《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 12 (Part 1)


We walked silently up to the marked zone or at least I did. The rest of them were fussing about something or the other. The marked zone implies the area which onsets the northern territory. Although, I couldn’t see any Dynoths around, but I got the feeling they were present somewhere. It also feels like they are waiting for us to make the first move... a coordinate attack... maybe. I have seen it happening before and the attack pattern suggests that too. It is also one of my primary reasons to venture north minus the drama between my wife and my friend. Yes... my friend... let’s leave it at that. I want to find if any higher intelligent beast or monster is orchestrating these attacks.

When we approached the marked zone, I turned towards Eldin and asked her

Me: “Commander, did you have any Zoit soldier assist the northern evacuation process?”

Eldin Vest: “None, King Le’On. It was already overrun when we reached the city.”

Me: “Although slim, but there are chances of some surviving members still scattered around the northern part.”

Eldin Vest: “Highly unlikely King Le’On.”

Me: “Still, I’d like to think that.”

Deiti: “What does it matter if there are still survivors?”

Me: “It matters... because if even one life could be saved, then our priority should be to save the person first.”

Wei: “It would be impossible to do a door to door check right now by what you had described the monsters to be. We wouldn’t have enough time to safely get them out.”

Me: “We will cross that bridge when we get there... but for now, everyone listen up; especially those with sword and shield.

All of us would be divided into groups containing only two people. When engaging a Dynoth, a member will block the attack of the Dynoth using his or hers shield while their partner will attack trying to land a fatal blow.

After that the first person attacking will defend the next attack of the Dynoth using his shield if he fails to kill it during his turn. And the one first defending will attack the Dynoth. You will attack as well as defend at the same time. You have to be quick and decisive. Trust your partners and decide beforehand who will defend first and who will attack first. Synchronize your movements and keep your eyes open and hearing sharp.

Do not ever bogged down, especially all two members at the same time. Defend and attack... that is the name of the game. The side which follows this rule properly will emerge victorious and do not be fearful in engaging them. The more you engage, the more used to you will become."

I took out a shield which I was carrying on my back. I took it from a Zoit soldier before departing from here. I passed it towards Deiti. She looked at me surprised.

Me: “Take it and use it. I am pairing you with Wei. Knowing her, she has a knack of attacking first.”

Wei nods at me.

Me: “Good... Deiti, follow Wei’s movements and try to synchronize with it. I believe you can do it.”

Then, I turned towards Commander Eldin Vest.

Me: “Commander, you are with me.”

Deiti: “But neither you nor umm... Wei have shields. How would you defend?”

Me: “We are dual wielders Deiti; we do not need shields to defend. Our swords can do the same work, plus we can attack in an instant.”

Eldin Vest: “King Le’On, anything else?”


Me: “Yes... move in a single line and when facing multiple enemies it would be idle to disengage and increase your distance from them. If that isn’t successful, then don’t hesitate to ask for help. Someone will come to your aide.”

I looked towards all of their faces once more and spoke.

Me: “If you encounter any building yet functioning or still standing, immediately search that building for survivors. If found, tell them to stay as they were and mark the building with sigh depicting the letter S. It would mean the building contains survivors.

After clearing a good amount of radius, we will start evacuating them from there.”

Everyone nods.

Me: “Good... Is everything clear to everyone? Any questions?”

Nobody spoke up meaning they had no further questions.

Me: “Good, then Commander Eldin Vest, divide the Soldiers into groups please.”

Eldin Vest: “Right away King Le’On.”

She immediately started calling out names or picking out soldiers and started making groups. In the meantime, Wei comes closer to me and says.

Wei: “What if they are weak and it’s you who have misjudged the situation?”

Me: “Then you can count yourself to be part of the lucky squad. Maybe you didn’t notice the caravans filled with dead Zoit soldiers. Trust me and do not think you can kill them all by yourself.

I know this is personal for you, but you dying would not do justice to the dead beastmen who have lost their lives, for whom you are itching to get revenge.

Always consider your enemy stronger than you then you can truly unleash yourself and win.

I believe it was you who taught me this a long time ago.”

Wei: “A long time must have passed, as now I am receiving lectures and orders from you, Le’On.”

Me (smiling): “Well, you had to know this situation coming eventually.”

Wei: “No... Actually, I didn’t expect anything from you. I was sure you would end up as a meal to some monster in the jungle sooner or later.”

Me (pouting): “That’s harsh, you know!”

Wei: “Truths always are.”

I smile and return my attention towards Commander Eldin Vest, who have finished creating groups.

Me: “Alright beasts... happy hunting.”

With that, we entered the northern part carefully examining every place.

The scene of the area was not pretty. The streets were filled with dead bodies and destroyed buildings. The bodies were rotting and are giving off a foul smell. How did they damage the buildings? That was one question I had. It was then that I truly understood the term overrun.

The amount of bodies piled up one after another made a gruesome picture. Their flesh rotten and melted together to form stuff which one can only imagine in nightmares. Another thing I noted. They were not eaten. I mean, not even a single body suggested that any part of it was consumed.

Normally, monsters after killing a beastmen would immediately start consuming them. But, the Dynoths have no interest in doing that. They are just busy killing. Then how do they get their energy or what do they consume to generate this amount of energy or power in them. My initial suspicion of one or higher class monsters controlling them was getting stronger. If so; then what are their motives and if not, then why such blatant carnage.

These questions needed to be answered and I have to succeed before more beasts lose their lives in this conflict. I was not sure that I could get any kind of answers, but I hoped for something which could point me in the right direction.


The center square was filled with bodies and rubble.

Eldin Vest: “We need to get these bodies out of here and give them their final rites. Left untouched anymore, it can cause some kind of epidemic.”

Me: “True... let’s take the square first. We will move one place at a time. Some may even be buried under those piles of rubbles. We should check that also.”


We turned to left and saw a group of Dynoths, not more than 15 approaching us at great speed.

Me: “Form a line!!!”

All the groups formed a single line facing the incoming Dynoths.

Me: “Pick one and ready to engage!!”

The ones who would defend first got their shields ready and the ones attacking readied their swords.

I noticed the number of Dynoths was small compared to the groups we formed; at least we had 2 groups extra. Me and Eldin were in the middle of the line while Wei and Deiti were on my right adjacent to us. I turned towards left and spoke.

Me: “You two groups!”

They looked towards me.

Me: “Break from the line and investigate those buildings behind us. Check if any survivors are left and if those buildings are cleared, then move to the next one and the next one until I call for your involvement in the fight.


All of them nodded.

Me: “Good... now BREAK!”

They broke from the line and went towards the buildings I pointed out to them. The rest of us reformed the line. Now we were on even terms. One Dynoth for each group.

Me: “Every group will pick the one in front of you. This is easy... try to finish quickly... he he he he.”

Deiti: “Wh-why are you laughing at this moment?”

Wei: “Because he is happy. He is always happy when there is something to be killed.”

The Dynoths were just about to crash on us.

Me: “Shields... in FRONT!”

All the shield wielders moved to the front row while the swords made the backline. But the distance between the two were minimal, so that when the shield defends a strike, the sword can successfully reach the Dynoth for an attack.

The Dynoths came closer and closer.

Eldin Vest: “STEADY!!!!”

Within a second the Dynoths crashed on the walls of Shield we created. The shield wielders were pushed back by the force but the initial attack by the Dynoths were all blocked. To compensate the force of the Dynoths which they used to push the line of shield wielders back, I steadied myself and when Eldin was pushed back onto me, I gave her a solid platform from which she can start pushing back. But it also produced a simple awkward moment for me.

Her bottoms were deep in contact with my- my- my private area. Although it was somewhat pleasurable, but still... awkward. Yes... I thought it was pleasurable, even at that moment where we were engaged in fighting. So... to lessen the awkward moment for me, I lunged my sword in my right hand towards the throat of the Dynoth and jammed it in. It was trying to scream but only produced gargle type sound mainly because of the sword and bloods accumulated in its throat.

I pulled back my sword and again used it in a vertical slash which cut the Dynoths throat just enough for its warm blood to spurt out and onto me and to some extent... onto Eldin’s face. Blood came out of its throat like it was spring fountain and Eldin had the idea of bashing the Dynoth on its chest with her shield which made the Dynoth to fall backwards. It squirmed for some moments, then a well placed stab in its heart silenced it forever. After finishing it off, I looked over to the others. No one except us had killed their target. All of the groups tried following my instructions. Defending and attacking at the same time and then reversing the role. It took them a while, but slowly but surely, they were synchronizing their movements.

Eldin Vest: “Shouldn’t we help the others?”

Me: “No.”

Eldin Vest: “Why not, King Le’On?”

Me: “They need to figure out the rhythm and this would prove to be a useful practice.”

Eldin Vest: “But it is dangerous...”

Me: “Not anymore... look on their faces. Determined to win the fray. I would have their confidence to boost up with a kill of their own. If they are in dire situation, then we would help.”

I turned towards Wei and Deiti. It was Wei’s first fight with a Dynoth and both of them were struggling. It seemed Wei was not interested in defending and Deiti was planted into a single place while trying to defend one attack after another. Come on both of you... work together.

Wei was struggling to get a hit and was clearly getting beaten in pace of the Dynoths attack. It was a flurry of attacks. Deiti was trying to defend most of it while Wei just barely managed to deflect the rest. If this goes on, one of them would surely die.

Me: “Use your movements and synchronize yourself with each other!!!”

I thought of interfering on their behalf and was about to throw my sword towards the Dynoth, even it distracted it; it would provide a good window for Wei to land a fatal blow.

But I didn’t have to. They started to move a little more. Deiti was now starting to attack with her axe while Wei defended with her sword. Their rhythm started to get in sync. Deiti successfully scored a bash on the Dynoths chest, which made the Dynoth to lose its footing, which spring open a window for Wei to score a hit. She capitulated and jammed her sword in its chest, but the damage was less than expected. The Dynoths skin was tougher than most monster skin. Normal cuts on their bodies would not work and I informed them about it, but it seems they didn’t listen.

Me: “Attack the head, it’s there one of the weakest point.”

It was now Deiti’s turn and she swerved her axe above the hands of the Dynoth and successfully lodged it into the skull of the Dynoth. It was in disarray and Deiti let her grip loose. It stayed lodged within the Dynoths skulls while the Dynoth screamed in pain. Wei also used this opportunity and this time pushed her sword right through the mouth of the Dynoth, killing it instantly. Thus, putting an end to their target.

I looked around again and this time saw most of the groups were just about to finish their targets and a few had successfully slain theirs.

We didn’t have to wait long as all the groups finished killing the first wave of the Dynoths with new tactics. Their faces were now different... in place of fear and hopelessness, courage and determination had taken over. I turned towards Wei to see her face filled with a strong emotion. I could see little droplets of tears forming at the side of her eyes. She was trying hard to control them, but it was evident that she would fail at it. At that moment, I saw Deiti stepping up. She patted Wei’s back and then lightly patted her head with a bright smile on her face. Wei stared at her for some moment before nodding her head and controlled her emotions. Finally... Wei... you are now truly ready for revenge.

************ Wei’s POV ****************

Who would have thought, that one day... out of all the beasts living in the Zoit continent, I would have to follow Le’On’s orders!! Though, I still can’t bring myself to totally understand why me or anyone was following his orders, there is a strange aura surrounding him.

It is as if, he has changed in a blink of an eye. Once a reckless newbie, not knowing how to even swing a sword properly... now, has two wives and two more lovers who are dying to get close to him. He is now even the King of his clan and even has the Zoit soldiers following his orders.

As I am thinking about this, I am preparing myself to face an enemy, whom I wanted to fight and kill as far as I can remember. Dynoths... monsters who nearly wiped my clan into nothingness, who killed my parents, who... butchered my brothers... while I HIDE!! Scared and powerless to do anything but watch my brothers die.

From then onwards, my only mission in life became only one thing and one thing only. To kill each and every Dynoth existing in the whole Zoit continent. Although it is now physically impossible for me to kill each and every one of them, but I am happy that the one who is capable of achieving those feet is fighting side by side with me. Le’On... is on my side to kill them.

The Dynoths are about to crash on the wall of shields which Le’On told the group to form. He partnered me with a new girl. By the looks of her armour and demeanour, it seems she is a fellow adventurer. Her name is Deiti... Deiti from the Aves clan. From what little interactions I had with her, I found her likable and one of the good ones... She is quite beautiful too. I have heard somewhere that Aves women tend to be beautiful than most of the beast clan women in the whole of Zoit continent. And it seems she is on friendly terms with Le’On. Another member for Le’On’s lover group or concubine perhaps... What a shame! I should converse with her more when we are free.

Deiti is tasked to be a part of the shield wall from our group while I attack. Within moments the Dynoths crashed hard on the shield wall. The amount of force they generated forced Deiti as well as the others back. No point in waiting I guess. My time has come. I start my attacks, flourishing slashes with left and right hand swords. They were just like I remembered them to be. Big and strong with ferocious eyes and both their hands and feet ushering death.

I knew for a fact that they use their arms and legs to stab their prey to kill them. As per Le’On’s instructions, I directed my barrage of attacks towards its head. But, every time my attacks are blocked by it. The Dynoth used its arms and feet to block my attacks. It had formed some kind of conical shape completely covering its arms and legs. It also coordinated very efficiently its limbs while both attacking and defending.

During the Dynoth’s attack on us, I blocked some while Deiti blocked the most. I never fully realize the position we wherein until Le’On shouted his instructions. Only then I realized my fault. In all my adventures, I have always acted alone and never coordinated with anyone during a close combat. But this time, due to my selfishness, I noticed Deiti getting bogged down while defending most of the Dynoth attacks. Poor girl... kept on defending without a word. Right then I saw something... I saw something in her eyes, which was familiar to me. It was familiar to me because I have seen it in Le’On’s eyes when we were fighting hordes of monsters back in the Dentia Forrest... it was determination.

I deflected the next attack of the Dynoth, giving room to Deiti to score a hit of her own. She responded quickly to the situation. Surprisingly, she uses axes in places of swords. Swords are a common choice of weapons for many beasts, but axes were used although very few wielded them and it seems Deiti is one of them. She struck, but her strike was blocked, she then promptly moved to defend the Dynoth’s attack while I prepared to attack. Finally... it seemed like we were moving as one unit.

Although our movements got better but still the Dynoths was no closer to death. All of a sudden, Deiti bashed her shield against the Dynoth making it lose its footing. A great window appeared in front of me. I thrust my sword in my right hand into the Dynoths chest. But alas... I forgot another information that Le’On gave me. They have thick skin and would take innumerable hits on its body to kill it. Rightly so, my attack did not yield the desired effect. A great opportunity lost... DAMN IT!!!

I heard Le’On’s voice shouting and telling us to aim for the head.

Me: “DAMN IT!!!”

I angrily got into place to defend the Dynoths attack. Out of nowhere, during the Dynoths swing, Deiti launched an attack of her own. But, the way she was going... she would get hit. I pushed forward a little bit and by using both of my swords I deflected the swinging arms of the Dynoth downwards. That gave her some room to work with, which she did. Deiti struck the Dynoth in its head. Her axe was lodged on its skull and it was screaming in pain. Deiti lets go of her grip over her axe and I use this opportunity to finish it. I jammed my sword right through the Dynoths mouth, killing it instantly. My first victim.

Every group also finished their targets, thus the first wave was killed. I stood there, watching the dead body of the Dynoth I... no... not just me, but both of us, me and Deiti, killed. I wish I had the capacity to fight back, back then. I wish that day had never come. I felt I would burst into tears so I held on... desperately. The irony is not lost to me. Just as back then, today is my birthday.

After fighting to keep it under control, I was not able to hold my tears. But suddenly, I felt someone patting my back. Then patted on my head slightly. I looked up and found Deiti, smiling her beautiful smile. My tears stopped as I was being filled with peace. I felt as if her beauty was ushering a new zeal into me... a new me, filled with determination.

Back then, on my birthday the Dynoths took away from me everything and everyone I loved. And on this birthday, I start fulfilling my pledge to take what the Dynoths hold dear to them... their lives.

Big brother Keltor... big brother Delel... are you watching??? Your little sister Wei is all grown up. Are you watching??? Yours... no... ours time for revenge have started.

*************** End of POV ***************

Yes... My plan worked and with no casualty. I was relieved to see that. It is not that I had no confidence over my own plan... but... a lingering tension still remained. Now that I have seen personally, that it worked perfectly fine, I am sure we will take back most of the northern part today itself.

Without any delay, another group of Dynoth emerged, this time from the north. I think they were located behind the broken down buildings and were alerted by the noise of the fight.

The new group consisted of 10 Dynoths. This time we have room for new tactics.

I gave out the next set of instructions.

Me: “Same formation!!!

Form the wall!!”

Without delaying any more, the soldiers formed the shield wall again.

While in formation, Eldin Vest turned towards me and spoke.

Eldin Vest: “Why do I have to be one in my group to hold the shield every time?”

I gave her a smile and replied.

Me: “Because... I am the only one who can cut any Dynoth like butter.”

She pouted and turned to face the Dynoths.

Just moments before the Dynoths clashed, I observed everyone around me. I wanted to see the state of the soldiers as well as Wei’s and Deiti’s too.

Surprisingly, they were all smiling. Though these people are not my own people, but we still live in the same continent. And that makes them my brethren. During this whole quest to clear or stop the advance of the Dynoths, the Zoit Army as well as Commander Eldin Vest suffered hugely. When I first saw the situation, not even a single one smiled... always drowned in sorrow and defeat.

Now, the Zoit soldiers, Commander Eldin and Wei too, all of them tasted success for the first time against the Dynoths. Last time Wei saw the Dynoths, they were killed all of her clan members so even to her, the Dynoths were her greatest fear just like the rest of these soldiers.

The moment, the environment which was building up... I was enjoying every moment of it. Maybe there things more important than one’s own clan. Maybe I will understand what those are someday.





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