《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 13 (Part 2)









What??? What just happened right now???

Aby parted her lips from mine.

She had tears in her eyes and, with her lips were trembling. And in that state, she said.

Aby: “Now... did you feel my love for you, Le’On?

I love you and now I have chosen you... as my husband.”

Me: “How??”

Wei: “What happened? Why both of you are looking at them like that?”

I looked towards her and saw she was looking behind us. I turned back and saw; both Adi’Je and Naj’Rak looking at us with surprised and confused faces.

Adi’Je: “What did you just do, Aby? What did you just do?”

Wei: “What do you mean? What happened? Someone tell me.”

Me: “I... I... umm she... she... ahh...”

Wei: “What?”

Me: “She choose me as her mate... I am now... her husband.”

Wei: “Tell me you didn’t do that, Aby? Tell me!”

Aby: “Yes... I did.”

Wei: “You used the Mark Of Love!!”

Aby: “Yes, I did.”

Me: “Umm... excuse me... but what just happened? Can someone explain it to me?”

Aby: “Allow me to explain it to you, my husband and to my fellow sister wives too... he he he he.”

Me: “Ohh... I have to sit down. My head is spinning.”

I sat on the nearby chair, waiting for everything to be clear or anyone to help me clearly understand... what happened?

Aby: “My clan, the Feli clan consists of two variants. They are the Agein Line and the Casien Line.

I belong to the Agein Line. There are no difference between the two lines save for one ritual, the way of choosing our life partners.

The Casein Line uses the traditional way. The traditional way meaning agreeing by word of mouth. Both the partners have to agree about it and they go the Council of Feli offices to register themselves manually.

The Agein Line uses a different way. How it got differentiated no one knows, but all follow it. The way is called The Mark Of Love.

When either a male Agein or female Agein loves a beastmen, they initiate the Mark Of Love, through a deep, meaningful kiss with their desired person. From the onset of the kiss, the moments both of them shared together flashes before both of them, the feelings of the person initiating the Mark gets transferred to the person they love. They in turn feel all the feelings the initiate beastmen felt during each and every moment they shared together.

You saw those memories, you felt my feelings from the day I met to the day I realized that I loved you till today, where I feel I would suffocate if I don’t stay with you, by your side. That is the Mark Of Love.

When the beastmen feels the love the initiate beastmen felt about them, then it is up to them whether to accept them or not. You felt the love, the warmth not just surrounding you but us. Yes... I was there with you. You allowed me and that is why in a place filled with love, we were there together. I felt all your feelings too. I know what is going on your mind. The worries you carry with you. You are not alone. Not from this moment. Your worries are now my worries. Thus accepting my feelings made the Mark Of Love a success.


Hence, we are now married. We do not need to do anything else. I love you, Le’On... I love you, my husband.”

************* Aby’s POV***********

We came back just before the moonstar rose in the sky. By ‘We’, I am referring to me, and that old bag of bones named Adi’Je, the so called first wife of that child. Le’On. The moment she entered the tent, she started pacing the floor in anxiousness. Le’On’s second wife Naj’Rak was also with us, now sitting on her bed, worriedly looking over Adi’Je. Le’On still hadn’t returned.

We had a good day and the western part is almost taken back from the Dynoths. Although I didn’t do anything, that ancient lady pacing the floor over there did nothing too. The whole time she was there, she kept on sighing. It was so irritating that I wanted to punch her, but I couldn’t. Le’On, from what I can feel, loves his both wives too much. He would surely mind if anything would happen to his precious wives. Would he be concerned if something happened to me?

Why does he want to push me away? Can’t he understand that I love him too much that it hurts!! So what, we can’t share a bed?? So what?? As long as I am with him, I am happy. As long as he kisses me, I am happy. I don’t care if I die if we mate. At least I got to have him.

Suddenly, Wei barged inside with a red face, as if she was embarrassed about something. Right... as if that would happen. My heart started to beat faster. Wei has come back that means Le’On has to. But where is he?? Is he alright? Did something happen to him?? No... no... no... that can’t be. I have to stay strong.

Adi’Je: “Your Back, Wei... Is the King with you?”

Wei just nodded and head towards me. Adi’Je continued to pace the floor. When will she stop? It’s because of her, I can’t be with him. I would never accept her as his wife. Never...

Wei quietly sat beside me.

Me: “Is everything alright?”

Wei: “Yes.”

Me: “Was anyone injured while you were there?”

Wei: “Yes.”

Me: “Di... did Le’On got hurt?”

Wei: “He will.”

Me: “What?”

Wei: “I mean, no.”

Me: “Where is he? Is he doing something else?”

Wei: “He was walking behind me. Maybe he is talking.”

Me: “With whom?”

Wei: “With... with Deiti.”

Me: “The girl I saw in the morning?”

Wei: “Yes.”

Me: “Is she a friend of his or... a ne- new lover?”

Wei: “Friend, but she is annoying, more than you.”

Me: “Good. But where is he?”

Wei: “Stop asking so many questions.”

Me: “Why? You are the only one from whom I can know about him.”

Wei: “You can ask him directly. Here he comes.”

I turned towards the entry of the tent. I saw Le’On entering. My heart started to race. I felt warm all over my body and I started to experience pain originating from my chest. When I saw him, I felt happiness engulf me, but it was not enough.

His wives hadn’t noticed him. So I spoke first.

Me: “What took you so long?”

Le’On: “Nothing, was just talking with Deiti.”

Suddenly, in the middle of our conversation, his ancient wife barged in and put her old hands on him. She started asking him questions and tried to make him weak by crying and he responded to her action. That fool... he is still a child. I know she obstructed me on purpose. I will not forgive her.


All of a sudden, Le’On apologizes about something and calls himself a fool and asks for punishment. Why would Le’On apologize? Don’t tell me... she made it seem that it was his fault this morning!! That fool... Do not step into her net Le’On... do not...

He kisses her. He... he was kissing her. Why? Why she can kiss him, but I cannot? Why? I have got to stop this.

I tried to get up, but my hand was pulled. I looked over it and saw Wei holding my hand.

Wei: “Let them have their moment.”

Me: “But...”

Wei: “Look at them. Don’t they look happy?”

Me: “Should I quietly watch this farce?”

Wei: “Yes.”

I sat down, but averted my eyes. I can’t bring myself to see him kiss that beast woman. I hate her...

Why do I have to avert my eyes?? So many questions and no one to answer it.

After a long time they finished their kiss, I once tried to see them, but I could not stomach it. I kept on glancing at their way until they finished. I was relieved because of that. Only then that old bag of bones steered Le’On towards his other wife. He approached her and apologized to her too. Why is he apologizing?? Is it because of me? Is he ashamed of me?? No... no... It can’t be. I know him very well; he would never feel that way for me. I felt his love that day when we kissed. His feelings were genuine, but right now, after getting his message, I know he is conflicted. He should not be in pain because of me.

In the mean time, Le’On approached me after Naj’Rak. He looked at me... I always felt that he had kind eyes. My heart was racing as if it would pop out of my chest. I felt warm and pain. He should not endure this conflict all alone. I must share it with him. I must show him, how much he means to me and how much I love him.

He spoke to me.

Le’On: “How was your day, Aby?”

From now on... I will be the one to answer all the questions I have. You do not have to worry about being close to me, from now on, it will be ours.

Without giving him any moment to think, I pulled him close and kissed him. I love you Le’On... let me make you feel what you mean to me. I am sure you love me too and will accept me, as your wife.

****************** End of Aby’s POV*************

“You fool!!! What have you done?

Do you have any idea of what you did?”

Currently Adi’Je was screaming at Aby while holding or dangling her upside down, using her tail which was coiled itself onto Aby’s both legs. Aby was being swayed continuously. Adi’Je was angry, really angry. When and how she passed me and latched her tail onto Aby’s legs, I don’t have a clue. It was like a blur. She was so fast. What amazing speed!!!

With Naj’Rak, I was standing behind Adi’Je while Wei was standing close to Aby.

Wei: “*sign* I need some rest. I am going to sleep in Deiti’s tent. See you in the morning.”

Aby: “Hey!! Where are you going? Are you going to leave me here, Wei?”

Wei: “Yes... it seems this is your family now and I cannot intrude in the matters of a family. Enjoy your... marriage. Good night Aby.”

Aby: “Heyy!! Wei... wait!!”

Adi’Je: “Stop talking to her, you fool!! Start answering me!! Do you know what you have done? Do you even think over anything or just do whatever first comes to that under developed brain of yours?”

Aby: “Put me down, you old bones!!!”

Adi’Je: “Answer me first!!”

Aby: “This is the last time I am warning you. Put me down, right now!”

Adi’Je: “You are warning me! What will you do if I do not?”

Aby: “I will punch youuuuu..... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....”

Adi’Je swayed her by her tail, left and right, up and down... sometimes in circle.

Aby: “Puuuuutttt mmmmeeeee dddddooowwwwnnnn!!!”

I think I should put an end to it.

Me: “Umm... Adi, I think it’s enough. Please put her down.”

She looked at me, her eyes explaining perfectly her mood. She gave a slight nod.

She slowly lowered Aby down and freed her legs.

She turned towards me and said.

Adi’Je: “My Lord! You must understand... what she did was plain and simple irresponsible. I cannot accept this.”

I lightly touch her cheeks with the palm of my hands. I smiled and said.

Me: “I know...”

Aby: “*cough* *cough* Hey!! It’s...”

I look towards her and glared her... she stopped talking. Good.

Again, I face Adi’Je. I smiled and continued.

My: “Queen Adi’Je... I know what she has done is nothing short of irresponsible. But... I have felt... I have felt her pain, her anger, her sorrow, her loneliness... most of all, I have felt her love. Love for me... the same kind I find every time you look at me or when Queen Naj’Rak speaks to me.

You see, though out of her sheer foolishness we have found ourselves in a very murky predicament, but at the same time, I felt warmth within her.

I think you understand Adi that feeling... don’t you?

(I turn towards Naj’Rak)

You can also understand that feeling, Naj’Rak... don’t you?

(She nods her head in acceptance. I turn and face Ad’Je once again.)

Don’t you, Adi?”

Adi’Je: “Ye- Yes, My Lord.”

I walk towards Aby who was still on the ground with tears in her eyes. This beast woman... either are angry or tears in their eyes... don’t know any more emotions do you? *sign*

I stop before her and extend my right hand. She first looks at me then towards my extended hand. I smiled at her, which led her to extend her hand too, grabbing my hand. With conviction in my voice and on my actions... spoke to her.

Me: “Rise and stand on your feet... for no Queen of the Bloods bows to anyone...

Rise... Queen Aby of the Blood Zumas...

May you perform the duty of a Blood Queen and of a Blood wife to your utmost ability...

Rise... my wife... Queen Aby.”

She mustered all her strength to pull herself up. It’s funny, I have always seen her taking every situation head on, on her own terms even a few minutes ago but right now she is defenceless.

She got up very timidly, all the while looking towards me. She was vulnerable and did not know what to do or act. With a smiling face I asked her.

Me: “You can drop the act now... you have got what you wanted.”

Her face turned from sweet and defenceless to more of a sinister look with a smile even more sinister.

Adi’Je: “I do not know how I can stop myself from killing her.”

She gazed towards Adi’Je with a cold look.

Aby: “Did you say something, Queen Adi’Je?”

Adi’Je (smiling): “Yes, I did Queen... Aby. I said I do not know if I can hold myself from killing you.”

Aby: “Surely, you don’t want to kill one of the Queens of... (She turned her gaze towards me) of our Lord here, do you?

If you do, then I believe our Lord would be very heart broken. I don’t think to break our Lord’s heart do you, Queen Adi’Je?”

Adi’Je: “I- I- I- I do not.”

Me: “But... as Queen Adi’Je is the first Queen, she can discipline you, however... she sees fit.”

Aby: “What?”

Adi’Je: “Thank you, My Lord.”

Me (smiling): “Now, if all of you would excuse me, I have something to attend to. Please do whatever you like while I am gone. And Queen Adi’Je, also see to it that everything is in order for... our sessions for the night.”

Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord. Everything and everyone will be prepared.”

Aby: “Hey!! You cannot leave me here.”

Me: “Yes... I can.”

I moved away from her and approached the weapons and armour rack. I placed my weapons on the rack along with my armour. I wore a thin cotton white shirt over a black leather pants. I also placed my braces on the armour rack and amidst countless pleas and question from Aby; I proceeded to exit the tent.

Today has just been crazy, one after another. Someone wants power and someone wants love. In the future, I am not going to accept anyone. I have my hands full from now on. Adi’Je, Naj’Rak and Aby. Naj’Rak didn’t say anything about the matter. I know she must have felt something, but whether it was the happiness of having another sister-wife or sadness from having Aby as her sister-wife I do not know. I have to ask her about it. But what am I going to do now. Even the King’s Crystal warned me about it. That Aby... the consequences of a slip up is too high.

I make my way towards Commander Eldin’s tent. She did ask me to visit her tent. I don’t think she has any interest about discussing about strategies about tomorrows mission. I can clearly see in her eyes... nothing but lust for power. I have to be on my guard in there. This is getting troublesome.

I reach the Commander’s tent. Just like before, the same guards were guarding her tent. But this time, they gave a slight bow upon recognizing me. Without any word, they parted their spears allowing me to enter. I walk up to the entry of her tent.

Me: “May I come in, Commander Eldin?”

“Yes... yes please, Your Highness.”

A soft, feminine voice flowed out from inside the tent.



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