《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 9 (Part 1)


It took us only a few hours to reach the outskirts of the Galeform Clan City. The area had been turned into a big camp full of soldiers. During our journey to this place, we saw another large convoy coming from the opposite direction to us. The Zoit Army is really taking a bashing it seemed. Well, we are finally here and as far as I know, the Bloods as well as me along with my wives are ready to fight them.

Captain Paeli had travelled with us too. Upon reaching the camp, she showed us the way towards their Chief. She led us to a medium sized tent. It was just beside the tents where the wounded were being placed and treated. Wherever I looked, I could only find soldiers with heavy injuries. Many received deep slash cuts or that had multiple thrusting wounds while some had missing limbs, feet. Not a good sight for faint of hearts.

When we entered the tent, we saw a similar scenario. Few beast men and women were surrounding a large table with a map and few documents on it. Everyone had a serious look while a few had fear in them. Captain Paeli went ahead and spoke to a beast woman. Both of them shared a few words before looking towards us. Then again they shared a few words and then both of them approached us. I was standing there with Queen or rather General Adi’Je, Queen Naj’Rak and Deiti.

The woman with whom Captain Paeli talked with came close to us while Captain Paeli herself stood at a distance. The beast woman approaching us was wearing light leather armour. The Council of Zoit symbol attached on the left side of the armour and the same symbol that Commander Rotun Monik had on his right was also present on her right side of the armour too. She stopped before me and with a faint smile gave a small bow. She then spoke.

???: “Welcome King Le’On of the Blood Zumas... I welcome you to this despondent place. I am Commander Eldin Vest and I am the Chief in charge of this whole operation and we are losing badly. Can you help us?”

She had cropped golden hair and bright green eyes. A fair complexion with small ears, she was of medium height and had a scar just over her left eye. She was beautiful in her own right and the scar added another edge on it. She had good proportions to herself, as expected of a soldier.

Me: “That is why we are here Commander Eldin Vest... to help you at your time of need. Before that, I would like to introduce you to some people who are going to make it possible for you to win.”

I turn and introduce each of them one by one. I noticed a shine within Deiti’s eyes when I introduced her to the Commander... I know that look. And I also noticed a shine within Commander Eldin Vest’s eyes when I introduced her to Adi’Je. After the introductory phase, I asked her.

Me: “Please inform us about the current situation, Commander?”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Yes, right away King Le’On. But first, can I ask how many beastmen did you bring with you?”

Me: “Including the four of us, we have 24 beast men and women with us.”

Her expression turned from a relief to gloom within a moment. It seemed she was displeased with the answer.

Commander Eldin Vest: “I am sorry to say, it but King Le’On; you wouldn’t stand against them even for a whole hour. I think you should head back and if possible, come back with more than a thousand men under command. Even then I don’t think it would make any difference... Heh...”


Adi’Je: “I do not like to be lectured by a little beast girl and I certainly do not like it when that same little girl disrespects our King. Now, hurry up girl... we do not have any time to waste. The more time you waste here, the more pathetic soldier you lose against your foe.”

Commander Eldin Vest’s expression changed. She was angry and was about to say something when Adi’Je interrupted her.


That little outburst got her moving and thankfully she didn’t say anything else. Quietly, she led us towards the table with the map on it.

She points towards the map and informed us.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Currently, the northern part of the city has been overrun. We have reports of civilians and some pockets of soldiers trapped in there. I don’t know how long they would last. These things have gotten far more fearsome than we they were for some years ago. What happened? Why it happened?? I don’t know...

We are currently engaged with them in the eastern and western part of the city... barely though. I have lost beast men and women left and right. I don’t know for how long they would last... the evacuation of these parts is still underway. We need more time to finish the evacuation process.”

Along with me, everyone else could see, Commander Eldin Vest eyes had gotten teary a little bit.

Commander Eldin Vest: “I have lost so many soldiers... so many soldiers... and I have no positive things to show for it.”

Adi’Je: “And crying while standing here would not solve anything little girl. This is a war.”

Commander Eldin looked towards Adi’je with anger, but it was mixed with hopelessness. She too understood... what Adi’Je wanted to make her understand.

Adi’Je: “Hmm... so we are going to fight within the city. Little girl, in which part of the city your soldiers are struggling more?”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Huh! um... here, in the eastern part. We are just about to lose that part.”

Adi’Je: “I need archers... about 20 of them.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “We also tried using archers at them, but they were...”

Adi’Je looked towards her and spoke in a firm voice.

Adi’Je: “I do not care about the losses you had... I want 20 of your archers little girl and I want them now.”

Commander Eldin Vest motions to someone.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Tell the 3rd Archer Unit to get ready for deployment, within 5 minutes and to wait in the deployment zone.”

The beast man replied in affirmative and went to fulfil the job.

Commander Eldin Vest turned towards Adi’Je and spoke.

Commander Eldin Vest: “If it hadn’t been for the Council of Zoit, I wouldn’t have allowed any of you in my tent. You have no idea what you are doing?”

Adi’Je smiles and replied.

Adi’Je: “And not for my husband’s request, I would have killed the rest you more viciously than the Dynoth monster... just for disrespecting our King.”

Adi’Je smiles and again spoke.

Adi’Je: “Well... we cannot have everything we want... right! Little girl... I have faced much more vicious enemies than these monsters and I too have monsters of my own under my command.”

She turns towards me and informed.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, I think it is time for our assault.”

Me: “Then let’s move. I can’t wait to kill them.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “What?? With only these small numbers??? You must surely be joking??”

Adi’Je: “No.”


Commander Eldin Vest: “But... it’s- it's- it’s impossible. I will not allow you to waste the lives of my men at your whim.”

Adi’Je: “How cute!! You still think your decision matters.”

Commander Eldin Vest (angry): “WHAT?? I have had it with...”

Without any warning, Adi’Je placed one of her sword on the Commander’s neck. No one saw it... even me...

Adi’Je spoke in a cold tone.

Adi’Je: “You have had it??? The one who has had it... is me. I will not tolerate a lowly beast like you, lecture me or use a tone like that. Did you see me drawing my sword and putting it on your neck?”

Everyone in the room stood wherever they were, stunned... the atmosphere had turned into a tensed one. Commander’s face was pale. She didn’t expect it, nor saw it. I could see her shaking a little bit.

Adi’Je smiled while sheathing her sword.

Adi’Je: “But, I am here to kill some monsters, not a sweet thing like you... I am also here as the Queen and General of the Blood Zumas.

If you want, you can also come with us and see for yourself... what we are.”

Commander Eldin Vest after calming herself spoke.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Ye-Yes, that would be for the best.”

She turned towards Captain Paeli and spoke.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Captain Paeli, escort them towards the deployment point.”

Captain Paeli: “YES MA’AM!!”

Commander Eldin Vest turned towards us and said.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Captain Paeli will show you the deployment point, King Le’On. Please wait for me in the deployment point. I will join you shortly.”

We came outside of the tent and gathered all the Bloods to move towards the deployment point including us.

Deiti: “Why is it called a Deployment Point?”

Captain Paeli: “Ma’am, because the units meet here before moving towards their assignments. The road you are standing on... it’s a Broad Road and it runs to a certain point in the city, marking it the center of the city. From there it bifurcates into all four directions. It is easier to travel and connects the whole city. The Broad Road also has many branch roads connecting different areas. The time consummation is decreased and it also helps in evacuation.”

Deiti: “Are you coming with us, Captain Paeli?”

Captain Paeli: “That is for the Commander to decide, Ma’am.”

Deiti: “Your Commander seems to be a wonderful soldier.”

Captain Paeli: “She is... because of her many of us are still alive.”

Deiti: “Qu-Queen Adi’Je, you didn’t have to be so rude to her... you know!”

Naj’Rak: “Have you looked at her or at this place? All of them have lost their morale along with their Commander. They needed a wake up call from their loosing slump. And Queen Adi’Je gave her just that... a reason not to pity herself. see Deiti, you are still a novice compared to us and you are a minute grain compared Queen Adi’Je. You may have questions, but never dare to question her about anything or any of us. You are not a Blood; you will not understand our ways.”

Deiti: “But... I was just asking.”

Me: “Deiti, she has more experience than all of us. Trust her.”

Deiti was hurt by the remarks, but Naj’Rak was right. Even I don’t dare question her... she knows what she is doing and she has the trust of all the Bloods including me.

Within minutes, a group of 30 Zoit Army archers formed close to us in the Deployment Point. Their Captain came forward and asked something to Captain Paeli, but she signaled him to wait. Commander Eldin Vest also reached the point after keeping us waiting for a brief moment. She had now worn the traditional Zoit Army armour, shield behind her back while a curved sword at her waist. She signaled the archer unit Captain to come to her.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Captain, we are launching an assault in the eastern side in an attempt to push the Dynoths back. Your Unit is to follow the command of the General Adi’Je of the Blood Zumas. The Blood Zumas have been sent by the Council of Zoit to stop the Dynoth monsters. Is that clear?”

Archer Unit Captain: “Yes Ma’am!”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Captain Paeli, you will also join us. And General Adi’Je, I had brought an extra 20 men for support.”

Captain Paeli saluted her while Adi’Je didn’t even look at her.

Me: “Alright then, let’s start our assault.”

With that, 24 Bloods along with a Unit of 30 Zoit archers and another additional Unit of 20 Zoit infantry walked towards the eastern side following the Broad Road. Some part of the road was blocked due to evacuation process which was still underway while many places had soldiers guarding it. Everybody saluted Commander Eldin Vest while we were walking past them.

After walking for nearly 10 minutes, we reached a place filled with makeshift wooden barricades and the street was bloodied in some places. The fighting was going on the street and in the branch streets. For the first time, I saw the Dynoth monster alive. They looked vicious alright... and were making crackling sounds. For every Dynoth monster, there were three to four Zoit soldiers fighting it by surrounding the monster. But the soldiers either looked tired or too injured to continue. The place was also surrounded by buildings and some of them were damaged.

We were just looking at the battlefield when I saw a Dynoth thrust its lower left leg through a Zoit soldier’s armour killing him instantly. They were fighting and defending with all four legs. They mainly used it as a thrusting type weapon. What power?? Even made a hole in the steel armour.

Adi’Je: “Okay, all Blood archers listen to be carefully. All six of you pick a spot on the rooftop around this area. Pick a spot, giving you the best vantage point. Six of you mean each of you in six different locations. Each of you pick 5 archers from them and will lead them.

When you have got a good vantage point for yourself and for your team, pick the monsters that are currently threatening or have the highest probability of killing a soldier.

Locate them, preferably in the outer perimeter. After locating them, instruct your team to shoot their arrows at unison towards the Dynoth’s chest. While you will shoot just a few seconds later towards the head of the same Dynoth. And keep on doing that until the whole area is filled with our Bloods fighting them. Then pick any target and shoot towards their heads.

Remember, you will engage first. The first arrow will mark our involvement and we will attack with full force.”

She took a pause and saw each and everyone’s face and then continued.

Adi’Je: “Bloods is the order clear?”

Blood Archers (in unison): “Yes, My Queen!!”

Adi’Je (smiling): “Good... now go and put the fear of Blood into them.”

The Blood archers went and picked out 5 Zoit archers and went about finding vantage points. Then Adi’Je turned towards me and said.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, when the first arrow strikes, I want you to charge first and quickly kill some of them.”

Me: “It will be done, General Adi’Je.”

She smiled and then turned towards the rest.

Adi’Je: “When I give the signal, all the Bloods will charge at the enemy. I want for each Monster, one Blood fighting them. Show them the courage and valour of our Clan. Queen Naj’Rak, you will support the left flank, while Captain Din’Pol will be on the right flank. I will be supporting the middle. Is that clear?”

All Bloods in unison: “Yes, My Queenl!!”

She turned towards Commander Eldin Vest and spoke.

Adi’Je: “You, little girl stay here with your men and woman along with Deiti and monitor the rear. When we engage the monsters, order your men to disengage and maintain a line at the rear.”

Commander Eldin Vest (annoyed): “Anything else, General?”

Adi’Je: “Yes... stand back and watch how real monsters fight. Try not to get frightened... little girl... he he he he.”

Adi’Je turned toward us and shouted.

Adi’Je: “Bloods, ready yourself!!”

While we waited patiently, three Zoit soldier died and many got injured. Commander Eldin Vest was growing impatient, but Adi’Je showed no emotion. Soon, I saw groups of 5 arrows were shot towards different targets followed by a single arrow. The targeted Dynoths blocked all the arrows shot towards their chest with their arms. The arrows bounced off them. But they couldn’t dodge the single arrow shot towards their heads. All of 6 Dynoth fell. Adi’Je’s planned worked and that was my signal to enter the fray.

I unsheathed my swords from my back and dashed forward to face a monster that was on the verge of killing two soldiers at once. The monster was not far ahead and after some seconds of running, I jumped towards the monster. The speed I generated with my running, helped me with the momentum and ended up kicking on the chest of that monster while thrusting both my swords into its head, killing it instantly. The Dynoth fell on the ground back first with me standing on its chest. I pulled out my swords and picked another one.

This time, it defended itself with a claw against from a slash from my right hand. But I ducked under its leg, which was blocking my slash and with the passing momentum I slashed again with my left and cut his stomach area which made its innards fall out. Moved on to another one, before it could land a blow on me, I slashed vertically and cut its throat open.

Captain Paeli informed us that the Dynoth only had one weakness and many hits were needed to kill them if not attacked on their weak spot. But I could cut them easily... thanks to the swords we wield. I think Adi’Je knew about this and that is why, she was so sure about her plan. Really, gathering the right information is critical during these times. I am glad I could learn tactics from her.

I had zoned out everything, just focusing only on killing the Dynoths. I had released my blood lust. Now, it was time to get messy. One approached me from the front. I dodged its frontal attack and cleaved its head clean off, but I felt another one was coming in for a strike. I pushed back the other sword which was free and the sword thrusted into another Dynoth. I turned and cut its head off. The Dynoths had green blood and I was just starting to get sprayed with it.

Another one charged me and I dodged its attack only to meet with a block for my own attack. But, I quickly disengaged and gave a kick on its stomach. It screamed in a shrill voice. It was enough to rob someone from his hearing capabilities. I quickly shut it up with messiest way possible.

Dispatching another one, suddenly I was knocked down face first. I was hit on my back, but my armour absorbed the hit. I quickly rolled out before another hit comes my way. I got up and engaged the Dynoth. It blocked two of my strikes, but was hit with a group of 5 arrows which sailed past my ear. It also blocked that with its quick reflex, but it couldn’t dodge the real shot. The final arrow struck its eyes, causing it scream. I quickly thrusted the sword in my right hand through its throat.

I turned around to the view of all my Bloods had engaged the Dynoths and most of the Zoit soldiers have retreated to the back. When did that happen? I thought. I saw Naj’Rak jumping and plunged her trident into a Dynoths face without giving it a chance to block it. She got up and blocked an incoming attack, then followed it up by blocking another one, then she thrusted the tip of the pole of her trident into the monster's head through its jaws. I looked for Adi’Je and found her easily. She was in the middle of the line, watching and issuing instructions accordingly. At one point two escaped the Bloods and went for her at the same time.I was about to move towards her when I saw one of the Dynoths head fell on the ground while the other had a sword jammed into its throat. Adi’Je was holding the sword with a backhand grip. She then freed her sword and hurled the monster’s body towards a group of two Dynoths using her tail. The Dynoth landed in the group, crushing them on the spot. I was happy... the Bloods were fighting well. I moved on deeper into the Dynoth occupied part.

********** Deiti’s POV ***************

Just as Adi’Je ordered, the arrows were shot towards the monsters and her plan worked. Few of the monsters died. Commander Elder Vest gave a gasp before covering her mouth with her hand. I saw disbelief in the eyes of all the Zoit soldiers surrounding me.

Adi’Je: “Deiti, stay here and make sure that this little girl makes her soldiers fall back.”

Deiti: “But, I thought...”

Adi’Je: “You will not last even two minutes in there. All the soldiers are at a level higher than you and they got beaten. I cannot watch over you during this battle. Stay here... that will be the best thing for you.”

Deiti (little disappointed): “Okay...”

We watched as Le’On killed one after another. Every kill produced gasps from the Zoit soldiers. They couldn’t believe what was happening in front of them and to a certain extent, neither me. All this while I heard these monsters were very... very hard to kill, but how is Le’On killing them easily?

I also noticed one thing. Though Le’On charged at them, but Adi’Je was still standing and watching the scene. Other Blood Zumas were also standing with weapons ready, but they just standing. Will they not join the fight?? This question crossed my mind.

Suddenly, Adi’Je shouted, startling the Zoit Soldiers and certainly me.


All the Blood Zumas raised their weapons or made themselves ready.

Adi’Je: “TO THE KING!!!!!”

With a loud shout, all the Blood Zumas charged towards the monsters and entered the fray. It was still unbelievable for all of us... a small group of beastmen was going to take on an enemy of such magnitude. But I have seen their hunger for battle and I have never seen any beastmen fights the way they do.

They dashed towards the Dynoth monsters without any fear. Upon contact the Bloods immediately made an impact. One of them jumped over an injured Zoit soldier, who desperately defended himself from the jabs of a monster he was engaged in battle. The Zuma bashed his shield against the monster, making it lose its balance. And after bashing his shield, he used his sword and thrusted it inside the monster’s head through its jaw. I saw another Zuma dodge a couple of swings of a Dynoth by ducking under its swings. He then used the edge of his shield and bashed it in a horizontal way onto the monster's legs. The monster lost its balance and leaned forward where the Zuma used his sword to jab it through the Dynoths head.

I looked towards Naj’Rak or rather Queen Naj’Rak, while in her running motion, dodged a swing from a Dynoth by ducking underneath the swing. She went past the Dynoth and jumped towards another Dynoth behind the first. The first one was later impaled with a trident by another Zuma, who was running just behind Queen Naj’Rak. Queen Naj’Rak thrusted her trident into the one she jumped at in an attempt to kill it. Her attack was blocked by the Dynoth. It used both of his upper hands to block the attack, but Queen Naj’Rak used her legs and kicked the head of the Dynoth. It fell on the ground like a log then used her trident to kill it.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Wh-who are these beasts?”

I turned towards the Commander to find her covering her mouth with her shaking hands. Her subordinates were no exception.

Commander Eldin Vest: “This... this... I don’t know what to say!!”

Me: “Well, you can order your soldiers to disengage and retreat here to form a line; just like Queen Adi’Je told you to do.”

Commander Eldin Vest turned her face looked at me.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Ye-Yes.”

She turned towards the Zoit soldiers in the battle, many of whom were standing on the road stupefied.

Commander Eldin Vest (after clearing her throat): “ALL ZOIT SOLDIERS!!! ALL ZOIT SOLDIERS!!!



The soldiers promptly followed her orders... rather they were happy to follow her order to retreat. Some of them carried injured soldiers back too. When most of them retreated, the Commander issued the next order.

Commander Eldin Vest she looked back towards the Unit she brought here with her.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Carry the injured back to the medical bay... hurry!!!”

The soldiers complied her order and quickly helped the injured soldiers and proceeded to take them back.

She then issued another order.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Now... THE REST WILL FORM A DEFENSIVE LINE... HURRY UP!!!”

The rest of the remaining soldiers followed her order and formed themselves in a line.



All soldiers in unison: “YES MA’AM!!!”

We all watch the Zumas advancing little by little. Many Dynoths have fallen yet many more to go. More and more Zoit soldiers are retreating to give the Zumas room to attack. Many of the Zumas saved Zoit soldiers from getting killed or managed to get the wounded out of the battle field. The archers were also active. Striking with great precision and accuracy with maximum effect. Just like Queen Adi’Je predicted, the head shots are doing wonders.

There was one time when two Dynoths got behind the Zuma line and charged towards Queen Adi’Je together. At that time she was just behind the Zuma line, giving out instructions and she was alone standing.

Captain Paeli: “Commander, look two of them have escaped the Zuma line!”

Commander Eldin Vest: “Oh no... They are going straight for General Adi’Je...

General Adi’Je... watch out...”

The event that followed made us shocked to our interior.

Adi’Je engaged both of the Dynoths at the same time. The first one was already on the ground without its head before we could comprehend how it happened. When we finished processing about what had happened, we saw that Adi’Je was standing while thrusting one of her sword through a Dynoth’s throat.

Commander Eldin Vest (shocked): “What kind of monster are these beasts??”

I remembered once asking Le’On the same question. I think his reply was...

Me: ““The kind of monsters whom nobody should mess with.”

She turned towards me... not knowing what to do.

Captain Paeli: “Co-Commander... look!”

Both of us turned towards Captain Paeli.

Commander Eldin Vest: “Wh- what is it, Captain?”

Captain Paeli: “King Le’On is moving in one of the branch roads.”

Commander Eldin Vest: “What?? But, he can’t handle many of them all by himself... he will need back up.

Captain Paeli, go and inform General Adi’Je about King Le’On’s movement and also about sending some back up...”

Me: “I don’t think that would be necessary, Commander. You are forgetting something important here.

He is their King.

The deadliest one of them all.”

**************** End of Deiti POV************

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