《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 12 (Part 2)


Our numbers were greater than the current group of charging Dynoths.





Soldiers in unison: “NO SIR!!”

Me: “Good... SOLDIERS... KILL THEM ALL!!!”

The Dynoths crashed onto the wall, pushing the wall back, but this time the soldiers were quick to counter the force exerted by Dynoths, both the shield wielders as well as the first attack line of soldiers.

The soldiers unleashed their brand of quick slashes towards the Dynoths. Quickly, they changed positions and blocked the Dynoths counter attacks while the soldiers who were part of the shield wall... brought out their attacking skills onto the Dynoths. Though initially they weren’t successful to fully cope with the Dynoths but slowly, they were improving.

As for my group, Eldin successfully countered with her own force to negate the force applied by the Dynoth in front of us. I deflected two incoming strikes of the Dynoth which were aimed at her back. Eldin, seizing the opportunity, used her shield and moved it upwards with great speed and power. Her aim was the Dynoths chin, and while Dynoth was readying its legs to launch an attack towards her, its upper body was defenceless, thus Eldin was successful in bashing the Dynoths chin.

Upon bashing it, it seemed that the Dynoth lost its ability to think for some moment. It stopped its attack midway and was standing still. Eldin wasting no time, used her sword to stab the Dynoth between its eyes, producing a through and through wound and pulled back her sword. The Dynoth fell backwards like a log. It was devoid of its life. Eldin Vest turned towards me and I saw her grinning, her eyes filled with confidence.

We finished this group Dynoths quickly than the previous one. We did not incur any casualty. I looked over the soldiers, and though they were happy, but I could sense that they wouldn’t last the next attack. They were tired.

As for Wei and Deiti, it was a success for them. Both of them got in a good rhythm this time. Wei jumped over the Dynoths head and landed behind it. The Dynoth quickly aborted its attack towards Deiti and instead attacked Wei while turning back. That gave Deiti enough time to lodge her axe into the Dynoth’s skull from behind. The Dynoths attack towards Wei slowed down, giving her the chance to dodge, which she did and stabbed both her swords into the Dynoths throat. Thus, their collaboration produced a success.

After looking at the condition of all of my team members, I spoke to Commander Eldin Vest about it.

Me: “Commander Eldin, It seemed to me that many of the soldiers are tired including you. We must rest to recover your strength.”

Commander Eldin: “You noticed it then, King Le’On. I was thinking the same thing. Although we won on both occasions, but it cost almost all of our energy. I agree with you.”

I nodded and looked towards a soldier standing close to me.

Me: “You! Soldier... take your team mate and search for any one of the group that went to check on the isolated buildings. Find them and ask them if they had found any suitable and safe place to rest. If yes, then quickly come back and inform me. Now move!”

He nodded and quickly took his teammate and ran towards the direction the group whom I tasked to search the buildings, went.


Eldin Vest: “King Le’On... hope I didn’t offend you with the last attack I used to kill the Dynoth.”

Me: “Not at all... rather I am glad that you have found your courage back. I am happy to see you successfully kill a Dynoth on your own.”

Eldin Vest: “Yes... after a long time, I felt relieved. Can you believe this quest is my first one as a Commander?”

Me: “This is your first quest as a Commander?? A tough assignment to say the least.”

Eldin Vest: “Yes... it is.”

Me: “Didn’t you know about the threat these Dynoths posed to beastmen of Zoit? Didn’t the Council of Zoit or the previous Commander warn you about the Dynoths battle capabilities?”

Eldin Vest: “As a matter of fact, they did. Both the Council of Zoit and the Zoit Army’s Commander- In- Chief briefed me about the Dynoths capabilities before assigning me.

But, I didn’t listen to their warnings. Why would I? My first job was to just contain the Dynoths and not let them spread beyond the Red Zone. There was no chance for a direct conflict when I resumed Command. We were supposed to be sitting behind barricades and tease them with archers from long range.

The protocol laid for the Red Zone.

Do not engage head to head and only use arrows from a defined safe distance if and only if, some or even one of the Dynoth crosses the Warning Line of the Red Zone.

That, I was supposed to follow, but I... our task changed midway and were diverted here to a head on collision with the Dynoths.

On my first assignment... I became the Commander to have incurred the highest number of casualties in a single quest, in the history of the Zoit Army.”

Her eyes were full of tears. She tried to wipe them off but I stopped her by holding her hand.

Me: “Let them flow. Let all your frustrations out. Let all the feelings of loss, anger and despair flow out of you. Let them out so that you can embrace the feeling of success, a feeling of pride. For the time has come for you and your soldiers to taste victory. Victory over the greatest bane of the Zoit Army. Let your soldiers see... that their Commander has risen and now is experienced to see them home safely.”

“Commander!!! Your Highness!! I have returned with news from the other groups.”

I let go of her hand and turned around to see the soldier I sent earlier.

Me: “Tell me... did they find anything which could assist us?”

Soldier: “Yes, Your Highness... they have found only one place which suits our needs. My partner is waiting there. Please follow me.”

Me: “Good... Commander Eldin Vest, order your men to follow us.”

She wiped her eyes clean and composed herself. After that she gave out the order.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Soldiers!!! Follow King Le’On. We are going to a place where we can rest. Move!! Quickly!!”

The soldiers began to form a line along with Wei and Deiti. They too were tired. I can see it clearly on Deiti’s face and Wei never showed much, so I guessed she must be tired too.

Me: “Everyone, follow this soldier!”

I pointed to the soldier in front of me.

Me: “Show us the way.”

Soldier: “Yes, Your Highness!!”

He set out and the rest started to follow him.

Me: “Let’s hurry up, Commander.”

Eldin Vest: “Umm... King Le’On...”

Me: “What?”


Eldin Vest: “Why do you think there is no one who can control your Blood Army?”

She is still stuck there. The others now had started to gain distance from us.

Me: “Why do I think that ‘you’ could not control my Blood Army?”

She looked down; I had struck at the right point.

Me: “As I have told you earlier... you have to either be a Blood yourself or the King or Queen of the Bloods to Command the Bloods in battle.

Commander, the others are gaining distance from us, we should get moving.”

Eldin Vest: “Then, Am I worthy to be a Queen? Am I worthy to be a Blood Queen?”


Not her too!!!

Me: “You are...”

Eldin Vest: “I want to marry you King Le’On... I chose you as my partner.”

I smiled at her and replied.

Me: “You are worthy to be a Queen, but not of my people.”

Eldin Vest: “Why?? If I am worthy then why not?”

Me: “Because of two things. One... I cannot and will not marry you for certain reasons which I will not disclose to you.”

Eldin Vest: “And the second?”

Me: “The second reason... well its simple, isn’t it... you just want power. Power attracts you more than anything and with the amount of power the Bloods have shown during this conflict... you have become more attached to it.”

Eldin Vest: “And what is wrong with that? I know I can shoulder all the responsibilities that come with the title of Queen and I am attracted to you King Le’On. I would not bring shame to the Blood Zuma nor upon you.”

Me: “The only thing wrong about wanting power is that... that wanting never stops. You crave more and more... that crave for power destroys everything in its path.”

Eldin Vest: “How do you know that, King Le’On? Please give me a chance to prove my worthiness to you.”

Me: “I know that the hunger for power never stops because... some many, many, many years ago... that same hunger for power nearly destroyed my own Clan. It took a great beastman to save the Clan at that time and I... the Blood King will see to it that, my Clan never sees those days again.

That is why; I will not accept your proposal, Commander Eldin Vest.

And I suggest we start moving as the others have gained quite the distance from us. If we lag behind anymore, they would be out of our range of sight.”

I start to move towards the soldiers, not looking behind to see if the Commander is following or not.

************** Naj’Rak POV *************

Adi’Je: “*sigh*”.

Me: “What happened, Queen Adi’Je? From the moment we started today’s battle, I noticed you kept on sighing.”

She looked at me with sad eyes and then looked towards the battle field. It’s been hours since we started clearing the western section. The light star is directly above us, shining brightly.

The battle itself has proved easier than yesterday. The Bloods are more efficient than yesterday and me and Queen Adi’Je had to sit and watch the whole scene for the most part of the day.

Currently I am sitting on the debris of a building that was demolished by the Dynoths. I am accompanied by Queen Adi’Je and our King’s another lover, Aby. Although she came to the battlefield filled with enthusiasm, but she too sat with us on the sidelines for the most part... actually, she hasn’t moved from her seat at all.

The King sent her here to make her and Queen Adi’Je mend or build their relationship, but till now both of them haven’t spoken one word to each other. She too has a sad face and Queen Adi’Je has been signing all day.

Adi’Je: “*sigh*”

She really has to stop it... it is not good.

Naj’Rak: “Queen Adi’Je, please tell me what happened? You are sighing all day.”

Aby: “It’s getting annoying.”

Adi’Je: “Shut up!! You are the reason I am sighing. It is because of you, that the King is angry with me and has left me alone... even worse... with you.”

Aby: “Maybe if you had reacted a bit civil then we both could have avoided his anger and we both could have been with him, right now... But NOOO!!! You had to overreact... you old bag of bones.”

Adi’Je: “Or maybe, if you had changed your face or I do not know... maybe would have died long before we met, then we could have avoided making the King angry. He never got angry at me before. It is all your fault, you annoying beast.”

Aby: “Or here is another bright idea... it would have better if you hadn’t come into his life at all or maybe he should have kicked you out of his life before you dug your nails into him.

I know that you know a way to cure him. I will not accept the fact that I cannot be with him. Mark my words oldie... I will find the cure of his curse or poison or whatever it is... Mark my words.”

Adi’Je: “It is very amusing to hear that a newly evolved cat thinking that she can produce or find a cure for a poison created thousands of years before even her species existed.

I am going to say this really slow as you are a slow learner.

There... is... NO... CURE...”

Aby: “Oh... and I am supposed to believe you? You are a liar... and a thief. You stole him away from me.”

Adi’Je: “How dare you say that? He was mine to begin with. You are forgetting something... He is a King... a Blood King!! His tastes are high and elegant... just not you!”

Aby: “It is far from the truth. In reality, his tastes are hogged by you. You are the only bane in both of our lives.”

This constant bickering is giving me headaches... although on the bright side is that; they are at least talking to each other...

*sigh* I wish I knew, where is My husband? And what is he doing right now? I hope you are okay, my love...

************** End of POV**********


I thrust my sword into the Dynoths chest. It was hard, but with little more effort and power, it went through. The Dynoth choked on its own blood. The job was done; I could see the light fade away from its eyes. I pulled back my sword, but out of nowhere, with its dying breath, it was successful in hitting me on my chest with all its might. I was careless at that point, thinking the job was done and not be on my guard. Though the hit did not result in anything as it was absorbed by my armour, but I was thrown a few feet backwards. The wind was knocked out of me and I felt something heavy was going to crush my chest.

Eldin Vest: “King Le’On!! Are you alright??”

*GASP* *GASP* *GASP* the only thing right now was to breathe... *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH*

Eldin Vest: “King Le’On!!! Are... are you alright??? Do you need help or... or perhaps any medical attention??”

After gasping and coughing for a minute, I gained power to speak and with meek voice, I replied.

Me: “No... *COUGH* I am fine... *COUGH*”

Eldin Vest: “Here, please take my hand. I will help you to get up.”

She extends her right hand and gladly accepted it. At first she tried to pull me up, but failed as I didn’t budge. She tried again, but still failed. She was surprised and was getting anxious.

Me: “*COUGH* Put more power... *COUGH*”

She took my advice and added another hand into the mix and with all of her might pulled. This time, I was lifted... lifted enough for me to stand on my own. When I stoop up, I was relieved and felt the air rushing into me.

Me: “Thank you, Eldin.”

Eldin Vest: “I was tensed, you know that. Please do not get careless from now on.”

I nodded and replied.

Me: “I will try my best not to be, next time.

Now, let me look around.”

I observed my surroundings. The soldiers were tired of fighting for almost the whole day. The moon star would soon show its face and to my delight, the center square was under our control along with few branch roads. We killed many Dynoths, their numbers stack up to 87. We didn’t suffer any casualty throughout the day, but had many injured soldiers. Wei and Deiti suffered minor bruises. The sad part was we didn’t find any survivors up to now. But I am sure, when we move deeper into the northern part, we would find some. All of them cannot be killed like that.

The way the situation was, we can safely return back to our base and resume clearing the northern part, tomorrow.

Me: “We have gained much from today’s adventure, for now... it is enough. We have injured soldiers and most of them are also tired. Even you look like, you could use some sleep. Let’s go back. Order your men to move back to your camp.”

Eldin Vest: “Yes, King Le’On.”

I walk away from her and close to Wei.

She looks at me with indifferent eyes, but I can feel her... her joy which was growing more and more as the day passed.

Me: “We are going back for today. We have killed many Dynoths and it is of satisfactory level.”

Wei: “Then we should kill more.”

Me: “Yes... yes we should, but not today. All of you are tired. You need rest.”

Wei: “You are not tired; you can go on... then why stop.”

Me: “True... I am not that tired, but what we have gained is enough for today. Come, let’s go back.”

Deiti: “You really want to see your wives don’t you?”

Me: “Yes... desperately. I have never been angry at either of them. I don’t know how they are faring right now. I hope that Adi and Aby settle their differences.”

Deiti: “*sigh* Come on then lover boy... let’s get you back to your wives arms... he he he he.”

************** Deiti’s POV***********

While following the Zoit soldiers to a resting place, I looked back and saw Le’On standing at the same spot and talking with the Zoit Commander. He or rather both of them wasn’t moving at all.

Me: “Why isn’t he moving?”

Wei: “Hmmm... what?”

Me: “What ‘what’?? I said... why Le’On and that Zoit Commander are not moving? The Dynoths might see and attack them.”

Wei: “Hmm... nothing will happen. Stop worrying.”

Me: “How do you know that, little Wei?”

Wei: “Have you seen Le’On fight? And don’t ever call me little Wei. It’s just Wei.”

Me: “He he he he... Aww... you don’t like it (pout), but I think it suits you very well... he he he he and to answer your question... Yes. I have seen him fight and I know he is more than capable of handling the Dynoths by himself. After all, in addition of being a King, he is also an elite Rank adventurer. And as for me, I am just a B Rank.”

Wei: “Me too.”

Me: “Hmm... what? ‘Me too’ what?”

Wei: “I am also an Elite Rank. In fact, because of us, Le’On got his Rank up.”

Me: “*Pft* ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... little Wei is an Elite Rank... stop joking.”

Wei: “I am NOT joking!”

Me: “You are serious?? How could this be?? You are too cute to be an adventurer much less an Elite one at that.”

Wei: “I don’t think cuteness defines who can be an adventurer or not and I am not cute.”

Me: “Oh little Wei... you are too cute just you should laugh more or are you trying to avoid getting wrinkles on your cute face?”

Wei (her face got red): “Stop it... I am not cute and I smile... sometimes.”

Me: “Aww... getting shy are we?? Oh little Wei, you may smile in your dreams, but not in reality. Trust me, you would look more attractive if you start smiling a little more or show bit of skin. You have ample of those. Show a bit of them and maybe... jiggle them up when walking.

*whistling* you would be irresistible.”

Wei looked down and was trying to hide her face. I got you, cutie.

Wei: “St-Stop it!! I don’t want them... them to ji- ji- jiggle or whatever that means.”

Me: “Oh... you know what means alright. Look at your face, all red. Really free those girls a bit... cut them loose. Why are you always trying to constrict them with a tight armour? Little Wei, you are missing the feeling which you feel when those girls are free.”

Wei: “No!!! I-I don’t want that.”

Me: “Oh come on... try it a little, then see or feel for yourself. I am not asking you to free them up right here. Well, if you want to than I know a few beastmen who might enjoy it, including me.”

Wei: “Nooo!!!”

Me: “Are you sure?? Then don’t do it here but try it when we get back to the camp. I would even help you with that and maybe add something extra to make too hot to handle.”

Wei: “No!! I... I don’t want to free them anywhere. I like it, just the way they are.”

Me: “Nope... those babies are coming out little Wei, you like it or not... he he he he... Ohh, I can barely contain myself right now.”

She didn’t reply further, just kept on walking keeping her head down. Oh little cutie, I will transform you. Whatever is making you reserve yourself, I will help you break that wall. Those beautiful lips needs smile on them. This is the first time, I am closely watching her. She is really beautiful but why?? Why little Wei?? Why have you constricted yourself?? Why???

After resting, we kept on fighting, though I struggled, but little Wei helped me every step of the way, without complaining about it. She is really something when she is fighting. It feels like a beautiful knife floating in air. All the while not even uttering a single word to me. First, it made me restless, but during a fight with a Dynoth, there was a moment... a feint moment, where she smiled. At that moment, she looked... complete. She looked beautiful.

All fighting made us forget about the time. The moon star was peeking out and we were all tired. Little Wei was panting heavily. At that moment, we saw Le’On getting hit by a Dynoth. The Dynoth fell but Le’On too flew back several feet and landed on the ground hard. I wanted to help but little Wei caught my hand. I looked towards her. She said.

Wei: “*Pant* He is alright. Stay here.”

Me: “But, he is hit. He may have some injury.”

Wei: “He doesn’t... he is fine, look!”

I turned back and saw Commander Eldin using all her strength, helped Le’On up. I was relieved to see him get up on his feet.

Wei: “I told you, didn’t I?”

Me: “How did you know that?”

Wei: “His armour... it is impenetrable, well at least I haven’t seen none one cracking it.”

Me: “Aww... having a crush are we?”

She looked right into my eyes, her eyes were beautiful. She replied.

Wei: “No... Just, he somewhat reminds me to a family member, who died a long time ago.”

Me: “Reminds you of whom?”

Wei: “Actually, he reminds me with both of my brothers, Keltor and Delel. He is caring as Keltor and saves the one he cares for just like Delel used to... I sometimes see a bit of both of dead brothers in him.”

Her eyes were shining and a drop of tear emerged from the corner of her eyes. At that moment, I could feel her pain. My hands instinctively wiped away her tears.

Me: “You look cute when you get emotional, you know Little Wei.”

She smiles just a little bit.

Wei: “Stop calling me that!”

For the first time, I saw her smiling... not in a fight but naturally.

She turns her head and said.

Wei: “Le’On’s coming.”

Her smile returns and she was back to her old expression.

Damn it!!! That Le’On... disturbing us in such a beautiful moment.

He approached Wei and said.

Le’On: “We are going back for today. We have killed many Dynoths and it is of satisfactory level.”

Finally... time to end today’s adventure, but the night is approaching. I should do something about freeing those girls. Hmmm... he he he he he he.

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