《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 7- CHAPTER 13


Travelling through the forest, we did encounter a lot of other controlled monsters. They came in groups, but not as many to overpower us with sheer numbers. It felt like they were attacking us to try and stop us from advancing further. I kept on searching for them and most came groups of ten. Some came launching at us from the trees, some dug holes underground and lay in wait for us. Some came charging through the forest. I felt that it was a concerted effort from our target, a Zendon named Laila to try and delay us in our efforts of finding her.

Numis handled himself very well during various conflicts. He informed us about the monster’s ranks and their weapons of choice so that we could be careful in dealing with them. Elel was the one who developed more as an adventurer. He gained a lot more confidence in himself and in many occasions kept his composure in dealing with monsters. He as well as Numis helped me in dispatching a lot of the controlled monsters. It was a big help when these two taking the initiative sometimes while I searched for Liala and for other monsters.

Surprisingly, we didn’t come across any monsters that were not controlled. The most challenging one was the monsters that attacked us from under the ground. The light within this dense forest was dim as it was and that even looked fading. Night time was approaching and those ground dwelling monsters were very pesky to say the least. When encountering them, we only got to see two giant long pointed tentacles emerge within the ground and tried to impale us.

Numis said that these monsters were named I-1 as they were the most difficult to defeat. We could not find nor see its actual body. Only the tentacles emerged suddenly and attacks. There were three pairs of two pointed tentacles attacking in a synchronized way. Numis informed that the monster named I-1 had two tentacles with which it attacks as well as two with which it digs in the ground. They were small and harmless compared to its front tentacles. The I-1 monsters always work in a group three and places themselves at three different points, forming a triangular kill zone. The only way to detect these monsters was to just enter their kill zone. Even the King’s Crystal could not exactly pinpoint their location.

Instead of forming a cluster in one area, I instructed them to disperse and move to different places. Even then, the tentacles attacked us with precision. Wherever we moved, they followed. I was confused at how could they attack with such precision even as they were underground.

Moreover, our strikes were also of no use. They were not doing anything except scraping off from the hard skin of the tentacles. Numis... Initially forgot about this part, but remembered that the joints of these tentacles were the weak points.

Sheathing my swords, I attempted to catch a tentacle while it swung down on me. I was partially successful in that experiment. I had misjudged the power with which the tentacle came down upon me. To compensate for the power generated from the downward force, I bend down on one knee and caught the tentacle with both of hands wrapped around it with my body elongation skill.

The monster whose tentacle I caught tried to retract the tentacle upwards. I latched onto it with more power. It tried several times to free it, but could not succeed. Though, holding it for so long was also taking a toll on me. I waited for the right moment, which came shortly after. With a big heave, the monster tried to lift its tentacle with more force. Along with it, it exposed it joint for a short amount of time. The joint rose from the ground level and launched an air blast of 40% power towards the joint.


The next thing I saw, the whole tentacle came off while grey liquid started to spray from its severed just like a high pressured fountain. I let go of the tentacle and it crashed on the ground over another tentacle of another I-1 which was attacking Elel. The pressure with which it fell, I heard a loud cracking sound which made ground around us ruble for a few seconds before the area from where that tentacle emerged with the same grey liquid.

Elel had fallen down on the ground and kept staring at me. Another tentacle approached from behind. I was tired and needed to catch my breath, but these monsters attacked relentlessly. I jumped and pushed Elel out of the way by elongating my right hand. He was just inches away from getting impaled. I landed just few steps away from the place from where a tentacle emerged. I grabbed the tentacle and pulled it up, exposing the joint. Firing a 60% powered air blast; the tentacle came off while grey liquid sprayed out.

Throwing the severed tentacle off to a side, I surveyed my surroundings and found that only three tentacles were now attacking us. I was getting tired from this method. Numis bravely deflected and dodged the attacks. Elel quickly got back up and went to assist Numis. Trying to grab an tentacle and hoping that with some effort, it will show its joint was not going to work all the time.

Two consecutive tentacles came down upon Numis. He dodged one, but he lost his balance. Elel grabbed Numis from behind and pulled him out of harm’s way, but another tentacle approached them from behind. Both Numis and Elel were unaware of its presence. With grave situations, I did what I could do at that moment.

I aimed and gave an air blast with 100% power aimed towards the incoming tentacle. The recoil of the blast threw me back as I anticipated it would, but the recoil power was a lot less than I had endured it before. This time, I pressure the air blast into a tapering shape, like a spear and not a wide blast. Seconds after loosing the air blast, the tentacle bent on the opposite side while bones came out of its skin along with a constant flow of its grey blood. I was more surprised at that fact that, my air blast couldn’t severe the tentacle completely. This things must have strong bone density and an exceptional sensing capability even greater than the king crystal to top it off. I immediate craved for the monster’s core. It has been a long time since I have eaten one.

I quickly got up on my feet and loosed another 100% powered air blast towards a tentacle, producing the same result as before. I repeated this again and finished the tentacles off. I was not sure that the monsters were dead, but their tentacles were permanently out of commission. I saw the monsters tried to move the tentacles broken by the air blasts only to fail.

I stayed on the ground for some time, recuperating my energy. I faced Numis and Elel; they were too on the ground looking confused.

Me: “They aren’t dead are they?”

Numis: “Ye-yes.”

I gave a quick thought about the options in my hand. I waste time killing these monsters and taking their cores or I could push forward in locating Liala and lose the chance of getting new useful skills. Hmm... What should I choose? I do not think these two would enjoy watching me eating monster cores, but I could gain something useful which could supplement my body structure or ability in a new way. And by doing it, Liala could finish with what she was tasked and we may lose the initiative. Some big might happen if I lose time...


Me: “Hey, Numis...

Have we entered the Inner Zone?”

Numis looked around for a bit and nodded.

Numis: “We just have entered it. The facility is towards that way.”

Me: “How much more time will it take to reach there?”

Numis: “Maybe an hour, if we don’t take any rest.”

Me: “Will both of you do me a favour?”

Elel: “A favour, Sir?”

Me: “Yes.

I will go ahead... alone.”

Numis: “Alone!

Why? What should we do?”

Me: “Please stay here and kill these monsters.”

Elel: “Why, Sir?

We already have cleared the field and we are good to go.”

Me: “Elel... I need the cores of these monsters.”

Numis: “What good would it do? It’s worthless, don’t you know?”

Elel: “Sir, I agree. I was informed that they cannot be used in anything.”

Me: “I have my reasons, Elel. Please... kill them and bring me those cores. Meanwhile, I will go ahead and scout the area until you join me.

Please... do me this favour, guys.”

Numis: “This... This is unheard of. You really need those cores?”

Me: “Yes.”

Both of them looked at one another before Elel replied.

Elel: “Alright, Sir.”

Me: “Thank you... really thank you for doing this favour for me.”

Numis sighed.

Numis: “Should we inform the Command about this arrangement.”

Me: “No.

After gathering the core, move as close as you can to the facility. I would find you.”

Numis: “Okay...”

I got myself up and helped both of them to get up on their feet. Giving each of them a pat on their back and a warm and sincere smile, I start walking towards where Numis pointed. While I passed them, Numis made a passing comment.

Numis: “You are weird.”

I smiled back and was off on my way. Excitement filled me up to the brim. The thought of consuming those monster cores was giving me a sense of happiness. Though... I needed to find Liala and know more about their objective.

Quickening my pace, it took me less than half an hour to reach the outskirts of the facility. Using the King’s Crystal, I was also able to locate another controller user within the area where the water treatment facility lies. She hadn’t moved from there for a while nor did I see any monsters around it. Only many dead bodies of guards littered the area around the facility.

The water treatment facility had a long fence surrounding it, presumably from all sides. I also found two sentry posts empty, but both of them had a good amount of blood splattered on its walls within it. The facility was constructed on the bank of the lake.

Bodies of what seemed to be of the Zoit army men laid on the ground. A few of them lay close to the place from where I observed the area. Both of them had a clean wound on the back of their heads. The wound was also on their throats indicating that the weapons with which they were killed produced a through and through wound. Though they were pierced from behind, they must have bled to death. The ground area around them was drenched with blood of beastmen.

Unlike these two, most of them seem to be torn apart and some had gaping holes within their bodies. I suspect the monster named I-1 being the ones responsible for the gaping holes within the Zoit soldiers. The view of the torn apart bodies of the soldiers was gruesome to watch.

What kind of monsters could have done this?

A question which kept gnawing at me from within.

The fence was made out of steel and a large chunk of the fence was missing. It looked like it had been ripped out and some particle of the fence lay here and there. I saw a few beastmen impaled with the some parts of the fence. Whatever attacked this place had the power to decimate the Zoit soldiers stationed here.

On the other side of the fence, the doorway to the wooden structure known as the facility was missing, most likely being also ripped open. Blood was splattered around the hole too. The hope of finding any survivors came down from hopeful to slim. Another interesting thing I noticed was that there were few shattered weapons on the ground too.

“Oi! Who are you?”

A sudden voice came from my left. Looking towards it, I found the voice belonged to a Zoit Army man. He emerged behinds the trees and stood with his weapon pointed towards me.

I smiled and replied to him.

Me: “Now... Is this how someone asks a question to there brother-in-law... Onray?”

He pointed his sword down and approached with a calm demeanor.

Onray: “You are not my brother-in-law.”

Me: “And... Why is that?”

Onray: “You didn’t pass your test.”

We stood face to face. His eyes were cold just as before when we met. I patted his shoulder and said.

Me: “I passed your sister’s. That is enough for me.”

We kept looking at me while gazing straight into my eyes. We heard some ruffling noise coming behind him. Few more Zoit soldiers came out behind the trees.


We searched the surrounding. Nothing, but dead bodies.”

Me: “Did you find trouble on your way here?”

Onray: “You could say that. Lost a lot of beastmen trying to reach here. Our scout group was massacred, those who retrieved fared no better until your group informed us of the situation. We took appropriate actions and managed to get forty of us here.”

Me: “The rest of your unit is dead?”

Onray: “No... About sixty are, the rest are injured and are being treated back in the base camp.

What are you doing here? Where is your beastmen from your group?”

Me: “They will come. For now, it’s only me and just so you know... I was the one who found all those information.

See! Isn’t your brother-in-law cool?”

Onray: “Ugh!

Again with the brother-in-law... I told you-”

I placed my left arm around his shoulders.

Me: “This is the first time I seen you to be so talkative. I thought you were the silent type of beastmen. Certainly from the words you spoke yesterday supported this fact.

You know... I have an idea.”

Onray pulls my arm down and looks me in the eye. He seemed a little agitated.

Onray: “I have no interest in hearing about your idea.”

He turned towards his beastmen.

Onray: “Gather everyone else; we will move out to clear the facility.”

Me: “You know... I am kind of hurt. Oh well... I will let it go this time.

Onray... would you not wait for the other groups to join us?”

He slightly turned towards me.

Onray: “We can’t afford to wait any longer. The faster we solve the problem... the better.”

Me: “Aren’t you being a little brash, brother-in-law?”

Onray: “Don’t... call me by that.

And what makes you think I am being brash? We searched most part of this area and found no monsters lurking.”

Me: “True, but have you surveyed the bodies of your dead comrades over there?”

I pointed towards the places where dead bodies lay.

Onray: “And your point being?”

His agitation seemed to have risen a little.

Me: “Have you noticed the state of some of those bodies?”

He glanced over the water treatment facility and saw the state of the dead soldiers. He observed the area for a while before twitching his eyebrows.

Onray: “Hmm... How can this be?”

Me: “Right... and have you met any kind of monster till now in this forest that can do this much devastation?”

Onray’s eyes moved back and forth from me to the scene before him.

Onray: “No.”

He replied in a cold voice. I imagined that reality had struck him.

Onray: “What could have done those? The Poison grounds have no type of monsters that can tear up a beastman completely.”

Me: “Not that you know off, but... maybe... maybe...”

He looked back towards me.

Onray: “What?”

Me: “Does the Poison Grounds have any monster whose behaviours or aggressiveness would change if their personality is tweaked a little bit?”

Onray: “I... I don’t follow you.”

The Controller can bring out the dangerous side of monsters, it’s a fact. Then, if no such monsters exist in the Poison Ground who could tear a beastmen like a paper... could that Zendon forced this type of behaviours upon a less lethal monster or better... brought out the worst version of a particular monster within it?

Onray: “What do you mean?”

Me: “I think... some or it could be any type of known monster had been forced to show its most lethal side.”

Onray: “Forced! How?”

Me: “I have seen such type of behaviours back when I was engaged in the quest of stopping the Dynoth monsters. I do not know how, but... it might be same here too.”

Onray’s eyes became large.

Onray: “You mean...”


Look over there!”

We both turned towards the Zoit soldier who pointed towards the facility. With intrigue, we turned again towards the facility. Some kind of monsters was emerging from within the lake. They were light brown in colour, about 6 feet tall as they walked out of the water and on to the bank on their two feet. Their feet were webbed as well as their hands. They had a small conical face and two eyes.

At first sight their count stood at ten. Upon emerging they kept on walking towards where we were standing. These monsters walking pace was quite slow.

Me: “I think we found our answer.”

Onray: “Is that... is that the I-2’s?”

A soldier replied him.

“I-I think so, Sir.”

Onray: “When did they get the ability to walk on land?”

He as well as his soldiers stood looking over the incoming monsters. Some of them looked confused along with Onray and some stood shocked. Are these monsters really that different from what they know? I lightly nudged Onray’s shoulder and said.

Me: “Hey... Let’s bet on something.”

He turned to me and resumed his cold attitude.

Onray: “I am not interested.”

Me: “Ohh... I think you will be once you hear it.”

He grew annoyed.

Onray: “What is it?”

Me: “Let’s see which one of us could kill the highest number of these monsters.”

Onray: “Okay... and then what?”

Me: “If I score more than you, you will have to acknowledge me as your brother-in-law.”

Onray: “Hmm...

And if I win... you will never claim to be the husband of my deceased sister.”

Me: “That’s harsh... it would never seize to be a fact that we were married even if you do not acknowledge it.”

Onray: “Then, I want you gone from the Feli land and never return.”

Me: “Alright, deal.”

A small smile formed in the corner of his mouth. The coldness in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by a spark. I could feel his excitement. So... my brother-in-law likes a little friendly competition.

Onray: “Be ready to lose.”




What are your views about this volume? I would really like to know. The next Volume will be uploaded as soon as I have finished re-writing it.

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