《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 6- CHAPTER 7


Before I could start my one on one conversation with Zoreth Lexia, a few things needed to be done first. First, while he was on the ground... bleeding out from his wound, I administered a good healthy dose of the high concentrated Vitalis potion. The potion did it's work and his wound started to heal at a moderate pace. Thus, his chance of dying because of excess loss of blood was averted. But it provided another obstacle... how to control him now?

An idea came to me. I broke both of his feet one by one with one solid stomp on both legs respectively. His ability to move freely was now snatched away from him. Technically, he could crawl, but it didn’t present any challenges for me to catch him... if he decides to get away from me by crawling that is.

He screamed loudly when I broke both of his feet. He tried to stop me, but another kick to his head made him surprisingly docile. The pain that his broken feet were causing him to be on a high threshold. It was evident after watching his expressions. I quite enjoyed the different array of emotions that flooded his face... especially one with the fear mixed with panic. He was the one that mercilessly took someones life... installing fear within his victims and making believe that there was no fear within him. No one is devoid of fear in this world and he proved me right today.

Grabbing a handful of his orange hair, I started to drag him towards where Adi’Je was standing. He tried to get himself free from my grip with his hands, but it was not to be. I had already thrown his weapon away. He was now on his back and being dragged like a carcass. He tried and tried to break free, but his squirming came to an end when we reached my destination.

Rhae Lexia was now conscious and was kneeling on the ground with both legs. She was still bound and it seemed that she received quite a few punches from Adi’Je. She was looking at me with absolute shock and horror. I looked towards Adi’Je who was giving me one of the warmest smiles ever.

I made Zoreth go down on his knees on the ground. It pained him so much, but I really enjoyed it. Rhea too couldn’t believe what was happening. Both of them now captured and were beaten badly.

Me: “Look Rhea, your brother had decided to join us in our conversation. Are you happy?”

Rhea: “Ho-how?”

Me: “Sorry?”

Rhea: “How are yo-you still alive?”

Me: “That is a secret.”

She looked towards her brother. His face showed the extreme pain he was feeling.

Rhea: “Brother... are you alright?”

Zoreth: “M-my legs are broken...”

Tears started to roll down from her eyes.

Me (smiling): “Oh... look at it Adi, isn’t it heart warming?”

Adi’Je gave a look of disgust.

Rhea: “Now that you have both of us... what are you going to do?”

I put my right hand on my chin and scratched it for a moment.

Me: “Hmm... I was... thinking about enjoying you in front of your brother.”

Her face went pale and her mouth remained open.


Me: “Relax, it was just a thought. If you answer my questions sincerely, I will let both of you go. But remember... if you do not cooperate, then I will do it... with pleasure.”

Zoreth: “No! I-I will answer what ever you ask. Please... do not hurt her.”


Me: “How noble of you?"

Zoreth: “Please... spare her. I was the one who killed your partner. She didn’t do anything.”

The moment when Zoreth dug his sword deep inside Aby flashed in front of my eyes. I took out my right hand sword and gave out an upward slash towards Zoreth. His right hand was cut clean from his shoulders. At first, he didn’t realize what had happened. He turned towards his right shoulder and saw blood gushing out followed by excruciating pain.

He understood what had happened shortly after and gave out a loud scream.


Rhea looked towards his missing arm with surprise then followed by shock then finally fear. Zoreth’s cut up arm flew behind him and dropped a few feet away from us.


I extended my left hand towards Adi’Je with a smile on my face. She brought out a piece of cloth and dropped some Vitalis over it. After being handed the Vitalis drenched cloth, I place it over his wound. He cried some more.


Finally, after five minutes of continuous scream, he calmed down. His wound had partially closed and blood flow was at a minimum. He was panting, tired and barely conscious.

Rhea Lexia: “WHY??? WHY DID YOU DO THAT????”

I pointed my sword towards her and replied.

Me: “You shout one more time and I will behead him.

Tell me... do you want to see your precious brother without a head?”

Her face again showed fear. She looked towards her near unconscious brother for some time. Then she looked towards me and replied.

Rhea Lexia: “No... I don’t want that to happen. Please spare his life. I am ready to do anything you want.”

Zoreth (slow and weak voice): “Noooo, don’t do it Rhea!”

Rhea Lexia: “Save your energy brother.”

She replied it while looking at Zoreth. Now, she looks towards me and asks.

Rhea Lexia: “I’m ready to do anything... please... please spare his life.”

Me: “Did you spare hers, when I pleaded to you?”

She realized something and slowly she looked down. I heard a faint answer coming from her.

Rhea Lexia: “No.”

Me: “Then why should I listen to your plea? Did you let anyone else live even though they pleaded for themselves or even their families, whom you also killed?”

She answered with a faint voice.

Rhea Lexia: “No.”

Me: “Why didn’t you? Does killing innocent beasts make you strong? What good it did to you?”

She looked up to me with teary eyes and replied.

Rhea Lexia: “Sorry... so so sorry.”

I smile and placed my sword on her neck.

Me: “Sorry doesn’t bring them back from the dead, does it?”

Rhea Lexia: “No. Killing us won’t either.”

Me: “Who said anything about killing you? Your brother I might, but you are a rare specimen I must have.”

She kept staring at me, thinking about something. His brother interjected.

Zoreth Lexia: “Don’t do it... Rhea. I am as good as dead. Don’t plead in front of this bastard.”

I gave him a punch on his nose, breaking it. Blood started dripping from it. Rhea also shouted.


She looked at me again and pleaded.

Rhea Lexia: “Please... spare his life. I am ready to do whatever you need me to do. I am taking responsibility for all the killings we did.”

Me: “Wow!!! So noble of you.”

Rhea Lexia: “I- I mean it...”


Me: “Okay... I will let spare your brother’s life, if you cut his fingers in his left hand.”

She looked at with shock and anger crept in... Her eyes now full of hate.

Me: “If you don’t then I will take matters in my own hand and you do not want that to happen, Rhea.”

Rhea: “You- you- YOU MONSTER!!!”

I smiled and punched her brother again on his nose. He fell down and was about to lose his consciousness. Blood kept on flowing from his nose and onto his clothes and finally on the ground. I put my right foot over his chest and pointed towards his throat with my right hand sword. I turned towards Rhea and after giving her a lopsided smile, I let loose of my arm as it made its way towards Zoreth's throat.

Rhea Lexia: “NOOOO!!!!!!!!!! STOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!”

My sword stopped just few inches from Zoreth’s throat. I turned towards her and asked.

Me: “Yes! Did you say something?”

Rhea gazing in anger and a hateful manner spoke in a choked voice.

Rhea Lexia: “D- do you pro-promise that yo-you won’t kill him?”

Me: “It depends upon you really. Are you ready to cut your brother’s fingers off?”

She kept looking at me. I noticed her demeanor changed. It was now as if she was pleading. Her hands and feet were tied, but she pleaded with her eyes as her lips trembled.

Rhea Lexia: “Please! Don’t make me do this?”

Me: “Tell me, where is your brother’s Controller?”

Her face tensed as if she was given a reprieve. She took a few minutes to answer back.

Rhea Lexia: “It’s- it’s within his right arm.”

Me: “The one which is resting over there?” I point to the severed arm on the ground just behind Zoreth, a few feet away.

She nodded her head response. I went towards the severed hand and picked it up. It was cleanly cut from the shoulders so the controller could be anywhere. I brought the severed arm back to the place we were conversing. I showed her the arm and it looked like she was having a great desire to vomit, but she held on. I have to say... she was courageous, although she could have used to it for the right purposes. But it was not to be... what a shame?

Me: “Where is it?”

Rhea Lexia: “I-It is in the forearm.”

Me: “Where is it exactly? Here?”

I pointed towards a part of the forearm close to the elbow. She nodded vertically and replied.

Rhea Lexia: “No, close to the wrist.”

I trace my fingers down towards the wrist and I asked her again after pointing to a place on the forearm close to the wrist.

Rhea Lexia: “Yes, it is right there.”

I made a small incision in the skin with my sword. Inserting two of my fingers, I searched to the Controller and found it. I took it out and threw the arm away.

Rhea was surprised over my action of throwing away the severed arm. Politely I told her.

Me: “It is of no use now... is it?”

I was in no mood of hearing her reply. I cleaned the Controller with a piece of cloth. There was no sign of damage to it. It was of the same type as Rhea carried, rectangular shaped green coloured clear cut crystal. I examined it to try and find out how it works.


Foreign Active Crystal detected.

Commencing De-crystallisation.

The green crystal started to disintegrate and was absorbed by the King’s crystal. Although strange, I knew I would get my answer soon. I watched as the whole Controller was absorbed by the King’s Crystal. Nothing seemed to happen as I waited while Rhea looked towards me, towards the place where the Controller was absorbed to be exact. She was dumbfounded and she did not even move an inch.


De-crystallisation Complete.

Scanning Complete.

New Skill(s) was gained by the King’s Crystal.

1. Inter-species Telepathic Communication (Inferior Model).

2. Inter-species Forced Evolution Boon.

Two skills huh... I will see them later when I’m free. Now, onto the matter at hand. I looked towards Rhea, who still hasn’t recovered from the shock she received when the Controller was absorbed. I snapped my fingers to get her out of that state. It took two or three snaps to get her attention.

Me: “Now, Rhea... I think it’s about time I hear your answer.”

Rhea Lexia: “Answer for what?”

Did she forget the matter after seeing the Controller being absorbed? Or she just pretending? Oh well...

Me: “Are you going to cut your precious brother's fingers to save his life? Or should I just finish him off at this very instant... no scratch that... I will kill him after I give him a very titillating show as a going away present.

Hmm... what should I do?

Hey! Zoreth! Do you want to see your sister’s show as farewell present?”

He was almost out of energy due to massive blood loss, but he managed to squeak out a few words... strong words.

Zoreth: “You Bastard!! I... I will kill you! I will cut your head off!!”

Me: “Oh... such strong words from a person who couldn’t even save his poor... little... sister. You know, I am very tempted to give you that present. I even gave Rhea a chance to save your life, but it seems she doesn’t consider you to be her brother.

I would not blame her, though. The situation you are in... I mean she can offer something which can save her life, but you... you my beaten buddy... you have nothing I need or want.

I pity you... all that talk back then... all that strength used to subdue the beasts of the Zoit continent... all that power showed to my wife while choking her... it was all fake. Watching you now, affirms my belief that if I had just stayed attentive than I would have saved her. I was more then enough for both of you, but it was not to be.

Who knows how many beasts of this continent you killed, thought you were more powerful than them? But...

I will show you what true power is. You will know...”

I walk up to Rhea and grab a good chunk of her orange hair. I pull her hair with some power behind it. She screamed while tears burst out. I gaze towards Zoreth who had a look of horror on his face.

Me: “You will know what true monsters... look like.”

I tug Rhea’s hair and start to drag her. She was on her back while I dragged her. I heard Zoreth screaming with what little energy he had left.

Zoreth Lexia: “NOOO!!!! NOOOO!!!!!






I stop and turn towards Zoreth. He was now hugging the earth, pleading, crying whatever he could. While Rhea was crying and all that came out of her mouth was...

Rhea Lexia: “NOOOO!!! PLEASE NOOO!!”

Me: “Do as I say Rhea and both of you live. You understand?”


Rhea Lexia: “But brother...”


She didn’t say anything, but kept on crying. I turn around and start to drag her towards Zoreth. I have a feeling that she would do it now. I reached the place where Zoreth was while dragging Rhea by her hair. I turn towards Adi’Je who was standing all this time silently.

Me: “Adi... please free her hands will you and give her your dagger.”

She didn’t respond, but came forward and freed Rhea’s hand and gave her a dagger. I placed Zoreth’s left arm close to her while Adi’Je was standing just behind Rhea.

Me: “Well... what are you waiting for? Let’s start!”

With eyes full of tears, Rhea started to cut Zoreth’s fingers one by one. He screamed with whatever energy he could muster while I watched the fingers... the very fingers which were wrapped around Aby’s throat... choking her. Images of that fateful day flashed in front of me and it took all the strength I had just to stop me from crying. I did not enjoy it, but my decision of creating carnage within their lives could not be stopped. This was... justice and not just for Aby, but for all the other beasts murdered by them.

Starting from his thumbs, one by one his fingers were removed. Blood flowed from his hands and it seemed he was going to lose his consciousness at any minute. After a long five minutes, Rhea finished her job. Zoreth was left with no fingers and was missing one arm while Rhea’s hands were trembling along with her body.

I was still holding my sword, I had forgotten about it really. I had some more queries.

Me: “Now, before I let your brother live... I want to know where is the third member of your group hiding?”

Rhea kept looking at her brother’s severed fingers and Zoreth was no better. I asked again.

Me: “Where is the third member of your group hiding? Tell me...NOW!!!”

Rhea looked towards me. She was trembling and her face was pale.

Rhea: “H-he is a-at th-the foot o-of th-the moun-mountain... in-inside th-the burt village, north from here.”

Me: “Good... now on to the matter of both of your freedom, but first... let me introduce myself.”

She kept looking at me and Zoreth managing to stay awake just barely, looked at me as well. I moved between Zoreth and Rhea.

Me: “This beautiful woman behind Rhea is my first wife Adi’Je. The one whom you killed was my third wife, Aby.

My name is Le’On... King of the Blood Zuma Clan.

By the authority given up on taking duty of a King, I... King Le’On acknowledge your admission of murdering numerous innocent citizens of the Zoit continent, for starting a proxy war where numerous Zoit soldiers lost their lives and for the murder of my wife, the third Queen of Blood Zuma Clan, Queen Aby.

After judging your follies... I, King Le’On of the Blood Zuma Clan find both of you guilty on all counts and more importantly, I find you guilty of murdering my wife.

Your punishment... DEATH!!!”

I drive my sword into Zoreth’s back, which was facing me. The sword went right through his body and stuck into the ground. Rhea watched in horror and was about to scream when a sword went right through her throat. The sword belonging to Adi’Je... who eyes showed indifference.

Zoreth watched in horror as his sister died slowly and Rhea watched Zoreth breathing his last breath in this life. Rhea fell on the ground while Adi’Je twisted and turned her sword inside Rhea’s throat. Zoreth died first, followed by Rhea soon after.

I looked towards the sky... I could no longer hold back my tears.

Me: “I am sorry Aby... I am so so so sorry. I had to become a monster to hunt monsters. Please forgive me Aby... be at peace. We will meet in our next life and I will not let you leave me so early.

It’s a promise... a promise not from Le’On, the King of Bloods, but a promise from Le’On... a stupid boy whose life you saved back in the swamp during our first meeting. I... love you Aby.”

I turned my gaze from the sky towards Adi’Je, who stood there watching me with no emotion on her face what so ever.

Me: “I am sorry Adi’Je; you had to witness this... I- I am not worthy to be your husband. I hope you forgive me.”

I turned my eyes away from here and towards my impaled sword. I picked it up, sheathed it and started to walk past Adi’Je, back to our campsite.

Suddenly, I was hugged from behind.

Adi’Je: “I know she must have proud of the man you have become, My Lord. I- I never ever thought of you in any degrading way and neither would she. To hunt dangerous monsters you need to be one. I understand it and I am proud of My King.”

I turned around to face her. She wiped away my tears and put her arms around my neck. She pulled me forward, locking her lips with mine. A current went through my body, I started to tremble, but she held on to me hard... surrounding me with her warm aura.

After a long day, we were back to our camp site close to the lake. I carried both of the bodies of Rhea and Zoreth Lexia back with us. I intend to carry it all the way to the base camp and hand it over to Eldin. She would garner much appreciation from the Council of Zoit, which in turn would help me.

Although, I haven’t thought about how I am going to keep their bodies and also find the third person. It would be best if think about it when the time comes, right now all I could think about was of taking a bath in the lake. I desperately needed to freshen up and rest for a while. All that fighting and conversations were beginning to take their toll on both my body and mind. I didn’t have any idea that I could have been such a monster at that time. How did I manage to do that? I also need to improve my sword skills... they were below par against Zoreth. Only due to my regeneration ability that I survived. I need to stop depending on the regenerative skills so much.

Setting aside my equipments, I walk straight towards the lake, but before going in I informed Adi’Je about it. She was currently wrapping the bodies in clothes mixed with some kind of potion to keep the bodies fresh. She has been by my side when all of this started. She never complained about anything. There is still a long way to go for me... I hope I don’t make many mistakes in my life.

I slowly get into the cold water. The lightstar was about to set and once when I got into the water, I felt as if all the tensions and stiffness in my body was being relieved. The cold water eating up the fatigue that had made me feel heavy, it was a good feeling. I close my eyes for a minute and soaked myself in the water.

Inch by inch, my whole body began to lighten up. The stiffness I felt on my back slowly faded away. My head began to feel lighter and I felt something warm slowly making its ways up from my waist, touching my spine. It was warm and soft, soon I felt arms wrapping around my waist. I opened my eyes and looked back. Adi’Je was hugging me from behind and the warm sensation I received was because of her breasts being pushed against my back.

She wrapped her arms tightly around my waist while pushing and moving her breasts upwards in a slow pace. The sensation was too much. We were standing close to the bank so the water level was not too high. I unlocked her grip and turned around to face her. Some of her wet strands of hair were sticking on her cheeks while the rest of her hair was towards one side, the left side. I slowly removed the locks sticking on her cheeks and touched her cheeks lightly with my fingers.

She snuggled her face inside the palm of my hands. I leaned forward and placed a small peck over her nose then her forehead. She looked up to me and our eyes met. I felt her right leg coiling around my right thigh. Her hands now rested around my neck, giving me a clear view of her breasts. She pressed her breasts onto my chest and started rubbing her breasts over it.

Me: “Adi, I...”

She put a finger over my lips and said.

Adi’Je: “Shuuusshhh... My Lord, don’t say anything now.”

She removes her finger and brings her face closer to mine. We could feel the warm breath on each others face. Slowly the distance between our lips decreases until there is none.

We suck each other’s mouth, tasting each other’s lips. Our breathing got heavy and I felt my chest burning due to her breasts being pushed against it with more force. My hands slowly went down and gradually made their way to her waist.

I grab hold of it with my left arm tightly while with the help of my right, I positioned my penis close to her vaginal wall. Upon touching her entrance, she started to grind over it and started letting out small moans at irregular intervals while we were still kissing.

Without wasting any more time, I gently pushed it inside her vagina, which prompted her to hold on tight onto my neck. For a few strokes, I used my right arm to guide my penis. Gradually, I became more aware and re-positioned my right arm on her waist. Using both of them as holder, I increased my pace. We parted our lips and saw her with her eyes closed and licking her lips.

After some time, we changed positions or rather, I turned her around and entered from her behind. Every stroke produce noise as skin slammed against skin. It had been days since we last made love to each other. Oh!!! How I missed her? Thinking about it, I pushed harder and harder. I felt as if each stroke was going to be my last. Pressure quickly started to build up within me.

Her arms were still interlocked around my neck, while I entered her from behind. No words were spoken, only our bodies communicated and I understood her completely as she understood me. We didn’t need to express anything in words as we have reached a new level in our relationship. Pushing for about another 10 minutes, I finally finished inside her. I turned her around to face me. Her face was red and she was panting heavily along with me. She hugged me tightly while snuggling her head on my chest.

No words were needed to be spoken... our feelings for each other communicated to us about everything we felt for each other.

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