《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 6- CHAPTER 12


“My Lord...

What is this?”

Me: “This is Braxrad Ranter, the last member of their team.”

Adi’Je: “I know that. I am asking about the situation you are in right now.”

Me: “Adi... don’t make this sound like that you have just caught me cheating red handed.”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, I assure you... If you wanted other girls, I myself would have brought them to you if... if I like them too. Just like Queen Naj’Rak.”

Me: “I... am aware of that.”

Adi’Je: “Then please explain the situation, My Lord.”

Me: “You saw The King’s Crystal absorbed the Controller right!”

Adi’Je: “Yes, I did see that.”

Me: “After absorbing, it gave me a new skill.

This skill allows me to communicate with monsters only if they are within the required brain power.

Once I defeated Braxrad, I used that skill to communicate with the Dynoths. I told them to go back to their natural home, but I also asked four of them to stay back. Well, five did and the rest returned to the top of the Amoith Mountain.

Braxrad was too heavy for me to carry so I asked one of them to carry him for me and also his weapon which you can see.

This is the truth.”

Adi’Je: “Alright... I understand, My Lord.”

Me: “Really?”

Adi’Je: “Yes...

The truth is My Lord; I have missed you so much that all these minor things are not even bothering me one bit.”

She wraps her arms around my neck and whispers.

Adi’Je: “I just want you.”

I kiss her and she readily reciprocates my feelings. I put my arms on her waist, pulling her closer until we are one. Every second, every minute felt like eternity... an eternity in a warm, beautiful place which was full of love.

I break from our kiss and spoke.

Me: “Let’s go back to the camp Adi.”

After instructing two of the Dynoths to carry the Lexia siblings, we headed back towards the camp.

Our quest over finally over... and I had to pay dearly for it, loosing Aby.

It took us only one day to reach the outskirts of the camp. I told the Dynoths to put them down and make their way back towards their home. I don’t want anyone finding out about this skill of mine. Adi’Je had already administered a low grade sleeping solution on Braxrad to make him docile and weak.

Making sure the Dynoths were out of range so that no one can spot them, I asked Adi’Je to quietly bring back some Bloods as well as Naj’Rak and Eldin here. She went to fetch them, while I guarded them. I looked towards the dead bodies of the Lexia siblings and I am amazed. How much of an expertise does Adi’Je have on herbs and potions? The bodies did not rot one bit. They were in the exact condition as I had seen them while they died. She even covered the cuts from where we found the Controllers.

Until Adi’Je returned, I sat on the ground and started reminiscing about my start. How I started my journey? How did I get here? For a moment, I almost forgot about Elder... his face. How I met Aby in the swamp? The pain of losing her still stings me as in every corner, I find myself questioning... Why didn’t I give her more attention? Why didn’t I act more in finding a common ground between her and Adi’Je? I know... Adi’Je also grieves with me, maybe more. She has seen bloodshed, more often than me.


“My Lord... I have returned.”

I broke from my trance and saw Adi’Je standing in front of me. Behind her, stood 10 Bloods along with Naj’Rak and Eldin... while Eldin had a look of disbelief.

I nod and extend both of my hands, which in response Adi’Je holds them and help me to get up.

Me: “Good.”

I hold Adi’Je’s hand and slowly walk towards Naj’Rak and Eldin. Naj’Rak was very happy. It was showing on her face. She could barely contain herself and when we came near them, she could hold no longer and ran towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me one of the most intense I have ever had.

More we kissed, more we delved deeper into a warmth and passion for each other. I felt her aching of both heart and body. She was rubbing her body against me, which was a sign for me that she wanted to be taken by me. Amidst of this, I felt a strong pressure on my other hand which was holding Adi’Je’s hand. Through her touch, I also felt her passion bubbling and wanted to come out violently.

What can I say? My wives were horny as much as me.

She ended the kiss and I could see happiness plastered on her face. Holding her hand, I approached Eldin... holding both of my wives hand.

Eldin bowed and spoke.

Eldin: “My King... Are they the ones responsible?”

Me: “Yes Eldin.

I want a free tent to put them inside. No one should know about it... not until I tell you to disclose it. Make sure nobody sees us carrying them inside too.”

Eldin: “Ye-yes, My King. I have already prepared for something like this in advance. Please follow me.”

I nod and turn towards Adi’Je.

Me: “Queen Adi’Je, please order the Bloods to pick them up and quickly follow us.”

Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord.”

She left to instruct the Bloods and I turned towards Naj’Rak.

Me: “Queen Naj’Rak, how is Wei? Is she handling herself well?”

Naj’Rak: “My King, it seems she is... coping with the situation very well.”

Me: “Good... I was worried about her. And, how about Deity? Did she behave while I was gone?”

Naj’Rak: “Surprisingly... yes, she did. Well, she has a new partner to play with.”

Me: “Wei?”

Naj’Rak: “Yes, My King... Miss Wei.”

Me: “If she is keeping her happy then it is comforting for me to hear about it.”

Naj’Rak: “Commander Eldin here... also behaved herself.”

Me: “Is that so?”

I looked towards Eldin who glanced her eyes down.

Me: “Well, I think Queen Adi’Je might like to hear about it.”

Naj’Rak: “Of course it has been just a few days. We’ll see about her progress.”

I kept looking towards Eldin. I don’t think she has been totally broken yet... well Adi will handle it. I am sure; Eldin will produce good results for us in the future.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, everything has been done.”

I look behind and saw Braxrad was being carried by three Bloods, while the Lexia siblings were carried by one each. I turn back and spoke to Eldin.

Me: “Eldin, show us the way.”

Eldin: “Yes, My King. Please... this way.”

Eldin led the way through a different route which she said runs adjacent to the city borders. When the Zoit Army first came here, they marked and designated certain places as high valued landmarks or HVL’s. The place which she was leading us was one such place, recently discovered after liberating the Galeform city.


Adi’Je: “My Lord... why are you watching so keenly towards Commander Eldin’s bottoms?”

I quickly turned to my left, where Adi’Je walked holding my hand.

Me: “Wh-What? I was not.”

Naj’Raj: “Even I saw that, My King.”

This time, my head turned to my right where Naj’Ark walked holding my other hand.

Me: “No... I-I wasn’t.”

Adi’Je: “Please do not lie to us, My Lord. You do not have to... we do not mind... right Queen Naj’Rak?”

Naj’Rak: “Yes, you’re right Queen Adi’Je. My King, we don’t mind at all. If you wish to do more than touching them...”

Adi’Je: “We can help you with that, My Lord.”

Me: “How?”

Naj’Rak: “So... you do want to do more than touching!”

Me: “Noo... I-I meant that how do both of you make this stuff up.”

Adi’Je: “I am sorry, My Lord, but it is pretty clear you do want to have your way with her.”

Naj’Rak: “Absolutely right, Queen Adi’Je. Our King’s desire has outgrown us. Now, we can’t satiate his needs now. Our bodies, minds and love are not enough to tie him with us.”

Naj’Rak pressed her body against my hand while walking. I face came closer to my right cheek. She whispers into my ear.

Naj’Rak: “My King... do you not want us anymore?”

Adi’Je did the same and whispered into my other ear.

Adi’Je: “Are we not able to satisfy you, My Lord.”

My body started warming up and I felt a fire burning inside me. This... This feeling was very different from the usual feelings I had when aroused. I managed to squeeze out a reply even though I felt my chest burning.

Me: “Wh-what has gotten into both of you? Both of you are-are more than enough for me.”

Adi’Je: “Then why were you looking at her bottoms?”

Me: “I-I was not!”

Naj’Rak: “You promise, My King?”

Me: “I do.”

Both of them gave out a soft giggle and rested their head on my shoulders. We were walking the entire road like this until we reached our destination.

We were surrounded by some tall trees and low green grass. There were few empty tents where Eldin pointed.

Eldin: “In here, My King.”

My wives assumed their position and the bodies were kept inside the tent. We kept the Lexia siblings body in one tent and pinned a kneeling, half unconscious Braxrad on the ground in another tent.

I ordered the Bloods to form a barrier around the site and guard it. Only with my or with Queens Permission one either leave or enter.

Eldin was the first one to ask.

Eldin: “My King, may I know... what is going on?”

Me: “Before I tell the whole story, there is someone, who needs to be here.”

I turn towards Naj’Rak.

Me: “Queen Naj’Rak, please bring Wei here.”

Naj’Rak: “Yes, My King.”

She left at once, while Eldin stood looking at me.

Adi’Je: “You know My Lord, I would not mind if you touch her bottoms.”

I look towards her.

Me: “What has gotten into both of you?”

Adi’Je slowly walked over to me and puts her hand on my shoulders. With a sweet smile, she replied.

Adi’Je: “Nothing, My Lord. I just my husband to have some fun. I would not mind it. Here, let me help you.”

She turned her face towards Eldin.

Adi’Je: “Commander Eldin, turn around.”

She was a little confused, didn’t know what to do.

Eldin: “Excuse me, Queen Adi’Je.”

Adi’Je: “I said... turn around.”

Hesitantly, she obeyed Adi’s command and turned around.

Adi’Je: “Now bend down, Commander Eldin.”

Eldin turned around with a confused look.

Eldin: “Queen Adi’Je, I-I don’t understand... what do-”

Adi’Je now walked towards Eldin.

Adi’Je: “You do not need to understand... concubine. You need to follow orders. Now, turn around and bend downwards.”

I saw fear within Eldin’s eyes when Adi’je walked close to her. Without further complaining, she did what Adi’Je told her to do.

Adi’Je: “My Lord.”

She extended her right hand towards me, as if wanting me to come close and hold her. I approached Adi’Je and held her hand. She leans onto me and whispered.

Adi’Je: “My Lord... now I understand the jokes.”

Me: “What jokes?”

Adi’Je: “I used to see Queen Issa’Var sometimes used to order a Blood woman to do some task along the lines of this with King Hui’Mi. They used to laugh and laugh and whenever I saw it, I could never understand the joke behind.

Now I understand what it was.”

Me: “What was it?”

Adi’Je: “A show of power. A Queen showed any rival that the King first and foremost, belonged to her and to the extent, to other Queens and nobody else.

It was a power play which she even tried on me, but to no avail. I never complied with any orders from her.”

She looked up to me with her beautiful ruby eyes. I felt a strong feeling inside me. I wrapped around her and held her tightly. I slowly kissed her neck and moved upwards towards her cheeks.

Adi’Je: “I love you, My Lord. Maybe... I was not aware of love at that time so I could not comprehend their relationship. Now... I do.

My Lord, I crave for you every minute, every second.”

By then, I was kissing her cheeks and nibbled on her earlobe.

Me: “I love you too...I-I...”

My right hand slipped down her body and touched her vagina over her cloth. I started caressing it slowly, brushing fingers over it. I felt her hand touching my penis. I wanted to let the flames of desire burn me, but decided against it. Regained my composure and subsided my lust. I moved my hands and whispered to her.

Me: “We will continue this at night.”

Adi’Je giggled and gave me sultry look.

Me: “Eldin, you can stand up now.”

She quickly straightened herself and looked back towards us. Anger was clearly visible on her face.

Adi’Je: “This is just the starting, Commander Eldin.”

Adi’Je smiled while Eldin put her gaze downwards, trying hard to control her anger.

“My King! We are here.”

We turned towards the entrance and saw Naj’Rak standing there. I gave a nod of my head to her.

Me: “First, we shall meet the two dead bodies. Let’s go Queen Adi’Je, Eldin.”

Adi’Je: “As you wish, My Lord.”

Eldin: “Ye-yes, My Ki-king.”

When I went out of the tent, I saw Wei standing with Deiti.

Me: “What are you doing here, Deity?”

Deiti: “What! No hello or how are you?”

Me: “That could be done later, but why have you come.”

Deiti: “There was no way I would have missed this.”

I sighed...

Me: “Alright... but everything you see here is not be uttered anywhere else. You understand?”

Deiti: “Yes, yes, I understand... King Le’On.”

Wei: “Why are we here? What have you found?”

Adi’Je: “You will find out.”

Me: “Right... follow me.”

We entered the tent where the bodies of the Lexia siblings were being preserved and kept. Adi’Je had done a wonderful job of preserving them... we have almost exhausted our Vitalis supply on this quest.

Wei, Eldin, Deiti all looked surprised upon seeing them for the first time. I stood in front of their bodies while Adi’Je and Naj’Rak sat on chairs in a corner.

Me: “Let me introduce you to the people... responsible for the murder of hundreds of Galeform members, Reha members and Aby.

The woman in the left... her name was Rhea Lexia. Her designation was of a Shadow Knight. She is the one who managed to restrain me and gave the order to kill Aby... to this man, on the right.

Her brother, Zoreth Lexia also a Shadow Knight... the one who killed Aby and many other beastmen. Together, they were a part of a three member team. They belonged to the 5th Royal Night Division of The Queendom of Deirdre Mhic.

They called it The Queendom of Deirdre Mhic, but we... beastmen of Zoit know that land as the continent where Zendon people live.”

Eldin: “Zendon!!!”

Me: “Yes, Commander Eldin... the continent next to us. They have infiltrated us and had the sole intention of creating havoc within our continent.

There whole purpose was to kill beastmen of Zoit... they revealed on it.”

Wei: “Who killed them?”

I looked towards Wei. She showed no signs of any kind of emotion.

Me: “Adi’Je defeated Rhea and I took down Zoreth.”

Wei: “Defeated... not killed?”

Me: “No... Not at that moment. We interrogated them and after squeezing all the information, ended their lives.”

Eldin: “Ho-how did they manage to control the Dynoths?”

Me: “Through this.”

I showed them the broken Controller, which I took from Rhea.

Wei: “What is that?”

Me: “They called it a Controller. They used this to take over the minds of those poor monsters and forced them to do it. Dynoths did not attack anyone out of their own wish, Wei... they attacked only because they were made to do it.”

Deiti: “How does it work?”

Me: “Sadly, during the battle between Adi’Je and her (I pointed towards Rhea) the Controller was damaged and she did not have the knowledge to fix it.

We have no way to decipher how they did it. Here, Commander Eldin... take this and present it to before the Council, along with the information I am sharing with everyone now.”

I handed the broken Controller to Eldin.

Me: “I am handing over these bodies over to you too, Commander Eldin. For further instructions, you know who to ask.”

I glanced over Adi’Je and she nodded.

Deiti: “Wait!

You said they were a three member team. Where is the third one?”

Me: “Back in the tent where we were before you came. Come on... I’ll show you.”

I led them back to the tent where Braxrad was kept. All of them entered the tent where it was now guarded by four Bloods in the inside as per my order. I had ordered them before hand that if I vacate this tent, it should be guarded until my return. A half unconscious, bound Braxrad remained knelt on the ground, which shocked everyone.

Me: “Now... let me introduce to you, the third member and the leader of their team.

Braxrad Ranter of The Queendom of Deirdre Mhic.”

Wei: “You!!”

I turn towards Wei and saw her confused.

Me: “What is it Wei?”

Wei: “Him... I have seen him.”

Me: “Where?”

Wei: “In... in our Inn. When I was little, he-he was a customer at our Inn.”

Me: “What about those other two? Do you remember them as well?”

Wei: “No... but him...”

She expression changed. Her face showed anger... no... not anger, but rage. Her hands were clenched and her eyes showed hostility.

Wei: “I remember him. On the evening of my birthday, he checked out from our Inn.”

I looked towards Adi’Je.

Me: “Queen Adi’Je, please bring him to his conscious.”

Adi’Je without delay, walked over to Braxrad and emptied a vial in his mouth containing some kind of potion. She stepped away from Braxrad and stood close to me. We kept still for a couple of minutes before Braxrad started to come into his senses. He made grunting sounds and tried to wiggle free, but to no avail.

He looked around in confusion, tried to stand up, but was unable to do so.

Me: “Hello, my large friend. How are you feeling?”

He looked at me and something dawned on him. I saw him getting filled with rage. He shouted.


At that moment, Adi’Je slapped Braxrad hard on his face with the tip of her tail. It had so much power behind it; we all could hear his jaw breaking. It didn’t stop there... he received four more hits on different parts of his body which made him somewhat docile. Adi’Je retracted her tail and said.

Adi’Je: “There... wild beasts must be flogged first if we want to break them.”

I just stood there; even now she still finds ways to amaze me. I cleared my throat and spoke.

Me: “Wei... those two along with him had caused so much grief and suffering to beastmen of Zoit continent. I have killed those two because their lives were meant to be taken by me.

But, his life is not mine to take. It’s yours. Your choice... mercy or vengeance. No one will stop you from doing anything.”

Wei approached Braxrad slowly, taking her time. Braxrad upon seeing her approaching towards him, cracked a smile or tried to, but only blood came out of his mouth.

A kneeling Braxrad was equivalent to a standing Wei, height wise. Wei stopped just close to Braxrad looked straight into his eyes.

Wei: “Do you remember me?”

He kept staring at her for a while, then with a smirk on his face, he replied.

Braxrad: “No... Should I have?"

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