《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 7- CHAPTER 8


I froze in my place.

Me: “What?”

That was all I could speak out.

Deiti: “Who is that beastwoman?”

Wei: “Marion!!”

I quickly turned around and saw Marion sleeping in my bed and she was nailed just like Deiti said, but that was not my concern. My concern was that... did we sleep together last night and if we did... did... did I kill her?

Wei pushed me aside and bolted past me and went towards the bed. I quickly followed Wei while patting myself. Whenever I sleep with someone, I always felt a distinct feeling or strain within my body. I was checking myself and trying to locate that strain, but I found none. I was relieved a little, although things going the wrong way were still a possibility.

Marion was on the right side of the bed while the covers were off from her upper body. My heart was beating faster than normal. Wei placed her right hand over Marion’s forehead. Wei moved closer to Marion’s ear and yelled out loud.

Wei: “WAKE UP!!!!”

Marion shot upright straightaway, filling me with relief. She looked towards us dumbfounded.

Wei: “Cover yourself first.”

Marion looked down and noticed her exposed upper body and a small part of her lower body. She quickly pulled up the sheet to cover herself fully.

Marion: “Wh-what is going on?”

She mumbled while still looking in disarray.

Wei: “That’s what I would like to know too.”

Wei turned towards me and glared.

Me: “I-I-I don’t know.”

Deiti: “She’s good... Le’On... nice catch.”

I turn my attention towards Deiti.

Me: “Shut up.”

Deiti shrugged her shoulders and replied.

Deiti: “Hey! I am just speaking the truth.”

Wei: “What are you doing here, Marion and why are you in this state?”

Marion seemed to have gained some composure and replied.

Marion: “Well, you see... yesterday night, we went out and enjoyed a little bit. I was very tired, so I decided to sleep here.”

Wei: “In his bed... along with him.”

Marion: “He he he... it seems so.”

Wei: “Then why are you naked? Did he do something with you?”

Me: “I didn’t do anything.”

Deiti: “Somehow... I have my doubts about that.”

Me: “Don’t complicate things.”

Marion: “He is telling the truth. I was feeling hot at night so I must have got ridden of my clothes thinking I was in my room.

I have a habit doing that while I sleep alone.”

Wei: “Hmm... very well.”

Wei turned towards me and said.

Wei: “Get ready.

You have a meeting with your brother-in- law. We will be waiting outside.

Hurry up.”

Wei and Deiti walked out of my room. I closed the door and turned towards Marion. She got up from the bed while revealing her alluring figure. She didn’t even make any attempt to cover herself.

Me: “What are you doing?”

With a smile she slowly approached me.

Marion: “Open your shirt.”

Me: “Why?”

Marion: “I will answer after you open them. Or... do you want me to open them for you?”

She had closed the distance between us and had put her left arm on my left cheek.

Me: “I can’t be doing this.”

I removed her hand from my left cheek.

Me: “Please, put some clothes on.”

Marion: “When... are you going to accept it, Le’On?”

Me: “Accept what?”

Marion: “We are beastmen... it is in our primal nature to mate with strong beastmen. I am not going to leave you and you cannot possibly restrict your feelings for me. Accept it and end your inner conflict. It is becoming a sign of cowardice and you are not a coward.


You sometimes do idiotic things, but definitely not a coward.”

Me: “Yes... I have acted like an idiot in many occasions, but do you expect me to behave normally when a beastwoman is standing in front of me naked or when I am in a situation nobody told me it could happen or the fact that you sleeping with no clothes on besides me almost gave a death scare because of the fact that I can really kill someone if I mate with them?

Tell me... How should I behave in this peculiar situation? I would be grateful even if you give me a hint. As far as I know... the one’s who could have truly helped me are a relic of the past.”

She gazed towards the floor and mumbled.

Marion: “That... I have no idea... at this moment.”

I pat on her head a few times. She quickly looks up towards me and exclaimed.

Marion: “But! I will not rest until I have found something which can help you.”

Me: “I know you will. Now, put some clothes on, I have someplace to go.”

Marion: “All things aside, I still need you to open your shirt.”

I silently watched her for a few seconds before giving up on her demand.

Me: “Fine.”

I unbuttoned my shirt. I felt kind of relieved from removing it, maybe because I have worn it since yesterday. It needs to be washed properly too. My train of thoughts was broken when Marion put her head on my chest as if to hear something.

I stood there without saying anything and let her do as she pleased, which was basically nothing. Sometimes she tapped a few times on my chest with her fingers and listened for something. After a while she finally moved her head and she was smiling.

Me: “What were you doing?”

Marion: “Confirming something.”

Me: “And what did you confirm?”

Marion: “Your heart is in the same place as with the rest of us.”

Me: “It’s pretty obvious that it should be there where it was with the rest of ‘you’.”

Marion: “I just had to confirm it. Your clan is not well documented anatomically so I had to check.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get dressed. I have shown myself enough to you. I hope you enjoyed the view.”

Me: “You have become weird since I last met you.”

Marion: “I became weird the moment I fell in love with a beastman like you.”

She turned around and walked towards the bed. Upon reaching the bed, she removed the covers over it and took out her clothes. She turned her head towards me and said.

Marion: “Also, keep yourself free tonight. We are going out again.”

I quickly got dressed and came down from my Inn. Wei and Deiti were waiting for me while Marion decided to return to the Inn where her room was. Wei started leading me towards the practice grounds.

Deiti: “You seem to have beastwomen fall over you wherever we go.”

Me: “It seems so. Are you jealous by any chance?”

Deiti: “Absolutely not! Why would I be jealous of you?”

Me: “Anyway... Wei, what is going to happen?”

Wei without turning back replied.

Wei: “You will know soon enough.”

Me: “Come on... tell me something. Onray looked serious while he said that.”

Wei: “Onray was serious and so was Uncle Darin. It is a serious matter for them.”

Me: “Why?”


Wei: “I do not want to spoil it. Just... humour them, will you.”

Me: “Humour them? Why? This... it is very odd you know.”

Wei: “*sigh* I know, I know. Aby was great at handling both of them. Maybe it is a way for them to find some kind of peace in their hearts.”

Me: “Then... I will do what I can do make them find peace.”

Deiti: “I heard from Wei that you made a good impression over Aby’s mother.”

Me: “Yes... I... I wish I could have met her earlier.”

Wei: “It seemed to me that she liked you the moment she saw you. All night Aunty Horuna defended you from Uncle Darin.”

Me: “Really! I hope I didn’t create a major problem for her.”

Wei: “No... You didn’t.”

Me: “I didn’t have a mother growing up, but meeting her yesterday I got to know the feeling of how it feels to have a mother.”

Wei: “She really is a very big-hearted person. She welcomed me with open arms when I came here to live and did everything my own mother would.”

Deiti: “You guys have such heavy childhood. I had a very fulfilling one.”

Me: “Good to know. Now, have you thought about going on a quest? As far as I know, your rank increased.”

Deiti: “It did! Now I can take A Ranked quests and can have an upwards of 4 teammates.”

Me: “So... have you thought of assembling your very own adventuring team?”

Deiti: “No... I want to rest for some time. My adventuring days and new quests can wait.”

Me: “And does your money pot agree with you?”

Deiti: “Well... it does... I think.”

Wei: “If it doesn’t... then do not come to me.”

Me: “Same here.”

She gave a hurtful expression and replied.

Deiti: “Why? Aren’t both of you my friends?”

Me: “I have a clan to run and a family with two wives to support.”

Wei: “And I have to foresee the efforts my clan will make to return to our land. Money is something which I will need very much in the future.”

Deiti: “How rude! I am not even saying that I would borrow in the future.”

Me: “I think you should take some small rank quest and search for future team mates.”

Wei: “Try the bars in this city. Many new talented adventurers hang out there.”

Deiti: “Will you not join me?”

Wei turned her head and replied.

Wei: “No... I have a team already and...”

She glanced towards me quickly and continued.

Wei: “And we are two members short right now. We will have to find replacements as well.”

By the look of the area, it seemed to me that we were just about to exit the Market District and enter into the Residential District. I saw many restaurants filled with customers in the morning. Due to the event in the morning today I forgot to have any breakfast. I thought perhaps there was still time left for me to grab some food.

Me: “Hey... do we have some time. I want to eat something.”

Wei: “You probably didn’t have breakfast right?”

Me: “Yes.”

Wei: “I guess we can make a quick stop.”

Deiti: “Le’On’s treat.”

Me:”This seems to be a nice place.”

We stopped beside a small shop selling some kind of food which I have no idea about. The shop has a few customers inside it.

Wei: “They sell Feli Clan’s specialty here.”

Me: “What is it?”

Wei: “Aunty Horuna makes these at the end of every week as a treat for the family. They are a sweet dish made of Poya fruit indigenous to the Feli land.”

Me: “It looks tasty... let’s go inside.”

We stepped inside the shop. After giving our order, we sat down in one of the few vacant tables.

Deiti: “The smell is enough to bring water in my mouth.”

I look around the shop. The customers sitting there were having a good time while enjoying their meal. The atmosphere was nice and peaceful. I think we should follow this type of Market District rule in Blood Zuma too. Everything there has been build haphazardly. Although, our finances are a little tight and doing this would require a hefty sum. Maybe I should take some quests to add some money to our treasury. Or maybe, try to add more clans into the Alliance so we can earn something from it. I have informed Adi to schedule the Galeform Councillors to a meeting in Blood Zuma. Let’s see where it goes.

Suddenly a window pops up in front of my eyes.






Deiti: “It seems Le’On’s treat would have to wait.”

Right then our meals arrived. The aroma was mouth watering.

Me: “I think we can spare a few minutes for this.”

Wei didn’t say anything and Deiti had already started with her’s. Alright... Let’s dig in.

We gathered in the designated meeting place. The field was fairly full with adventurers. A podium was placed at the northeast corner of the field. It was a makeshift podium by the looks of it and it was placed there, probably because the Council building was in that direction. The noise in the field was loud due to all the chatter happening about what the emergency meeting could be. Luckily after entering the field, we met with Javel and the rest of the team. They were standing close to the entrance and waiting for us.

We moved closer to the podium and waited for them to start. The time limit was about to end and all the while I hope Onray can understand the situation. I wish I had some time to inform him about the sudden meeting called by the Council of Feli.

Whilst I was in my thought process, I saw four beastmen who looked like they belonged to the Feli Clan walked towards the podium.

Javel: “Finally they are here.”

Me: “They are the Councillors...”

Paleg: “The one who has a black streak on its nose is the one who chairs the Council of Feli.”

Javel: “Surenik Feli... is his name.”

Me: “Have you ever been to this emergency type meeting before?”

Ron: “Once.”

Wei: “We were ordered to find the all illusive gem stone from the Dentia Forrest.”

Paleg: “But... why there would be a massive meeting of adventurers like this?”

Ron: “Yeah... why would you need so many beastmen?”

Wei: “Maybe an attack on the city.”

Javel: “Highly unlikely. There is no such threat here on the level of Dynoths in this part of the continent.”

Paleg: “Looks like he’s starting.”

We turned our attention towards the podium where the tall, brown toned beastman stood. He was wearing a dark blue coat over his whole body. I was told earlier that this is what the Councillors in Feli wear general during official hours. The beastmen behind him were also dressed in the same outfit and stood just behind him with stern looking faces. His name as Javel mentioned earlier was Surenik Feli.He cleared his throat and I could hear him that clearly because we were standing in between the first few rows.

Surenik Feli: “At 0600 hours today... a Level ‘Black’ distress call was received by us, the Council of Feli. The distress call originated from the Water Treatment Facility located in the Poison Ground.

For those who do not know the emergency of the distress Level, there are three designated distress Level which could sent by the Water Treatment Facility or Code named Compound Sudh. The Levels are ‘White’, ‘Red’ and ‘Black’.

Level ‘White’ denotes a minor problem and could be solved in house by Compound Sudh.

Level ‘Red’ denotes a semi major problem which would require an additional help from the Feli Clan.

Level ‘Black’ denotes a colossal problem and it would require all hands available.”

As soon as clarified the Levels, murmurs within the gathered adventurers grew loud. Many of them including us, had questions which were showing clearly in our faces. Some began to discuss what could have triggered them into sending the highest Level of the distress signal. Speculation was running high. After a little pause, Surenik Feli continued on with his announcement.

Surenik Feli: “As per the protocol, The Council of Feli after receiving the distress signal has relayed the matter to The Council of Zoit first. They gave a green signal for us to take the necessary actions in accordance with the situation.

As of now, The Council of Feli with the backing of The Council of Zoit will now exercise its executive right and appoints every adventurers present in the city under its employment.

All information about your quest will be given to you when you sign in with your respective Adventurer Boards be it General Body or Council of Zoit’s. Those who would abscond this responsibility will be hunted down and put in jail for insubordination.”

All the murmurs died down when he paused. Every one looked towards him thinking, contemplating, planning what is going to happen.

Surenik Feli: “A Company of the Zoit Army stationed here will also accompany you. 2nd Company would be the one to be exact.

You will depart within the next hour. All of you will gather with your teammates at the exit of the city. From there all of you would be transported towards your goals. I suggest all of you to quickly gather whatever resources you are going to need.”

Ron:”Such a big deployment!”

Javel: “And who is going to pay the adventurers?”

Surenik Feli: “Oh! And one more piece of information.

All of you will be paid your fees for this quest after you return... victorious. The General Body Adventurers will be paid by the Council of Feli and the Council of Zoit would pay the Adventurers who are under their employment.

Go and return with victory. That is all... the meeting is now declared dismissed.”

The Councillors started to return back from where they came from. The crowd quickly started to thin out. I looked towards Wei.

Me: “I wish I could have informed Onray that I would not come today.”

Wei looked towards me with dull eyes.

Wei:”Don’t worry. Onray’s the one who would be in charge of the 2nd Company of the Zoit Army. You would meet him eventually.”

Javel: “Let us first assign ourselves to this... quest.”

Paleg: “We need some resources too, and I need arrows.”

Ron: “I will go and bring Marion.”

Paleg: “Why didn’t she come? Or perhaps she has come and we missed her.”

Me: “Most probably she might be resting right now. It is better to check on her.”

Javel: “Then me, Le’On and Wei will go to the office to sign us up while Paleg, you go and buy whatever we and you need for the trip and Ron... go and find Marion. We will meet in front of our Inn within 30 minutes.”

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