me… why is he so hesitant?

He wasn’t that night.

Javel: “Here…”

Javel came inside the tent along with my kit. He handed to me and said.

Javel: “I have received a report from Zoit Army camp.”

Without looking at him, I asked.

Me: “What did they say?”

Javel: “Onray and Le’On are facing off monsters in the inner circle just on the perimeter of the facility.”

Me: “What!”

I quickly looked towards Javel.

Me: “Onray and Le’On?”

He nodded his head and with a small smile from the corner of his mouth, he replied.

Javel: “And they say… those two are clearing the field all by themselves.

Actually… competing was the word they used.”

Me: “Figures… unknown to both of them… they are pretty much the same.”

Javel: “I hope they play along.”

************ Le’On POV*************

These things do not spray any blood. Whichever way I cut them, their blood seems to trickle down. Ducking under a slash of a claw, I separated the left leg of the monster. I quickly stood up and turned around to finish the monster only find a sword lodged it its throat. I felt a little annoyed.

Me: “Hey!

This was mine!”

Onray, the owner of the sword and the one who stole my kill shrugged his shoulders casually and replied.

Onray: “I didn’t see your name on it.”

I stood there eyeing him for a second. He walked passed me as if it was nothing. While crossing me, he whispered.

Onray: “And by the way… My count stands at six.”

The first wave of the I-2 monsters had been cleared. After stealing my kill, his count does stand at 6 while I had four. Luckily, more I-2 monsters appeared rom the lake. This time, they walked up to us in a group of five. I smelled a great chance to increase my count at one go. Without wasting any time, I rushed forward and passed Onray in a flash. Taking out my left hand sword, I slashed towards the throat of the first monster in the wave. Successfully cutting its throat, I ducked an incoming swipe of a claw of the monster behind it. This time, I quickly got up carrying the momentum and slashed backwards with my left hand sword. The monsters head rolled off quickly. The next monster got itself gutted. The two I-2’s behind it, slashed towards me at the same time.

I cleanly cut off both incoming arms with a downward slash of both my swords. It was easy to kill them after that. When the last body of an I-2 monster hit the ground, Onray reached the place where I was standing. His smirk was nowhere to be seen and I felt myself grinning.

Me: “That makes it nine for me.”

He was annoyed and I intended to annoy him further.

Me: “You are getting slow Onray, what is the matter?

Are you feeling tired perhaps?”

He snorted and with a disdain look he replied.

Onray: “Don’t get cocky with these meagre numbers.”

Another batch of I-2 monsters appeared from the lake, but this time they stooped as soon as they came on land. Keeping their eyes fixed upon us, without any warning they let out a scream all at once.

The collective scream of the monsters were not too taxing on our ears and it left us feeling a little uneasy. The monsters started walking towards us as soon as they stopped screaming. Their pace was nothing to be concerned with.

Onray: “Though I would be happy to beat you, but why are they attacking and why now? I just can’t see the whole picture.”

Me: “To stall us…”

He glanced towards me. I matched his glance with mine and shrugged.

Me: “Maybe…”

He rolled his eyes and replied.

Onray: “If so, then why?

What reason could it be to stall us?”

Me: “I could think of some.”

Onray: “Do you know something that I do not?”

His voice sounded more heavy than normal.

Me: “Just my intuition… brother-in-law.”

Onray: “How many times do I have to tell you?”

Me: “Tell me what?”

Onray: “Do not… call me… brother-in-law.”

He dashed forward in a blink of an eye. His agility outmatched me and from what I have seen… he may outmatch Aby too.

He went on to bash the first monster with his shield, knocking it down and finished that monster off with stab on its face. Retrieving his sword he jumped towards two I-2 monsters. The monsters saw him and swiped their claws at him. Onray blocked it with his shield and kicked a monster over its chest and knocked it down while landing. Crouching, he slashed towards the right leg of the monster still standing. The leg came off which made the I-2 monster tumble down and met with its end on the sword of Onray. The one he kicked mid-air was trying to get up quickly, but unfortunately it too died as Onray slashed and cut open its throat.

Within a span of two minutes, he took down three of the four that approached. He levelled with me in score, but I was not to be outdone. Taking aim, I threw my right hand sword towards the sole remaining monster. Onray tried to take the kill for himself, but the speed of the sword was more than his reaction at that time. The sword nicely lodged itself inside the monsters face, killing it instantly.

Once the monster was down, Onray looked angrily towards me. I jogged in a light pace towards my kill with a nice smile. By the time I reached and pulled my sword out, he gotten up and walked near to me. I turned towards him.

Me: “It’s still my lead brother-in-law.”

Onray: “That was my kill.”

He sounded angry and understandably so.

Me: “I didn’t see your name on it.”

He tightened his grip on the sword in his hand. I placed my right hand on his right shoulder and patted him lightly.

Me: “There… there brother-in-law, don’t fret. I am sure you will get a chance to tie the count up with me in the future.”

Onray: “Get your hands off me.”

Me: “If you’re angry then shall I think that you do not have a clear head and therefore unable to continue our little game?”

He stared straight towards my eyes and seemed to be thinking something. He sighed and replied.

Onray: “You would have to do more to stop me beating you.”

Me: “Excellent!”

I patted his shoulder a few more times while grinning.

Me: “Now… shall we move towards our original target?”

Onray gave a slight nod and started walking towards his subordinates.

Me: “And just for the record Onray!”

Onray stopped and turned towards me.

Me: “The last kill makes my count stand at ten while you stand at nine.”

He did not reply. He turned and kept on walking towards his subordinates.

Me: “Oh Aby… you should have told me something about your brother.” I whispered to myself.

I walked back towards the tree line to rest. The light however little it was inside the forest, was fading slowly indicating that the sun was setting. Fighting monsters in the dark would be a very difficult task. Cutting my rest short, I approached Onray to discuss about the matter.

Me: “Onray… how do you intent to stay here when it gets dark?”

He looked up and observed the skyline which was non-existent due to the tall trees blocking it.

Onray: “We should light some torches, but have to be careful with it. Don’t want to be seen easily by whatever ‘s inside the facility nor any monsters that may yet linger here.”

Me: “The perimeter seems to be clear at this moment; I think we should push to retake the facility.”

Onray: “This might be the only intelligent thing you have said all day.”

Me: “Or it might be that you are too slow to understand whatever I am saying.”


More incoming!”

He faced the soldier and asked him.

Onray: “From where?”

The soldier pointed towards our back.

“Behind us, Sir!”

Both of us turned around. The light had almost faded making the treeline almost invisible to see yet the outlines of the monster could be seen perfectly. More they came closer, the more their ranks seemed to swell. There was a mixture of different types of monsters advancing together. Their numbers were too much for both of us to handle alone. We needed a big team of our own. I can’t be reckless here and neither can I keep a watch over Onray. I know he is even more capable than me at this moment, but still… he is my only brother-in-law.

A small chuckle came out of me after thinking that.

Onray: “What is it?”

Me: “Nothing… just remembered a funny thing.”

Onray: “Why am I not surprised?”

Me: “Cheer up brother-in-law… A whole swarm of monsters heading our way and you now have a chance to advance your count. Is it a wonderful opportunity?”

Onray: “There are too many of them and they could flank us with their sheer number at any given time. This is not the place to face them… we need to retreat and find a favourable position.”

Me: “Yes… I agree, but there aren’t any favourable positions available for us except the facility.”

“Sir! More I-2’s approaching!”

Looking back, another group of I-2 designated monsters came out of the lake. This time there numbers shot up to upwards of ten. A dire situation for us and just a minute ago… we were in a good place. Really… you cannot even relax for a minute here.

Onray: “*sigh*Great!

Now we are surrounded.”

Me: “Isn’t it exciting, brother-in-law?”

Onray: “I think we should fight back to back.”

Me: “Take your men and stand ground with the monsters coming from the treeline. I will mop up the I-2’s as soon as possible and join you.”

Onray: “You alone want to face them?”

Me: “I can handle it.”

Onray: “You better… we still haven’t finished out little game.”

I felt a sense of bonding between us at that moment and I could not stop myself from smiling a little because of it. I gave a slight nod of the head and faced the I-2 monsters advancing from our back.

Me: “Brother-in-law… Try to match my count will you.”

Onray: “Start focusing on yourself and don’t worry about me.

Oh! And more one thing.”

Me: “What?”

Onray: “Stop… calling me brother-in-law.”

Me: “You still don’t like it?”

Onray: “No… I hate it.”

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