《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 7- CHAPTER 7


It took me well about an hour to explain everything to them. I informed them everything from my position as King of Blood Zuma to Aby and me getting married to... her death and my inability to save her up to the part where her killer was executed. No one even moved from their position when I was explaining everything.

Me: “I am very... very... very sorry that I could not keep Aby safe.”

I ended with an apology to them and waited patiently for them to react.

Horuna Feli stood up from her chair and slowly made her way towards me. I watched her as she streams of tears came out of her eyes. She stopped when she stood just near me. I don’t know why, but I became anxious about what would she do. Suddenly... she hugged me tightly and spoke in a manner which could sooth any troubled mind.

Horuna: “Oh child... It is okay... It is okay.

You had to go that terrible incident... Do not feel guilty about it. We do not hold you responsible.

Right Darin?”

Darin: “But... but ... all this is confidential information?”

Horuna was stroking my hair gently while she still hugged me. It felt good and warm.

Me: “Yes... Please... this information must not leave this house.”

Horuna: “Child... When we received the news of our daughter’s death, we have prepared ourselves ever since. To tell you the truth, we have made our peace a long time ago. We are proud of our daughter.”

Darin: “I... I still don’t understand why she didn’t inform us?”

Horuna: “She did Darin.”

Darin: “What!


He shrieked out in disbelief. Even I was a little taken aback at what Horuna said. What did Aby told them?

Horuna: “Some months ago she sent a message to me. In there she mentioned that she had fallen in love with someone.”

Darin: “Why didn’t you tell me before Horuna?”

She lets go of me and turned towards Darin.

Horuna: “Because she wanted to inform you herself, Darin.

She had written that not to tell you about it as she wanted to give the news herself, but destiny worked differently for her.

She came back to us in a casket and it was the very beastman she fell in love with came to inform us of the truth.”

Darin looked down and adjusted himself in his chair.

Darin: “I wish... I could have seen her one last time.”

Horuna walked towards Darin and knelt in front of him. She placed her left hand on his cheek.

Horuna: “Me too Darin... Me too, but we should be thankful of the days we spent with her and of her achievements. We have lost our daughter, Darin... but she did not leave us without leaving a part of herself. Do you know what that is Darin?”

Darin looked up towards Horuna and nodded his head vertically.

Darin: “No...”

Horuna: “Silly beastman... she left us her love... her husband, whom she loved very much... although I don’t know how she was able to do that. I mean she was not an ‘in touch with one’s feelings’ type of beastwoman and she did take that from you.”

Darin again looks down and mumbles something.

Horuna: “What are you saying Darin?”

Darin looked up and this time focused his gaze upon me.

Darin: “I said... I am not happy with her choice of this beastman as her husband.”

Horuna: “Ohh Darin! Sometimes... you are impossible.”

Darin: “What!


I have no idea or relevant information about him other than what he told us.”

Horuna: “Darin...”

Darin: “Horuna, we didn’t even know our daughter was married until now. How do you expect me to accept him at this very moment?”

Horuna: “Because Aby chose him Darin... Our daughter chose him and I don’t need to know anything else.”

Darin: “Horuna!

You are always too soft. He will have to prove himself to me.”

“Are you at peace?”

I turned to my right as did Horuna and Darin. It was Onray, Aby’s brother who had finally spoken in this matter. I was starting to think he didn’t speak at all.

Me: “With what?”

Onray: “With everything.”

I took a deep breath.

Me: “Yes.”

Onray: “How?”

Me: “Because there isn’t anything I could do now to change the thing which already happened and I did hunt down those responsible. Whatever solace I got from it is enough to let myself feel at peace.”

Onray: “I keep thinking why Aby would want to choose you. I have seen her reject many advances on her and many of them were good beastmen. Why did she fall for you?”

Me: “I have no answer for that. I don’t know why or how, but it happened.”

Onray: “I want to test you.”

Horuna: “Onray!

You are not going to do that!”

Darin: “Horuna, let the boy speak!

It is our tradition and you want to stop something which is a rule in our clan.”

Horuna: “Yes... Darin... our daughter chose him and that is enough for me. I trust her judgement and so should you.”

Darin: “No!

It is not about trusting her judgement. It is about finding if he was truly worthy for my daughter.”

Onray: “Meet me in the practice field tomorrow early morning. It is located west of the Governing District. Big sister Wei knows where it is and she would show you. Be there and don’t be late.”

Me: “Why?”

Onray: “You will know about it tomorrow.”

I turn towards Wei and saw her sighing heavily. She looked at me and nodded her head in dejection.

Wei: “It’s better for you to return to your Inn, Le’On.”

Me: “Is that right... then I should take my leave now.”

I stood up from my chair.

Me: “Thank you for listening to me.”

Horuna Feli came close to me and put her right hand over my head.

Horuna: “I am sorry my child.”

Me: “Why?”

Horuna: “For all the nonsense my husband and my son is about to put you through. I am sure if Aby were here, she would have scolded them furiously.”

Me: “Please don’t be sorry.”

Horuna: “Child... from now on, call me Mother. You are my son-in-law after all.”

I started smiling without even realizing.

Me: “Yes...”

She patted my head a little before escorting to the front door. Somehow I felt happy as well as anxious.

Horuna: “I hope you knock some sense into those two tomorrow, my child.”

Is this the effect of a mother?

Me: “I will try... m-m-mother.”

With that I ended my conversation with them for the day. I came back to the place where I was staying. All the rest of the team was also staying at the same place while Wei would stay with her aunt. I decided to call it an early night, but stopped when I heard a knock on the door. Opening the door, I found Marion standing outside. I asked her to come inside and she did. I felt she was going through many things in her head and looked tired since I last saw her.


We had little interaction with each other since I came here. We were meeting after a long time and many... many things have happened since then. I feel like an idiot the way I treated her and there is no excuse for it. I shouldn’t have sent that horrible message to her. I should have said those things directly to her.

Me: “How are you Marion?”

Marion: “Really... that’s how you are going to start, by asking how I am?”

Me: “Seemed as good a question as any.” I smiled a little.

Marion: “Well... if you really want to know then, I am good at this moment. Could have been better if some things didn’t happen.”

Me: “And how are they feeling?”

Marion: “Didn’t the punches give you any idea?” She answered sarcastically.

Me: “Well, that was expected out of all of you at the beginning. Those were your pent up anger, sorrow and love for Aby that came forth. Now that some time has gone by. Have all of you come to terms?”

Marion: “Have you?”

I paused for a moment and then replied.

Me: “Yes.”

Marion: “That’s... that’s good.”

I walk close to her.

Me: “You look really tired Marion.”

Marion: “I suppose my work has made me a little tired recently.”

Me: “What are you working on these days?”

She looked at me and I could make out a small smile forming in her face. She replied.

Marion: “I am working on a very... very special project which I cannot discuss it with you. You will come to know about it later on.”

Me: “Will the end result have a ground breaking effect?”

Marion: “Ohh... It sure will.”

Me: “Then I will be looking forward to the day when I would hear about it.”

Marion: “Anyway... what are you doing tomorrow?”

Me: “Aby’s brother has asked me to come to some practice field up in the Governing District.”

Marion: “Why?”

I shrug my shoulders.

Me: “I don’t know.”

Marion: “Hmm... and did you tell her parents about the truth?”

Me: “Yes, I did. Horuna was kind and understanding, but I think Aby got her temper from her father.”

Marion snickered, then replied.

Marion: “I think so too. You know Onray loved Aby too much.”

Me: “It’s understandable. What we are going to do is some kind of tradition in the Feli Clan, Onray informed me.”

Marion: “Then I suppose you need a good night’s rest for tomorrow.”

Me: “Yes... I suppose so.”

Marion: “Or... we could... go out right now and check out some bars. I mean we are in the Market District after all, but... only if you are in the mood of doing something like that.”

She looked expectantly towards me.

Me: “I don’t see any harm checking out the Market District for a while. I still haven’t fully explored the city.”

Her smile grew larger and her face glowed brighter.

Marion: “And... I do know how you love to explore new places.”

Me: “Right! I mean, who doesn’t?”

Marion: “Then come on... I know a couple of establishments that I think you would love to visit.”

She walked towards the door and opened it, but turned around and said.

Marion: “By the way King Le’On... tonight’s your treat.”

She turned around and walked out of my room. I really wanted to explore this city since I came here so this created some excited within me. Although, hearing I would have to pay tonight made my excitement recede a little.

The Market District was bustling with beastmen. It was a well lit area with many different shops lined up for beastmen to choose at their own leisure. No one shop was overcrowded. It seemed every shop had their fair share of customers.

The District had small Guard Kiosks at regular intervals to help assist in any emergency. As far as I could see, the Feli land had visitors from many different clans of the Zoit continent.

We had walked for some time yet Marion showed no signs of stopping anywhere. I finally asked her.

Me: “Where are we going, Marion?”

She looked back and winked.

Marion: “Come on... just a bit longer. We are almost there.”

Me: “Just where are we going?”

She turned around towards the street and started walking.

Marion: “You will find out when we get there.”

And just like before I followed her. We cut our way through the busy street and slowly the volume of people started decreasing as we walked. After walking for another five minutes, we moved into a place where there was more peaceful than the parts of the District we walked through. Here the shops were not lit as much as the other shops. They were more decorated with an appropriate amount of lighting, which made them look nice. The shops had beastmen in them, but it was peaceful and not bustling like other shops.

Marion stopped and turned her head around towards me. She was smiling and pointed towards her right. I looked towards the place she pointed out and saw a nice little restaurant.

Marion: “Did you see?”

Me: “What... the shop?”

Marion: “No! You idiot! Look through the window of the shop.”

I looked towards the window of the restaurant. I saw a few beastmen sitting inside, having a nice time. One of them looked familiar too. It... it... it was Javel. I saw him cozing himself up with a beastwoman of the Feli Clan. I turned towards Marion and asked her.

Me: “Isn’t that Javel?”

She smiled and replied.

Marion: “Yes.”

Me: “Who’s he with?”

Marion: “That... is his wife.”

I turned around towards the restaurant and this time saw Javel kissing the beastwoman. This revelation took me by surprise. I had no idea that Javel was married and from what I was seeing, they looked very happy.

Marion: “They have been married for four years and his wife stays here.”

I looked towards Marion and asked her.

Me: “You wanted me to see them?”

Marion: “No!!

It’s just a coincidence that I noticed them. Well... come on, we are very close to our destination. Hurry up.”

She started walking again. Without any choice, I too followed.

Me: “All this time and I never knew he was married. I thought he was staying in the Inn like the rest of the team.”

Marion: “No, he stays in his own house up in the Residential District.” She answered while looking forward.

Me: “Why didn’t anyone tell me about it?”

Marion: “Hmm... I suppose the opportunity never came. I mean, he is a very private beastman.”

Me: “I suppose so...”

That... hurt a bit.

Marion: “Here we are! Come... follow me.”

She grabbed my right arm and started dragging it towards a small restaurant. It was dimly lit with very little decoration on the outside. The board over the entrance of the restaurant read ‘The Secret Corner’.

Once inside, I saw the restaurants had many small booths. Some had their doors open, but many were closed. Marion guided me into one of those booths which had its door opened. I think it meant that it was vacant. Inside the booth, there was a small seat... enough for two to sit with each other opposite a table which was very nicely decorated with flowers. Marion sat towards the wall and me beside her. She turned towards me and said with a smile.

Marion: “Now... you must be wondering what this place is?”

Me: “I think it’s a restaurant.”

She stared at me for a few moments and replied back.

Marion: “Don’t... just don’t ruin the moment and shut up for a while.”

Me: “Okay.”

Her smile returned and she resumed.

Marion: “This part of the Market District is different from the rest. As you have noticed, here it is not bustling with beastmen and the shops are small compared to the ones from the main part of the district. This part of the district is reserved only for a certain type of beastmen. The last check post acts as a gateway as well as the regulatory post to see to it that only those who are eligible can enter this part of the district. The Feli Clan named this part of the district Serenity Town.”

Me: “How did we get permitted in this place? I mean, we didn’t go through any kind of checks in the last Guard Kiosk.”

Marion: “Simple... because you were with me.”

Me: “Do you have some kind of pass for this place?”

Marion: “Not important...

Anyway, I always wanted to visit this restaurant. It’s one of the best in the Serenity Town and I am glad that I finally came here with you.”

Me: “Thank you.”

Marion: “Why?”

From the look on her face, it was evident that I caught her off guard.

Me: “For forgiving me for all the stupid things I did.”

She took my right hand with her left and squeezed it tightly while she leaned closer towards me. With her right hand, she cupped my left cheek. Our lips were now just an inch away from each other.

Marion: “I cannot control myself from loving you in spite of all the stupid things you did and neither can you make me stop loving you. Don’t you get it now...

You are stuck with us... until our very end and besides...”

Me: “Besides what?”

Marion blushed, enough to make flush her cheeks light pink.

Marion: “You laid with me once...”

She closed the gap between our lips and pressed her soft lips upon mine.

From there on... the night gets pretty blurred. The only thing I can remember is that we had a great time and at some point in time, she suggested we should try the restaurant's own special fruit juice. When I asked the staff of the restaurant, they said that it was a secret and therefore would not tell me. I think I had a few cups... maybe, but Marion definitely had more than me. I do not know when or how we came back to my room.

The next day, I woke up to loud knocks on my door.


Get up!

It is time... we have to go.”

It took me a little while to gather my thoughts all the while someone constantly knocked on the door. I got up from the bed and gingerly walked towards the door. I opened it and found Wei standing outside with Deiti. She looked very angry. I rubbed my eyes while spoke.

Me: “Good morning *yawn* girls.”

Wei: “Get dressed quickly, we have to go.”

I yawned again and asked.

Me: “Where?”

Wei: “To the practice field! Did you forget about it?”

Me: “Oh... he he, sorry. I’ll get dressed quickly and Deiti... stop looking at me like that.”

She was ogling me from top to bottom and I didn’t feel comfortable with the way she was looking at me.

Deiti: “I would, but... you didn’t change your clothes from last night, did you?”

Me: “What?”

I looked down and found myself still wearing the clothes with which I went out last night. It seems I didn’t change, I must have forgotten about it. That’s why I was feeling hot.

Me: “It seems so.”

Deiti: “Then... who is that naked beastwoman in your bed?”

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