《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 13 (Part 3)




I entered the tent. As soon as I entered the tent, my nose was blasted by a very beautiful aroma. I have never smelled this kind of aroma before. It was very pleasurable. And the tent was dimly lit too. I saw very few candles bundle making the atmosphere very relaxing. After all the crazy things that happened before, this was very pleasing for me. I actually liked the atmosphere the Commander had created.

Eldin Vest: “Your Highness... thank you for coming here.”

She said that while approaching me. I noticed her wearing a round neck; sleeveless clothing which was probably of brown colour and it was up to her waist length. Along with that she was also wearing full length pants, which were probably of black colour. As the inside of the tent was dimly lit, I could not ascertain the correct colour of her clothing or what fabric they were made of. But all of it looked comfortable and were complementing her well proportioned body very well.

I smiled towards her. I have been smiling a lot today and I have to. Today has been one crazy day.

She again spoke.

Eldin Vest: “King Le’On, please sit here, on this chair. Unlike the last time, I was able to acquire these just for you. I was so ashamed last time, a Commander of the Zoit Army offering a King of a Clan to sit on her bed due to lack of chairs in her tent is not worthy of that position.”

Me: “Commander, you do not have to be so formal. We are at war and such pleasantries are of very insignificant note.”

I sat on the simple wooden chair towards which she pointed before. There was a table right beside me. On top of it were many documents and some maps. I turned my gaze towards her, but she was doing something at the far end of the tent which showing her back to me. I continued.

Me: “Exactly what did you wanted to discuss with me, Commander?”

Eldin Vest (showing her back towards me): “King Le’On, I wanted to apologize for my behaviour in the battlefield today. I should not have said those things to you. I realized that it was absolutely unbecoming of me and of a Zoit Army Commander.

Thus, I wanted to apologize to you in a proper way and show my gratitude towards you for tolerating my shameful behaviour.”

After that, she turned around and faced me. She had a tray on her hands and on it was a big bottle full of some liquid and two medium glasses. She approached me and placed the tray on top of the documents and maps on the table. She continued.

Eldin Vest: “I hear the Red Logale made by the Cillata Clan is of great taste. Fortunately, I was able to acquire some even during this time of crisis. I hope you will find its taste relaxing, King Le’On.”

She opened the bottle cap and started to pour the red liquid in the glasses. She gently poured the liquid by tilting it slightly. She was standing right next to me, close to the table while pouring the liquid. Due to that, a very sweet fragrance came in contact with me. It was very soothing and I realized the fragrance was coming from her. She too was looking fresh while was not. She finished pouring the liquid and offered a glass to me.

Eldin Vest: “Please King Le’On, as a gesture of my apologies, please accept this.”


I accepted the glass from her. She then took the other glass and sat just opposite to me in another chair, just a few feet away from me.

Me: “To tell you the truth, I have at one time tasted the Cillata Clans product but it was of another flavour.

From that experience I can say that they make fine drinks.”

Eldin Vest: “Yes, me too King Le’On. Actually can I tell you a secret, King Le’On?”

Me: “Sure.”

I took a sip from the glass. Ohh... at first a strong flavour struck my taste buds, but after a couple of seconds a sweet taste emerged making it very delicious. I had truly never tasted anything like this.

Eldin Vest: “Actually, the Red Logale is my favourite one. I was not sure whether you would like it or not.”

Me: “I like it... you have good taste Commander.”

Eldin Vest: “Really!! Then I am glad that I was able to choose the right one.”

Me: “Thank you Commander. The atmosphere you have created here is very relaxing and the kind of day I had, I really needed some rest.”

Eldin Vest: “Did you not rest in your own tent, King Le’On?” She inquired.

Me: “Actually, no. I was attending to some... personal issues and I forgot to take some. Again, thank you Commander.”

Eldin Vest: “Please King Le’On, call me just by name. We are not in the battlefield. And speaking of the battlefield, can you please update me on the reports of the battle of the Western part of the city that General Adi’Je led today.”

Me: “Hmmm...”

I completely forgot about that.

After taking another sip from my glass, I replied.

Me: “Pardon me... Eldin but I completely forgot to inquire about the progress made by Queen Adi’Je today. I promise you will have them by tomorrow at first light.”

Eldin Vest: “He he he he... It is alright King Le’On but I already got the Zoit Army version of the report. It seems General Adi’Je had another successful day today. Almost all of the western part have been rid of the Dynoths.

Very soon, I am hoping to charge the remaining Dynoths in the north from all three sides.

Of course, keeping in mind if you don’t finish them off earlier by yourself.”

Me: “Really... that’s good to know. I am hoping by tomorrow, we would have most of the north under our control.”

She took a sip of the last of the remaining drink in her glass. My glass was also partially empty. She got up and said.

Eldin Vest: “Would you like some more, King Le’On?”

Me: “Ahh... umm... Yes.”

With a happy expression, she placed her empty glass down on the table and picked up the bottle. She then came close to me and started pouring the drink on my glass, filling it completely. She was too close to me. While bending to pour the drink, I could easily see her cleavage. Maybe she did it on purpose or it just happened, but she did posses some fine breasts.

After finishing pouring mine, she proceeded to pour herself some. She took her glass and sat down on her chair. She spoke.

Eldin Vest: “I have some news for you, King Le’On.”

While sipping from my glass, I replied.

Me: “What kind of news?”

With a smile, she replied.

Eldin Vest: “Yesterday, I contacted the Council of Zoit about receiving some information about you or your Clan.

Today, in the morning, I got their reply. It seems that the Blood Zumas formerly known as the Zumas are in a contract with the Council of Zoit. This quest is a part of it. It is pretty important for you and your Clan.”


After taking another sip, I replied.

Me: “Yes and no.”

She tilted her head in confusion.

Eldin Vest: “Meaning?”

Me: “You are right about being in a contract with the Council of Zoit and this quest being a part of it.

But No... It is more important for the Council of Zoit than to me or my Clan. I could care less about their opinions.”

Eldin Vest: “Then why this deal?”

Me: “Although I do not care about what the Council of Zoit thinks, but I do want to have a peaceful relation with them. And I wanted the Bloods to gather battle experience, hence the deal. They think they have put us in a bind, but in reality it was us that profited from this, as you can see for yourself.”

Eldin Vest: “Battle experience? I have confusion here, King Le’On.”

Me: “What type of confusion?”

Eldin Vest: “Pardon me, if I am being blunt, but I heard from my childhood that Zumas could not fight even low level monsters, but from what I saw here... it is totally contradictory.”

Me: “Along with you, everybody in the Zoit continent thinks about it too. This is the first battle the Bloods are facing. But, Queen Adi’Je is a different species or variant of Bloods.”

Eldin Vest: “What kind of variant?”

Me: “The kind which every beast that lives in Zoit should fear. She is what we call a Pure Blood or an Original Blood Zuma. She has far more battle experience that all of the beasts combined in the whole of Zoit continent. And she is way more deadly and powerful than me.”

Eldin Vest: “A Pure Blood... then what are you?”

Me: “If I start explaining this, I believe it will cover the whole night. At this point of time, I would like to give only one caution. Do not do anything that should make Queen Adi’Je angry. Even I would be at a loss in efforts of saving someone from her rage.”

Eldin Vest: “I... I will keep that in mind, King Le’On.

Ahh... your glass is empty. Allow me.”

She again got up and started to pour some more in my glass. This time, I could see more than just her cleavage. I could see her most of her breasts save for her nipples which I could see that they were aroused from over her clothes. They were quite big to be honest, around the size of Naj’Rak’s.

After finishing mine, she poured what was left in the bottle in her glass. She put the bottle down and with a large gulp emptied her glass. Some liquid escaped from her mouth and landed on her top which in turn made her top wet. But she didn’t mind and as she put her glass down on the table, she let out a small giggle. She looked at me with lust filled eyes. She licked her lower lips slightly. To be honest, I was too attracted towards her, whether it was the drink or anything else I do not know.

She approached me until she was standing just few inches away from me.

With a slur in her voice and said.

Eldin Vest: “King Le’On, please finish your drink.”

My head too was spinning and I was feeling a slight buzz within my head. It was very relaxing. I too had a slur and I found hard to pronounce the words correctly.

Me: “Yes...”

I took a small sip.

Eldin Vest (with a slur in her voice): “Nooo... not like that... here, let help you.”

She closed the remaining gap within us and quickly sat on my lap with her left hand around my neck and with her right hand; she held my glass over my fingers. I could feel her warm body and along with the slight buzz I was experiencing, it created something amazing within me. She moved closer to me and I could feel her warm breath on my face and she used her right hand to guide the glass towards my mouth.

I opened my mouth and she tilted her hand just at the right angle for the whole of the liquid rushed into my mouth. But, I was not able to take all of it so some still remained in my glass. I barely managed to gulp down the liquid which produced a burning sensation within my throat.

With a smile in her face, she sipped the remaining drink in my glass. After sipping it, she came closer towards my mouth and with quick movement; she put her lips onto mine. On Instinct, I slightly parted my lips and I felt her parting her lips too. Right then, I felt the drink in her mouth rushing within mine. I drank what she gave. She freed my hands by taking the glass out of it and put it on the table.

My hand on their own made their way towards her back while she encircled her hands around my neck. We were lodged into a deep kiss. First, I sucked her upper lips, then her lower lips and continued on. Her lips were warm and I could taste the drink on her lips. The lust within me was rising as was hers. Our breathing got heavy and now positioned herself in a way that her legs were crossed mine. We were sitting while our legs were in a criss-cross position.

She started to grind her pelvis on mine, arousing my penis. I felt the warm sensation around her vagina region and it was becoming wet. Slight moans escaped her mouth while our kiss deepened. Suddenly, she moved her hand around my neck and onto her top. She pulled her top upwards and freed herself from it. Her glorious breasts were inviting me along with her brownish aroused nipple.

With a slur and a sweet voice, she said.

Eldin: “Please...”

I put my right hand on her right breasts while I sucked on her left breast. I sometimes nibbled on her nipples which made her arch backwards. Her moans got heavy and frequent while I helped myself on her breasts. Her vagina region had been already too wet indicating me that she had reached her limit and I too was just about to break.

She again spoke.

Eldin: “Take... Ummm... take mee... please.

Umm... make me yours...

I want... ummm... want you...”

I stoop up carrying her, resting my arms under her bottoms to support her. I approached the bed and put her down. She was coiling and arching in pleasure while frequent moans came out. I was about to free her from her smooth pants when she said.

Eldin: “I... ummm... never would have thought... Ahhahhh... I would lay... umm... with a Zuma.”

As if like a steel rod; her words hit me hard. Just like that, all the lust, all the warm feelings I had, went away in a blink of an eye. She was right. I saw her, eagerly waiting for me to make the ultimate move. But it would not happen for her. I got up and walked away from her. I turn my back towards her.

Eldin: “What happened? Why are you leaving?”

I replied her.

Me: “It is true what you said and it was also somewhat funny. You never would have even laid your eyes upon me if I had been a Zuma which all of the beasts in the Zoit continent knew.

The truth is... you would have used Zumas as baits for the Dynoths if you could. And that is why... you cannot become my partner or a Queen of the Blood.

Thank you for the drink and goodnight, Commander Eldin.”

I proceeded to exit her tent when she screamed at me.









I listened to her rant and she was right. The situation I was in was bad. I would lose everything and my credibility would be destroyed... if not for a simple thing that will make me innocent of her charges.

A loud laughter came out of me.

Me: “HA HA HA HA HA HA....”

I looked back towards her... She was watching me with a surprised face while covering herself with a bed sheet.

I replied.

Me: “And yet again... you proved me right. The lust for power is much more dangerous than anything and you are unworthy to become the Queen.

Your charges would have thrown me into a nightmare, but there is a secret about me that only a few people know, including my wives... who can support me on my claim.”

Eldin Vest (angry): “And what is that?”

Me: “I am infected with a poison called the Curse of the Pure Blood Women.

In simple terms, the poison renders me incapable of having sexual relationships with anyone other than my wife, whose blood has been used to make the poison. In my case, the poison was made from Queen Adi’Je’s blood and only by ingesting a potion made by her; a woman can have sexual intercourse with me. That too has to be a Blood women.

If any non Blood does have intercourse with me, they DIE...... It is a fact and thus... I possibly cannot... even I tried could force myself onto you...

So you see... Commander Eldin... you just burned whatever bridge was left between us. But for the sake of this quest I will continue to assist you and the Zoit army in defeating the Dynoths. But your chances of snatching power are now ZERO.

Goodnight Commander... see you in the morning.”

With that, I exit her tent and while I exit, I found the two guards watching me in a dumbfounded manner.

When I was a little distance away from her tent, I heard her scream...


Ahh... what pleasure it brought to my ears...

Now onto another matter... the matter between Aby and Adi’Je. I have to do something. Though, I stopped myself there, but I was left unsatisfied. The situation could turn in a very bad manner. I have to find a common ground with all of them.

While thinking about all these things, I reached my tent. All the Bloods have gone to sleep and even Deiti’s tent was dark. She and Wei must be now sleeping. Both of them worked hard today and must have been very tired.

The light in my tent was still glowing. I entered my tent and found Adi’Je, Naj’Rak and Aby sitting in a circle with heavy expressions. When they noticed me, all of them stood up and Adi’Je spoke first.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, we have come to a decision and would for you to hear us.”

Me: “I am listening, go on.”

Naj’Rak: “First, please sit here My King.”

She grabbed my right hand and dragged me towards a bed and made me sit down. Then all of them sat in front of me.

Aby: “After numerous... debates, we have come to some decisions about our arrangement in the household.”

Me: “Hmmm... okay, go on.”

Adi’Je: “Just as before, each one of us would get to spend one night with you then wait for two days for her next turn. As I am your first wife, the count will start with me. That means tonight we would spend the night together, then tomorrow it will be Queen Naj’Rak’s turn and the day after tomorrow, it will be... Queen *sigh* Queen Aby’s turn. After her again, it will be my turn and the count will go on until you decide to bring another one in the mix.”

Me: “Okay...”

Naj’Rak: “Like before, I would be the one in charge of restoring your weapons and armours.”

Aby: “And... in the matter of us mating... it will never happen and even someone should try to engage in it, it would the job of any one of the sister-wives to stop us immediately.”

Me: “Are you really okay with that? I mean, you could have a happier life with someone else. Not just you but no wife could bear not being able to mate with their husbands. Did you really think things through?”

Aby: “Ye-Yes... Yes, I did.”

Me: “Eh... Not getting any conviction in your answer, Aby.”

Aby: “Sh- shut up, you child. What do you know about love?”

Adi’Je: “Again with this attitude! I already told you to never call our Lord... a child!”

Naj’Rak: “Umm... Queen Adi’Je, please calm down.”

Me: “Okay, anything else?”

Adi’Je: “Nothing else, My Lord.”

Aby: “No... I have a question.”

Me: “What that might be?”

Aby: “Why do I have to sleep without my husband on the day of my marriage?”

Me: “You still have issues...”

Adi’Je: “No, My Lord.

Because of a simple reason or actually two.

One, this was already my night and two, our Lord is very tired and is in need of some relaxing which you cannot provide, but me and Queen Naj’Rak can. And since it was already my night so naturally, I would get the precedence.

You know it too Aby... You cannot deny the truth.”

Her face turned gloomy. Where did I put myself? This is too tiring.

I yawned and yawned some more.

Me: “I don’t mean to be insensitive to all of your emotions, but I am really tired. Today has been crazy and I just want to rest. So, can someone blow the lights out and we will discuss the rest of the matters tomorrow.”

Adi’Je: “We are very sorry My Lord. We will do as you wish.

Please make yourself comfortable while we change.”

Without wasting any more time, I got into my bed and got comfortable. I closed my eyes just to relax them.

*************** Deiti’s POV***********

“Are you here, Deiti?”

Me: “Yes... come in little Wei.”

She entered my tent with a dull face and replied.

Wei: “Don’t call me that.”

Me: “What is the matter? You look horrible.”

Wei: “I feel much worse than I look.”

Me: “What happened?”

Wei: “That boy is bad news.”

Me: “What? Who?”

Wei: “Who else?? It’s Le’On.”

Me: “What did he do?”

Wei: “What else?? He created another mess. Aby used her Mark of Love on him, just now. Now, she is also his wife.”

Me: “What??? That Le’On already got three wives!! How did he do it?? Tell me... tell me everything and what is that Mark of Love?”

Wei: “How annoying...”

Me: “Oh come on... Look! I even managed to get my hands on this.”

I showed her what I... charmed out of a Zoit Army guard.

She looked at it and asked me.

Wei: “What is it?”

Me: “What is it!? You don’t know!”

Wei: “No.”

Me: “Uff... this is a bottle of a Red Logale drink made by the famous Cillata Clan. The Army carries many bottles of this so I took one for us.”

Wei: “For us?”

Me: “Yes... you know... for relaxation.”

Wei: “Is it any good?”

Me: “It is not just good. It is great and along with the story you were about to tell me, it would become awesome. Now, let me pour some for you and me then you can begin. Take a seat where ever you like, little one.”

Wei: “Can I sleep here? I don’t want to spend another minute there.”

Me: “He he he he... sure.”

Wei: “Why are you giggling?”

Me: “Oh... nothing.”

She sat on the bed while I started pouring the drink into glass that I also acquired.

Me: “Little Wei, why don’t you open your armour and put them along with your weapons on the rack. Make yourself a little comfortable.”

Wei: “I suppose I can do that.”

She placed her armour and weapons on the rack and sat on the bed again. I too had finished pouring the drink and brought them to her along with the bottle. I gave her a glass and sat beside her on the bed while putting the bottle between us.

Me: “Now you can start.”

I took a sip... what fine taste... ummm... I love it.

Wei: “Do I have to?”

Me: “Yes!”

Wei: “Well, Aby’s clan has a certain type of marriage ritual. They use the Mark of Love on the person, the person they love. If the person reciprocates their feelings, they are married.

Aby did that and hence she is now another wife of Le’On.”

I finished my drink and was craving for more. I poured some in my glass and some in her. She went on about Le’On and Aby’s love story. I didn’t care for any of it. That beastman was having his way with three women while I don’t have even one. His problems are no worries of mine and from the looks of it, Wei doesn’t like it either. Unconsciously, she’s been drinking non-stop. I was on my third, while she was about to finish the bottle.

I suddenly remembered what I had promised her. With one large gulp, I finished my drink and moved closer to her.

Me: “Do you remember what I promised you?”

Wei: “What?”

Me: “He he he... tonight, your girls are going to be free... YAY!”

Wei: “No!! Absolutely not.”

Me: “Come on... just feel it for one moment and then decide it for yourself.”

Wei: “No... I don’t want to do that.”

If I keep asking her, she would always say no. I have to take matters in my own hand. Without delaying any further, I placed both of my hands on her chest. I felt her breasts underneath her tight shirt. They were warm and soft.

Wei: “Wha... what are you do... doing?”

Me: “I am helping you.”

I tried to part the shirt and to reveal her, but she caught my hands and with she pulled me towards her. Unknown to my calculation, she had great power. As I was pulled towards her, I landed on top of her while she lay on the bed. My hands were still resting on her ample breasts and her arms holding my wrists. We were looking at each other’s eyes. Her breathing got heavier as I felt both her warm breath on my face and her chest arching upwards then downwards in a systematic manner.

Wei: “Wha... what are you do... doing?”

I kept on looking at her beautiful eyes and ignored her words. I could see her blushing, maybe it is the effect of the drink, but at that moment, she looked the girl in my dreams.

I did what I felt was right. I leaned towards her, closing the gap between us. For the first time, our lips met. I kissed her upper lips. After kissing her, I leaned back a little to see her reaction.

She was looking at me... surprised. I leaned again and this time, kissed her lower lips then I moved onto the upper lips. I had no intention of backing out of that kiss. I kept on kissing her and I squeezed her breasts. That made her open her mouth a little, enough for me to slid my tongue in and taste her. I kept on kissing and pressing her breasts simultaneously.

Somewhere in the middle of the kiss, she kissed me back. She responded and I pressed deeper. In the mean time, I opened her shirt and slid my hands on her naked breasts; which in turn produced slight moans out of her.

I broke from our kiss and moved downwards on her body. Kissing her neck, chest, cleavage then suckling her sweet breasts and kneading her nipples. Her moans became louder and louder and her breathing became heavier and heavier as I moved down on her.

I blew warm hot air from my mouth on her naval region which made her body arch forward. She was moving her body in excitement. I finally reached her most vulnerable region, her vagina which was already wet with excitement. I opened her pants and slid them down her legs. I blew some hot air in the region which made her moan loudly. I must say, while moaning, she becomes sexier.

I started licking her vagina. I used the tip of my tongue to slightly enter her moist vagina. It smelled kind of sweet and made me want her more. I used my tongue to lick her in a circular clockwise motion, then in anti clockwise motion. Then when returning to the starting point, I lick her in a clockwise again, but went up to only a half circle then licked her in an anti clockwise in a half circle then ended it with a full circular motion. When I finished the full circular motion, she caught hold of my hair and pulled it, rather hard. But that even made me want her more.

She then pushed my face into her vagina, signalling me to lick her some more. I continued on and within a few minutes, her body began to vibrate violently and then her body got stiff. With a loud moan, she let out her orgasm on my face. It gushed out like a hot geyser. I went on licking her to enable her to orgasm some more. She finally came back to a normal state and her face showed signs of satisfaction. Now, it was my turn to receive.

I got up and opened my clothes. My naked body was caressed by the cold wind, making me wet. I was burning up and I wanted more. She looked at me and got up. I was now lying down while she started to lick my already wet vagina.

She licked my clit, which heightened my sensations. I felt a pleasurable heat that spreads from my inner vagina all throughout my groin and ultimately heats up my whole body. The sudden heightened sensation from stimulating my clit connects with the heat coming from my inner vagina. I felt as if the sensation will make me combust. I start to groan and moan as the sensation intensifies. She licks the other part of my vagina at this state, which adds to the whole sensation. The licking action continued non-stop, I felt that the pleasurable sensation right down my vagina was building up fast. I panted and breathe heavily and depending on the speed and interval of the licking I received, I groaned and moaned faster. She kept on licking me faster and faster until I burst into a pleasurable orgasm. I felt as if all the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders. My body felt lighter and I was in deep pleasure and satisfied.

She fell over me, resting her head between my breasts and both of us panting heavily. I felt the slight chill in the air and it made the mood that much more pleasurable. She fell asleep and I soon followed. After a long time, I slept peacefully.

****************** End of Deiti’s POV **************

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