《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 10


After two days of constant fighting, we were able to clear the whole eastern side of the city. It was hard to clear these parts as the area was filled with houses. The eastern part, incidentally was the proper residential area of the upper variant of the Galeform Clan.

Commander Eldin Vest informed us that the initial attack by the Dynoths caused major casualties of these upper variants. When we were clearing those residential places, we saw a lot of blood and demolished buildings. We also discovered many dead bodies constituting of both Galeform Clan members and Zoit soldiers. A lot of civilians were also rescued in time and many soldiers' lives were spared.

After the clearing was done, the Zoit soldiers gathered all the dead bodies of the Dynoths and counted them. The count stood at 203. That statistic shocked the Zoit soldiers. But another statistic shocked me. The total body count of the civilians in the eastern part of the city neared to a total of 1109. It was a huge amount of innocent life lost. Along with 365 Zoit soldiers’ lives, the casualty number was huge. Too many lives were lost to few Dynoth monsters.

During the whole fight no Blood lost their lives. It was a huge win for us. But, most of us did incur many small injuries which resulted in a negative zone as it hurt our efforts to move towards the western part next. These injuries helped in early onset of high fatigue. Adi’Je ordered that we would rest for two days before starting our efforts to take back the western part. But the latest report about the west indicated that we may not have two days to rest. Nonetheless, Adi’Je rounded some Zoit medics and told them to apply the highly concentrated Vitalis potion, which she provided from our reserve. Remarkably, she didn’t incur even a small cut during this period. Even I got a couple of hits landed onto me.

We were resting our camp. Adi’Je was sleeping... I gathered to ease her fatigue. Naj’Rak, who herself suffered small niggles here and there; applied Vitalis onto my wounds. The Vitalis potion did sting a little bit. It was a new type of Vitalis, which Adi’Je made herself. When she was making these potions, one day I asked her.

Me: “Adi, how do you know so much about Vitalis or about the varieties of potions brewed from it?”

She laughed for a while then replied.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, Vitalis is a very important plant to us Bloods. It is the only thing which has the power to cure or heal almost all disease or wounds of the Bloods. We have such high level of defensive mechanism within our body that almost all other healing plants do not work. Thus Vitalis was created by our ancestors.

And one of my abilities about knowing about Vitalis and its many different uses as well as different potions created from it.”

Me: “You know, sometimes I wonder... what were the chances of us meeting like we did? It’s almost impossible if you think about it, but I suppose we must thank King Hui’Mi for our meeting. That Blood had lots of faith in others.”

Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord... he did have a lot of faith on our Clan. He had faith in what we could accomplish if we just knew how to really control our innate desire to dominate everything.

I suppose that was why he was the King and not his pure Blood brother.”

Me: “He had brothers?”

She looked at me and smiled. Then she replied.


Adi’Je: “My Lord, which is not important right now... every day I thank him for his generosity and his... will.”

Me: “I hope I can match his capability.”

Adi’Je: “You are My Lord. I have the privileged of seeing both of you and trust me when I say this... Both of you have the same passion and will within you. Both of you deserved to be the King of Bloods.”

Well that was the conversation we had that day.

Suddenly, the potion when coming in contact with my wound on my arm, stung more than normal. It produced a wince from me.

Naj’Rak: “What happened My King? Did it hurt you?”

Me: “No, but it did sting more than normal.”

Naj’Rak: “Ohh... well, I suppose it would. This batch of Vitalis was specially made for you, My King.

Queen Adi’Je personally made it just for you and instructed me that I should use this for you and especially if any wound appears on your arms and legs. This one’s have the greatest rate of recovery within them.”

Me: “Why just for me?”

Naj’Rak: “My King, you are very important not just for your wives, but for your people as well. When a King fight fearlessly and with extreme courage and valour, that spurs his people to fight with the same intensity.

At this moment, we need you to be absolutely healthy and battle ready at any moment. So it is imperative to treat you in a way that helps all of us inadvertently.”

Me: “And how do you know so much about what Queen Adi’Je’s thinking?”

She smiles and replies.

Naj’Rak: “My King... Queen Adi’Je, though she keeps herself reserved in many matters, but when it comes to you, I can understand what she feels.

My King... these are the feelings of a wife. And as a wife myself, I can understand her perfectly.”

I smile... really what do I know about feelings of a wife?? Nothing really... just that they love you unconditionally and always find a way to make you strong.

I lean towards Naj’Rak and kiss her. Her lips parting and allowing me to enter my tongue inside. Her lips were soft and her touch very comforting.

“*cough* *cough* *cough* Is this a good time to speak to you?”

I break from our kiss and turn towards the speaker. And... It was Deiti or rather a smiling Deiti.

Me: “Talk about what? Did something happen?”

Deiti (smiling): “No no no... Just that, Commander Eldin Vest wants to speak with you.”

Me: “Okay, should I seek her out in her tent?”

Deiti: “Nope... she is actually standing right outside your tent. Apparently, when she came to speak to you, she saw you... umm... kissing your wife. She got nervous OR didn’t want to disturb you so, she stood outside waiting for you to finish. Poor girl... if I hadn’t come, she would have to wait the whole night... he he he he...”

Me: “Call her inside, Deiti.”

Deiti: “Yes Sir!! He he he he...”

I got up; I had already unequipped my armour and weapons. I was feeling better after the Vitalis was applied.

“May I come in, King Le’On?”

I turn towards the door of the tent to find Commander Eldin Vest standing there.

Me: “Commander... please come in.”

She smiled and replied.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Thank you, King Le’On. I came here because you requested to know about the Galeform clan.”

Me: “Ahh... yes... (Remembering it)

Please sit here, Commander. I must apologize for wasting your time.”


Commander Eldin Vest: “No no... It is my pleasure. Umm... Is General Adi’Je not here?”

Me: “No... She is here. (Pointing towards the bed to her right)

She is taking some rest.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Then I will come back at a later time. I should not interfere with her resting period.”

Me: “No no... Please stay. It is nothing. She won’t mind anything.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Okay, King Le’On. Umm... what exactly you wanted to know about them?”

Me: “Earlier, you informed me that the eastern part of the city was the residential place for the upper variants of the Galeform Clan. Could you brief me about their social hierarchy?”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Certainly, King Le’On.

Umm... The Galeform clan is comprised of three variants. These variants were named after the colour of their hairs... Yes... hairs. The names of the three variants are Red Galeforms, Yellow Galeforms and Brown Galeforms.

The Galeform followed a variant hierarchical system of governess. That means, the Red Galeforms had four representatives in their Council, followed by the Yellow Galeforms who had three and the Brown Galeforms had two. Thus, bringing a total of 10 members in their Council lead by the Red Galeforms.

The Red Galeforms were at the head of their Clan because they were the first variant to evolve. They are considered as noble in their Clan. Due to this fact, the Red Galeforms took the eastern side and the northern side as their residential area and built many luxury houses which you probably saw.

When the Dynoths entered the city, they choose two routes. One in the east and one in the north. After completely overrunning the north, they are now engaged with us in the west which you also probably know. The problem aroused when we went in the eastern part to help them. Completely ignoring the fact that the Dynoths were in a killing frenzy, the Zoit soldiers went inside the eastern part to help evacuate the Red Galeforms people. Those people turned out to be very stubborn. They didn’t want to leave their possessions and wanted the soldiers to carry them as well. Materials were far more important for them than life itself.

As a result, many of the Zoit soldiers that went to evacuate the Red Galeforms got trapped along with most of the Red Galeform populace. Evacuation was a slow and least number of people and soldiers could be saved. But thanks to you and your people, many of them finally could be saved along with my soldiers trapped in there. Thank you for helping and saving them.”

Me: “I did what I was supposed to do. Your men fought hard and bravely. I saw on many occasions, they held their ground against multiple Dynoths.”

Commander Eldin Vest (a small smile formed on her face): “Continuing on... the western side belongs to the Yellow Galeforms. They are the merchant class of the Galeform Clan. They looked after the markets and also decided over the economy of the Clan. They are good beasts by nature. Compared to the Red Galeforms, the Yellow Galeforms were much better.

When the Dynoths moved towards the west after is engulfing the north, the Yellow Galeforms had the presence of mind to flee towards safety. As a result, the Yellow Galeform did not incur heavy casualties. There were deaths, but the majority are safe.

The last variant, Brown Galeforms. These beasts were menial workers or formed the general workforce of the Galeform Clan. Their representation is at minimum level because they don’t hold much power within them. And surprisingly, all of the Brown Galeforms are safe because they lived in the southern part which is now under our protection. And they were the first to be evacuated properly.

This is all I know about them, King Le’On.”

Me: “Then tomorrow, we start clearing the western part.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Yes... umm... I wanted to ask you something King Le’On, if you don’t mind.”

She says that a little hesitantly.

Me: “What is it Commander?”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Umm... I never knew the Zumas had... such capabilities.”

I smile... an obvious question which I have faced countless times. *sighs*

Me: “What type of capabilities are you talking about?”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Such ferociousness... I have never seen any beastmen fight like that. If I had such beastmen in my Unit, the situation would have been different.”

Me: “Well... yes, it would have. But, you would never have such beastsmen under your command in this lifetime.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Why? Aren’t the Zumas under the Zoit continent? I am sure the Zoit army would be greatly enhanced with Zumas joining in.”

Me: “Yes, the Blood Zumas are a part of this continent, but no one other than a Blood Zuma could command a Blood in a battle field. Trust me... no one can control them other than a Blood.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “But what if they could? What if there is an individual in the army that could control them? How about then?”

Me: “It would still be a no. It is an ironclad rule. Commander, I know what you feel right now. Have faith in your soldiers, they are good at what they do.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “It seems I cannot change your mind. Very well then, please take rest today. I will see you tomorrow King Le’On... Pardon me, Your Highness.”

I nod at her while she exits the tent. Well... I should get back to resting.

Naj’Rak: “What did she want, My King?”

Me: “Probably power... with all she has seen, I think she wants it the most.”

Naj’Rak: “I guess that’s true. My King, please take rest.”

Me: “Okay... but only if you come with me.”

She blushed and replied.

Naj’Rak: “But... I didn’t drink Queen Adi’Je’s potion and I don’t know where they are kept. I could wake her up and ask her, but I don’t think we should do that.”

Me: “You're right. Let’s not disturb her... then what we should do then??”

Naj’Rak: “Maybe we could content ourselves today, just by this.”

She leaned forward and kissed me. She put both of her hands around my neck and pressed her body against mine. I placed my hands around her waist, pulled her closer to me. I felt her body shivering with what I presume... excitement. My worriers faded away little by little, though they were very small in numbers; as we moved deeper into the kiss.

My hands started to move upwards her body on their own, as if they had some agenda on their own. Touching and caressing her body on their way. I felt her body tightened as my hands moved upwards, maybe with anticipation. Her breathing got heavier and she started to rub herself against me.

My hands stopped or rather they reached their destination. My left hand moved downwards touching lightly and feeling her spine. That movement produced a gasp from her. My right hand stayed on her right breast as it was its final destination.

My hands moved simultaneously, while my left hand reached up to her waist, my right her started slowly massaging her right breast over her dress.

“Can I come in?”

The voice seemed familiar as we broke from our intimate moment. Both of us turned to see the speaker. I smiled as did Naj’Rak.

Me: “Finally!!

You are here at last... Wei.”

Wei: “It’s good to finally reach here.”

Naj’Rak: “How are you Miss Wei?”

Wei: “Good Naj'Rak.

Thank you for notifying me about this. It means a lot to me, Le’On.”

Me: “I knew you would want to come here after getting the Quest. But did you come alone? Where is the team?”

Wei: “No team... just me.

And her.”

She looked back and spoke.

Wei: “You could come inside now. They have stopped.”

“It’s about time that they did. I was getting nauseous.”

It was Aby who came inside. Ah... did she get my message?

Aby (annoyed): “Why do you have to stick close to her right now, Le’On. Can’t you control yourself just for even a minute?”

Me: “What’s it to you? I sticking with my wife here and I’ll stick to whomever I want.”

Naj’Rak: “It is also good to see you Miss Aby. But I suggest all of you should take the conversation outside. I believe, if Queen Adi’Je wakes up from her sleep and finds you here Aby; then I do not think she would like it very much.”

Aby: “Hello Naj and do I look I fear her? Let her wake up...”

Naj’Rak: “No... You don’t. She is going to be very... very mad and this is already a war zone. Please do no escalate the situation.”

Me: “Naj’Rak’s right. Come on Wei, Aby... let’s go outside.”

Wei nodded and proceeded to leave the tent.

Aby: “But why should I have to leave? Just because your ancient wife is taking her little nap? It’s-”

Me: “Let’s go.”

I grab her hand and dragged her out of the tent. We move a little distant to the tent.

Me: “First tell me... how did you know we were here?”

Wei: “We didn’t know you were here.”

Me: “Then how?”

Aby: “We were traveling towards the Amoith Mountain, but everyone was getting stopped and told to return from the Continental Road 56.

We showed them the Quest notification and were diverted towards this place. After reaching here, we got to know that our half of the team were present here. And there are talks going around the camp that the Blood Zumas were incredible. Then we knew you were here and sought you out.

But... when I tried to enter the camp... you... you were... busy.”

Wei: “So she asked me to interfere your kissing session. Those were her actual words.”

Aby (looking menacingly towards Wei): “What?? I never said... (She now turned to me) ahh... Yes!! I said it. So what? I don’t want anyone coming close to you.

But... what was the meaning of that letter you sent me and even to Marion? Explain yourself?”

Now she was angry.

Me: “I already did... in that letter. There is nothing more to explain.”

Aby: “But !”

Me: “Please Aby, forget about that matter for now. We are in a battle zone. The situation has worsened.”

Wei: “Tell me about the situation.”

Me: “The northern, eastern were completely overrun while the western part is still under heavy fighting.

Luckily, we took back the eastern part and tomorrow we will move to the western part to drive them out.”

Aby: “Looks like it's easy work.”

Me: “For the Bloods maybe, but the rest the Zoit beasts... No. I think you didn’t see the body bags of the Zoit soldiers before coming here. They suffered heavy casualties and that was mainly due to the fact that the Dynoths are faster and stronger than the average Zoit soldier.

Their arms and legs can become a conical shaped weapon due to the presence of some hard scale which forms and deforms at their will. They can fight with all four of their legs and can give out attacks of great power. Their preferred attack is the thrust. I have seen the armour of the Zoit soldiers getting giving way like it was made of water. Thus the armours don’t help in blocking any of their attacks while they can form or deform their weapon at will.

It takes three soldiers to contain one Dynoth. And the only weak part is the head. The skin covering the rest of the body is very hard to penetrate. It takes a lot of hits to take them down. But the weapons and armours of the Bloods can withstand their attacks as well as can cut their skin anywhere.”

Aby: “Great! Then give us some of your armours and weapons.”

Me: “No... It’s only for Bloods.”

Aby (angry): “What??”

Me: “But there are ways to kill them with normal weapons.”

Wei: “What are they?”

Me: “One of you attack while the other defends... at the same time. That’s how I helped Deiti to kill a lot of them.”

Wei: “Hmmm....”

Aby: “Who is this... Deiti?”

Me: “Another member in our team.”

Aby: “Don’t tell me... she is your third wife!!!”

Me: “No.”

Aby: “Good...”

Wei: “Does it matter right now? Le’On, you mentioned that tomorrow you will launch an assault in the western region?”

Me: “Yes.”

Wei: “Then me and Aby would take on the northern part.”

Me: “What? That’s absurd.”

Wei: “You think we are weak.”

Aby: “How dare you boy, calling us weak?”

Me: “No, you are not weak, but they are far stronger than you ever will be. One or two is fine, but both of you cannot handle multiple Dynoths at once.”

Wei: “We will see about that.”

Aby: “Stay out of our way, Boy...”

Me: “I will not allow it.”

Wei: “Do you think you can stop us?”

Me: “Yes.”

Aby: “You have grown cocky with your new found powers boy! I will kick you if you even try to stop us.”

Me: “We will see about that... later. For now, let’s find you guys a place to rest, you must be tired.”

Wei: “We can stay at your tent. No need to worry about finding a new place.”

Aby: “What?? You want me to stay with that old bones sleeping over there? Impossible.”

Wei: “Aby, it is just for today... suck it up.”

Me: “I have no problems, but Aby... you have to behave. I don’t want any nuisance in there.”

Aby: “What? Are you afraid your old wife will cry?”

I sighed and made my way inside the tent. After entering the tent, I saw Naj’Rak making our beds and by our, I mean mine and hers. Today, it’s her turn.

She looked towards us with an expectant look.

Me: “Queen Naj’Rak, Aby and Wei would sleep in our tent. Could you please arrange it?”

Her expression turned from expectant to surprise and ended in terror. She replied.

Naj’Rak: “But... but My King!! What about Queen Adi’Je?? I don’t think it is good idea... please reconsider your decision My King.”

Before I could reply her, Aby speaks first.

Aby: “What about her?? If she has any problem then she could sleep anywhere else.”

Wei: “Naj’Rak, it’s just for today. It wouldn’t be right to bother for another tent just for us and you can fit two people in her.”

Naj’Rak looks towards me with a look of doom.

Me (smiling): “It will be alright Queen Naj’Rak. Please make the arrangements.”

She sighs then replied.

Naj’Rak: “Yes, My King... as you wish.”

Naj’Rak got busy putting two extra bed sheets on the opposite side of mine and hers. One side, it was Adi’Je on the left, then me and Naj’Rak . On the other side, it was Aby and Wei.

It was getting late, but I had one more question for Wei.

Me: “Wei, why didn’t anyone else come?”

Wei: “No one had any money left. I was the one who had some to spare and when Aby tagged in, I was worried. But we made it here... barely.

Everyone is now depended upon the reward.”

Me: “Was everyone fine with you coming here?”

Wei: “Even they wouldn’t have, I would have still come.”

Me: “What happened when your clan was attacked?”

Wei looked at me for some moment... then replied.

Wei: “Goodnight, Le’On. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

I know you wanted to say something... I will wait until you decide to tell me. With that we all retired for the night.

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