《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 11



That loud voice/scream woke me up. I jolted up to see what was going on. I saw Adi’Je weapon drawn facing Aby also weapon drawn. In between them, Naj’Rak; trying to stop them from fighting... I guess it was not such a good idea after all.

Me: “What is the matter?”

Naj’Rak (teary eyed): “My King... I informed you that this was not a good idea... please help me.”

Adi’Je: “My Lord!!!

What is this underdeveloped cat doing here?”

Aby: “Who are you calling under developed, you ancient beast?”

Adi’Je: “What did you say?

I will disfigure your face right here.”

Aby: “I like to see you try... old bones.”

Naj’Rak (teary eyed): “Please... help!!”

Me: “Alright, it's enough... both of you calm down.”

Adi’Je: “But My Lord!

Why is she here?”

Aby: “And why do you have to know that? It’s none of your business.”

Adi’Je: “It is my business to know everything, you pathetic piece of beast!”



Both of them within seconds, unsheathed their respective weapons and pointed against each other.


I raised my voice to stop them from bickering. Both of them looked at me and sheathed their weapons.

Me: “They arrived yesterday and I invited them to stay here for the night. From now on they will assist us in our quest.

And Adi’Je is our General so I suggest you treat her with respect.”

I said the last line while looking towards Aby.

Me: “Now, I am going out for some time. When I come back, I want to see a quite atmosphere where both of you have solved your differences.”

I exited the tent. It was morning and I think I successfully mediated that situation. I head towards the Commander’s tent.

I entered the Commander’s tent to find a mere handful of soldiers walking here and there leisurely. The Commander was not in sight. I asked a soldier.

Me: “Soldier!

Where is Commander Eldin Vest?”

The soldier quickly fixed his demeanour and gave a slight bow before replying.

Soldier: “Your Majesty! Commander Eldin Vest is not present here.”

Me: “I can see that, but where is she now?”

Soldier: “The Commander should probably be in her own personal tent. She is expected to come here within an hour.”

Me: “Hmm...

Can you show me the way to her tent?”

Soldier: “Right away, Your Majesty.”

He led me out of the tent and walked towards a small ground where few tents were erected. Only one of them had two guards posted outside. I knew it was hers. The soldier rightly stopped before that tent and informed me.

Soldier: “Your Majesty, this the one.”

I gave a slight nod and replied.

Me: “Thank you.”

The soldier walked away after giving another bow. I approached the guards posted outside the tent. After watching me approaching them, they blocked the entrance of the tent by crossing their spears with other in front of the door. One of them spoke. It was a feminine voice.


Guard 1: “Halt!

What do you want here?”

Me: “I came to seek an audience from the Commander.”

Guard 2 (it was a feminine voice too): “She is busy. Come back later.”

Me: “Please inform her that Le’On has come to speak with her.”

Guard 1: “No!

She is not to be disturbed here.

Move away!”

Me: “Please... just inform her first.”

Guard 2: “This is your last chance, move away or face death!”

“It’s Okay soldier, let him enter...”

The Commander popped her head outside her tent and told that to her Guards. She then looked towards me and spoke.

Commander Eldin Vest: “King Le’On, please come in.”

The Guards complied with her order and let me enter the tent. I entered the tent and found it to be neatly kept. It was quite spacious and had maps all over the table but neatly stacked. Her armour and weapons still kept on the rack. Contrary to what I have seen her wearing all this time, she was wearing a brown dress with no embroidery.The dress covered up to her knees with the only skin, she showed was her cleavage. It was looking plain, without worry or any kind of baggage. Her hair was trying to cover her scar, but failing to do so. She was looking refreshing and beautiful in her own right.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Pardon for the state of my tent and me, King Le’On and for the behaviour of my Guards. They were just doing their job.”

Me: “It’s quite alright...

I must say... You have quite the courageous guards. I liked it.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “They are a proud member of the Zoit Army.”

Me: “That they are, Commander.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Please sit here on the bed, King Le’On. I am very sorry, but I do not have any chairs here.”

Me: “It's fine, you don’t have to be so formal Commander.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “I heard you wanted to speak to me King Le’On.”

Me: “Yes... I wanted to make some requests.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Please King Le’On, you can call me by name and what are your requests?”

Me: “Very well Eldin, I would like a unit of your Soldiers under my command.”

Eldin Vest: “That is a given at this point King Le’On. General Adi’Je will have all the manpower she needs from me.”

Me: “No, it’s not for her. They will be under my personal command.”

Eldin Vest: “Under you...

Absolutely, King Le’On.”

Me: “Good, and tell them to wear only a light armour and they all should be experienced shield wielders.”

Eldin Vest: “I can do that, but ordering them to wear light armour is very risky King Le’On. There life...”

Me: “Wearing that normal Zoit Army issued armour does not provide any defence nor it is needed. It impedes their agility. I want them agile and have the ability to block properly.”


Eldin Vest: “Okay... but can I ask you, why do you want them? As I recall, you received two more quest members yesterday.”

Me: “I will take a few of my quest members along with your Unit and assault the northern part of the city.”

Eldin Vest: “But it is very dangerous and even for you.”

Me: “No... It is not and I will take responsibility for the lives of your Soldiers. They would return alive... each and every one of them. I promise you, Eldin.”

Eldin Vest: “Are you sure King Le’On?”

I look deep into her surprised eyes... she didn’t believe what she was hearing.

Me: “I am the Blood King!

I do what I must and there is no place for doubt in my mind, but I need your trust. Do I have it...

(I get up from the sitting posture and walk towards her, closing the gap between us until we are face to face, our eyes looking at each other, until I can feel her warm breath falling on my chest.) Eldin?”

We were locked into a gaze whom I initiated for the purpose of making her bent to my will. And bend she did.

Eldin Vest: “Ye-yes... King Le-Le’On.”

I broke from our gaze and increased our distance between each other.

Me: “Very good... I want them prepped within an hour Eldin and on standby. I will meet you again when I bring back your soldiers... alive.”

I proceeded to exit the tent, but was stopped by Eldin's words.

Eldin Vest: “Do you really think there is no one right here in the Zoit Army who is capable of leading any Zumas into battle?”

I turn my head back to see her and replied.

Me: “No...

There is no one. Unless you are a Blood or the King or a Queen of the Blood, no one can lead them.”

After that I exited the tent and walked towards my tent, hoping everything is alright.

Walking for about 15 mins I reached my tent. From outside it sounded quite, so I hoped everything was sorted out. I entered the tent to find it filled. Adi’Je and Aby had an angry face, Naj’Rak was still in the verge of distress, Wei had no expression as usual and Deiti with a funny expression... wait!!! What was she doing here?

Deiti: “You are one lucky beast!!

You know that?”

Me: “What do you mean? And what are you doing here?”

Deiti: “I came to talk with Naj, but saw an epic drama unfold.”

I looked towards Naj’Rak and asked her.

Me: “Has everything been sorted?”

Adi'Je (angrily): “My Lord! I have never done anything that should make you angry at me, but I cannot stand this poor excuse of a beast that you insist on carrying around.”

Aby: “Watch your mouth, you ancient bag of bones!!”

Finally my patience broke.

Me: “QUIET!!!


Wei, Deiti get ready... we are going to move out. The rest of you are to stay together and commence the attack on the western part. Whereas me along with Wei, Deiti and a Zoit Soldiers Unit will venture in the north.

Queen Adi’Je you will not commandeer any Blood of any capacity towards the north and you will work with Aby while you’re attacking the Dynoths in the west.


I accidentally leaked out extra amounts of bloodlust than required or I intended to use. Everyone stood still looking at me.

Me: “Deiti, Wei... get ready... now.”

Without speaking to anybody else I picked up my armour and weapons. Adi’Je tried to say something, but I just kept on walking out of the tent followed by Wei, who also picked her weapons and armour. Deiti also followed us out and she was already ready. We moved towards the Deployment Point.

Upon reaching the Deployment Point, me and Wei started to equip ourselves. Adi’Je mostly helped me clasp my armour on and if she was busy then Naj’Rak would do it. But here I was forced to do it by myself, which was not a problem... if I could get my hands on the clasp of my armour to clamp it. I felt a hand over my fingers.

Deiti: “I’ll help you do it... wait a moment.”

Me: “Thank you, Deiti.”

Deiti: “What was that all about back in the tent?”

Me: “It’s a long story.”

Deiti: “It seems we have a lot of time in our hands considering we will be taking on the Dynoths in the northern side.”

Me: “Then I’ll tell it when I deem it fit.”

Wei: “Look !

Many soldiers are approaching towards us.”

I turned around to see the soldiers coming to the Deployment Point, which Eldin promised me.

They organized themselves into formation of 5 X 6 arrangement. In total they were 30 beast men and women. They were in light armours and carried shields and swords with them. They looked determined and experienced.

“Is this arrangement satisfactory, King Le’On.”

I saw Eldin Vest after she walked behind the Unit and past them until she stood in front of me. Her looks changed. She was wearing light armour too, along with a sword and a shield. Her aura also changed... from a helpless beast woman to now a... a... a determined leader.

Me: “Yes... but why are you here Commander Eldin?”

Eldin Vest: “I am here to prove my qualification... King Le’On.”

Me: “I didn’t question your qualification?”

Eldin Vest: “No... You didn’t. But somewhere along this mission, I lost mine. I am here to prove to myself.”

Me: “Prove what Commander?”

Eldin Vest: “That I am worthy to be called the Commander of the Zoit Army stationed here.”

Me: “And who is going to hold the leadership role while you’re gone?”

Eldin Vest: “I have subordinates capable of handling things even in dire situation.”

Me: “Very well Commander... let’s get moving.”

We walked forward towards the base of the Dynoths in the city... the northern side.

Bring on the adventure!!

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