《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 9 (Part 2)


I enter a branch road closest to me. It was a road surrounded by two storied houses, which I hope are abandoned. I realized this whole area was covered in two storied buildings. Generally, they were of the same colour, light green. The road had nothing on it other than three Dynoths trying to kill someone at the far end of the road. The more I moved closer, the more I saw the situation. Those three Dynoths were engaged in a fight with six Zoit soldiers, who were desperately defending themselves from the attacks of the Dynoths. The more I moved closer, the more the situation got clear. There were also two bodies of Zoit soldiers on the ground. They were not moving so I naturally assumed they were dead. The Zoit soldiers were trying to protect a group of three civilian. It was a mother and her two small children of the Galeform Clan.

As I moved closer to them, one of the Dynoth monsters caught hold of an arm of a Zoit soldier. The soldier tried to free his arm, but the Dynoth bashed another of its limb into the chest of the soldier, killing him. This left the Zoit soldiers in a very bad situation. But luckily, I was now in range for launching an attack on the monsters.

I threw my sword in my right hand, aiming at the Dynoth’s head, which was at the right most side of the three. It struck on his back of it's skull, the monster fell instantly. When I threw my sword, I immediately dashed towards them; so when the monster died, I was close to another Dynoth. I thrusted another of my sword into the back of its head. But, unfortunately it gave the last one enough time to land a blow on my left shoulder.

Fortunately for me, my armour absorbed the attack. I quickly launched my attack by slashing towards it. My attack was blocked, but suddenly the monster screamed and leaned towards me. I moved out of the way and the monster fell on the ground face first, while two swords lodged behind its skull. The Zoit soldiers had taken the opportunity to attack the monster while I occupied its mind.

Me: “Thanks for the help.”

I said that while I was retrieving my other sword. One of them said.

Soldier 1: “Yes... for now. But...”

After retrieving my sword, I looked up towards them. I saw sadness in their eyes while they watched the lifeless bodies of their compatriots. I didn’t say anything further and I decided to give them a little time to grieve. Meanwhile, I started checking the body of the soldier who died last. But, fortunately, upon placing my hand close to his nose, I realized he was breathing... just barely though, considering the large gap on his chest. I quickly opened his armour; he was not going to need it anymore. One of the good things about making Adi’Je a General of the Bloods was experience. She strictly ordered every Blood to carry minimum of 10 small vials of High Concentrated Vitalis Potion with them at all times, tucked inside the custom made belts for the Bloods.

I took out a few vials and poured the contents inside the big wound on his chest. He tried to scream, but barely had any energy left in him to do that. He would feel an intense burning sensation, but it may provide us with some extra time to take him to a real medic. After evenly distributing the contents of both the vials on his wound, I looked up towards the soldiers and asked.


Me: “Do any of you have any fresh cloths with you? Please, I need it.”

Both of them looked at each other and one of them replied.

Soldier 1: “Sorry, but we don’t have any. Can he be saved?”

Me: “He might make it, but I need some extra cloths to give him that chance. Please find me some fresh cloths.”

“I... I have some... with me.”

I looked towards the place from where the voice came. It came from one of the civilians these soldiers were trying to save. The one being basically the lady who seemed like the mother of the two children. She spoke again.

Civilian mother: “I have some... here.”

She extended her right hand, which had some medium sized cloths in them.

I smiled towards her and said.

Me: “Thank you, Miss... Soldier, please pass me those will you?”

One of the soldiers quickly took the cloths from the lady and gave it to me without wasting time.

I poured the contents of another two vials in one of the cloth and pressed it over the wound of the injured soldier. He winced a bit, that’s all he could muster. I then tore up the other cloths into a few threads like strip. I interconnected them, making it look like a long strip of cloth. I tied the strip over the cloth placed over the wounded so that it doesn’t easily displace. Although crude in method, but it was the best I could do at that moment. After checking the setting for one last time, I looked towards the soldiers.

Me: “Both of you pick up your compatriots and place them over your shoulder. Remember to free your dominant hand. You will wield weapons when we start to move. I would carry the injured one. Do you understand?”

Soldier 2: “Where are we going?”

Me: “I am going to escort all of you back to safety. But until then, do not let go of your courage and fortitude. You might need it.”

Soldier 1: “But, the main square must have been overrun by now. How are we going to move past all of them? I am sure they are more of them that we couldn't handle for ourselves.”

Me: “Don’t worry... there’s a group that has engaged the Dynoths in the square. They are successfully pushing back the Dynoths. I am a part of that group. Just trust me and get ready to move... Okay?”

Both of them looked at each other again, before looking at me and nodding.

I turned my gaze towards the Galeform civilians.

Me: “Please come here and place yourselves in between us. Remember; when we move just stay in between the three of us. Do not be afraid of the monsters and just keep on moving with us. We will protect you. Alright?”

Civilian mother: “Yes...”

She got up with her children and came close towards me. Both the soldiers have already started to lift each of the deceased body on to their shoulders. I also started to pick up the injured one after sheathing the sword on my left. I put him on my left shoulder, while keeping his wound covered with cloth pressed against my shoulder blades. After picking up the soldier, I put the sword in my right arm and so did the others. I checked once again at the formation of ours. The civilians were in the middle while three of us were standing in different angles with me at the front.

I addressed to the group.


Me: “Let’s start.”

With that we moved an a constant pace so that the Galeform civilians could match our speed.

The branch road looked empty and safe, so our pace increased a little bit, but up to the point that the mother and her children could keep up. A new problem arosed when we were just about to exit the branch road and move into the main road. Guarding the entry point of the main road was a Dynoth. As soon as it saw us, it dashed forward towards us.

The Commanders of the Zoit Army weren’t joking about the Dynoths speed. It was practically in front of me with seconds of spotting us. I found it difficult to attack it with my sword. I felt, I couldn’t hit the monster at the ideal moment, and I may suffer the monster attack or worse, the wounded soldier may die. With some quick thinking on my part, I activated a skill of mine, which has proved to be valuable in this kind of this situation.

When the monster was just within striking distance, the signal showed ‘100% FULL’. I focused on a single part of the Dynoth’s body, mainly the upper body. I released an Air Blast towards it with only a 25% power. I still haven’t learned about how to utilize the full power successfully. If I used the full power, I would simply be hurled backwards due to the force created by the Air Blast as recoil.

Upon releasing the Air Blast, it hit the Dynoth just near the area around the chest and throat. It was pushed back and after losing its footing, it fell down. I quickly seized the opportunity and rushed forward with my sword drawn. When I moved in for the kill, I saw the Dynoth gasp for air and was spitting out liquid, presumably its blood. I stabbed it in its throat ending its pain.

Soldier 1: “You-you... killed it?? But... how??”

Me: “No time to explain, we have to move.”

We again start our journey upon the main road. After going for some distance, we came up to a battlefield, where much to my happiness; the Bloods were proving victorious over the Dynoth monsters. The monsters were being pushed back, while many of their numbers were now counted under the dead.

Soldier 2: “How could this happen? It’s unbelievable... I- I-”

Me: “Keep moving... we have no time to waste.”

I saw the line created by the Zoit Army as per the instructions of Adi’Je. It was quite a distance away from us and there were still some Dynoths blocking our way. The square was nearly taken back by the Bloods. We started to move through the fight escorting the civilians. It was imperative that we avoid parts of the square where the fighting was relatively heavy and we did avoid those parts. But as luck would have it, we were spotted and then were charged by a Dynoth.

I couldn’t pick out Adi’Je in the square. All though the Bloods had pushed the Dynoths back, but the rear part of the square where we were was still under intense fighting. I found no free Blood to help us nor any of my wives. It seems I have to take care of it myself.

I readied myself to launch my Air Blast towards the Dynoth. I wait for the right moment to release the Air Blast. I already anticipated and had adjusted accordingly to the Dynoth’s deceptively fast pace. The Dynoth got in my strike zone and was about to launch the Air Blast, but the Dynoth in its mid run wobbled and fell down. A trident was lodged in the back of its skull.

“My King!!! Are you alright???”

A Blood came running just behind the dead Dynoth and asked me.

Me: “Yes, thank you for the assistance.”

Blood 1: “My King! Please wait for a moment.”

Me: “Why?”

He didn’t answer back, but kept on looking over the battlefield. Soon I saw three more Blood emerging within it and came close to us. He quickly said to them.

Blood 1: “Form a protective shield around the King and engage any Dynoth that may threaten the formation.

Queen Adi’Je’s orders.

FORM UP!!!!”

They quickly took their positions, guarding us on all four sides. So, Adi’Je sent them. How did she know? But we better move on.

Me: “Let’s move.”

We started to move and navigate through the square. The Blood in front of me was the Trident wielder and three front liners covered us from three sides. While running we heard a noise from my right side. As I turned my attention over there, I saw the front liner positioned there had engaged a Dynoth. But we couldn’t stop to help him and neither had he wanted it.

The Blood in front spoke.

Blood 1: “My King!! Let’s keep moving. We are almost there and don’t worry about him. We are Bloods... we will always win.”

I nodded and continued to move forward. Finally, we reached the safe zone which was taken back by the Bloods.

Me: “Thank you for the assistance, but disengage and return to the fight. We can continue on from here.”

Blood 1: “As you wish My King!”

He bowed and all of them left in a hurry to join the fight. We moved towards the line created by the Zoit soldiers and thankfully the injured soldier was still breathing. Within minutes we reached the line. A few soldiers came forward from the line.

Me: “Here, take this man to a medic. He needs immediate attention. Hurry!!”

A soldier stood in front of me. I quickly moved the injured soldier from my shoulder and carefully placed him onto the soldier's shoulder.

Me: “Carry him carefully; inform the medic that Vitalis has been administered on his wound in his chest. Now move soldier!”

He quickly and carefully carried the injured soldier away. The civilians were also handed over to them. The Zoit soldiers with me left towards the camp after thanking me. I walked towards where Commander Eldin Vest and Deiti were standing.

Me: “Commander! Move the line more up and make some medic on standby here. I gather many soldiers and civilians are still trapped.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Ye-yes I will do it.”

I looked towards the Deiti.

Me: “Deiti, come with me, we are going in.”

She got surprised.

Deiti: “Wh-what?? Me?? But I will only be a hindrance to you in there.”

Me: “Rubbish... quickly come with me.”

Deiti (hesitantly): “Okay...”

Both of us moved back in the fray. I was trying to find Adi’Je, but it was quite hard to locate her. I remembered something.

Me: “King’s Crystal... find Adi’Je.”


Please wait...

Finding target...


Queen Adi’Je is 80m ft North-West from you.

Wow!! It is pretty good.

We followed or rather I followed the given instruction while Deiti followed me, quietly. As per instructions, I found her. She was standing surrounded by few dead Dynoths and somewhat drenched with their blood. She was watching over the battlefield with utmost concentration and nothing escaped her gaze.

Me: “Queen Adi’Je!”

She turned towards me, smiling.

Adi’Je: “My Lord! Are you okay? And why did you bring her? She could end up loosing her life.”

She scared Deiti outright.

Me: “I need her and if she fights them, her level would increase. But what I wanted to tell you is that I suspect many soldiers along with civilians are stranded inside the branch roads. We need to quickly move into the branch roads.”

She nodded and replied.

Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord. I will finish them here quickly and order the Bloods to move into the branch roads.”

Me: “Good, I am taking Deiti and I will clear the branch roads situated in the eastern parts.

Good Luck and see you after.”

I leaned forward and kissed her on her lips, which had a spot of Dynoth blood on it. Every time I kiss her, my heart and body gets filled with courage. I really love her. I broke from the kiss and went towards the branch roads in the eastern part along with Deiti.

Deiti: "This is just not fair!"

While giving her a broad smile, I tried to console her.

Me: "You will get someone special too Deiti, just hang on... he he he he."

Deiti: "You know... I just got a great mood for killing some Dynoths and releasing some stress that has been build up."

Me: "I think you should do that until a more pleasurable way appears for you... he he he he."

Deiti: "Laugh all you want... I'll show you... someday."

We entered a branch road hoping to see some Dynoths. The place looked empty along with some houses in total ruins. We dead bodies were scattered on the road. Deiti was fidgeting the whole time. Her grip ws tight on her weapon which was not her usual behaviour.

Me: "Nervous?"

Deiti: "What! M-me? No... no! Absolutely not."

Me: "You don't seem to be okay."

Deiti: "You are imagining things Mr Blood King."

Me: "Go look at a mirror and see for yourself. Your face is telling me what are you really feeling."

Deiti: "Wh-what! I am fine!"



SOMEBODY... HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!"

Deiti got startled by the sudden scream. The scream was of a woman and she must be close by, but where?

Deiti: "Wh-where is it coming from?"

Me: "Don't know, but lets search every corner of this place and we have to hurry too. That woman might not have much time."

Deiti gave a faint nod and with it, our speed increased searching every corner of the place. We could hear the screams again and again. It was becoming more desperate than the last. We desperately followed the scream and after turning a corner at the end of an ally, finally we found the source. A Galeform woman was sitting on the ground, her back towards a wall. She was corned and was helpless as she was about to be impaled by two Dynoths. From what I deduced from her appearance, she had suffered minor injuries all over her petite body and her face was mixed with fear and tears. There was little time left to save her. I was too far away from her to make an impact on the Dynoths.

Me: "I trust you have my back."

With that, I charged towards the Dynoths and initiated a skill which I haven't used in a long time. Everything started to slow down. The movements of the Dynoths and the scared Galeform woman slowed down considerably. They appeared too slow for me and that gave me a small window of opportunity to reach her in time. Upon nearing them, with my left sword I thrust it into a Dynoth's ribcage while ducking down its hands, I thrust my right sword in the others throat. I drew both of my swords out and slashed at opposite sides to cut their heads off. Fountain of green blood came out from the place where their heads were severed. I was sprayed a little bit by the blood while their bodies fell on the ground and their heads rolled towards the feet of the woman. Time delay came to an end.

Me: "Are you alright miss?"

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