《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 6- CHAPTER 6


Rhea Lexia: “BROTHER!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!”

Me: “Look at that! Now she finds energy within her voice.”

Rhea Lexia: “BROTHER!!!!! KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!!

KILL THEM!!!!!!!!”

Me: “So annoying... Queen Adi’Je!”

Rhea Lexia: “BROTHER!!!!!!! KILL TH...”

Adi’Je punches her on her face and knocks her out cold. Rhea, now lay on the ground, face first, all tied up. On the other hand, there stood a person whom she referred to as her brother. Few hundred feet away from where I was standing, Dynoths surrounding him and ready to pounce on me at his order.

The beast whom Rhea called as her brother stood around 6 ft tall. Oval faced with protruding blue crescent eyes. He had a narrow forehead with short orange hair. He had a high cheekbone with a flat nose. He was fair skinned just like his sister and with a pointed chin.

He had broad shoulders with a muscular chest. His arms also showed signs of muscle. He was wearing a black long coat just like Rhea. His body was in an inverted triangular shape. With the menacing looks he was giving us and all the killing intent he released, he appeared to be a powerful beast.


I am surprised to see you stand and do nothing to save your sister.”

He kept gazing at me; his stance told me that at any moment he could launch himself onto me.

Me: “You know... I had a great time talking to your sister while she was bound by rope. She blurted out everything. She even pleaded for her life and not to mention she gave you up in a heart beat. Some kind of sister you have got... Zoreth.”

Zoreth Lexia: “SHUT UP!!!” His voice stating his anger towards me.

Me: “When she was punched repeatedly she cried... begged for her life. Such filthy person could ever exist I had no idea. And this the kind of people you take orders from. Kill innocent beasts mercilessly. Killed my wife... mercilessly.

You know... I was this close.

This close of returning the favour that both of you showed my wife... with an incentive, of course.” I taunted him... implying something sinister.

His body language changed by the second and with the mention of the phrase ‘with an incentive’ his face distorted. His rage probably would have reached its limit.

Me: “Now that I think about it... maybe I should have enjoyed... her... a little. But there is still time. Maybe... after killing you... I should celebrate with her. Exchange feelings about how we felt when we killed each others close ones.”

He still stood in his place, but I saw his grip tightened on his weapons. It was morning; the day after we last interrogated Rhea. On that day, I decided to face her brother. We needed a way to make him come to us without much effort. We were discussing this matter last night when Adi’Je suggested something.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, what if we drag her back to the place where I fought her?”

Me: “They might sense her and even come to rescue her.”

Adi’Je: “Yes, I was thinking the same thing.”

And just as predicted, the moment we dragged her here, he showed up with many Dynoths escorting him.

I decided to taunt him again to see if he breaks or not.

Me: “Rhea told me that she enjoyed killing innocent beastmen. As if it was the greatest thrill of her life. That got me thinking... After I have taken care of you, I should also enjoy her... maybe that would be the greatest moment in my life. Just thinking about it makes me drool... I can’t wait to enjoy her.”


It seemed he was a beastman who didn’t speak much, but he did lose his cool after hearing my last words.

He charged at me with full force. He had drawn his sword out and aim to slash it towards me. I expected him to be strong, but I never expected him to posses such great agility. He closed the gap between us into mere ten feet in just 20 seconds. When I was in his range, he attacked me with a downward slash.

Though, he had great agility... I too had great reflexes. The time took him to close the distance between us; I had already unsheathed one of my swords, gripping it tightly with my right. When his downward slash attack neared me, I easily blocked it with my sword just inches away from my head. I also learned one thing during the first blow.

He was more powerful than he looked.

His face was now close to mine. I gazed towards his blue crescent eyes while he did the same. I found his eyes filled with anger. I too was filled with anger. Whenever I look at him... all I see is Aby being choked and then thrown down. I too was filled with rage. My wanting of carnage just got bigger.

From his first attack to my successful blocking of it happened in a few seconds. After which I threw my first attack on him. While blocking his downward slash, I kicked him on his chest with my right foot. It connected with its desired spot... right in the middle of his chest. By the looks of things he was not expecting the kick.

Absorbing the kick on his chest, he backed down a few steps which gave me chance to attack. Within seconds I took out my other sword with my left and slashed at him vertically, the tip of the sword angling away from him. I aim towards his shoulders.

He recovers quickly from my kick on his chest and manages to block my attack with his sword. As soon as he blocked my first attack, I thrust my sword in my right straight towards his heart. He too deflected that sword... just barely and side stepped on my left. While side stepping, he slashes at me vertically, aiming to cut my head off.

I dodged his attack by ducking underneath the slash, planted my left hand sword in the ground. Using that as a support, I twirled and kicked him on his stomach. After receiving the kick he backed down again to some few feet.

I stood up and faced him. He got into a fighting form. He was using a longsword with a brown hilt. His front foot was towards me while his back foot was a couple of feet away from his front foot and was at an angle facing away from me. His knees were slightly bent which gave him much more stability than before. He was gripping the sword with both of his hands and placed horizontally, which seemed like he was preparing for a downward slash.

He was standing some distance away from me. The distance was a little bit more than his sword length.

I too took to my stance which was same as his. My front foot or my dominant foot, which was my right foot was facing him while my back foot or non-dominant foot or my left foot was facing away from him at an angle. The distance between both my front and back foot were about two and a half step. To give me a good stability, I bent my knees a little. I had to be careful to bend too much, it will severely impede my movements and it would become awkward to even move. With my feet and knees formed in position and with great stability, it was now time for my sword hands.


I placed my right hand low, at about my waist height and at an angle to my right foot. I placed my left hand up and some distance away from my head. Both swords pointing forward towards him. There was a rule in dual wielding for the Bloods. Adi’Je taught me it a way back. It was not known or used anywhere else in the Zoit continent. My main attack sword was my right hand sword. But my left hand sword was slightly smaller in length compared to my right hand sword. This was because it was mainly used as a defence hand.

I would only use my left hand sword if only if my right hand sword either blocking an attack or at the moment of attack. Previously, I had no need of doing that. I was not in a dual with someone, but right now... I was going to fight a very agile, powerful and an adept swordsman.

He started making short movements, a step forward then one step back. He was trying to circle me. I too started to move and we maintained a distance at all times. We were circling each other for a moment, waiting for the other to strike. Suddenly, I rushed and jabbed my right hand sword towards his guts. He parried it immediately, but I gave him no time to stop and think about any plan. After my right hand sword was parried, I quickly followed up with a jab with my left hand sword. I aimed toward his head. He managed to parry it to with the help of his hilt. I quickly got into an attack position and pressed forward.

I get my right hand back into position and again attempt a thrust aiming towards his chest. Along with the thrust movement, I also move into an angular path and not stand in a direct line to him. This was done so that even if I miss, he will not get a direct shot at me and in this position, I hit success increases somewhat as it makes the sword come towards him at an angle which can provide a deep cut.

He quickly moves his sword to parry my attack and only manages to stop my sword by locking it with his hand guard. He also got into an awkward position, arching back slightly while his feet were still. I took advantage and landed a kick with my right foot onto his stomach.

He lost his balance and tumbled backwards on the ground. I plunge into him with my left hand trying to jam it into him. I aimed at his chest and for a moment it looked like he was done for. But at the last second, he managed to roll out of the way... That Bastard!

I quickly got both of my arms into positions and press him. I do not want to give him a chance to get up. I have to seize this moment. He was trying to get up when I thrust my right hand towards him, which interrupted his actions and he rolled away again to his left like last time. I immediately follow it up with a thrust with my left arm. This time, he rolled to his right. I continue to barrage him with a flurry of thrusts and occasional stomps aims his upper or lower body. But, he evaded every single one... although barely, but still managed to evade me.

I got a sudden feeling and I looked up in front of me. I was hit on my chest. The strike had a lot of power in it which propelled me back more than a few feet. Air escaped my lungs as I dropped on the ground on my back. I was at first dizzy, but managed to calm myself down to focus. Within seconds I got my breathing under control and looked towards Zoreth. What hit me? My question was answered immediately as I saw multiple Dynoths were charging towards. That bastard used the Dynoths help to set himself free from his predicament.

I got no extra time to think about anything as I was multiple Dynoths were on the verge of impaling on the ground. I rolled to my left and saw one Dynoth’s arm hit the ground missing me. But, it was no time to stop. I rolled and rolled, evading hits after hits. It was now my time to roll. They were not giving me any time or space to either recuperate or to stand up. As the strikes came faster, my evasion time got slower... now the attacks just barely missed me. During one such role, I got a glimpse of something jumping over a Dynoth and hurtling towards me with the sun at his back. I couldn’t see very well at first, but finally adjusted my eyes and saw it was Zoreth that was mere feet away from thrusting his sword into my gut.

I had to stand; I could not evade this attack by rolling because at that same moment I was surrounded by aggravated Dynoths. They didn’t attack, but waited for the chance to attack if I decide to roll and evade Zoreth’s attack.

Realizing I had no other choice save one. Immediately, I got both of my legs up horizontally and exerted pressure on my feet while pushing them down on the ground at the same time. It propelled my upper body to rise up and I crossed both of my swords and created a gridlock. The moment I created the gridlock, Zoreth’s sword came crashing down with great force. Although, I was up from the ground, but my knees were bent too much. I kneeled down on my right leg to give me further support to generate enough force to stop his sword’s power. Zoreth’s sword stopped barely few centimeters away from my head.

I didn't get any moment to relieve myself as I received a knee on my chin and I flew back. It was painful... I heard a crack sound and was sure my jaw was broken. Such was the attack power. I fell in front of a Dynoth, who immediately thrust one of his hands towards my face. I twirled at the moment it was about to reach me and with the back of my right hand, I swung my sword, cutting its head off... cleanly. Finally... some respite. I stood up and faced him. He had a smirk on his face. Well... I had something on my face too... it was the Dynoth’s blood.

I repaired my jaw quickly with my bone and cell regeneration. I could feel my bloodlust rising within me. No sense in suppressing them anymore and I released it without restraint. His smirk was gone and a serious impression dawned on his face. Now... it will get interesting.

I charged towards him again with my left hand close to me to act as my shield and my right hand little extended at an angle, ready to slash him. The remaining two Dynoths stood in front, guarding him. Both of them raised their hands to attack me at the same time. The moment I came between them, I bend down just enough to dodge both attacks. Both of the Dynoths attacks flew over my head. Immediately, without wasting any time with my left hand, I slashed towards the Dynoth’s abdomen on my left. And with my right hand, I slashed towards the head of the Dynoth on my right. Cutting both of them cleanly; on their respective places.

Their bloods sprayed out on me and I followed with another combination attack. This time slashing towards the Dynoth’s head on my left and simultaneously slashing towards the abdomen of the Dynoth on my right. Another large round of blood sprayed on me... I tasted some of their blood while licking clean my lips. It was hot... both of them fell on the ground, dead. Behind them a stupefied Zoreth stood upright with his mouth open.

Me: “Better close that mouth Zoreth... we are just starting here!”

I pressed forward and twirled to my right side, swinging my left arm backwards towards him. He blocked it with his sword, at that moment with a downward slash with my right hand. He was using his sword to block and hold my left hand sword, I used that opportunity to hit his sword with a downward slash with my right hand sword. His arms moved downward with the force, exposing his upper body.

I quickly freed my left arm and punched him on his nose. He stepped back losing his balance and I landed another punch with back of my right hand. Finally, I ended the combo with a kick to his chest which resulted him fallen on the ground. Something powerful hit me on my back and I was pushed forward some feet away and landed on the ground, facing it.

Thanks to my armour, I could take all this beating, but I was getting careless now. I knew what had attacked me or rather had an idea about the attacker. It was a Dynoth. More came to their master’s rescue... filthy bastard. I quickly stood up and faced them.

Me: “Not so tough now... Zoreth! Hiding behind some mindless monsters... like a coward! I thought you were more than that... at least when you killed my wife, it seemed you were all powerful... Where has your power gone now Zoreth!!!

Tell me!! Are you really that afraid?

Maybe... I should just finish it right now and start early of enjoying... your... sister... slowly and slowly... she will feel me as I... fill her.”

Zoreth: “YOU BASTARD!!!



He charged towards me along with the Dynoth. I waited and stood my ground with proper stance of course. No sense in instigating your opponent and losing your own head in the process. Both of them launched upon me at the same time. Zoreth thrust his sword towards my throat while the Dynoth raised its left hand to punch a big hole in my face.

I turned a little towards my right, avoiding the line on which Zoreth attacked and parried with my left. While with my right, I jammed my sword into the Dynoths throat and stopping it in its track to release its attack on me. I retracted my sword and the Dynoth fell. This all happened within a few seconds. I turned my attention towards Zoreth where I was met with a punch on my face with the back of his hand. He followed it by another punch with his other hand and a knee on my stomach. Although my armour absorbed the impact of his powerful knee, my face was hurting.

He launched himself again and after quickly recovering parried his first few attacks. Our swords met furiously... sparks started to fly and a continuous sound metal striking together echoed throughout the surrounding.

I had started to attack with both my hands, striking furiously towards him while he blocked some and parried some. We exchanged punches and kicks here and there, but nothing definitive. We were standing in a standstill.

I twirled again to fool him. This time towards the left and first attacked with a backward slashing right arm. He parried it upwards; my left was still in follow through. For a fraction of a second my upper body was open. The next thing I knew, I felt severe pain... so much pain and I wanted to cough up blood, but a certain sword was jammed half way into my throat...


Zoreth Lexia: “DIE!!!”

I tried to smile as blood rushed out of my mouth. Within seconds, his face distorted too. He looked down and found the sword in my left hand inside well inside his rib cage. He tried to back out, but I jammed my sword in my right upon which I had regained control, on his left foot. He screamed and spat blood from his mouth over me. With my right knee, I kicked him on his chest. He was pushed back a little, but due to his left foot being impaled in the ground and a sword inside rib cage... he wasn’t going anywhere.

I let go of my sword which was keeping his foot impaled into the ground. With my right, I pulled out his sword from my throat and threw it on the ground. I used my regeneration skills to cure myself which happened shortly. He was looking at me with shock as I stood in front of him, healthy as ever. I pulled both of my swords out of his body. He fell on the ground completely clutching his wound on his rib cage. I sheathed my sword as I had no need for it now. The battle is over... now, his punishment begins.

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