《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 6- CHAPTER 4


We reached the outskirts of a lone mountain named Amoith sometime during the night. The journey took a total of two days from the Lake of Peace and it wasn’t that long and neither we were tired. Upon seeing the scenery with my own two eyes, I could not believe its level of beauty. The moonstar shining on the lush meadow in front of us and we were surrounded by flower beds. It contained different kind of flower. It was a place where one should take their loved ones to spend some quality time with each other. But right now, all the beauty was being shadowed by a big blemish, known as the Dynoth monsters.

We were facing hordes of them, too many to count and nor I wanted to. All I wanted at that singular point... was to kill them all. In front of us the mountain with an ice cap was shining with a silver light due to the moonstar.

The Dynoths upon sensing us had taken an aggressive stance. Showing us their teeth, mocking us or trying to intimidate us but they did not attack. It was strange, but I did have a vague idea of why. My theory is that they were being controlled by the mysterious group. At this moment the Dynoths did not attack, maybe because they were not ordered to.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, do you want to charge at them?”

Me: “Yes, I want to, but that is not the right question. The question is why they are not attacking us. We are just two beasts standing in front of them and we know they kill without hesitation. Then, why this delay?”

Adi’Je: “Maybe... they have not received the order to attack us yet.”

Me: “I was thinking of the same thing.”

Adi’Je: “We should take the initiative and mow down these pathetic creatures.”

Me: “As much as I want to do that, they are innocent... if they are being controlled that is.”

Both of us were standing side by side, weapons drawn and ready to pounce.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, I have something to say.”

Me: “What is it, Adi?”

Adi’Je: “I want to make sure that you are level headed at this point and not thinking about anything else.”

Me: “I am level headed right now.”

Adi’Je: “Trust me My Lord, she is gone and any amount of hurt you inflict upon her killers would not bring her back. But it will create a prison inside you and the feeling of loss and anger will keep on gnawing yourself from the inside.”

Me: “I know it Adi... she will not come back, but I want to meet her killer and see how much of a cold blooded killer he is.”

Adi’Je: “My Lord!!”

Me: “I know... I can feel the pressure to.”

Adi’Je: “Finally, some action.”

Soon, the Dynoths in front of us parted from the middle and gave way. I could make out a figure making its way towards us through the pathway created by the Dynoths.

Step by step the figure approached with swaying movements. My grip tightened at the thought of meeting one of them again. But I cannot let them suck me into a hole by tarnishing Aby’s name. If they try to invoke me, I would have to stay calm and composed.

As the figure came closer, I could make its orange hair in the darkness as if a fire was burning. Dressed in a long black coat, I knew who that figure was. It was the girl that pinned me down. I was proven right when I finally saw her blue crescent eyes. Under the light of the moonstar, I saw her as she stood in front of me with a grin on her face.


Now, that I have time... she had a square face and her nose ring on her fair complexion made her glow like a jewel or someone’s lost ancient jewel.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, who is she?”

Me: “This was the one that pinned me down and told the beast choking Aby to put her out of her misery.”

???: “So... I am going to be frank with you. When I told you to come to this place... I never expected you would actually show up. Even worse, when I specifically remembered that I... personally took your legs from under you. And you can imagine my surprise after watching stand in front of me on your two legs.”

Me: “Are you the one that’s causing so much trouble?”

???: “Oh... straight to work... I see then no play for you. But I see that you have brought yet another female with you. I guess... your appetite wasn’t fully satisfied after losing one girl.”

Me: “Answer the question first... Who are you and what are your motives?”

???: “If you want answers then cutie... are you not aware that before asking someone else’s name, you have to introduce yourself first.”

Me: “Considering the situation we are in, please forgive me if I fall short on my manners.”

???: “Then at least tell me... how are you still standing? I clearly remember cutting your legs off from your body. I have never seen a beastman of this continent do that.”

Me: “You will have your answers when I have mine.”

???: “Aww... so serious... he he he.

Tsk Tsk Tsk... You may have found a way to attach your legs back, but this time... I am going to rip... your... head... off.

But first, I will slowly... kill this woman here after pinning you like last time and slowly bid my time into killing her.” With a look of hunger, she licks her lips in anticipation.

Me: “Do you think...”

Adi’Je: “So much talk... I am bored. If you want to kill me slowly then it’s fair on my part to make you talk. So, here is what I will do.

First, beat you with an inch of your life.

Second, make you spill everything about all of your workings.

Third, after you have spilled everything, I will make sure that you never threaten anybody... much less than my husband.”

???: “Oh... how amusing... so both of you are married. Oho... I will enjoy very much this time. You beasts of Zoit are no fun, but... this is definitely interesting.

*Yawn* All this talking has made me bored, if you want to do something... then step right up and let me play with you...”

Adi’Je looks at me.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, I know... I have not been an open supporter of the relationship between you and Queen Aby, but the fact is... she was a fellow sister- wife and a fellow Queen.

(She looks towards the unknown woman in front of us, waiting...)

Let me fight this little girl... I have an obligation to return the favour she did to Queen Wei along with interest.”

Me: “I never once thought that you were against her or us... Go... go and extinguish the fire of rage within you. I too feel it Adi... Go... and teach that one the way of the Blood... Courage and...”

Adi’Je (smiling): “Valour.”

Adi’Je put her hands on her belt and with a click; it dropped along with her swords. She then proceeded to walk towards the unknown woman, whom I until her actual name is not known, will refer her as Orange... like the colour of her hair.


Adi’Je walked close to her, but stopped midway. Orange had a look of amazement.

Adi’Je: “Do I have to invite you or should I start beating you down.”

Orange: “Ha ha ha ha... you dropped your weapons... so bold. I like bold people, but they also tend to be stupid.”

She snapped with her right hand fingers and walked further back. The Dynoths nearby Orange started to face Adi’Je with ferocity in their eyes which was missing previously. They had formed a big line facing Adi’Je... Too many to count... In unison, they gave out a large roar and started their attack.

I quickly grabbed Adi’Je’s belt and took out her swords.

Me: “Adi’Je!! Take this!!”

She turned back and she was smiling.

Adi’Je: “No need... My Lord. Just relax and enjoy the show.”

She turned forward and faced the incoming Dynoths. She did not move an inch nor did she get into any kind of stance. I had no idea what she was trying to do, but I had faith in her.

Little by little, the Dynoths closed the distance between her and them. Their hands had already transformed into their conical shape weapon. But still Adi’Je remained unmoved. I could not see Orange anymore... my view was obstructed by the incoming Dynoths.

When they were just meters away from her, she crossed her hands in front of her. I could not see what she was doing, but when her hands came back into my sight, I saw her holding a small knife in both hands. Where did she get those? Or what she was going to do with it? Questions popped into my head by the seconds, but all of them were answered by Adi’Je’s actions that came next.

She crossed her hand again and from what I could see, they should be in front of her face. I moved to my right to get a better view of what she was doing.

There was a cluster of big to medium sized rock. I got up on it and the view from there was perfect. I could now see her at an angle. Moreover, I saw what she was actually doing.

She held her knives as a position that they were crossing each other. The Dynoths were about to launch themselves onto her when with a smile on her face she rubbed the edges of both the knives with each other, which in turn created a friction and a small spark. Within seconds of the sparks formation, she blew something into it with a large force and I was shocked with the resultant.

All the Dynoths were covered with fire like a blanket. She created a blanket of fire to engulf all of her incoming prey. I was stunned... I-I had no words for it. It was unbelievable. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it too. How did she do that?

The Dynoths burned at a higher rate and by the screams they were giving out, it must have been very painful. With one spark, she covered the whole immediate area with fire. Is this the power of a pure Blood?? Is she like me can absorb other animals? But, I have never seen her eating any monster or even when I offer it to her, with a disgusted look, she turns me down. How??

Before I could recover from that surprise, she jumped... She jumped over the burning Dynoths and landed cleanly just behind them. Those burning Dynoths however, all fell on the ground as they were starting to give a burning smell.

When I saw Adi’Je, I also saw Orange standing in front of her... shocked. Her jaw was literally opened. She too was stunned.

But Adi’Je did not give her time to come to terms with the situation. Adi’Je charged her and as if she teleported, Adi’Je now stood at Orange’s left side. Orange looked towards Adi’Je and Adi’Je just smiled and Orange was hurtled back. Once Orange was launched, I saw Adi’Je’s tail coiling back over her waist. All this time, but I never knew how or where that tail comes from, neither for Adi’Je nor Naj’Raks.

Orange flew back and crashed into some idle looking Dynoths. Moments after hurtling Orange, Adi’Je ran towards her and when she landed over some Dynoths, Adi’Je suddenly leaped into the middle of her run.

By the look of things, Orange was disoriented. She was still lying over some Dynoths who didn’t even respond back. Within seconds, Adi’Je was just above her, coming down with her right fist aimed at Orange. But Orange just barely rolled to her left and managed to avoid Adi’Je’s fist which landed on a Dynoth on which Orange had landed previously. The moment Adi’Je’s fist landed, the Dynoth exploded with a huge sound.


Such was Adi’Je’s force that the Dynoth exploded and the area was filled with parts of the Dynoth and Adi’Je bathed with its blood and she was smiling.

Adi’Je turned around and gazed Orange while standing up still disoriented. Adi’Je slowly walked towards her; it was as if she was hunting Orange... not to fulfil her any kind of need but just for pleasure. Orange suddenly twirled and used her right led to attack Adi’Je. She was quick, indicating that her reflexes were very fast and sharp given she is in proper condition. And that theory was proved right by Adi’Je when she blocked Orange’s attack with just using her right hand.

Adi’Je let go of Orange’s leg, but kicked her onto her chest, which made her fly back and crash on few Dynoths that were idly standing. They were all spread out in the area, standing without any purpose or meaning. Orange got up, but was met with a punch on her left side of her face and then followed by a punch onto her gut. She bowed down and was panting. But Adi’Je kept punching on her gut, maybe after three or four hits; she was thrown back towards another single Dynoth.

Adi’Je walked up to Orange was lying over the Dynoth, facing the sky. Adi’Je grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up. She was now a few inches off the ground while being dangled by her own hair. I could see her spitting out a white substance... supposedly, that should be her blood.

Adi’Je slaps Orange with her left hand and follows it up with another slap with the back of the hands. The sound it gave told me that those slaps were more like punches to the face. Adi’Je then throws her to the side.

After landing on the ground, Orange tries to get back in the fight, but found Adi’Je in front of her face and a barrage of combination of punches on her face. Adi’Je combined both her hand as punched Orange with a left then right then left and followed by a right respectively. Then Adi’Je punched Orange on her gut a few more times before hitting Orange’s face with her right knee. Orange fell on the ground facing the beautiful starry sky.

Adi’Je turned in my direction, I saw her smiling. She didn’t bother about the fact that she was drenched with the blood of a Dynoth. And that made me realize something. Our connection to blood and our innate ability of blood lust. The more Blood of the enemies we come in contact with, the more powerful we get.

Adi’Je again turned attention towards Orange, who was trying to get up. I could see her cough violently and white liquid, most probably her bloods came out from her mouth. She looked up at Adi’Je and while holding her stomach. Suddenly, she pulled out a knife from her belt with her right hand and lunged towards Adi’Je. Adi’Je blocked the first attack with her right hand brace, which she was equipped with. Orange continued to strike at Adi’Je while staggering and Adi’Je diligently deflected every attack with her braces on both wrists. After deflecting some attacks, Adi’Je caught Orange’s hand with which she was holding the knife.

Adi’Je punched Orange on her stomach with her left and then proceeded to pry open Orange’s right arm and took the knife from her. Adi’Je, now holding the knife with her left, jammed it within Orange’s right thigh. Orange gave out a loud scream before Adi’Je pulled the knife out and then again jammed it within Orange’s left thigh. Again Orange screamed and Adi’Je pulled it out. She then jammed it in Orange’s exposed right shoulder blade and hit her on the face with the back of her left hand.

Adi’Je let her grip of her right arm loose and pulled Orange closer to her face with her left hand. Then, a punch with her right hand on Orange’s face followed by another punch and another one and another one. Adi’Je then let loose of her grip on Orange and Orange fell on the ground and did not move, indicating that the fight between them was over and I got to see Adi’Je fist fight for the first time. From here on, I will never challenge her to a hand to hand combat.

Adi’Je grabbed the cloth of the jacket Orange was wearing on the nape and dragged her over the ground towards me. Orange was now just nothing but a dead weight compared to Adi’Je.

I got down from the cluster of rocks and stood on the ground. Adi’Je came while dragging Orange’s body and I saw the biggest smile on Adi’Je, the likes I have never seen before.

Me: “Well, it looked like you enjoyed yourself out there.”

Adi’Je: “You have no idea My Lord. It is a shame that we could not fight much longer, but I felt relieved. It has been years since my last hand to hand combat.”

Me: “Luckily for us, she lost early or else if she suffered more of your punches, she would have surely died quickly and we wouldn’t get any information.”

Adi’Je: “I know... that is why I used only half of my strength. *Tsk* she was very brittle and I think from what I heard back there, I may have broken some ribs.”

Me: “What about her jaw? From what I saw, you must have grinded into pieces with your punches.”

Adi’Je: “It was slightly dislocated at first, but with those last punches, I popped it back.”

Me: “What should we do now?”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, let us go someplace quiet and settle in for the night. She is right now unconscious and I will apply some medicine onto some of her wounds. I do not want to heal her fully. In the morning, she would be ready to talk.”

Me: “Good... let’s go and I have some questions about how you managed to cover a large area with fire.”

Adi’Je: “He he he he... I am sorry My Lord, but I cannot tell you.”

Me: “Why?”

Adi’Je: “Because a woman has her secrets and I would like to keep it that way.

But... if My Lord wants to feel the heat that generated from the fire, then I could create it again... in the bed *wink* he he he.”

Me: “I would very much like to feel the heat again...”

We chose a place close to Lake of Peace. There were trees and a source of water close by so it was perfect to spend the night. Though, we didn’t bring any camping equipments, but the place was not inhabited by any strong monsters or Dynoths. If they approach us, I would know it. We also hunted a small animal. I do not know its name but it is covered with blur fur all over its body and has four feet and two big and round eyes. It looked tasty and was easy to catch.

Adi’Je was still dragging Orange and showed no signs of fatigue. Upon choosing the place, I went to pick tree branches and lit them on fire with help of Adi’Je’s daggers and brought water from the lake.

I sat down and began skinning the animal while Adi’Je tied Orange’s hand and feet together. She then proceeded to pour some potion on some of Orange’s wounds. The potion is probably a mixture of Vitalis and some other herbs. Orange was still unconscious and when I saw her face after the beating she took given by Adi’Je and it was not a pretty sight. Her nose was probably broken into a few pieces while her lips were busted open; her right side of the face was badly swollen or even cut in some places. Her face was filled with her white blood.

With some water, Adi’Je cleaned Orange’s face and applied Vitalis potion where ever needed to disinfect the wounds.

Me: “When will she wake up?”

Adi’Je smiled and turned her attention towards Orange. She was now lying on the ground with both of her legs and hand tied to each other.

Adi’Je: “I think in the morning, My Lord.”

Me: “Then... let’s finish our dinner and rest for the night.”

Adi’je: “Yes, My Lord.”

We had our dinner and slept close to a tree overlooking Orange.

Morning came... it was a beautiful sight. I woke up and saw Adi’Je pouring some potions over Orange’s wounds and Orange had her mouth tied with a cloth. She was awake and her eyes had swollen so much so that her right eye was practically closed and not to mention black. I also noticed tears rolling down on her cheek. She was trying desperately to move away, but couldn’t. The cloth which was over her mouth was wet too.

Me: “What are you doing Adi’Je?”

Adi’Je looked towards me and gave her trademark smile. Then she replied.

Adi’Je: “Good Morning My Lord... did you have a good sleep?”

Me: “Yes I did, but what are you doing?”

Adi’je: “This... I found her conscious when I woke up. So... I am making her ready to answer all of our questions.”

I could hear muffled sounds made by Orange. I asked.

Me: “What is that potion made of?”

Adi’Je: “Nothing note worthy My Lord... it is just a mixture of Ablum and Progium. It would make her fill with energy and close her wounds quickly.”

I recognized the two names of herbs.

Me: “Mixture of Ablum and Progium... wouldn’t that give her an intense burning sensation in her wounds if Vitalis is not added.”

Adi’Je: “It will, My Lord.”

Me: “Is... there any Vitalis added into it, Adi’Je?”

Adi’Je: “No.”

Me: “For how long have you been applying that potion?”

Adi’Je looked to her left. I followed her gaze and saw five tubes lay on the ground... empty.

Me: “Five!!”

Adi’Je again smiled and replied.

Adi’Je: “Just another two and she would be ready to spill anything.”

Me: “Remind me to never anger you in the future, will you?”

Adi’Je: “I would never...

My Lord, please wash yourself and eat something. I will call you when she is ready to talk.”

Me: “Okay, My Queen.”

I move towards the lake to wash myself.

When I came back, I found Orange sitting on the ground with her knees bent and her hands behind her back, tied together with her feet. Her right blue crescent eye was closed due to swelling, but the left eye was relatively okay. Her face had traces of dried tears and her mouth cloth dripping with liquid, presumably her saliva. She looked exhausted and Adi’Je standing to her right, watching her closely.

Me: “Is she ready?’

Adi’Je turns towards me and replied.

Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord.”

Me: “Then open her mouth cloth.”

Adi’Je promptly took out the cloth over her mouth. As soon as the cloth was pulled out, Orange gasped for air and coughed a few times. Her saliva came out of her mouth and fell on the ground, which was mixed with her blood. She looked up to me with a pleading face. I waited for her to speak.

At first, she just looked at me with anger in her eyes. I walked closer to her and sat in front of her on the ground.

I glanced towards Adi’Je who quickly dug her thumb of her right arm, on her wound in the shoulder blades courtesy of Adi’Je who gave it to her during their fight with Orange’s her own knife.

She screamed...


Adi’Je took out her thumb and Orange stopped screaming and started panting. She looked towards Adi’Je with a hateful look on her face, but she knew... Adi’Je was in control of the situation. Orange turned towards me still adamant about not speaking. Adi’Je applied some of the mixture of Ablum and Progium on her wound on the shoulder and pushed her thumb inside. Orange this time screamed louder than the last time.


Fresh tears rolled from her eyes and finally she spoke with a low voice, barely audible.

Orange: “S-stop... Pl-please S-stop.”

Adi’Je pulled out her thumb again.

Orange was panting heavily, but she managed to squeak out a few words.

Orange: “W-who...w-who are you?”

I replied to her.

Me: “Your worst nightmare.”

Orange: “Wh-what do you want?”

Me: “Hmmm... what do I want from you? That is a tough question. I have so much to take from you, but for the life of me... I cannot decide.

Let me think... Hmmm... What should I ask her first? Hmmm....

Ahh... I know...

How about you start by giving us your name. It is very annoying talking to someone without even knowing their name.

So, what is your name?”

Orange looked and me then turned her face.

Me: “Still have a bit of fight left in you... I see.”

Adi’Je again pushed her thumb on Orange’s wound and twisted the place, making the wound deeper. Orange screamed again.


Me: “You know, I could stop the pain if you just tell me your name.”

Orange looked towards me and barely managed to reply.

Orange: “N-No.”

Me: “Hmm... very well.”

Adi’Je pulled out her thumb and applied the mixture directly over the wound. This made Orange cry in pain... so much so that my head started aching.

Orange: “Al-Alright...*gulp* alright...”

Adi’Je stopped and I asked her again.

Me: “What is your name?”

Orange: “Rh-Rhea... Le-lexia...”

Me: “Rhea Lexia... good... now I have a name to go with your face.

Tell me, Rhea... where are you from? And before you think that you can stop us from getting anything anymore... just remember... this pain.”

While we were conversing, Adi’Je had taken out one of her daggers. She kept it hidden within her braces. One less secret to uncover for me. She then went on to coat the tip of the dagger with the mixture and upon receiving my signal; she jammed the dagger into the open wound on her shoulder. As soon as the dagger went in, Rhea screamed and writhed in pain.


Adi’Je pulled the knife out giving Rhea some relief.

Me: “Now that you know, what lies ahead if you don’t cooperate.

Tell us, Where are you from, Rhea Lexia?”

Rhea Lexia: “Th-the Queendom of De-Deirdre Mhic.”

Me: “Woah!!! Even in this situation, you want to joke. Okay... Let us see how you like my humour now.”

Adi’Je used the sole of her boot on her left foot and hit the knife wound on her left thigh. Rhea screamed, but was hit again and again. The louder her scream got, Adi’Je’s hitting power increased. Rhea just barely managed to squeak some words.

Rhea Lexia: “Pl-please... I-I am telling the truth.”

Me: “You want me to believe that you came from some place named The Queendom of... umm of... what do you say?”

Rhea Lexia: “Deirdre Mhic... The Queendom of Deirdre Mhic.”

Me: “Yes... Deirdre Mhic... There are no clan in the whole Zoit continent with that name. You think we will believe you.”

Adi’Je raised her left leg again but Rhea suddenly pleaded.

Rhea Lexia: “Please... please... I-I am telling the truth. Our country is located far east of the Zoit continent. We are located in another continent.”

Me: “Another continent? But, I have heard they were known as Zendon tribe.”

Rhea Lexia: “Ze-Zendon is the name of our species, but our country or rather our continent is known as The Queendom of Deirdre Mhic.”

Me: “Queendom... you are ruled by Queens!”

Rhea Lexia: “Yes... Only Princesses are allowed to attain the role of ruler... thus we are ruled by a Queen.”

Me: “I remember, back in the city of Galeform, I saw many bodies that were not killed by the Dynoths. Did you kill them?”

Rhea Lexia: “Yes.”

Me: “Why?”

Rhea Lexia: “I will not answ...”

Adi’Je stomps her foot upon Rhea’s wound in her left thigh, which resulted in a loud scream from her.


Me: “You still don’t want to answer?”

Rhea was looking exhausted and was on the verge of collapsing. I should squeeze out some more answers from her.

Me: “Tell me... why did you kill all those innocent beastmen back in the Galeform city?”

Rhea Lexia: “W-We were ordered to create disruption throughout the entire Zoit continent. And for that... casualties needed to be increased.”

Me: “So, you killed them.”

Rhea Lexia: “Yess...”

She was now on the verge of losing her consciousness.

Me: “Tell me, who was that man, whom you ordered to kill my wife?”

Rhea Lexia: “M-My brootherr...”

She fell sideways, losing her consciousness. It seems her pain threshold had been reached.

Adi’Je: “What should we do now My Lord?”

Me: “First, get some rest... you need some. When will she regain her sense?”

Adi’Je: “After I have healed some of her wounds, it would take maximum up to one hour former to regain consciousness.”

Me: “Good... we got to know many things about the menace that has plagued our continent.

Did you know about another race like that?”

Adi’Je: “No, My Lord. It is the first time I am hearing this as well.”

Me: “Okay, well get some rest. We got some valuable information from her. It looks like Aby was just a casualty in their list. But they messed with the wrong clan.”

Adi’Je: “And they will pay the price... just like you said previously My Lord... we will create carnage in their hearts and minds.”

Me: “Yes... carnage...”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, what will you do when we have gotten every ounce of information from her?”

Me: “After finding her brother and anyone else linked with them, we will kill them, but we will take this one back to Blood Zuma as a hostage where she will be locked up in the Blood cave for the rest of her life... A punishment for playing a major role in the death of Aby.”

Adi’Je: “As you wish My Lord.”

Me: “Now, we wait for her to come back to us... I owe her a lot of pain.”

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