《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 7- CHAPTER 12


I sat under one of the numerous trees present there while waiting for Elel to return. It had almost been a half hour since Wilm’s death. While waiting for Elel, I checked our surroundings for any monsters. Especially for all the monsters that were under the effect of Wilm’s Controller. Using the new skill upgrade within the King’s Crystal, I searched my nearby vicinity and came up with nothing. It seemed like all the monsters under the Controller’s effect have been dealt with. There were other monsters present, but they were not high on my priority list.

I checked again and scanned for the monsters under the Controllers effect, but increased the scanning range. With the maximum range that was being offered by this upgrade, the second route could be covered. It seemed that only both routes could be scanned and not further than that.

Upon scanning the second route, I found several Controller effected monsters roaming. I did a rough count and it came to a total of 11 monsters. Few were scattered here and there, but most of them had gathered at a specific place. My best guess at that time was, it was the place where the main ambush of the rest of the scout group had taken place.

I had hoped that at least some had survived, but the movement of the monsters seeped all the hope about this matter out of me. There was nothing I could do to save anyone of them. Although, I tried to regain my hopes by thinking about a possibility of one or two being alive. They could have fled the area and taken shelter somewhere. You could never determine exact scenarios during at a time like this.

Once I had finished scanning the area, I stared at the King’s Crystal. My mind immediately filled with questions about its existence and what level of capabilities does it have? As far as I can remember, this Crystal has come to my aid countless times. I wished the King’s Crystal could store histories or accounts of all the Blood Kings that it has served. I wished to learn about the first Blood King and how was he? What were his thoughts while establishing an entire clan? I wished to learn how did King Hui’Mi manage to win and get Adi’Je to his side?

I have heard some stories or accounts about King Hui’Mi from Adi’Je, but I had a feeling that there are much more things to know about. The fact that Adi’Je herself was some generations old and the more mind boggling fact was that she was my wife. To think about it, my wife was once engaged to marry one of my ancestors... huh!!!

I started to get headaches thinking about this. I hoped for Elel to return as soon as possible. My thoughts had started to wander into dangerous territory. Where... it was very hard to accept the truth even it was in front of me.

I wonder how Adi’Je’s life was before the war. I wonder how she was seen back then. She surely must have been feared given her abilities. How was her father? What was her father’s ability? Adi’Je never talked about him. There must have been other strong individuals within the Bloods. How were they? What type of abilities do they possessed? So many questions I had and yet... there was no answer. Maybe... maybe I should ask Adi very adamantly. Another thought crept within me.

How would I fare if I and Adi’je came face to face? Did I even have a chance of winning? Or how would badly would I be beaten?


A pain slowly emerged within my chest. I definitely had to challenge Adi’Je when I returned... whatever may be the consequences. If I get beaten by my own wife, by my one of my own clan members than I would never be the King I want to be. I may be a half, but I was the King and I should definitely powerful beastmen.

And then another of these annoying thought emerged. What about Naj’Rak? How strong is she? How would I fare against her? Where was she when I left the Clan with Javel and team? How was life before she met me? I know very little of her past just like Adi’Je.


I really have been only receiving and did not even try to learn about them.


I decided. When I get back, I would test myself against my two wives and many more Bloods. That’s it! An idea struck.

Upon my return, I would hold a competition with my Clan. Those who wished could participate and we would see how everyone fares and stand on the power scale.

And I decided upon another thing. I would win that tournament.


Coming back to reality, I saw Elel running towards me. Why does he have to run? I saw many other beastmen following him. They must be the medic team.



Elel: “Sir! I have brought them back.”

I stood up and walked forward. Elel came and stopped just before me.

Me: “Good work, Elel.”

I glanced behind him once more before speaking to him again.

Me: “Elel... Is that all of them?”

Elel gave a slight nod of his head before replying.

Elel: “Yes Sir. I showed them the bodies which we had hidden, and came straight here.”

Me: “Good.

Elel, call the one who leads this medic unit.”

Elel: “Yes Sir.”

He turns around and runs towards the medic group. They stood around the tree line and watched the scene before them. It was normal... so many of our adventures died and to find them in a state like this... It can churn your stomach.

Elel upon reaching them, started to converse with a small stature beastman. Soon of them walked towards me. I decided to meet them halfway and walked forward. The beastman who accompanied Elel had a brown skin complexion with long whiskers around his nose. He had black upturned eyes and carried a bow upon his back.

The beastman introduced himself to me. His name was Theodar Labbi, belonging to the Labbi Clan. Of course I had no idea where that clan resided and I decided not to ask him about it as we had more pressing matters. I pointed towards the dead scouts and gave instructions.

Me: “Take back these bodies back to base camp.”

Theodar Labbi looked at the bodies closely. He was feeling a little queasy; I could see it on his face. The sudden flash of horror, then followed by sadness.

Theodar: “How... how did this happen, Sir?”

I pointed towards the dead monsters.

Me: “These adventurers were ambushed by these monsters. From what you can see... the adventurers did not fare well.”

Theodar looked towards me.

Theodar: “Anything else, Sir?”

Me: “Yes... come with me.”

Both Elel and Theodar followed me while I led them towards Wilm’s body. Upon reaching the place, I pointed towards Wilm.

Me: “Theodar... bag this body as well.”

Elel: “Is the the count, then 11, Sir?”

Me: “No.”

Theodar and Elel looked a little confused.


Me: “Bag this body and take it straight to Commander Javel and tell him that I have sent it. It is imperative that he takes a look at this body.”

Theodar: “Alright, Sir.

I will now go and instruct my team to start working.”

Me: “That would be best, Theodar.”

Theodar turned around and started to make his way towards him team. Suddenly, I realized something and called him back immediately.

He came back with a questioning look.

Me: “Do not forget to pick up all the weapons and personal items you find here. Take them as well along this one too.”

I pointed towards Wilm’s spear which was lying on the ground, drenched in his blood.

Me: “Although, pack this weapon along with the body. Inform Commander Javel that I want him to confiscate this weapon and to keep it with him, until I arrive.”

Theodar: “Yes, Sir.”

He gave a slight nod of his head before walking towards his team.

Elel: “What is happening, Sir?”

I turn my gaze towards Elel and asked him.

Me: “Elel, I requested someone familiar with the Poison Ground to accompany the medic team here. Where is the adventurer of interest?”

Elel stood there and kept staring at me as if he was trying to remember something.

Elel: “Oh!!

Yes, someone did come. He wanted to investigate the monsters we killed back on the road. He should have been behind us.

Please let me check, Sir?”

I went and sat down on the ground yet to be soiled by blood while Elel went to fetch whoever Javel sent.

It took about 10 minutes to fetch whoever Javel sent and the beastman turned out to be Numes Feli. The one whom I met inside Javel’s tent. The tall Feli with messy golden hair came along with Elel. He seemed worried and I had a vague idea about what worried him.

Me: “So... Javel sent you, Numes.”

Numes: “Ye-yes.”

Me: “Tell me, how is the atmosphere in the base camp?”

Numes: “It was filled with anxiousness before the news about the scout group being killed. Now... now it has turned into somewhat somber.

After you informed Commander Javel to ask the other groups about their situation, we received information that like us, their scout teams were also unaccounted for.

Taking Commander Javel’s advice, they reported that they have started to find the bodies of the members of the scout teams along the path they were supposed to scout.”

Me: “Were all of them ambushed?”

Numes takes a deep breath before answering.

Numes: “Yes...”

Me: “Then, it is safe to say that the Water Treatment facility has already been overrun. There is slim to no chance at all of finding survivors.

Is that all they planned?”

Numes: “Who planned what? Le- I mean King Le’On.”

Rather than respond to his question, I immersed deep into my mind... thinking all the information that I had gathered at that point in time.

Wilm said that I wouldn’t be able to save them and he was not at all worried about his partner. They have a complex of being more powerful than us so... him thinking his partner would be fine was not far fetched. By the looks of it, I doubt we could save anybody in the Treatment Facility. Maybe... their plan was to disrupt the water flow of the Feli city...

Wait a minute! If all of this is a part of a plan to plunge us into a war of attrition then...

Flashes of Reha city and Galeform city floods my mind.

I quickly snap out of my thought and looked towards Elel who was staring at me in confusion.

Me: “Elel! I need to send a message back to the Command.”

I had imagined that it would take him some minute to comply, but I was wrong. He was attentive and quickly took out the portable messaging crystal.

Me: “It’s a message to Javel.

1. I am sending a package through the medic team. Keep the package safe.

2. Send another medic team backed with combat ready adventures towards route 2. I suspect the rest of the scouting team might be there. There are monsters lurking there, it is imperative that they should be eliminated immediately.

3. Alert all other groups and tell them to charge in. We have to retake the treatment facility quickly. Tell them to be ready to face ultra aggressive monsters.

4. I suspect and highly recommend that the City of Feli should be informed to be in high alert. An attack like the Reha and Galeform clan might be coming.

5. The package is connected to this attack. It is one of the ones responsible for the fall of Reha.

6. I am forging ahead and will face any attacks or problems head on.

7. If the Council of Reha fails to comply, contact the Council of Zoit’s Defence Department and mention my full identity. Inform them of my recommendation and they should take immediate steps to ensure the safety of the city of Reha.

8. Stand by for further information.

Send this, Elel.”

Numes constantly stared at me. His face was full of confusion and disbelief. He wanted to say something, but stopped himself. It seemed to be thinking hard about something. I gave him a smile before Elel informed that the message was sent.

After informing Theodar of our departure, we head deep into the Poison Ground. I held an impression that the more we walk deeper into the forest the more dark it would get. That was not to be. We could see a fair amount of rays of the lightstar punch through the thick branches of the tree. The air was also a bit light which made the atmosphere less eerie.

Neither Numis nor Elel spoke anything while we walked. Numis was in deep thought while Elel constantly looked around suspiciously. As if he was expecting an attack any minute. Alas... It was up to me to break the silence.

Me: “Numis, Elel informed me that you were inspecting some of the monsters that killed the scouts. Are they commonly found inside the Poison Ground?”

Numis seemed to snap out of whatever he was in. He looked at me with a blank expression. I repeat once again.

Me: “The monsters that killed the scouts... Are they commonly found inside the Poison Ground?”

Numis: “Ohh!! I am sorry.

Ahh... Ye-Yes. They are common her, but I have never heard or seen them inflict damage of this proportion.”

Me: “What are they called?”

Numis: “It was designated an unique identification number.”

Out of curiosity, I asked him further about it.

Me: “An Identification number?”

Numis: “Yes.

Poison Ground breeds many kinds of monsters that it was nearly impossible to neither name them nor remember their names.

Thus, each one was designated an identification number based upon their living areas.

It was decided to divide the total area of the Poison Ground similar to our city’s arrangement. In that sense, the Poison Ground has three parts. An outer circular area, a middle circular area and an inner circular area.

The Water Treatment Facility is located within the inner circular area, while the monster responsible for the killing of the scouts stayed within the middle circular area.

The monsters id was M-4. The fourth species to be named, living within the middle circular area. The letter designated the place where they are found, namely ‘O’, ‘M’ and ‘I’ are used.”

Me: “Very convenient.”

Numis: “Yes... it is. What’s more troubling is the matter of M-4 attacking beastmen in the outer circle. All the monsters tend to stay with their area of spawn which made them easy to put an identifying number.”

Me: “So... this M-4 monster doesn’t come out of its territory which is in the middle circular area.”

Numis: “Yes... not just this monster, all of them have the same tendency.”

Me: “This type of monster was selected to attack the outer area for a reason.”

Elel: “Why? For what reason, Sir?”

Elel joined our conversation. I answered frankly about what I thought at that moment.

Me: “My best guess... to throw us in a panic or into a state of confusion or maybe... it was all for distracting us.”

Numis: “To distract us? To what end?”

Me: “I don’t know and that was why I instructed Javel to put the Feli City on alert. You can never be too careful.”

Elel: “And how is that beastman related to all this, Sir?”

Me: “Which beastman?”

Elel: “The one whom you told the medic team to deliver directly to Commander Javel.”

I smiled a little.

Me: “You will know when the time comes, now Numis... have we entered the designated middle area?”

Numis stopped and quickly looked around before replying.

Numis: “Yes... we have just entered it. We may encounter ‘M’ designated monsters, but I am not even sure what type of monsters we could face here considering M-4 monsters attacked in the outer area.”

To make sure what we could encounter there, I used the Inter-Species Telepathic Communication from the King’s Crystal. Specifically, its newly gained ability to detect monsters under the influence of the Controller.

I searched and found no monsters under its influence, but many other monsters surrounding us. The movement patters of those monsters indicated to me that we had surrounded and we stood where I calculated to be their converging point. I closed the King’s Crystal function and calmly started to inform Elel and Numis.

Me: “Listen to me carefully.

We are surrounded by monsters.”

Numis: “What!” He exclaimed... too loud for my liking.

Me: “Calm yourselves. There are many of them so what I would like all of us to do is...”

I looked over to a tall tree just in front of us and pointed there.

Me: “Get on the tree and lie in wait for the monsters to show themselves.”

Elel: “On the tree?”

Me: “Come on, we haven’t got much time.”

It was better to know what type of monsters we were facing and then formulate a plan to take them out rather than my old plans facing them head on. I grew rather tired of that plan.

I insisted Elel to be the first one to climb up the tree and hid himself within one of the thick branches, then it was Numis’s turn. Elel hid fairly close to the top of the tree while Numis hid within one of the lower branches which gave him a good vantage point. I scaled the tree last and hid within the lower branches also to get a clear view of the area where the monsters would converge.

We waited in our respective positions. Numis seemed to be experienced, but Elel above us made the occasional noise. I guess he can’t help himself, he is courageous although lacks in the art of subduing his nervousness.

Bushes below us made some noise which shifted our attention towards it. Little by little I saw small, slender... almost 6 feet long monsters with grey colour emerge into the open. All of them were of the same type and once they filly came out in the open, their count stood at 12. Red eyes, wide mouth with jagged teeth... these monsters looked really fearsome. Both of their ears continuously twitched while all of them pulled their up.

Numis (*whispers*): “What are they doing here?”

I whisper back.

Me: “What are they?”

Numis (*whispers*): “I-2... Nobody make even a single move. They have great hearing skills. They will definitely pick up an out of place noise.”

Me (whisper to him): “How should we approach?”

Numis (*whispers*): “We should wait till they all leave. They are a pack based type. All of them attack at the same type and are very unforgiving to their prey, especially when they are mating. The males show dominance by killing the most number of preys and unfortunately... they are inside their mating season.”

Me (whisper to him): “Alright... we wait for now, but if they take too long to disperse... we are attacking them.”

Numis gave a nod of his head and I looked up to inform Elel about it too.


Within seconds, I saw Elel falling down from the tree. His back was facing the ground while his face was full of fear. It seemed like the branch he was sitting on... broke.

Without wasting any time, I used my skill which enables me to elongate any part of my body. I stretched my right arm and gripped his right wrist tightly. Confirming my grip was tight, I pulled him up to where I was hiding. He seemed to have gone pale with fear and shock. I shook him a little bit, which helped to bring him back to reality.

Numis: “Ohh no.”

I turned my attention towards the monsters on the ground. All of them were looking towards our direction and let out a scream of howl. It was an awful sound and unbearable to our ears and to make things worse, they surrounded the tree on which we were hiding. One by one they started to climb up. Because of their claws the monsters were able to swiftly climb up.

Numis tensed himself up and drew his sword. I on the hand... had no mood to fight these things.

Taking aim on the first one that was about to reach us, I fired an Air Blast with just 20% power. The monsters whole upper body blasted out spraying all the contents inside it to everywhere. The monster’s remain fell on the ground, but before knocking another down with it. I fired another three Air Blast targeting the last three that was trying to climb. All three got their upper body blasted out and their remains fell on the ground. The base of the tree was filled with remains of four dead monsters while another whimpered away with the rest of the pack.

Eight of those monsters designated I-2 gathered some distance away. They all kept their eyes on us and perhaps waited for us to get down.

Me: “Numis, what are their weapons?”

Numis: “They... umm they are known for their bite. I-2’s have great strength in their jaws. I have heard stories of them even breaking swords with their bite.”

Hmm... No... I do not need strength in my jaws.

I shot another Air Blast towards the remaining I-2’s containing 60% power within. Upon impact, a slight drizzle of blood and innards started to fall within a certain area. It continued for a minute before stooping. There were no traces of even one escaping. The area around us was littered with their remains. A small piece of a liver or at least I thought that it was landed on Elel’s face. He got scared and slipped, but I caught him again and had a good laugh at his expense.

I didn’t pick up on monsters like I did back when I searched over Route 2. Ohh... it did say that it would point the monsters under control of the Controller the King’s crystal last absorbed. Then the last batch was surely under Wilm’s partner’s.

I checked again for any sign of other Controller, but got nothing from it.

Me: “Numis, how close are we to the Water Treatment Facility?”

Numis: “Only a couple kilometers away. I just hope we don’t get attacked like that again.”

Elel: “I was wondering... what had happened to the Water Treatment Facility? So many unexpected events, there has to be a reason for it.”

Me: “There is one... although I have to see our destination before I confirm my theory.”

Elel: “Ahh... Si-Sir!

Message from the Command Center.”

Me: “Read it Elel.”

We stopped to listen what Javel had sent us. Elel started reading the message.

Elel: “It-its from Commander Javel and it is directed to you Sir.”

Me: “Read it loud.”

Elel gave a slight nod and started reading.

Elel: “The message reads:- I have received the package you have sent me and had kept your token with me. In compliance with your suggestion, we have informed every Group engaged with this quest as well as advised the Council of Feli very very strongly.

They first weren’t ready to accept the information even after my backing. With that in mind, I informed the Department of Defence of the Zoit Council as per your suggestion again.

Immediate action was to be taken was the order we were issued by the Council of Zoit as well as ordered the Council of Feli to be on alert and ready for imminent attack.

The Council of Zoit has acknowledged your threat assessment along with my testimony. They have ordered us who are under the direct or indirect employment of the Council of Zoit to keep whatever we find it a secret and to only transport the findings to the special team which would be sent to the Feli land shortly.

They have requested you, as an ally of the Council of Zoit and as the King of Blood Zuma to keep everything you find a secret and to share the findings with them. They have also wished to have a meeting with you in accordance to recent turmoils.

Message end from the Council of Zoit.

Le’On... Be advised... The package has another copy. Liala. I have met the package before. Find those bastards.

Message end.”

Numis and Elel both stared at me with blank faces while I had a smile on my face. So... the name of Wilm’s partner is Liala. Although, it did trouble me that Javel said that he had met Wilm before. When? How?

I decided to search and find this... Liala and learn whatever was going on. Then I could ask Javel about how he came to know them.

Me: “Alright... Elel and Numis, let’s move.”

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