《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 13 (Part 1)


At last!! We have reached the Deployment Point. The moonstar is already glowing beautifully. The returning soldiers, who accompanied me today in the north, were in a jovial mood. I even heard someone talking about getting ‘butt drunk’. To tell the truth, I have no idea what they meant by that expression, but if I had to guess then I would say that it has to do something with drinking weird drinks. Thus, it reminds me of the drinks I had, along with my wives and Deiti. They were gifts from the Cillata Clan.

The Deployment Point was bustling with soldiers of the Zoit Army. Some soldiers were manning the Emergency Medical Area. If any wounded soldier goes there, they would first examine the extent of the wound. Only then, they would decide what course of action to take. The beastmen with Medical Classes in the Zoit Army were pretty good.

Some soldiers were handing out refreshments to those who need it. The refreshment tray had a medium to small cup of water and a few light snacks. These refreshment trays had a good effect on the tired soldiers. By the looks of the Medical Area and the refreshment area, it seemed today’s casualty was less than comparison of yesterday.

Some soldiers were just walking aimless or leisurely, while others were having a conversation among themselves. By judging their body language, it seemed to me that their conversation was on the lighter side.

The urgency and panic has been reduced from what I had seen only just as far as yesterday. Perhaps the onset of bloods has strengthened their once faltering courage.

Upon reaching the Deployment Point, the soldiers already present there kept staring at us, stopping whatever they were doing previously. It was as if they had seen new species of beastmen.

Without giving them any further notice, I spoke with Eldin Vest.

Me: “Commander, please order your soldiers to some deserved rest and also order the wounded to the Medical Bay.”

Eldin Vest: “Yes, King Le’on.”

Me: “And Commander, if you don’t mind then, I would like for another Unit to join us tomorrow.”

Eldin Vest: “I agree with you King Le’On. From what success we had today, we need to keep the Dynoths under heavy pressure.”

Me: “Yes... well then, good night Commander. I will see you tomorrow.”

Eldin Vest: “Umm... King Le’On, I gather that you are now returning to your own tent, right?”

Me: “Yes, it’s been a long day and I can’t wait to see my wives. I also want to know about the progress in the western zone.”

Eldin Vest: “I would like to hear that report too. Umm... if you don’t mind then, can you brief me about the progress in the western zone?”

Me: “I do not mind, Commander.”

Eldin Vest: “Then, I also have some matters about our tactics to discuss with you. Can I request you something?”

Me: “Go ahead, Commander.”

Eldin Vest: “Umm... after resting, can you visit me in my tent so that we can discuss matters in private?

I know it sounds evasive and it is not my intention to disrespect Your Highness, but it is the only place I have to discuss matters in silence and with maximum privacy.”

Me: “I suppose I can do that. Privacy is needed to discuss these kinds of matter. Okay Commander, I will come when I can. Is it okay?”

Eldin Vest: “Absolutely. Please come at your own time. Thank You, King Le’On for today and for agreeing to my disrespecting request.”


Me: “Not at all... see you later, Commander.”

She gave a slight bow and I walked away from her and towards where Wei and Deiti were waiting for me. We are going to same tent and I hope everything is fine. I hope Adi’Je is not mad at me or even sad for my behaviour, which I showed her in the morning. I shouldn’t have done that. It was partly or mostly my fault. I knew letting Aby and Adi’Je stay in one place is a very, very bad idea. But, I want them to get along with each other. Hopefully today, they have taken a step towards that.

Deiti: “What was she saying to you?”

Me: “Hmm... nothing important.”

Deiti: “So, what’s the plan now, Chief?”

Me: “Good, hard earned rest for tonight. Come on, let’s go back. It’s been a long day.”

Deiti: “Yes it was... right little Wei!”

Me: “Little Wei?? When did that happen? No... Scratch that... Wei lets you say that?”

Deiti: “Oh yes... she loves it. I gave her that name just this morning. It really fits her.”

Me: “Yes, it does... to tell you the truth. What do you think, Wei?”

Wei: “I am NOT... LITTLE... WEI and both of you, SHUT UP!!”

Me: “Ohh... she’s angry.”

Deiti: “Isn’t she quiet cute when she’s angry?”

Me: “I don’t know about that... but she looks funny right now.”

Deiti: “What?? No... She is so cute. How could you not see that? You Sir do not know anything about cuteness.”

Me: “Be that as it may but I think we should stop or else Wei might show more of the cuteness you are talking about.”

Deiti: “Really!! I think she needs some massage too. You know... it will loosen up those stiff places.”

Me: “That is great plan... I wonder my wives are up for some massage... he he he he.”

Wei (red with embarrassment): “STOP IT!!! Both of you... I am not little Wei nor am I cute. I do not want any massages and I surely do not want my girls to be free... Do you both of you understand???”

Deiti: “Really!! Are sure?? I know, deep down you want them to be free.”

Wei: “Noo!!”

I raise my right hand.

Me (confused): “Umm... excuse me; I am a bit of confused here.”

Deiti: “About what?”

Me: “Which girls are you referring to?”

Deiti: “You didn’t get that! Of all the people, you should at least have understood that.”

Me: “I- I... did not get that... he he he”

Deiti: “The girls in question here are those types of girls you use each and every night to help you sleep.”

Me: “Pillows!?”

Deiti: “Kind of... those pillows which your wives proudly carries around.”

Wei (angry): “You-you don’t have to tell him that! Stop it!”

Me: “My wives... carry around?? Umm... Oh!! OHHHH!!! Thoooose Girls!!! Oh... he he he he.”

Wei stares daggers or rather swords at me.

Wei: “Stop laughing like an idiot.”

Me: “Hey!! You were the one to bring it up; you don’t have to be so mean.”

Deiti: “Ha ha ha ha... after bringing them up, she will let them fly.”

Wei starts walking faster and ahead of us while both Deiti and me laugh... pretty loudly.

Me: “It seems both of you have formed quite the team. She is one of those Elite Adventurers you so deeply crave to find.”


Deiti: “I know, she told me. At first, I couldn’t believe it, but when I saw her fighting... she took my breath away.”

Me: “It seems you are star struck, Deiti.”

Deiti: “Maybe... or maybe I finally found something I searched for a long time.”

Me: “And what is that?”

Deiti: “A friend.”

Me (pouting): “So what am I?”

Deiti looks at me for some moment, then replied.

Deiti: “Nothing more than an acquaintance or an enigma, whom I still haven’t figured it out.”

Me: “Enigma? Why an enigma?”

Deiti: “Because I haven’t still quite figured you out. I mean you have two hot ladies as your wife. You are not that handsome, so how you managed to get them, I have no idea. And now, I find out that you have more lovers. I mean... just how do you manage to do it?

I even don’t have one and you Sir, right now are bedding countless beast women. It’s just not fair.”

Me: “Aww... Miss Deiti is not getting the love she needs. Don’t worry, you’ll find her somewhere. And for the record, I don’t bed women other than my wives, who choose me. So... YAY!!”

Deiti: “And what about that beast woman who was fighting with Adi’Je in the morning. I think Aby was her name.”

Me: “She is someone I deeply care about, but I cannot love.”

Deiti: “Why?”

Me: “That... is a question I would not answer right now. And it seems we have reached my tent.

Get some rest Deiti. Tomorrow, we would need every bit of our strength to complete clearing the rest of the northern part. Bye.”

Deiti: “Good night, Le’On... oh... I am sorry. Where are my manners? Good night Your Highness... maybe you bed your women hard and have a sleep of eternal bliss... he he he he.”

She bows slightly and leaves towards her tent, which was close to mine. I smiled at her parting sentence. I turned and with a deep breath, entered my tent.

Upon entering the tent, I saw Aby sitting on a chair in the far corner of the tent; Wei was already sitting beside her, having a conversation with her. There is still a hint of embarrassment on her face. Naj’Rak was sitting on her bed, worriedly looking over Adi’Je. Adi’Je was pacing the floor, anxiously. She was looking down while pacing. The first one to see me entering was Aby.

Aby: “What took you so long?”

Me: “Nothing, was just talking with Deiti.”

Adi’Je: “My Lord!!! Your back!!”

She ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

Aby was surprised and the only thing she could manage to speak was.

Aby: “HEY!!!”

Adi’Je: “My Lord... I am sooo happy to see you... *sniff* I... I am sorry for my behaviour in the morning *sniff* I am so sorry *sniff* I happy to see you... Please do not be angry with me, My Lord... *sniff* Please, I... I do not know what I would do without you *sniff*.”

She had buried her face in my chest or the armour over it to be exact. I could feel her body shaking and tensed.

I slowly put my left hand on her waist and with my right, pulled her face out of my chest and pulled closer to my face. She was trying hard not to cry, but that didn’t stop her from letting her tears loose. Her eyes showed pain and sadness. Her aura felt... felt like darkness. Her aura was way further than what her actual aura used to be. She had purposefully bitten her lips. It looked as if she was trying really hard not to have a breakdown. Seeing her grief stricken face, only one thing raced in my mind.

What kind of husband am I? To make my own wife cry and leave her in a state like that... absolutely disgraceful. How could I make the woman I love think that it was her fault in the first place? Shameful...

I moved my right hand, which was holding her chin towards her cheeks. I wiped away the tears from her cheeks as well as from her beautiful eyes. Her lips were trembling along with her whole body. It seemed as if she was at her limit. One more guilty feeling or thought and she would completely shatter.

After clearing her beautiful face from her tears, I again placed my right on her chin, slightly bringing her closer to mine. The distance between her lips and mine were just a few inches. I smiled and spoke.

Me: “I am sorry... My Queen. The one who should be apologizing should only be myself. I am truly sorry My Queen. You, who is as innocent as a snowflake should not be crying over my own fault.

What kind of a husband am I?

What kind of a Blood am I, who made his love, cry?

I am very sorry, My Queen.

You are very important to me and I love you. Please give me a fitting punishment for what folly, I have committed. I beg of you, My Queen... punish this fool and let him repent for what he had done.”

She looked at me for quite some time. I felt as if time stopped itself. There was only silence surrounding us.

Adi’Je: “I can only think of one punishment for you My Lord.”

Me: “What is it?”

Adi’Je: “Kiss me... make me feel that the feelings I felt all day were for naught. My Lord...”

Without delaying any more, I close those few inches between us. Our lips met while I moved my right hand from her chin to her waist. Both of my hands were on her waist, pushed her body hard against mine. She also tightened her grip and we gave in to the moment. There were now only us... only me and her.

I first kissed her on her upper lip, then her lower lip. With a continuous motion, we kept kissing each other. Both of our breathing got heavy and I could feel her aura returning to normal. Our tongues met and rolled over each other. I wanted more of her, how I could let her feel that way. Never again... I would have to be more aware of her feelings. I would have to be more than just the ideal King, but also an ideal husband.

We finally parted our lips after what seemed to be an eternity... breathing heavily. She smiled while cupping my face with both of her hands and said.

Adi’Je: “My Lord... never call my husband a fool.”

I smile and replied.

Me: “I would never think of it again.”

She gave out her usual warm and loving aura. She again came closer to me, to my left ear to be exact.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, please make me feel loved... tonight.”

She said that in a low, sultry voice.

Now, how could I say no to that?

I smiled and it didn’t need to be said through words as it was best to convey these things through feelings alone.

She too smiled and spoke.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, now please see your other wife too. She too is in a sad mood and in need of your love... he he he he he.”

There she is... I really love her.

I now look towards Naj’Rak who was standing up and had some tears in her eyes too. I really am pathetic... I managed to upset not just one, but both of my wives... Shameful... Really shameful.

She respectfully gives a slight bow and then spoke.

Naj’Rak: “My King! How was your day? Please tell us about your day.”

I walk close to her. She too was worried and I can guess of what. She warned me about it yesterday, but I was naive to think nothing would happen. But she had to bear the brunt of it. She had to handle both of them and I left her alone in this matter too. I can only imagine how she felt throughout the day.

Me: “Queen Naj’Rak... I am very sorry for not listening to your warnings. I promise you; in the future I would do a better job as husband than what I did today. Please forgive me for all the trouble you had to endure for the whole day because of my naivety.”

Naj’Rak: “My King... please do not feel guilty about anything. I am also a Queen of the Bloods. I can handle anything and I do not blame you for anything.”

I smile and reply.

Me: “You are too forgiving, you know that Queen Naj’Rak.”

Naj’Rak: “Only for My King and My husband, who happens to be the same person.”

I do not wait any longer. She too deserves respect and love from her husband. I kiss her while pulling her close to me... I could feel her body began to tremble and she let go of herself. She gave the control of the moment to me. She held her tight against me and I kissed her deeply. She began to sway her pelvis in a rhythm which in turn gave me more pleasure.

We broke from our kiss or rather I broke away from it. She started to moan slightly which in turn made me want her even more. Before the situation could get murky, I decided to stop, at least for now. We have the whole night to enjoy... I mean... to love each other.

With blushing cheeks she moved away from me, allowing me to go over to Aby. Who surprisingly didn’t utter any word till now? But although she didn’t say anything but her face told a different story. The story would probably be about me getting beaten into a pulp or being cut into numerous small pieces... What?? ... She is a monster in beastmen clothing.

Her face was red... red with anger. Her eyes just wanted blood. It was funny... she would have been a fine Blood if she was born into our clan. But alas... Wei held her hand tight and I think she was trying to save me from Aby’s wrath.

I came close to her and spoke.

Me: “How was your day, Aby?”

She kept looking directly towards my eyes. It had mean intention written all over it and in a flash, she wrapped her arms around my neck. I thought she was trying to choke me, but it was not to be. Instead, she too kissed me... deeply. She didn’t waste any time. I felt bloodlust coming from behind me. It was stifling to say the least and this much amount of bloodlust could only belong to Adi’Je. I dare not move, but unconsciously I started to kiss Aby back.

Suddenly, all the memories I had with flashed before my eyes. Starting from the day, I met her first to the time she caught me in the swamp. Then onwards into each and every moment I had with her. I felt a surging pain coming from my chest... as if something had been lodged there. I winced in pain, but every time I saw those memory flashes of us, the pain receded. Love took its place. A deep and warm feeling surrounded us. As if, I was filled in a place where only I exist... no... not just me but Aby too.

I started to panic but as we moved deeper into our kiss, the more love I felt. I have kissed several times before, but this has never happened to me... What is happening?






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