《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 7- CHAPTER 11


Orange hair, blue crescent eyes... that was all it took for me to identify him or rather from where he did come from. This one was relatively shorter in height than me. He had a long face and high cheek bones. Everything fell into place for me... at least this time I know what must be his objective.

Hmm... How should I play this?

I started with a simple question.

Me: “Who are you?”

He eyed me with intent. Surely trying to find out whether I am a viable threat or not. His black coat perfectly blended with the dark atmosphere within the forest, adding a certain mystery to him. If I had been unknown of his people’s existence, then I surely would have been mystified of him... perhaps even the fear of the unknown would have grabbed hold of me, but alas...

“It does not matter... beastman.”

He finally spoke. I should try to extract more information about them from him. I have also to be attentive to the fact that he will surely have a partner or multiple partners along with him.

Me: “I... have no recollection of seeing and or hearing about a clan having features such as yours. Which clan do you belong to?”

“What is it with you beastmen? The moment you meet somebody, they want to know about my clan...”

I smiled a little.

Me: “Well, it is a big continent after all. You get to know about new Clans every other day. So... from which one do you belong to?”

“It is a big continent. Wasted under your existence.

Beastman... you do not have to know about me, you just have to die... along with the rest of your kind.”

So... Braxrad and the others weren’t joking. They do want to eradicate us. Well, we will see about that. On the other hand... it is quite amusing.

Me: “Rest of my kind?

Are you not a beastman?”

“*sigh* Is not obvious?”

Me: “Then why are you here and where you are from?”

He seemed annoyed with my questioning.

“It... does not matter.”

Without any further words, he slowly made his way towards the spear. I took this opportunity and moved back a few steps away from him. He plucked out his spear from the ground and turned towards me.

He looked coldly towards me and readying his weapon.

Me: “At least... tell me your name?”

He kept staring at me. I didn’t feel any killing intent coming from him... yet.


Judging from his demeanor, I realized I wasn’t going to get any new information pertaining to their actual mission. The only way to gain some was to kill him and take his Controller and hope that he spills some new information in between.

The smile erased from his face and I stared back at him.

Me: “So, you are Wilm...

Wilm, in service to The Queendom of Deirdre Mhic.

Which Shadow Division you belong to?”

I saw his posture getting tensed as the feeling of disbelief crept on his face.

Me: “Are you the Squad Captain?”

I quickly glanced towards my surroundings and asked.

Me: “Where is your team mate or are you posted here alone while the other Shadow Knight was busy stalling the other Groups of reinforcement?”

By the looks of it, he was knocked out of his senses. Maybe he was thinking along the lines of how I knew this and so on... Hmm... I think I shall tip my hand a little bit more.


Me: “Decimating the Reha land, attacking and almost overrunning the Galeform land and now a disruption attempt on a Water Treatment facility close to Feli land. Judging from this pattern... I think I know what you are trying to do.”

He was still in a state of bewilderment.

Me: “This is a War isn’t it?

A War of Attrition.”

Wilm: “How?” The only word that came out of his mouth.

Me: “That is of no importance. You will soon die along with your... partner, but what I actually want to know is that why the sudden movement?

The attack on Reha land was a long time ago. Why start creating disruption at this moment?”

Wilm: “As much as I want to find out how you came to know about us, it is more apparent that ending you is the first


He finally recovered from his state of confusion.

Me: “Yes... it should be, but before we engage it would be wise if you answer a few of my questions.”

Wilm: “I have grown tired of you beastmen. You boast of strength and evolution, but when faced with obstacles you fall easily. Look around us... And yet you speak as if you can do any better than them.”

He pointed the tip of his spear towards me. His demeanor showed his confidence over his ability, his confidence over the matter of dispatching me easily.

I started to walk circles around him; I need to find an opening and take the initiative. This Zendon’s were good fighters and I need to learn from the mistakes I made facing Braxrad and the Lexia siblings.

Me: “You know, the more I think about it the more it falls into place. I think... the attack on the Reha land served as a scouting mission for you Zendon’s. Which area to hit and with what intensity and manner. In time more teams such as yours would surface and create disruptions all over our continent ... thus wearing us down. Am I right, Wilm?”

I stop circling him and draw my right hand sword.

He cracks up a small smile which was seen for a split second before vanishing into nothingness.

Wilm: “It seems... you have a good head upon your shoulder. Too bad... it won’t stay there for long.”

I reciprocated his feelings back to him.

Me: “Funny... Even Braxrad Ranter said that.”

His expression reverted back and returned to his serious self, although I think he never joked about anything up to now.

Wilm: “What happened to him?”

Me: “Isn’t it simple. I am here... pointing my swords towards you.”

Wilm: “Lies!!”

I released my bloodlust and charged him. My sword aimed towards his neck. With just three or four steps I have already closed the gap between us. He was in my thrust zone and he looked stunned, an effect of releasing my bloodlust I am sure.

The next thing I knew, I was standing and there was no one in front of me. I felt something telling me inside my head to crouch. I followed that feeling, pushing myself down and felt something cold passing over my head. There was no time to ponder what was it and I rolled towards my left and gained some distance. Standing up and turning back, I saw Wilm. I realized it was my instincts that saved me from getting my head severed. He still held his posture with which he attacked. He had slightly bent both of his knees and held the spear with of both his hands. He had a firm grip over it and his form was good. How did he shake himself up from that state? I had accounted the fact that he was agile, but to strike me after dodging my attack... he is very different from those three.


I charged at him again. Keeping my left hand on the hilt of the left hand sword, I closed the distance between us and slashed towards his torso with my right. I exerted much more power in the slash as he blocked it with the tip of the spear. I removed my left hand and punched him on his left cheek. The impact made his fall back staggering. Seizing the opportunity, I slashed and thrust towards him at different angles. To my surprise, he parried it with all of them. He used the base of the spear to block my thrusts while diverted my slashes with the tip of his spear.

Doing a quick roundabout, he moved to my right and placed a hit on my shoulder with the base of his spear. Pain erupted quickly, that hit contained a lot power behind it. The power was enough to cause pain, but not enough to disarm me. I fell back a couple of steps and attempted a roundabout kick towards his legs. As calculated, he takes a few steps back to dodge it. Using the momentum of the turn, I jumped towards him and thrust my right hand sword towards his waist.

He was able to divert my thrust, but my power was enough to cut some part of his armour along his waist line. I wish I had my swords right there, but the ones in my hand were doing a decent job. Wasting no time, I quickly turned towards him and slashed towards his neck. He deflected my slash with the base and within seconds of coming in contact with my sword, his spear rotated which resulted with the tip of his spear just scratching my chin while going upwards vertically.

I kicked him on his chest with my right foot and used the force of the kick propelled myself back. He too was forced back, but stuck his spear on the ground which helped him recover from the kick and stopped himself from being pulled back by the force of my kick.

He looked towards me, his eyes fixed upon me. After getting up, he thrust his spear towards me. I deflected every time, but it seemed that I was being pushed back. One time his tip of the spear went fast my face just few inches away. I could feel the power behind the thrust on my face. I decided to shorten our distance and engage him.

His thrust came at a rapid pace. He had bent his knees and kept attacking. Left, right... it did not matter wherever I moved; I found his spear coming towards me. His intention was clear... he was not going to let me shorten the distance between us.

I could unsheathe my left hand sword and push him back. I originally planned to use the left hand sword for giving a lethal strike. Back then, I did not face this kind of fury of attacks although now... I am tempted to use it and push him back. If he is seasoned fighter, he would have accounted for my left hand sword and I am sure he has something planned for it as well.

I started moving circles around him, which made him follow me thus his power behind each and every thrust was less than before. To impede my movement, he started aiming for my lower body, especially the abdomen area. I parried his strikes one after another until suddenly one of attacks shifted direction and slashed upwards towards my throat. There... in a split second I found a window of opportunity.

I twirled around to my right quickly. His strike missed me, he was bent pretty far forward and feet were stuck. Noticing his stance at that moment would increase the timing of his block, I unsheathed my left hand sword. Using the momentum generated from twirl, aligning myself towards him... I threw my left hand sword straight towards his right arm.

My sword traveled towards him with great speed. I watched him noticing my sword coming towards him. He switched his stance and pulled back his spear to block the incoming sword, but my sword won that round. It lodged itself deep into his joint, making his arm stiff. He cried in pain instantly which gave me another window to attack.

I charged towards him and grabbed his spear with my now free left hand. With a great amount of force pulled it and the spear came free of his grip. He came back to his senses and tried to pull my sword out of his hand. His spear felt heavy in my hand and I knew if I tried to use it, I would lose my balance. I decided to drop it on the ground and used a skill which I hadn’t used for a long time.

I slashed downwards towards Wilm, but elongated my arm while swinging down. The arc created by the swing leads my hand straight towards Wilm. The next thing I know he was screaming in intense agony while a huge amount of blood sprayed from his shoulders. His right arm dropped on the ground behind him. He dropped on the ground and kept screaming. I slowly walked towards him and put my right foot over his chest. Taking the sword out of his arm, I sheathed it. He kept screaming in agony while blood continued to flow out of him, wetting the ground. Tears came out of his eyes and he started to look pale.

Me: “Now... tell me, where is your Controller?”

He stared at me not knowing what to say or think. There was no fear in them; it was something new for me. He was staring at his death and he was fearless.

Me: “Yes... I know all about your precious Controller. Now... tell me where it is hidden and I may not kill your partner.”

His expression changed and anger surfaced. Putting pressure over his wounded arm, he tried to get up. Without wasting any time, I lopped it out of its place with a well placed slash. His cries filled the surroundings as he writhed in pain on the ground. If I don’t kill him, excess blood loss will and speaking of blood... I... I felt a little sad. I had hoped he would give a tough challenge to overcome and maybe being bathed in his blood... I could have unleashed something he surely would have been afraid off, but alas.

I placed the tip of my sword over his throat... barely grazing his skin. I asked once more.

Me: “I know for a fact that it is embedded inside a body part of your choosing. Tell me where it is and save me the trouble of skinning you alive.”

A smile formed on my face and I did not know why. I was feeling pretty good about myself... maybe that’s why.

Wilm: “Do what you want... *cough* My partner *pant* *cough* partner will be fine *cough** cough* and you will never save them.”

He cracked a wide grin, blood gushing out of his mouth too, but that didn’t stop him from grinning. His sudden change made me a bit wary. Save whom? The adventurers? I asked him again.

Me: “Save who?”

He coughed and coughed violently, spitting blood upon my shoes. He started panting and grew pale by the second. His time was near.

Wilm: “You are a *cough* *cough* an intelligent *pant**pant**pant* beastman. Figure *cough* it out.”

He said partner which means there is one other Zendon in here. Must be located where our other Groups are. Hmm... Save who? He used the term ‘them’ which means it’s not a particular beastman.

I lowered myself a little bit and spoke to him.

Me: “Look, I know you think your little plan would be successful and you also think that somehow your partner will be alright. Before you die, I will say this... none of them is going to be as you intended. We will take back the Water Treatment Facility and I will torture your partner, but you have a chance here... You could point to me the direction where your partner is and I promise I will not harm your partner.

So... what do you say?”

Light had almost faded from his eyes. His end was near and I had major tasks ahead of me. I wish he would say something more useful.

Wilm: “*pant* *pant* We... *cough* will wipe you out.”

I bit my lower lip before replying to him.

Me: “It seems I do have to skin you. Well, it was nice meeting you Wilm.”

The light fades and his iris constricts. He was gone, leaving me with some questions. I didn’t expect him to say anything useful to be honest, but he did say some vague things. It was a matter that needed some thought before dismissing it. First things first, I need to find his Controller... and fast.

Me: “King’s Crystal... Activate Controller Location Detector.”



The crystal started flickering and it continued for a while before it stopped.



A red light shot out of the crystal. It pointed towards a point in his left chest. Taking my cue, I tried to find the clasp of his leather armour. Finding it, I quickly got rid of it. I needed to use my right hand and so I was a little skeptical if it would point anymore. When I hovered my hand over Wilm’s body, the crystal pointed again and over at the same place.

Once I sliced the skin layer carefully, the Controller showed itself. Immediately began to glow along with the King’s Crystal before disintegrating into nothingness.



1. ControllerLocation Detector:-

New Functions unlocked:-

It can now be used to pin point location of Controller carriers’ upto about a certain distance. (Maximum Distance= 1 Km)

2. Inter-species Telepathic Communication:-

New Functions unlocked:-

It can now track movements of species under the Controller’s power before reintegration with King’s Crystal.

Wow!! I don’t know how the King’s Crystal was created or how created it, but I have only respect for that being or beings. The King’s Crystal has already made my life so much easy and it still keep’s on adding new features into it. Although, how the King’s Crystal can take control over the Controllers is another question that I want the answer off.

Even the Controllers are a mysterious object in itself. How did the Zendon’s of The Queendom of Deirdre Mhic made these items is another question I would love to get an answer of. With such a powerful item... I believe they will wreak havoc if unleashed upon us. I have to discuss this with my Queens and the other Councillors back in Blood Zuma.

At one point in time... we have to make decision and so do I. I have to step up and be the beastman I should be.

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