《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 7- CHAPTER 2


Hmm... The Medic General in the Capital recommended I should mix upwards of four kinds of herbs for each potion. I am very to happy over my decision to meet with the Medic General while we conducted our business. Generally it is hard to get an appointment with him, but due to my recent promotion I got an appointment very quickly.

I walk into the Headquarters of the ZMI, which stands for Zoit Medicinal Institution. All Medicinal Warriors or Medics in the Zoit continent along with all the civilian Medics have to be the direct control of the ZMI and only under ZMI. We are sort of loaned out to both the Council of Zoit’s Adventurer Unit as well as the General Body Adventurer Unit. And is the main reason we don’t have to pay a tax to these Units, but we pay to the ZMI instead.

The headquarters is not a large building, nor its very showy like the rest of the official buildings in the Capital. It is more of a four storied house where the Medic General’s personal office is on the fourth floor. Normally, the place is only traversed by Medics mostly. Some come here to get their ZMI licenses done after passing the their Medical Study, some come to get or put in a permit for being commissioned to Continental Services which is the official term for Medics when they are loaned out.

There are also cases where a Medic travels here to seek consultations to higher level Medics which is also the purpose of my visit. Inside the ZMI headquarters, the whole reception is painted white with white rock flooring. At least ten beastmen manning the reception and Inter-Messaging Services as well as Continental-Messaging Services.

The Inter-Messaging Services is only for a Medic to Medic communication and as well as Medic to ZMI communication. The Continental-Messaging Services is what ZMI calls the normal messaging service used all around the Zoit continent.

I approached the Counter marked First Responder. It was manned by a beast man who had a narrow face, with thick silver hair and brown eyes. It was the job of the First Responder to point any and all inquiries towards their rightful Counters or notify someone’s arrival that had an appointment to their respective offices. They are chosen from the Medicinal Institutions which means all of them are medical students.

Me: “Hi... I am Dean Medic Marion Urs Arcto.

I am here to see the Medic General. I have an appointment on my name.”

First Responder: “Please wait a moment Ma’am.”

He placed his left hand on a blue crystal and an interface appeared. After inputting something, he looked at me and smiled.

First Responder: “The Medic General is waiting for you Dean Medic in his office. It is at the end of the corridor on the right up in the fourth floor.

Have a good day, Ma’am.”

Me: “Thank you.”

I smiled back at him and proceeded to walk up the stair to the fourth floor. Every floor was same as the ground floor, spotless white decorum with many medicinal scented small to medium plants. Mostly they were of Cisctym family plants which have a unique ability to clean and the area in which it is kept clean and beautifully scented. It is good for one’s health if kept both indoors and outdoors.

Every floor had many offices within them and many undergraduate students manning the entrance of those offices. This is aimed to make a student understand the life of a Medic in the ZMI headquarters and how it is important to be a Medic in this continent. Every year new students come here to learn and observe. It also builds up connections with many types of beastman while undergoing this phase. While I was a student, I had to man the entrance of the Capital Head Dean during this phase. It is considered to be a highly sought after job in the medicinal student community and only the best were chosen for this. Later, the Capital Head Dean became the current Medic General while I became a Dean Medic.


The entrance of each floor is guarded by specially trained ZMI guards. Their specialty is defending the ZMI headquarters. Though I have never seen them in action, nor do I know, why do we need specialized guards, but everybody treats it as a normal thing.

Once I reached the entrance of the fourth floor, I met with an assistant of the office of the Medic General. The assistant was not a student, but a newly certified Medic as they all are in the office of the Medic General. The best and brightest amongst the pass outs receive this honour for a whole year before being replaced by the next batch. The assistant beastwomen has uneven silver hair and narrow gray eyes, and a beaked nose.

Assistant: “Hello, Dean Medic Marion Urs Arcto I presume?

I nod and replied.

Me: “Yes, that would be me.”

She flashes me a bright smile and informs me.

Assistant: “Please follow me Dean Medic, the Medic General is waiting for you.”

Me (with a small smile): “Sure.”

While she was leading, I noticed all the beastmen working on the floor. They were all calm and the atmosphere was fresh and healthy. I asked the assistant.

Me: “Are you at the end of your rotation term?”

The assistance glances back towards me and replies.

Assistant: “No Ma’am. I am only within my third month.”

She looks forward and starts leading me.

Me: “Do you like working here?”

She replies without looking towards me this time.

Assistant: “Absolutely... it was a dream of mine and I am leaving my dream.”

Me: “Will you chose Continental Service after your rotation finishes?”

Assistant: “I haven’t decided yet, but I am not too sure about Continental Service.”

Me: “Why? We need capable Medics like yourself out there.”

Assistant: “I... I lost my father when he was in Continental Services. I am not sure if I want to put my family and me in that position.”

Me: “I understand... but still you have to understand something Medic... saving a life under grave circumstances is an honour and the ultimate satisfaction a Medic could ask for in their lives.”

The assistant didn’t reply back and within some moments, she stops in front of a room at the end of the corridor. She knocks on the door and points towards me.

Assistance: “Please enter here, Ma’am. The Medic General is waiting.”

I nodded and replied.

Me: “Thank You Medic.”

I walked towards the door and was just about to open it, the assistant spoke.

Assistant: “Before you enter Ma’am, I would like to tell you that I... am a big fan of yours.”

I was a bit unsettled after hearing that.

Me: “Me?”

Assistant (smiling): “Yes, you are one of the most looked after Medic in the Institution. It is an honour to meet you Ma’am.”

Me (smiling): “I hope to hear great things from you too in the future.”

Assistant: “I will try my best.”

Without further delay, I turned the knob on the door and entered Medic General’s office. Upon closing the door, I faced the beastman sitting opposite to me behind his desk.

Medic General: “Welcome! Dean Medic Marion... welcome to my office.”

Me: “Hey teacher, how are you?”

Medic General: “Come sit and let me see my favourite student.”

He pointed towards the empty chair in front of him. Madyew Farclaw, the Medic general of ZMI. A member of the Farclaw Clan hailing from the extreme northern quadrant. He was always pleasant in appearance, but now he is with cropped white hair, which was used to be black as night and dark hazel eyes.


After I sat in a comfortable position, I asked him.

Me: “You have grown old... Medic General.”

He smiled while adjusting his glasses and replied.

Medic General: “And you have grown into a fine Medic, Marion.”

Me: “Why wouldn't I? I am your student after all.”

Medic General: “The very best.

When I learned about your success in your quest and about your promotion, I wanted to meet you right away. Before I could arrange it, you made an appointment and I was really excited to see you after so many years.

So, Dean Medic Marion, what can I do for you?”

I leaned a little forward and looked towards him.

Me: “What do you know about suppressant antibodies?”

He smiles and rocks back a little.

Medic General: “I know enough about them. I am the top Medic in this continent after all.”

Me: “What types of herbs or plants have the highest amount of suppressant antibody traits in them?”

Medic General: “Hmm... If you want the traditional things, then there is the Hipper family, Morel family, Stroo family in plants. They generally have the highest amount in them. All of them are pretty abundant, so they will also cost less.

In herbs, Edrax family is the notable one. They are also abundant in the market.”

Me: “What about the new- generation things?”

Medic General: “New-generation... hmm.

Barren Root, Aphreaf, Pax, Strole and Dire Pepper. These are the only ones I know about. They are also pretty hard to find, and might be expensive.”

Me: “These are pretty much all there is?”

Medic General: “Oh! And Drake apples. If you are looking for plants and herbs with strong suppressant anti body traits, Drake Apples would take the head mantle. They are even capable of suppressing the effects of 1/16th part of the Vitalis potion.”

Me: “Drake Apples... Hmm.”

Medic General: “I don't think they are sold commonly anywhere. You must really search for someone who sells that stuff.”

Me: “Great! More obstacles.”

Medic General: “Great treasures wait for the one who crosses difficult obstacles.”

Me: “Yeah... I hope so.”

Medic General: “Why are you so much interested on them?”

Me: “I want to create something strong which can negate equally strong antibody.”

Medic General: “Looks like the next when we meet you would have created something new for the name medicine.”

I smiled at his comment. So many types of herbs and plants and how many combinations do I have to make to find the right potion?

Maybe... I should stop. If she says that there is no cure then why am I looking? I should accept it. Should I?

No! I can’t back down now. I have to find it... something which can break the obstacle between us.

I asked the Medic General another question.

Me: “Sir, is there any instructions regarding this in the ZMI database for my use?”

Medic General: “Regarding how to create stronger repressive antibodies using all the previously named herbs and plants?”

Me: “Yes.”

Medic General: “Do you really want to know the obvious answer?”

Me: “No... If it had been there, then ZMI would have created it already.”

Medic General: “Right...”

Me: “Why didn’t ZMI ventured onto this topic?”

Medic General: “Well, traditionally we as a resident of the Zoit continent don't care much about this or many other areas of medicine due to our abundant supply of Vitalis.

That was the case some months ago. Now, the Council is funneling substantial amount of money to the ZMI to create something which would be of the same quality if not greater than Vitalis.

Although it is a good thing, but I know it will fail. There is no substitute for Vitalis.”

Medic General: “That Zuma Clan. Once not even a Clan worth noticing and now the Council of Zoit is all riled up. It’s quite funny actually.”

Me: “I know... who would have thought, right?”

Medic General: “Why are you looking so happy about? Have you finally found someone?”

Me: “Yes, actually.”

He grinned and adjusted his glasses.

Medic General: “Finally! Someone stole your heart too.

Your parents would be happy after hearing this news. You still haven’t told them right?”

Me: “Ah yes. I am waiting for the right time to inform them.”

Medic General: “Don't wait too much Marion.”

Me: “Then I’ll take my leave, Sir. It was a pleasure meeting you again.”

I slowly stood up from the chair. He too stood up smiling.

Medic General: “I hope you create what you want to create and make ZMI proud Marion and Marion mix upwards of four or five ingredients at once while you are making your potion. Little by little can add up to substantial amount.”

Me: “I’ll try my best Sir.”

With that my visit to the ZMI came to an end with some useful information. Now that some part is ready, I was waiting for those three idiots to bring me the rest of it.

Until then, let’s continue the experiment. According to the ZMI, the sensory crystals will indicate the potion is of edible nature, if it turns yellow to green. If it’s poisonous it will turn grey to black. Up until till date, all of the potions were failures. Wasting so much ingredients and still no results are infuriating to say the least. I am beginning to think if it truly is non-curable.

I still haven’t used any parts of Drake apples, but soon I have to think about using it sooner than I would have liked. Still, if I could make even one potion that is edible than using Drake apples would not be a total waste. Maybe I used increase the amount of all the ingredients to 20 milligrams from 18 milligrams. That should increase the repressant trait's ability to bind themselves exponentially. At least I’m hoping they would.

“Hey! We are back!”

Me: “Finally! What took you so long?”

I turn and question my team mates when they entered my make shift workshop. Ron was the first one to enter carrying a large backpack then Javel and Paleg.

Ron: “Why wouldn’t it take time? Your orders were so specific and we had to really find them.”

Me: “Did you find it?”

I asked him eagerly.

Ron: “Here, take a look at it yourself.”

He put down his backpack and brought out a large container within the backpack. He went ahead and placed it on my other working table just left to him. He then proceeded to open the container and I went to take a closer look at the ingredients I told them to procure for me.

Ron: “Here you go, Madam Medic... three kilograms of Razorling’s liver and one kilogram of their hearts.”

I inspected the fresh livers and hearts that I wanted for my potions. Not just any type of livers or hearts would do. Only the livers which were red blisters free were needed. Razorlings carry an infection within them and red blisters over their livers indicate they were under heavy effect of the infection. The hearts had to be at their white state and not blue. It is because of the same reason, when the infection heavily affects them, their liver gets red blisters on them and their hearts turn blue.

Ron: “Take this away quickly or might hurl over them.”

Me: “It seems they are just like I wanted and I didn’t know you had a weak stomach?”

Ron: “I don’t have a weak stomach, but these things were gross and do you know how many we had to kill and gut to find your pieces of your specifications?”

Me: “No... I don’t know and neither do I care. At least you are good for something other than running your mouth unnecessarily.”

Ron: “Hey!! That’s what you give to the beasts who helped you out their goodness of their hearts?”

I picked up the container and start to proceed towards my makeshift storage place which had five freeze stones embedded in them.

Me: “I am grateful for it, but only to Javel and Paleg... not to you.”

Javel: “Why do you have to pester her the moment you get back, Ron?”

Paleg: “That’s probably because it’s the only thing he excels at... he he he he.”

Ron: “Shut up!”

Paleg: “Why? Marion... you should have seen him gut those Razorlings. I am sure he even threw within some of them.”

Ron: “Hey!! I told you to shut up! Why are you telling her that?”

Javel: “Will both of you keep quiet? It has been a long mission and I would like to get some sleep.”

Ron: “Yeah, I am tired too, and both of you made me carry that heavy bag. Why didn’t anyone of you carry it... mind telling me again?”

Paleg: “We did most of the killing, spotting and gutting while you moaned and complained most of the time. So... yeah, that’s pretty much why.”

Ron: “Again... who asked you?”

Javel: “Will you stop it Ron! And Paleg... stop pulling his leg or his pride, well... whatever is left of it anyway.”

Paleg: “Ha ha ha ha ha...”

Ron: “Hey! Not you too!”

Me: “Will all of you keep quiet? This is no bar for you to hang out! This is an experiment lad where silence is required.”

I snapped at all of them while I was trying hard to concentrate about how to incorporate everything which would lead to a successful result.

Ron: “Okay, but Marion... what are you trying to make?”

Me: “An antidote.”

Ron: “For whom?”

I turned around and faced him and Javel and Paleg who were sitting on the ground.

Me: “For Le’On.”

Ron: “Why! I can’t understand your fixation over him. Not your and certainly not hers too. Look what it had gotten her!! Death!!!

That bastard couldn’t even give her the life she deserved and you want to cure his curse?”

Javel: “Ron!

What was the first thing as adventurers we had to learn?”

Ron: “What!”

Javel: “Tell me, what was the first thing we had to learn as adventurers?”

Ron: “That’s different.”

Javel: “During a mission, if a team member dies at the hands of a predator you are not at fault, barring if you did everything to save him/her.

And we all know that Le’On can be many things, but he never ever gives less than what he has to save anyone. You know it too. Do not make up your own assumptions before knowing the facts. Even Wei stands with Le’On. Will you contradict her standing?”

Ron: “No...”

Me: “As much as it pains to think that we have lost Aby, it equally breaks my heart knowing that Le’On had to watch her die. Their love is now unfulfilled and mostly due to that curse.

I will not stop until I have lifted that curse of him.”

I turned around and started working on sorting the ingredients which I am about to use in the next experiment.

Ron: “You are doing this just for his sake?”

Me: “No...”

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