《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 14


The morning was absurdly quiet within my household. It is absurd as none of them didn’t fight among themselves. Every one of my wives were doing their own respective jobs. And by that, I meant of course Adi’Je and Aby.

Both of them didn’t quarrel amongst themselves up to now. Not that they talked much within themselves in the morning. There was also something that I found quite surprising. Aby had changed her demeanour. She was now more like a docile beast woman rather than her usual self.

We got ready and were preparing ourselves for the day’s mission. Adi'je was back to her normal self. Last night, both of us had a nice... Let's just say we had a nice conversation. We talked about many things such as our current situation within my household. Complications that arrived with me getting married with Aby.

I got married with Aby!!!

I still think that happened in a dream, but an orgasmic beautiful first Blood wife told me otherwise. Aby was now part of something called a harem, as Adi'je told me. Truthfully, I had no knowledge about this term ‘harem’ so naturally I asked her while I was... Umm... Let's just once again say while I was making her 'happy'.

Now, she did answer to all my inquiries about it, but most of them were too hard to understand due to the severe ‘happiness’ she was experiencing. And I forgot some information she gave because of the thanks I received for giving her immense ‘happiness’... He he he he... Ehm...

But from whatever I could understand or could make out, I made a gist out of it.

Basically, a harem is formed when a group of female beasts that breeds exclusively with a single dominant male beast. And it becomes a harem when the count of wives rises from two. In my case, as I have now three wives and a concubine, I have successfully created a healthy harem.

But who was the concubine or rather what is a concubine? She had used this term many times, but I never actually asked her what it meant? It kind of slipped my mind or maybe I turned a blind eye to it or I may have thought the term to another word for a lover. Yesterday, I got a vague idea about it from her.

A concubine is called to those female beasts who engage in an ongoing mating relationship with a male beast to whom they are not or cannot be married. The inability to marry can be due to many numbers of factors, in my case, solely due to the Pure Blood Curse. She does not have the same status as a wife and are ranked below them. Many times concubines are used to bear children for male beasts whose wives are barren.

But who was my concubine she referred to? When I asked her about this, she answered that it was Marion or rather she was a half concubine.

It turns out; the harem concept has a ranking system among them. As I said earlier, concubines rank lower than the wives. The first wife is considered the head of the harem and looks after all the members of the harem. In case of any dispute or any type of wrongdoing by a harem member, she acts a judge and sets the punishment or brings the quarrelling harem members into a common ground. By no means, matters or the tensions of the harem are not to be reported to the king. If he wants a report then it is the duty of the first wife to give him a detailed report. In my case, Adi'je, aside from being the first blood queen, she was also the harem queen.


If the King wants, then he can appoint any other member of the harem Queen. Only he has the right to promote someone within the harem or demote someone.

Wow!!! I was both amazed and aroused at the same time. Well... Aroused due to the situation we were in and dare I say, I performed greatly than my usual level due to the fact that I was kind of aroused more hearing about these facts or whatever I could understand.

When I asked her, if or how many Blood Kings did maintain a harem?

She informed me that according to her knowledge, almost all the Blood Kings had an average of 5 wives and a few low ranking Bloods as concubines. As the status ‘concubines’ offered financial, general security and stability to the female beast and to her family, the Blood women from low ranking families were mostly suited for it.

King Hui'Mi and his father also kept concubines from the Crodon clan as well. King Hui' Mi was the most frivolous Blood King out of all the Kings the Bloods had. He had 5 Blood wives and 4 Crodon wives. While about 6 low ranked Bloods and about 7 Crodon women were kept as concubines. Adi'je was originally set to be his 6th Blood wife, but his first Pure Blood. His second wife, Issa'Ver, was his Harem queen. Apparently, his first wife was only interested in one thing and one thing only... mating. She didn’t want to take any responsibilities other than in the bed. Later, she died during child birth. Died giving to what number of child I do not know or could make out as at that moment her words got tangled... due to experiencing a great surge of ‘happiness’.

And that put an end to both of our speaking abilities as after that point the night became a blur.

Commander Eldin approached me. She was looking like she was very ashamed, but I knew better. She still kept on the act.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Good morning Your Highness, are you ready?”

Me: “Good morning, Commander Eldin. Yes we are ready. Are your soldiers ready?”

Commander Eldin: “Yes, they are. As you requested, I have brought another 2 Units with me today.”

Me: “Good... then I believe you and your men are now ready to face the Dynoths in the western part... alone while I will take my men and assault the north.”

Her face went pale. It looked like I had just told her that the world was going to end.

Commander Eldin: “Wh- What?? Wh- Why? We cannot...”

Me: “Yes, you can. Yesterday I showed the way to tackle them and the new soldiers would taught by the experienced ones. I cannot waste my time here anymore. My original goal is to free the area around the Amoith Mountain. That is why today after finishing the Dynoths in the north, we will march forward towards the Mountain.”

Commander Eldin (nervous): “But... but...”

Me: “I have already decided so good luck for today Commander.”

I turned around towards Adi’Je and spoke to her.

Me: “Queen Adi’Je, order the Bloods to move towards the north.”

Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord.”

She in return ordered Captain Din’Pol.

Adi’Je: “Captain!! Order them to move towards north.”

Captain Din’Pol: “Yes, My Queen.”

He quickly went and issued orders to the rest of the Bloods and they soon started to move on the road that leads towards the northern side of the house.

Along with me, Adi’Je, Naj’Rak and Aby, Wei and Deiti also came with us. It looks like Deiti had made a new friend.


Within a half hour of walk we reached the city square on the north, which marked the start of the northern territory. Compared to yesterday, the square looks deserted. Good... the Dynoths did not retake this place.

Me: “Queen Adi’Je, break them up and fan them out. According to what I saw yesterday, the northeastern part is where the most of the Dynoth populace is located. The northwestern part is much less infested considering if they are what I saw last.”

Adi’Je: “Understood My Lord.”

Me: “We also need to move the bodies back to the camp. They need proper rite. Most of them have started to decay, so I don’t know how or when we should start to move them. I know you have much more experience in this matter.”

Adi’Je: “I do, My Lord. I will get the archers to move them at a singular point and line them up. It will be best if we made the square as a safe point for us.”

Me: “Okay... then I have one more thing left to do.”

I turned around and called out all the girls’ names while looking at them.

Me: “Queen Naj’Rak!

Queen Aby!



All of you please come here. I have something to say.”

All of them came close to me with expectant or confused faces.

Me: “Today, I’ll be dividing all of you into groups. Each group would be consisting of two members. Okay!

Wei, you are going to pair with Deiti. You seem to have built a good rapport with each other. It would be wise to keep you in the same group.”

Deiti was happy... she was beaming with happiness and not just for the group selection. From the moment we met in the morning, I noticed her having a new attitude or aura surrounding her. It was very refreshing to feel it. And if I was not mistaken then, I even saw a small glimpse of emotion in Wei’s face when she heard the pairing. Naturally if I had to assume what she would have felt initially after hearing the announcement, I would have guessed it would be annoyance. But it was not... it was a hint of happiness that I have never seen in her. Ehh... must be because of the chance of killing all the Dynoths. I moved on.

Me: “Queen Naj’Rak, you will assist Queen Adi’Je.”

Adi’Je and Naj’Rak both exclaimed in unison: “My Lord!... My King! We would not stay by your side!!”

Me: “No.”

They both looked towards each other in surprise and turned towards me.

Again, they spoke in unison.


Me: “It is best for the two Queens of the Blood remain close to the Bloods so that they can receive orders quickly and it would also maintain morale of the Bloods.

Whereas I will search and clear out the north western part with Queen Aby.”

Both of them pouted while someone jumped in happiness...

Aby: “YES!!! YES!!! Take that!!”

I spoke again before the peace vanished between by wives.

Me: “All of you along with Bloods should assault the northeastern part. Both of us are enough to handle the western part by ourselves. Okay... then let’s start clearing the city, too much death has been caused by them. Please, all of you look after yourselves.”

All of them nodded. Adi’Je moved closer to me and kissed me. It was not a deep kiss like we usually have but it was more of a sign of luck.

After that, she moved back and Naj’Rak now moved closer. She too kissed me and moved back.

Adi’Je: “Take care of yourself My Lord.”

I nodded and replied.

Me: “Yes...”

Naj’Rak: “Queen Aby, please take care of yourself too...”

Aby: “I will and keep yourself and that one safe. And do not worry; I will look after... our Lord very carefully.”

She gave a victorious smile towards Adi’Je after saying that which Adi’Je responded with a small smile as well.

I turn towards Wei and Deiti.

Me: “Do not do any foolishness out there. Stay close to everyone. Okay... I will see both later.”

Both of them nodded and with all the goodbyes done, each of us moved towards our designated targets.

Yesterday, we cleared a few of the branch roads in the northwestern part so I do not think we will find Dynoths anytime soon. That gave time to talk with Aby privately.

Me: “Aby, did you sleep well last night?”

She kept looking forward and didn’t answer.

I again asked her.

Me: “Did you sleep well last night, Aby?”

This time too, she didn’t answer, but kept on walking.

Was she angry? *sigh* Does this beast woman only knows how to get angry?

I asked her again, but this time I spoke in a firmer voice.


Aby: “I heard you the first time.”

Me: “Then why aren’t you answering me?”

Aby: “What answer would you like me to give... dear husband?”

Me: “I asked you that, did you sleep well last night.”

Aby: “Last night... hmmm... let me think... umm... no!”

Me: “Why?”

Aby: “You don’t want to know.”

Me: “Yes, I do.”

Aby: “I don’t want to.”

Me: “Come on... tell me. I am now your... ahem... husband.”

Aby: “And I must have been really mad at that point of time. Out of all the beasts in this continent... why did I choose you?”

Me: “Believe me... When I first joined you in your quest, if someone had told me that I would end up married to you at that time... I would have run as far away as I could.”

Aby: “Me too... who would in their right mind marry a child like you?”

Me: “Yeah... she must have been pretty dumb and without any sort of rationality.”

Aby: “Yes... she is.”

Me: “Now, if your pity party is over ... then please tell me what thoughts had plagued your mind last night.”

Aby: “Why do you need to know that?”

Me: “Aby... in the past I may have turned a blind eye toward your feelings and thoughts, but now I cannot. If something is bothering you, I must know what it was. We are married and trust me... you do want to share stuff like this. I am more experienced than you in terms of what to do or what not to do in terms of marriage.”

Aby: “Uff... you really want to know... fine... I will tell you why I couldn’t sleep last night.

The reason is you. That’s right... because of you.”

Me: "Why me?"

Aby: "On the night of my marriage... MY MARRIAGE!!! My husband slept with his other wife. It was supposed to be my...

No! Our night... Our first night together.

My first night with you.

Your first wife denied me my right.

And the worst thing was... My husband...


Didn't even say anything about it."

Me: “I... I...”

Aby: “And it didn’t stop there. I had to listen both of you sweet talking each other while you... you were mating with her. I had to listen to my husband mating with another woman on the first night of our marriage...

Didn’t even occurred to you that how would I feel? Or was that a concerted effort from that old bones back there from making me painfully aware of the fact that I cannot touch you the way I want to... that I can never feel you the way I want... that... that... that I cannot be one with you even though I am standing right beside you.

(She stopped and so did I. Aby turned to face me, I could see her fighting to control herself. She is still as resilient as ever. She extends both of her hands and grabs on to both of mine.)

Even though I am standing right beside you, I cannot even hold your hands. I am incapable of doing that because it would make me want more of you. It would make me want you touch me... more and more... to make you feel all the love I have for you, every part of my body aching to show you how much I love you, from the deepest part in my heart to the deepest part in me... I want you to feel what emotions you can stir.

(She guides both of my hands onto her face, then making them to hold her face gently. She used my right hand thumb to run over lips vertically, while her eyes told me that she wanted more... she wanted me to touch her more.)

I want to make you mine, to be one with you... but I cannot... with all of my love, I cannot even...

(She continued to look at me with expectant eyes. She snuggled herself within my palms.)

Can you do me a favour, Le’On?”

What have I done? I just walked over her feelings, yet again. To cheer one wife, I have blatantly disrespected the other one.

Me: “What is it?”

Aby: “Please... Kill Me.”

Me: “What are you talking about? I am not going to do that.”

Aby: “I want you and if that costs me my life then kill me. I want to die knowing that I got to have you.”

Me: “Listen to me... we will talk about this tonight and figure something out. It seems recently I have started to take my wives for granted.

I promise you Aby, we will figure out a way and just as much as you, I too want you.”

I leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on her lips. I removed my hands from her face and said.

Me: “Now, shall we start killing some monsters... My Queen?”

Aby: “I would like that, My King.”

Me: “You know... coming from our mouths, it doesn’t suit us. I think we should revert back to our old names.”

Aby: “Oh... *phew* I was this close to vomit if I had to refer you as ‘My King’.”

Me: “Even I didn’t enjoy calling you ‘My Queen’.”

Aby: “Let’s just concentrate on the job at hand.”

Me: “Right.”

We walked for another 30 mins before we found our first set of target. Few meters away, just behind some rubbles of the buildings the surrounding the area, there were three Dynoths just lazing around.

Aby: “Well, you’re up Le’On.”

Me: “Just me? And what will you do?”

Aby: “What I know best... scout the area for anything.”

She quickly started climbing a building close to where we were standing at that point. The broken walls gave her much needed footing as she made her way to the top of the building with great speed. She did posses some nimble toes. Well, she is gone to scout and now it’s my turn to open the account for today.

I charged forward and quickly covering some distance, I jumped upwards just above the rubbles and in between the idle Dynoths. I landed perfectly with my swords unsheathed and held firmly in my hands. The Dynoths were a bit of surprised by the look of their body language and I took advantage of it.

I lodged both of my swords into the throat of the Dynoths closest to me. I pulled back my swords from their throats. The blood spurts out like a fountain, spraying all over my face. That got me into a good mood. The last one finally reacted and charged me by swing both his hands. It missed as I dodged the attacks generated by both of its arms. Suddenly, it used its left leg into the fray. I swerved to my right, dodging the sudden attack and I jumped and lodged my right-hand sword into the side of its neck. I landed on my feet and retrieved my sword from its neck. It fell on the ground and went into eternal sleep.


I looked towards the source. It came from the top of the building where Aby went. When I looked there, I found Aby waving at me and signalling me to enter the building.

I found the entrance of the building to be destroyed. The only way was to follow the path that Aby climbed up. It took a great amount of effort and lots of moment of slipped hands to reach where Aby was which was at the top of the two storied building.

The place where she was standing could be described as a terrace with some potted plants here and there. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Me: “What is the matter?”

Aby: “I have something to show you. Follow me.”

She turned around and started walking towards the door which acted both as an entrance and an exit. I too followed her and when I exited the door, I saw a spiraling staircase going down. Aby was slowly descending towards the lower level or the second floor of the building.

We entered the floor. Half of its wall was missing. If I had to guess, they were now part of the rubble on the street. Aby led me to a room where I encountered 2 bodies. They were rotting and giving off a foul smell. It was hard to even breathe, let alone to have conversations.

Aby: “Tell me, what do you see here?”

Me: “Dead members of the Galeform clan.”

Aby: “Other than that, anything else.”

I thought for a while about that matter, observing the bodies to find anything new. Suddenly, it hit me. It was so obvious, yet it escaped my thinking.

Me: “The Dynoths were rampaging on the street so why these people died in their home which is two stories high? And why is that a section of the wall missing? I don’t think the Dynoth can inflict damage at such a high place.”

Aby: “Well, it sure did took you long enough to figure it out. Yes, you are right. The Dynoths were attacking beastmen on the streets and due to their power even knocked down walls of the buildings of the ground floor. That made some of them collapse outright killing the residents and also the nearby beastmen.

But, here the case is different. The wall is missing on the second floor, well above the reach of the Dynoths and these beastmen are dead inside their uncollapsed house.”

Me: “It is very likely that they were not killed by the Dynoths.”

Aby: “It seems so. Check the type of wounds they have on their bodies.”

Me: “Where?? All I see is rotting and entangles flesh or bones.”

Aby: “Exactly. According to you and what I saw yesterday, Dynoths are likely to kill you with piercing their conical claws on their hand and feet. They also use much power behind it. But, these bodies did not suffer a piercing wound capable of delivering by a Dynoth. They died of something else. If a Dynoth had killed them, we would have found a large hole in their bodies, which is missing here. It is most likely; they were killed by a weapon rather than a claw.”

Me: “You know, after my initial meeting with Dynoths, I noted some inconsistencies with their behaviour. Like not eating their kills or not devouring the dead Galeform member. Actually, I have found nothing that would mean to me that the Dynoths ate something; all the while they are here.

They also act less ferociously from what the initial report suggested. Their behaviour is out of pattern. And all of this led me to believe an intelligent beast behind the scenes, pulling the strings.

Do you think that is a possibility?”

Aby: “Hmm... definitely.”

Me: “Is there anything on the ground floor?”

Aby: “No... The front part is destroyed and I don’t think anybody is still alive after all these days.”

Me: “Let’s do one thing.

You continue to search for this kind of anomaly if there are more and, other than that also keep an eye out for survivors again if any. I will clear the streets as fast as I can.”

Aby: “Will you be alright with that?”

Me: “Yes, I will be and you are more nimble footed than me so you would not have much trouble getting into high or dangerous places. Just watch over yourself and if you do find something that needs an extra pair of hands for help... call me at that very moment. Don’t try to do everything by yourself... okay?”

Aby: “You know I love it when you think you can take charge of a situation. I find it very cute.”

Me: “Sadly, I have seen nothing that would make you cute at any angle. You are just plain annoying.”

Aby: “Be that as it may, You still love me... don’t you boy!”

Me: “Just go and yes... I do.”

She giggled and we went towards the broken side of the wall. From there we could see a few Dynoths standing.

Me: “Good Luck.”

I jumped from their aim to land on at least one of them. I drew both of my swords out and aimed directly towards them while falling downwards. At that moment, I got an idea. I controlled my breathing and sucked in the required amount of air and aimed towards them. The area should be wide enough to hit both of them so the initial power has to be about 75% of the total amount of air in reserve. The power might propel me back, but let’s just see what happens first.

I aimed at both of them and I released the gust of high compressed air towards the area containing both of them. I used 75% of the total air as planned and as a result was violently propelled back while in the motion of falling down. The shot made me climb the distance I covered before while falling and then some. It also produced a large sound *BOOOMMM*

Within moments of releasing the Air Blast skill, I saw both of them getting squished from head to toe upon impact with the blast. Blood splurged out of both of them, filling the area. It must have been one painful death. I guess not even a single bone was left unharmed. By the time the Blast has dissipated, I was falling at a great speed. I was moments from hitting the ground hard when I released another Air Blast, this time it contained only the 25% power left in the reserve. Upon impacting the ground, the dead bodies kind of separated from each other in the opposite direction as well as the blood which had filled the ground. But, my speed with which I was falling slowed down considerably and I was able to land on my feet with no broken bones but with just a searing pain from the impact. That... was great, I should do it again.

I searched for Dynoths to kill while examining the area. The area has become desolate and it was quite... too quite. Half of the houses have crumbled down while some were still standing, but had walls caved in and the streets had dead bodies scattered everywhere. The foul smell not only came from the bodies on the street but every house I passed. It was like death was around me. So much death... so many lives lost. What for?

I found small groups of Dynoths here and there. These groups contained an average of 2-3 Dynoths. All of them stood idly in one place, never moving an inch. I charged them every time and sometimes I would use Air Blast towards them, only 50 % power or less not more than that. Upon impact, the Dynoths were pushed several feet back while sustaining heavy injuries. Although, normal weapons don’t do much damage to their bodies, but it seemed that highly compressed blast of air was a success against them.

The odd thing was; there were less Dynoth monsters than I anticipated. I had to comb each portion of the area thoroughly to find them. It looked like their number decreased exponentially from yesterday.

Hmm... maybe they migrated over the eastern part of this area. It’s been two hours since Aby went scouting. I wonder where she is.

Me: “King’s Crystal, find Aby’s Location.”





I followed the King’s Crystal’s instructions and walked east from where I was standing. It was a long alley, with houses on both sides of the road. There were no Dynoth monsters in sight nor of any living beasts. Many of the houses were heavily damaged while some still were relatively okay. How is that possible? The Galeform people should have been safe if they stayed inside their house well, relatively than running on the street. But it was not to be... why? I better get Aby and discuss more about it with her. The end of the alley was near, which had a fountain to mark the end. It was a medium sized one and it had stopped working. But the thing that stood out when I went close to was that the water left in the fountain was red. Some beastmen might have been dumped inside it.

When I reached the end of the alley, the alley had a right turn towards the end. I took the right turn and saw a little clearing in front of me. It must have been a city square. Damaged buildings and rubble on the street everywhere. I had walked more than the Crystal told me, but still no sign of her. I looked around and found no Dynoths in sight. Where is she?

A few bricks fell on the street some distance away from me. It kind of took me by surprise. I looked up to the place where it had fallen. It must have broken down from the destroyed part of a wall from the building opposite to where I was standing. The weird part was that, the wall on the second floor was broken and not on the first floor. I looked closer, but found nothing so I reverted my attention from there.

Suddenly, I hear sounds of someone coughing very loudly and immediately after that the voice got choked...

I searched for the place where it was coming. Right then, some rubble fell again on the street. I quickly looked up and got shocked. My whole body froze...

Due to the broken wall I could see that the room inside the building was dark. From that darkness came out Aby... she was being choked by someone. She was being dangled from that height while being choked. If that person releases Aby, she would certainly fall from that height and would incur serious damage. A tall figure emerged from the darkness choking her. I could not see anything clearly of that person aside from its blue crescent eyes.

Aby was trying desperately to get out of that choke hold. She appeared bruised and injured too. Her face had blood on them.

I screamed.


She turned her head and looked towards me.

I screamed again.


I broke from my trance and started to dash towards the building to save her. If I could just make it close to the building, I could definitely jump straight up to that opened up the area where she was being choked.

Suddenly, I felt severe pain. It was emerging from my knees. I tumbled as I was in the motion. I tumbled and rolled hard on the paved street. When I stopped, I was halfway close to the building. I was face down on the street. I used both of my hands to push myself up. The pain was severe and as I looked towards where exactly the pain was coming from, I found that I was missing both of my legs from the knee down.

I screamed in pain.


I turned my gaze upwards towards Aby who was still being chocked mercilessly. I screamed towards her...


I was now close enough to see her clearly, but not enough of her attacker. I could only see its hands. Her eyes were trembling and tears fell from them. I started to crawl towards them. I activated bone and cell regeneration, but it will take time. I felt another round of severe pain around the same area. I looked towards the area of the pain and found both of my thighs had spears lodged into them. I ignored the pain and again started to crawl, but I couldn’t. I pushed myself a few times but still couldn’t move. I again looked back and found a girl standing there and holding down both the spears lodged inside my thighs

She had a long black coat which reached her legs. She had orange hairs which reached her shoulders. She had a fair complexion with a nose ring and blue crescent eyes. She was a beautiful beast woman and I would have complemented her more if not for the fact that she was holding the spears down with a smile which disgusted me. Rage was building inside me, but I turned my attention towards Aby who was now just barely held on.

I screamed again.


I heard a disgusting laughter coming from behind me, but I continued to struggle to free myself.




Her voice turned dark and cold.

I screamed again.


At that very moment, I saw a sword piercing through Aby in her stomach and that figured retrieved his sword before releasing her from his clutches. As soon as he released her, Aby came hurtling down towards the street motionless.


And within seconds she fell on the ground. Blood was gushing out of her. She was facing me; I could see her eyes... her mouth overflowed with blood. Her hand extended towards me.


That girl laughed again.



Another round of pain emerged from my thighs. I looked towards it and saw the spears have been lifted. I immediately started to crawl towards Aby, who was just staring at me. Blood soaked the area around her. She was trying to say something, but no voice came out. Her eyes told me about the pain that she was feeling.


I crawled towards her, ignoring the pain I felt. Why was that damn regeneration taking so long... DAMN IT!!!

Finally, I reached her and I crawled myself close to her. I was able to put her head on my lap. Her body was not moving and she struggled to breathe... tears... tears rolled down from my face onto her. She tried to move her hands, but could not. She was bleeding from so many places.


I could not hold back my tears and run my hand over her head. She tried to move her lips, but she couldn’t. She continued to struggle to breath. I felt that my legs were forming back. Finally.

“Aby!!! Just hold on!!! I will take you to Adi’Je and she will heal your wounds. Just hold on.”

With a final push, my legs finally formed again and my wound in my thighs also healed. I stood up, picking Aby on my arms. I saw the light in her fading, if I just could run fast enough; I may be able to save her.

“Hold on... I will not let you leave me here.”

I started running... running towards the area where Adi’Je was supposed to be. I don’t have any Vitalis potion with me as I didn’t think I needed it today. Why??? Why?? Why I was so stupid to not take those?? If I had them then I could have healed some of her wounds... no no no... This is not the time to think these things. I ran and ran as fast as I could. I paid no mind to anything anymore; my attention was for just two things... one running and on her.

I am not going to lose her. I am not leaving matters unfinished between us. I will not!!!

I am not going to lose her. I am not leaving matters unfinished between us. I will not!!!

Flashes of our moments streamed in my mind. I saw every moment we shared together. I felt her love... her warm love... just for me and why is this happening again??? Suddenly, I found myself standing in a place which was warm and full of love. Aby was standing in front of me, smiling. She had no wounds... she was alright, but how?

Me: “Where are we Aby? I have to get you some help...”

Aby: “This is our place. We are meeting here for the last time... boy!”

Me:”Last time... no no no no... I will get you help... Don’t worry... I ... I...”

Aby: “he he he... stop it boy! Listen to me.”

Me: “But... but...”

Aby: “This the final moment we are going to share with each other. This is the last rite of the Mark Of Love.

I have no regrets in life other than I could not spend more time with you. My only wish is that, if and when I’m reborn... please be mine that time too and just mine. And do me a favour and loose that Damn curse. I love you Le’On... more than anything and I am happy to die knowing that I got to marry you. I wanted to have children with you, but I suppose I can have that in the next life with you too... I love you... always remember that.”

Me: “No... Please don’t say that... I ... I don’t know what to do... what do I do Aby? What do I do now? Please tell me.”

Aby: “Silly boy... how should I tell you that? It is for you to decide what you want to do.”

Me: “But I can’t figure it out. I ... I don’t know from where to start.”

Aby: “What do you feel right now?”

Me: “Anger, sorrow, rage and guilt.”

Aby: “So act on your feelings and use some of your head too...”

Me: “How?”

Aby: “I am sorry but only you can decide that. Remember that you will always be with me, my love. Decide what do you want, but decide carefully... think deep and hard if you are looking for revenge. It can never bring happiness.

So, decide my love, what do you want? But let me share our last kiss.”

She kissed me. I felt her warm, soft lips pressed upon mine. Tears rolled down from my eyes as if a dam had been broken. I did not want to leave her. I held on to her tightly, kissing her as if I wanted time to stop... Please stop... don’t take her away from me. I will anything to make her stay. Please tell me what to do...

Our kiss ended as she parted from me. While crying, I begged her.

Me: “Please don’t leave me Aby... please... I don’t want to do from here on.”

Aby: “Good bye my love. I will always be with you. Know that, you were my everything and I love you, Le’On, my husband... my... King.”

Me (crying): “Please don’t leave me Aby... tell me WHAT TO DO???”

Aby: “Decide my love... decide... do you want revenge? If not, then what do you want? Decide... what do you want, my love?”

Darkness fell upon my eyes. I could not see her nor anything. Only a question resonating within me...

What do you want?

What do you want?



Me: “No.”

The darkness faded and the light fell upon my eyes. Everything cleared up in front of me. I was standing, somewhere holding Aby’s lifeless body and looking at her pale face for it contained the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. My tears had dried up. She was gone... Aby was gone...




All these questions fell upon me, but within me only one question still remained.


I finally knew the answer. After feeling all the emotions inside me, I finally found what I wanted.

The question came to me one last time.

WHAT... DO... YOU... WANT?

Me: “Carnage.”

“What? My Lord... what are you talking about?? What happened and how... how did she...”

I shifted my gaze from Aby towards Adi’Je who was asking questions to me. She looked worried and I could see sadness in her eyes.

Me: “I... WANT... CARNAGE!!!!”




Spoiler :

For those who cheered for Aby.

Aby was the first female character I have ever created. She was one of my favourite. It was hard for me to write her end. She was originally supposed to be the first wife of MC, but destiny took her elsewhere. She was also supposed to die at the hands of a character in Volume 3, but that character was changed at the last moment thus Adi’Je was born in that character's place.

In memory of my first female character, I have dedicated the first chapter of the next volume, i.e Volume 6 to Aby.

Thank You, for taking your time out to read my work and thank you to those who liked or hated Aby.

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