《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 6- CHAPTER 1


// AUTHOR'S NOTE :- //


I am very humbled and honoured to have received all of your views and comments in the last chapter. Some comments made me feel like a monster and some really moved me.

Many of you raised so many unique views about the situation in the last chapter, which I honestly didn't think about at the time of penning it and some views or things I purposefully didn't add into the situation. Why or what were they, I won't answer that . It is for the viewers to find out or speculate.

All of your opinions matter. It is natural to have them and I welcome any and all kinds of opinions. You... viewers are my inspiration.

It's not just Le'On who is trying to learn how to be a better king, husband, friend and beastman, but also me(his creator) trying to find my own special way of narrating his(Le'On's) life story.


Me: “Finally... we have arrived.”

Aby: “Yes, but no thanks to you. We were lost due to your incompetence of following a map.”

Me: “M-Me... I am NOT incompetent about anything.”

Aby: “Then, how do you explain the situation where you followed an inverted map and that too for hours?”

Me: “Umm... ha ha... oops!”

Aby: “Really... that’s all you have to say... OOPS!”

Me: “Hey! Don’t get mad at me, this map was very complicated.”

Aby: “No... You were too simple minded and to think I choose you as my husband... what was I thinking?”

Me: “he he he (I laughed mischievously) Well, I at least know of one thing... that you can’t get enough off... *wink*”

Aby: “Oh! You really think so?”

She folded her hands in a sarcastic manner.

Me: “Yes, I do. I know you can’t get enough of it.”

Aby: “You know something; don’t get too excited over it. It just barely fits with the acceptable standard.”

Me: “I don’t care... as long as it makes you happy.”

Aby: “And... how do you know that I am happy with it?”

Me: “From your reactions.”

Aby: “I need to tell you something.”

Me: “What?”

Aby: “I lied to you.”

Me: “About what?”

Aby: “I not happy... it is not enough for me.”

Me: “My Love is not enough for you!”

Aby: “Yes... wait!! What? Your love?”

Me: “Yes...”

Aby: “You were referring to your love for me?”

Me: “Yes... why?”

Aby: “No... I just thought...hmm... nothing.”

She averted her eyes.

Me: “Wait... this is not nothing. Wait! You thought what?”

Aby: “Nothing... well, let’s start setting up our tents.”

Me: “Noo... you thought what?”

She looked at me for a second or two. Then, with a slight blush she replied.

Aby: “I thought that... (in a low voice) you were referring to... your... umm... you know...”

I looked at her questioningly. I had no idea what was talking about.

Me: “My... what?”

Her face turned redder by passing second. While averting her eyes she again replied.

Aby: “You know... umm... to yours... thing.”

Me: “My thing!?”

What could she mean by my thing? I looked at her confused while she looked downwards blushingly. I followed her gaze downwards and only then I could get her hint.

Me: “OHHHH..... that THING!! He he he he he...

You naughty girl...

In that case, I know for a fact that you are extremely happy with it.”

Aby (blushing and still averting her eyes, while playing with her locks): “Sh-shut up... I do not!”


Me: “You do not? Do you want to be punished today? Remember... the last ‘punishment’ I gave you.”

Hearing those words, her face was now crimson colour. How could she forget that night? It was one of the best moments we spent together.

She gave a slight nod.

Me: “Good... do you remember that after that night, you were so happy that you gave me the greatest gift I could ever have.”

She smiled and with a crimson face, she looked up to me.

Me: “How about, I punish you today... let see how happy can I make you this time.”

She again averted her eyes and gave a little nod of approval.

I touched her chin with my right and made her look towards me. I leaned closer to her while she closed her eyes. Her lips were trembling with expectation. I leaned closer to her... our lips were just few centimetres away from each other. Suddenly...


We broke from our trance and at the same time looked towards a small boy of two years old. He had a pair of vertical hazel eyes, short black hairs and a brown complexion just like his mother.

“Really! I am glad to hear you liked it, son.” I replied to the boy.

Yes... this boy was our only son, Ze’On. The gift that Aby gave me after her ‘punishment’ session.

Ze’On: “Mother... it’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

Aby bent down close to the boy and picked her up in her arms. She wiped the sweat and little bit of dirt from his face.

Aby: “Yes, little Ze... it is beautiful. Aren’t you glad that your father made you come here?”

Ze’On: “Yes!!” He turned his face to look towards me and with a cute smile, he exclaimed.

Ze’On: “Thanks Dada!”

I smiled and lightly patted on his head.

Aby: “Although, your father was sure dumb enough to get us lost on our way.”

Ze’On: “He he he he... yeah... he he he he.”

Me: “Okay, okay!!! Yes... we got lost, but we still managed to finally reach it. No harm done.”

Aby: “Yes, thankfully.”

Ze’On: “Mother... why is called the Lake of Peace?”

Aby: “Hmm... why is it called the Lake of Peace? Let me think for a moment... hmm... yes, you visit this lake with the ones

that bring peace to you and spend quality time with those people. Just like your Dada and me came here with you, who brought a great amount of peace and love in our lives.”

She gave him a slight kiss on his cheek while brought forth a giggle from him.

Ze’On: “Mother, can we go for a swim in the lake?”

Aby: “Surely little Ze. We are tired and a swim could really refresh us. But, your Dada needs to first set up our tents so that we can change.”

Ze’On: “Please Dada, hurry up... I want to go swimming.”

Me: “Don’t worry; it will be done in a moment.”

I turned towards the lake and I soak up the environment within me. In front of me lay a big lake filled with blue water, which was shining when the light of the lightstar fell upon it. It was overlooked by a series of mountains; some even had ice caps on it. We were standing on its only bank which was on the shallow side. The sky was clear with some white clouds scattered here and there. It was a sight that would fill anyone’s heart with peace.


I start to pitch the tents on the bank of the lake, close to some trees. One tent just for our son. He likes to sleep all by himself. He is a brave boy and would make an excellent King of the clan in the future. The other one was for us, just me and Aby. While I pitched the tents, Aby sat on the ground close to the lake while Ze’On sat on her lap. He likes it when Aby cuddles him. Both of them were watching the beautiful scenery in front of them.

After 10-15 mins, I was finished with the tents.

Me: “Okay... the tents are done.”

Ze’On leapt from his mother’s lap and ran towards me. He stood in front of the tent and started jumping.

Ze’On: “Come on, mother... please hurry up.”

Aby: “Yes, I am coming... just wait for a moment.”

She reached Ze’On and ruffled his hairs.

Aby (smiling): “Can you swim, little Ze?”

Ze’On: “Yes!! Dada taught me... please give me my swimming trunks.”

Aby (smiling): “Okay... let’s go.”

Me: “Both of you change in that one while I do it in here.”

Aby: “Don’t be late, my love.”

Ze’On: “Yes, Dada don’t be late.”

Me: “No, I won’t Ze.”

Aby took Ze’On inside a tent while I entered the other one. I opened up my armour, bracelets and put down my weapons. I got out of my regular clothes and wore a half pant made to be used while swimming. I got out only wearing the half pants and nothing else. The air was a little bit chilly, but it was a good day for a family outing.

Ze’On and Aby were already in the lake, playing by throwing water at each other. Both of them were laughing their hearts out. Ze’On, like me also wore the trunks I gave him. He is a little boy so it doesn’t matter to him of what he wears while swimming. As long as he can swim, everything else does not take any precedence.

Aby was wearing something which even I didn’t see before. She wore a purple coloured swimsuit which complemented her with her brown complexion. Only her upper part of her body was visible while the rest of her body was under water. Her swimsuit covered just the right amount of her body to make her irresistible to me.

Ze’On: “Dada... come quick.”

Aby splashed some water on him, which made him scream a little and made him giggle.

I too joined them without any delay. I slowly got into the water. At first it seemed cold, but as time moved on I got comfortable with it. The side we were in, it was the shallow portion of the lake, close to the banks. We could walk with the help of the ground beneath us. The water level reached up to my chest. I slowly made my way towards Aby. She had her back towards me as she was watching over Ze’On and splashing water on him from time to time.

I walked closer to her and wrapped my left hand around waist and arm rested on her stomach. She lets out a small gasp. I move closer to her, at a point where her back was completely in contact with my front. With my right hand, I slowly used my fingers to trace down from her neck, then her shoulder blades and then continuing down on her right arm. While tracing my fingers slowly on her neck, I kissed gently on it. Then I gently kissed her shoulders.

Aby: “What are you doing? Ze’On is here.”

I continued kissing and unconsciously; I started to rub my groin against her bottoms.

Me: “Hmmm... so what? Let him have his fun and let me have mine.”

Aby: “Umm... you can have your fun at night... all the fun you can possibly have but for now stop it, Ze’On will notice.”

Me: “So... let him notice. I am not doing anything wrong am I?”

At that moment, I pressed my hardened member in between the partition of her bottoms and start to gently rubbed my member against them. That sent shivers to both of us. I moved my right hand onto her breasts; cupped and pressed them gently. They were under water so, no chance for Ze’On of noticing it. Her breasts were moderate, not big and neither small, just the perfect size that fit right into the palm of my hand. The moment, I pressed her right breast; she let out a small moan.

Aby: “Ahhh... ummm... stop it, Le’On... Ze’On is around.”

Me: “I know, look at him Aby. Swimming and enjoying himself without any care. Such a sweet and good child. Thank you, Aby.”

Aby: “What for? Ahhh...”

Me: “For giving me such happiness. For staying with me and giving me the ultimate gift of our union in the form of our son. Thank you.”

I moved my right hand from her breast onto her chin. I moved it towards me. She turned around, now putting her left hand on my chest while her right hand over my shoulder. We moved closer and our lips met. We kissed each other. But it was not enough... I wanted more of her while judging from her breathing which was now heavy, she too wanted more of me.

I broke from our kiss only to find her still in the trance with her eyes closed.

Me: “I want you.”

She slowly opened her eyes and kept looking at me. With a smile she replied.

Aby: “Me too my love... me too.”

I pressed my body harder against her, feeling her warm body under the water.

Aby (a slight smile): “But... not now.”

She pulled herself back from me and turned towards Ze’On. She started to walk towards him holding my right hand and tugging me.

Ze’On: “Dada look! I swam up to here. I am so far away from the bank.”

Me: “Very good Ze’On.”

Aby: “Ze’On! Don’t swim too far from us... okay little Ze?”

Ze'On: “Yes, mother.”

Me: “Better join our son.”

Aby: “Yes... he may swim to the deep side of the lake.”

Although she can be very mean and sometimes outright straight forward and petty but it always amazed me how big her motherly feeling was. Such love... and I was lucky to be part of the few that feel it day in and day out.

Ze’On: “Dada, next time can we visit those mountains?”

He points towards the mountains overlooking the lake.

We were now resting in front of a fire while Aby was cooking us meals for the night.

Le’On: “Do you want really want to go there?”

Ze’On nodded with his little head and said.

Ze’On: “Yes, Dada.”

Le’On: “Okay then, next time we are going to visit those mountains.”

He smiled brightly and made me happy.

Ze’On: “Dada, when will I grow up?”

Le’On: “Why are asking that, son?”

Ze’On: “I was just curious about evolving. Does it hurt?”

Le’On: “Next year when you turn three, you will have your Status Function. We Bloods grow up to a certain level from that point. Then, as we experience life we mature. And it does not hurt, but you will feel relieved or unrestrained. You will feel so much power surging through you that you will want to use it as much as you can. But, you have to learn how to control yourself.

Do you know why do we have to learn to control our power?”

Ze’On: “No Dada.”

Le’On: “Then listen to me very carefully, my son.

Having or acquiring power is a great achievement, but learning how to control and safely use it is the ultimate level a Blood yarns for. We learn to control ourselves for the sake of others...”

Ze’On turns his head toward me and with a questioning look, he asks.

Ze’On: “Others?”

Le’On: “All races of beastmen... you have a duty as a Blood and as a resident of the Zoit continent that you will learn to control your power so that it may not harm other beastmen in this continent. We can only utilize that power to defend them and defend your loved ones from any calamity. This is why, we Bloods must be alert and be responsible in our action.

Did you understand me, Ze’On?”

Ze’On again nodded and timidly replied.

Ze’On: “Yes, Dada... I will be responsible when I grow up.”

Le’On: “Excellent son... excellent... did you hear him Aby?”

Aby: “Yes! I already know our little Ze would become a great man... just like his father.”

I picked him up and put him on my lap. Then, I start to tickle him. He loves being tickled or rather I love tickling him. When he laughs and lets out giggles, it makes me very happy. That is my best part.

Ze’On: “He he he he... stop Dada... ha ha ha ha... please... he he he he... hah ha ha ha... Dada please!!! Ha ha ha...”

The whole area was filled with his sweet and innocent laughter.

Aby came towards us with a plate filled with food. She smiled and so I stopped tickling Ze’On.

Aby: “But before little Ze becomes big and strong, he has to eat healthy food and vegetables.”

Ze’On: “Yuck... I don’t like vegetables.”

Aby: “Then how can you grow up. You have to eat vegetables if you want to grow up. You do want to grow up don’t you, little Ze?”

Ze’On: “Yes, mother.”

Aby: “The, will you listen to your mother and eat everything she gives you?”

Ze’On: “Yes, mother.”

Aby (smiling): “Very good my child. Come, finish your dinner first. You must be tired from all that swimming.”

I picked him up and put him beside Aby, who was sitting opposite to me. There, she fed Ze’On and he ate happily.

I watched as a mother fed her child. It was so beautiful and to see Aby in another role... the role of a mother, it made me love her more.

Ze’On had finished dinner and we went inside a tent to put him to bed. I put him down on his bed which was prepared by Aby beforehand.

Me: “Here you go my son. Sleep well and good night.”

Aby: “Good night, little Ze. Sleep... and dream of beautiful things.”

Ze’On: “*Yawns* Good night Dada, good night mother.”

Me: “Good night my son.”

Aby rolled her hands gently over his hairs and after sometime, he fell asleep. Aby put a cover over him and gave him a light kiss on his cheeks. She then whispered to him.

Aby: “Little Ze, dream well...”

We quietly got out of his tent and closed the curtains. I again sat beside the fire while Aby brought foods for us. She handed me a plate and she sat beside me with her plate. We ate heartily and happily. Aby cooks well... well her cooking skills rose when Ze’On was born. But before that, it was horrible. Maybe, not wanting to feed her child bad food, she learned to cook well. Mothers... they can do anything for their children.

After diner, we were sitting idly by the fire, watching the starry sky and the beautifully lit moonstar. Aby was sitting on my lap, both of us facing the fire. I was casually kissing her gently on her neck and up to her shoulders. She had tilted her head to the left to give me more access. I could hear small sounds of pleasures escaping her mouth. I was also pressing her right breast with my left hand while I kissed her. And to further her pleasures even more, I slid my right hand all the way down to her vagina and was lightly massaging it. Receiving pleasures from ways made her gyrate and she arched back and gave me unrestricted access.

Me: “Are you enjoying it?”

Aby: “Hmmm... ummm... ahhh...”

Me: “Should I stop?”

Aby: “Hmm... n-no...”

At that moment, I gently bit her earlobes and followed it with a quick lick over her neck. This seemed to send shock waves within her as she quickly held her breath for a few moments.

Me: “Did you like that?”

Aby: “Umm... p-please... m-more.”

Me: “You want more... but I think I will stop here.”

Before she could answer my question I used my left hand, which was previously pressing her right breast, to gently trace the lines just around her nipple. Her nipple was erect and needed much attention. After tracing for a few seconds, I gently pressed them using my thumb and index finger. I pressed and squeezed them a few times, as if I was hoping something sweat would come out.

Her breathing got heavy and she got more excited. I asked her again.

Me: “Should I stop?”

Aby: “N-no... ahhh... umm... p-please... conti...”

This time I stopped massaging her vagina and used my index and middle finger to penetrate within her. It was wet and warm... very warm inside her. Her vaginal walls were contracting, trying to take squeeze my fingers. I start to move them, in different ways of course. Sometimes in and out, sometimes I twirled them inside and sometimes left and right. While I was doing that, I continued to press her nipple and tried to synchronize the movements of both of my hands.

Continued moans were let out by her. Some even pleas to let her go, but they were weak and lacked conviction. But the idea of forcefully taking her made me even more excited. No harm having a little rough mating with your wife when she herself wants it. I asked her, I had noticed previously that whenever I spoke to her close to her ears, she would twitch a little; maybe in excitement.

Me: “Do you want me to stop or get a little rough with you?”

Aby: “Hmmm... ummm...”

I squeezed her nipple hard while I increased the speed of my fingers which were penetrating her.

Me: “Answer me... should I stop or should be rough with you?”

Aby: “Ahhhh... p-p-please... r-roug... ummm... ahhh... r-rough, rough p-please.”

I continue squeezing her nipple hard and sometimes squeezed her breast hard. After some rigorous fingering in her vagina, I removed my fingers from there. My fingers were dripping wet. I quickly switched hands. Now, my right hand was pressing her left breast while the thumb and index fingers in my left hand penetrated her vagina. I used the same method on her again with different hands. She was moving left and right, up and down with pleasure until she could no longer hold on. But, I wanted to tease her a little bit. So, I stopped my movements.

After a few seconds of stopping, she asked.

Aby: “P-p-please, d-don’t stop. Ummm... Ahhh... p-p-please.”

Me: “Do you want to orgasm that bad?”

Aby: “Yess... ummm... p-please, continue.” Her voice had become soft and sensuous.

I start pleasuring her again and when I felt she reached the threshold of climaxing, I stopped again.

Aby: “N-n-nooo... ummm. P-please... Ahhh...”

I start again and this time, she was moaning loudly and gyrating uncontrollably. When she was about to cross the threshold, I stopped again. This time, she could not even form words to speak. She was in a mixed state of immense pleasure and frustration of not reaching the ultimate stage. Her body was hot, too hot...

I start again, this time more roughly than even. I pressed her breast hard and squeezed her nipples harder. If she had milk in them, it surely would have spurted out. Alongside that, my fingers were moving at much faster speed. She reached the threshold, but this time the pressure inside was immense. Her face turned red and she wrapped her hand over the neck and held on tight. She had reached her peak and this time, I walked the extra mile. With a large pressure, she finally orgasms. She arched back as far as she could and moaned loudly and without any control whatsoever. Large quantities of orgasmic water came out of her vagina. My hands were still down there close to her vagina. The orgasmic liquid hit my hand and it was hot... very hot and the smell was too madding. She continued to moan loudly and she was holding onto me with dear life. She orgasms hard and the environment she created filled with lust up to my ears.

It took her a few minutes for her orgasm to finish. The cloth near her vagina was soaking wet and the ground under her was also wet. She was spent, her eyes were closed and she was panting heavily. Her hands flopped, she let her body go. There was no control or any sort of command on herself. She was now ripe for picking.

Me: “My turn.” I whispered it to close to her ear.

She didn’t react, only lay there defenceless.

I picked her up; there was no resistance from her. Her eyes were still closed and her breathing heavy. She was still feeling the effects of her orgasm. I took her inside our tent and laid her down on the soft bed. I carefully removed her pants from her legs. I removed her top by pushing it upwards and left it on her hands, which were resting over her head. An idea came to me. I bound her hands with her top. I got up and removed my pants, thus freeing my hardened penis. In front of me lay a beautiful naked woman, defenceless and with her hands bound and kept over her head. Her brown nipples were still erect. I thought of one thing at that point.

I wanted more of her.

I parted her legs to give me the view of her vagina. It was still wet and liquids continued to flow.

I positioned myself between her legs while holding my penis against the walls of her vagina.

Just then, she opened her eyes and saw me. She smiled and said in a low and sultry voice.

Aby: “I love you... Le’On.”

With a gentle push, I entered her slowly. Inch by inch, I entered within her until I could no longer enter. She closed her eyes and slightly arched her back. I bent over and put my arms on both sides of her body for support. I leaned downwards and gently started sucking on her nipple and simultaneously I started to increase my pace of pushing in and out of her. I increased the force for maximum pleasure for both of us. She bit her lips while I continued to suckle on her breasts.

Soon, the tent was filled with moans of both of us. The air inside was filled with lust... the same lust, which grew exponentially within both of us with each thrust. I wanted more of her and the more I pushed within her, the hotter it got. I felt her vaginal walls contract and I thought that it would take the shape of my penis inside her.

She wanted to move her hands, but because it was bound she started moving her body. To maximize our pleasure, I pushed harder into her. She wanted to say something, but all that come out were some very loud moans and tears rolled down from the side of her eyes. I moved from her breasts, kissing my way upwards towards her hot, juicy lips. I kissed her and she welcomed me by reciprocating my actions. Slowly, she opened her mouth and our tongues met. While I sucked her lips, our tongues rolled over each other. We were enjoying ourselves and were receiving the ultimate pleasure.

Very soon, I felt pressure building up in me. My body wanted to feel the orgasm. She too had an orgasm again. Hot fluid enveloped my penis inside her which made me mad with pleasure. But, I didn’t want to end there. So, I withdrew my penis from her vagina. I made her turn over where her bottoms were facing me. She was now on the bed by putting pressure on all four of her limbs.

Without warning, I entered her from behind. The moment, I started my motion; small screams of pain came from her mouth. While entering from behind her, I pressed one of her breasts and kissed her on her lips. Even now, she was receiving pleasure from multiple areas. The screams turned into moans. Our sweet mixed while producing a very exotic aroma.

I was now moving harder and faster within her and I reached my peak. She too vibrated her body and came again. This time with a loud moan, I too orgasmed. I came within her and I felt all of my energy was drained. I was just barely able to out of her and turned her around. Opening her hands, I fell upon her breasts, exhausted and relieved.

Aby ran her hands lightly over my hair. I snuggled within her soft and warm breasts.

Thoughts surged into me. I looked towards Aby and said.

Me: “You know Aby... sometimes I feel all this different.”

Aby: “Different?”

Me: “I mean... I feel as if all this just a dream. I feel as if it never happened.”

She smiled at me and replied.

Aby: “It is a dream... Le’On.”

Confused, I asked her.

Me: “What are you saying, Aby?”

Aby: “You have to wake up now, Le’On.”

Me: “What are you saying?? Wake up from what?”

Aby: “This dream.”

Suddenly, I was surrounded by darkness. Neither could I hear anything, nor could I feel anything. I panicked and called out to her.

Me: “ABY!!!! ABY!!!! ABY!!!!”

I tried to find something, anything. My son... I have to find my son.

Me: “ZE’ON!! ZE’ON!!!! ZE’ON !!!!!”

I frantically searched everywhere, but everywhere I looked, darkness was all I could see.

“Le’On... Le’On...”

“ABY!!! Where are you?? Please answer me!!”

“Dada... Dada...”

“ZE’ON!!! ZE’ONN!!! WHERE ARE YOU?? SOMEBODY ANSWER ME!!! Please... where are you?”

Tears rolled down my eyes. My heart was overwhelmed with pain... such excruciating pain that I barely could breath. Where are you?

“We are here, Le’On.”

I turned back and saw Aby standing, holding Ze’On’s hand.

Me: “Aby... Ze’On... where were you? What is happening?”

Aby: “You have to wake up now... Le’On. Time to face reality.”

I started seeing flashes of a scene. The pain within me doubled. Those flashes belonged to the day Aby died.

Me: “No... no... nooooo.... this is not true... please Aby...”

Aby smiled and replied.

Aby: “You have to face reality and accept the fact, Le’On.”

Me: “No... i-if I do that then... I would lose you.”

She giggled and replied.

Aby: “You are still a boy. You will never lose me... because I will always be in your dreams, silly boy. I will live on in your thoughts, my love.”

Me (crying): “B-but...”

Aby: “My love, whether in your dreams or in your thoughts, we will always be together. I will always love you and keep loving you. Even the distance between us increases from a few inches to few thousand lifetimes, I will still love you.”

Me (crying): “Aby....”

Aby: “My Love... you will always be with me... along with our child, which we didn’t get to have.”

Both of them started to fade.

Me (crying): “No... Aby, please...”

Ze’On: “Dada... don’t cry. I love you Dada.”

Me: “My son... don’t leave me... I-I love you too...”

Ze’On: “Dada, you will always be part of us. Be happy... for us Dada.”

I extended my hand, but I cannot reach them.

“NOOOO!!! ABY!!! ZE’ON!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!”

Aby (smiling): “My Love, take care... even when you feel lonely, just remember... I love you.”

Ze’On (smiling): “I love you Dada... take care...”

Slowly, they fade away along with the darkness. Light engulfed me, blinding me. I could hear a faint noise in the background. It starts to get louder and louder until I clearly heard what that sound was.

“My Lord! My Lord! My Lord!! My Lord!!!”

Suddenly, I broke away from my trance and looked to my side. Adi’Je was calling me.

Adi’Je: “My Lord... are you okay?”

Me: “Hmm... Y-Yes... Yes, I am Okay.”

Adi’Je: “Well, we are just a few hours away from our destination. Apparently, the mountain overlooking this lake, known as the Lake of Peace is the Amoith Mountain.”

She pointed towards I was looking at the first place. I turned towards the place where she pointed. I saw the exact same scenery from my dream. Seeing the mountain... anger gripped me... my blood boiled.

“I am coming... to kill you!”

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