《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 7


It was almost night time… we finished gathering the heads and placing all the bodies at a distance from the battlefield. All of us washed ourselves and cleaned our clothes, weapons and armours. We also had created a campsite to rest for the night. When the adrenaline receded, everyone was tired. All of us gathered around the fire and had our dinner… well, except Deiti, who was holed up in her tent. After dinner, I gave the Blood Warriors three bottles of the complementary drink from the Cillata Council. They were very happy to receive it and drank with pleasure.

In the mean time, I told Adi’Je and Naj’Rak to take an early rest tonight and I would join them very soon. I gave them half of the contents in the bottle. They nodded and went inside our tent. On the other hand, I went towards Deiti’s tent with the bottle in hand. She was the most excited out of all of us. She deserved a drink and we needed to talk.

I entered her tent. It was dimly lit and she was lying on her bed facing away from the entry/exit of her tent..

I asked her.

Me: “Deiti… are you awake?”

I wait for her reply or any kind of indication from her. Few moments pass and I saw her fidgeting a little bit, after that I heard her soft innocent like voice.

Deiti: “What do you want, Le’on?”

Me: “Are you okay? You didn’t come out for dinner… aren’t you hungry?”

Deiti: “I am fine…thank you for asking and sadly no. I am not hungry, I lost my appetite seeing you lot fighting.”

I move closer to her sit on her bed beside her. I put my left hand on her head and slowly patted her. She fidgeted a little before calming down.

Me: “What made you hate me?”

I asked her bluntly.

Upon hearing my question, she turned her head towards me. I could see tear marks on her cheeks. She was crying and knew why. Though she looks tough on the exterior, but inside she is very soft. I noticed it first when I saved her in the Yaron forest. She was looking at me with a surprised expression. Then she got up and faced me. She replied.

Deiti: “When did I say that?”

Me: “You didn’t say it per say, but I can see it in your eyes… you are afraid of me… of us and hate us.”

Deiti: “No… I don’t hate you. Not at all… although I am a bit shaken.”

Me: “Deiti… my clan depends upon blood. We are a ferocious clan, but we are also caring. Our last king cared about every other newly species that was evolving. That is why he suppressed our racial trait and I believe he did that because he wanted us to learn humility and friendship before we could regain our racial trait.

Blood is our life line… it is the single most important thing to a Zuma. It makes a simple Zuma to a Blood Zuma. That is how we are… if the level of the challenge increase, our ferociousness increases too.”

Deiti: “But… it’s so scary… I was so scared during the whole time.”

Me: “Don’t be… that was the first biggest fight of their life. All these while, they were the ones fearing each and everything. Now… it is time for them to be feared and that we try to do in each every battle.”

Deiti: “Do you like being a monster among monster?”


Me: “It is one of the greatest compliments a Blood could receive… He he he he”

Deiti: “But…”

Me: “Please cheer up, Deiti… you are meant to smile always. Don’t ruin that image for me. Smile for me please…”

She looked at me and I could make out that she was clearly thinking something.

Me: “Ah… I know what would cheer you up…

Here… a present for you.”

I show her the half filled bottle. She took a quick glance at it.

Me: “I didn’t drink it. I gave some to the Bloods and half of it to my wives. The rest is for us…”

She smiles and asks.

Deiti: “Which brand is it?”

I look at the bottle and said.

Me: “Ahh… it says here, RedLogale.”

Deiti: “Ohh!!! You have brought the strong one. Hmm… are you planning to do something naughty to me???”

Me (smiled): “There it is… the old mischievous Deiti is back and no… I don’t plan on doing anything except tasting this drink.”

Deiti: “You do know that, I don’t swing that way.”

Me: “I know… I have two wives for that so... I think you are safe.”

Deiti (smiling): “Ho ho… so our King is going to get some drunk action from his Queens… how lovely *wink*”

Me: “Anything wrong with that? And who told you that I didn't get any already?”

Deiti: "You are a monster you know! Not satisfied with two drunk women, you have to get me drunk too and force me to pleasure you!"

Me: "I am not forcing you to do anything here!"

Deiti: "So you want me to voluntarily pleasure you!"

Me: "I do not want any pleasure from you, I just want to share this drink with you."

Deiti: "Why? What's in the drink, Le'On?"

She raises her left eyebrow and made a serious face. She is a good actor, I'll give her that.

Me: "Nothing... would you stop with your drama."

Deiti: "No... I am sure you have mixed something in that drink or.... worse... made your precious wife Adi'Je to mix one of her deadly poison in it. But, it is not an ordinary poison...no!!! This poison turns beasts so horny that they wouldn't be able to resist the desire of tearing each others cloths off and trap them into a long... long... night of heavy... sweaty... passionate love making.

I know what you want Le'On. I know what you want...

You want to tear my clothes off be it forcefully if it's necessary and ravage me... again and again and again until my scream of resistance turns into a scream of pleasure.

I know you will not be satisfied even then. I mean the beast who isn't even satisfied after making love with his two wives, how can he be satisfied with me like that!

Noo... you will turn me and push me on the bed. Then you will do unspeakable things while you pin me down. You will take your time tasting all the sweet nectar that my body could produce and leave me only when you have finished tasting every ounce of the sweet nectar my body produces and had injected me with your seed, wanting me to give birth your child."

I kept staring at her without knowing what to say or do. I have to admit, I kind of got aroused while listening to her nonsense. I quickly gather myself and replied to her.

Me: "You should have taken acting as a career or even write erotic books for beasts of all ages in the Zoit continent to enjoy.


Or is it a desperate cry for help for not getting any action of your own?"

She averts her eyes and replies.

Deiti: "Maybe..."

Me: "If your nonsense is over, can we start on with it?"

Deiti: "With what? Pleasuring you? So soon... I mean you couldn't even wait for me to get drunk!"

Me: "No!!! I meant that could we start with drinking this thing... I don't know if I made the right choice by coming here.

Maybe I should just leave."

Deiti: "Noooo!!! Don't go... not before I get a taste of that drink."

After sighing, I gave her the bottle. She smiles at me with a mischievous look and gulped some drink from it. Drinking a small portion, she handed it over to me and was licking her lips. I sighed again and drank some. After drinking some, I coughed and felt a burning sensation in my throat. What is this drink?

Deiti (laughing): “He he he he….oh my…is this your first time drinking it?”

Me: “No… I had tasted the YellowCyn before, but it was very smooth unlike this one.”

Deiti: “Like I told you… it’s a strong one. It will really get you drunk. And please refrain yourself from doing any funny business with me after getting drunk.”

Me: “Yes, ma'am… I will take my business to the women who want it.”

She drinks some more and passes it to me.

Deiti: “You know… I think I should get myself a lover from your clan.”

I gulped some of it and then answered.

Me: “I thought you feared us?”

Deiti: “Stupid, I don’t fear you like that and your women are very yummy.”

She rolls her tongue on her lips. I passed the bottle back to her.

Me: “Well, I have bad news for you. Blood Women always choose their mate with high level of Blood Lust or the level they deem necessary for it. And sorry to say this, but you don’t have much in you.”

She drinks some more and said.

Deiti: “What?? No!!!! That rule is stupid !! If I were a male then I would have succeeded??”

Me: “No… level of Blood Lust they expect, I don’t think it exists within any beast clan even it did then I would have opposed it as my right as the Blood King. No Blood would mate with any other clan.”

I drink some more and pass it to her.

Deiti: “What??? That izz stuupidd… yourr rrulee izz sstuuppid.” I notice a slur in her voice.

She drinks some more and passes it to me. I drink it and replied.

Me: “Ha ha ha ha… Your talking funnyyy…”

Deiti: “Rreally?? I’m druunnk already?”

Me: “Yep… your druunk… but whyyy izz my head ssspinningg??”

I notice a slur in my voice too and i felt my head spinning very fast. My eyes started to get blur.

Deiti: “Sstupidd… youur druunkk tooo… he he he he…”

Me: “Szo… thisss izz being druunnk… I sssound funnnyy… ha ha ha ha.”

What am i doing? I should not speak like that!!! How much hard I tried to control myself, I couldn't. I was thinking of something else and spoke something else.

Deiti: “Letss finish it…”

She gulps up more of it, almost emptying it, only leaving a little of the drink for me. She passes it. I finish the drink and put the bottle down.

She pouts and said.

Deiti: “Noooo… itzz alreadyy finished?”

Me: “Yep…”

My head was spinning and I was seeing multiple images of her.

She gets up out of the bed groggily saying.

Deiti: “I am huuungryy… dooo you have sssomething to eat?”

Suddenly, she stumbles and falls on me. To stop her fall, she wrapped her hands around my neck and puts her whole weight on me. I didn’t budge, but my face was now shoved within her warm and squishy breasts. Oh!!! I was feeling funny at that moment.

Deiti: “He he he he… I almost fell overrr… he he he he.”

Me: “Yeah!!”

My sound was muffled because it was tucked within her breast. And she still didn’t realize it. I didn’t want her to release her grip on me. Ohh… it was so warm and soft. It also smelled good, but I had to do the right thing. I tried to grab her shoulder to push her away from me, but my hands slipped due to my condition and I ended up grabbing her soft breasts. She lets out a soft moan, but I still tried to push it away from me. Her grip loosened and I was somewhat successful getting her away from me. Although I was still squeezing her breasts. It was so soft and I really didn’t want to leave it. But, I trusted my inner feeling and released them.

“Ohh!!! I am soorry, My Lord…I did not know you were busy… he he he he”

I turned and found Adi’Je standing in front of the tent, smiling.

Me: “Nooo!! I-I am finished now…

I will see you tomo- tomorrow and I am sending someone with some food for you Deiti.

Let’sss go Adi’Je.”

I blurted out even before thinking it and I had a very bad slur in my voice. Most of the words I spoke didn't sound clearly to me, but what ever it sounded like, my intention was to say the previous statement.

Adi’Je: “Are you sure My Lord? I can come back.”

I looked at her smiling face and replied.

Me: “Please help me walk… my headsss izz spinning.”

We exited Deiti’s tent and returned to mine, after... ordering one of the sobered Blood to bring some food to Deiti.

I enjoyed my night with my wives. That RedLogale stuff is great. I will definitely try some more later on. With that, the night finally ended with all of us getting some much needed rest and sleep.

We started our journey back to the Cillata City at first light. We were carrying over 100 heads of Bokoo monsters or 117 to be exact. All of us were in high spirits and it looked like Deiti has found herself again. She was chatting away with some Blood Women. If I had to guess… she was pestering them as well. On the other hand, both of my wives are in high spirits. Well, last night was amazing to say the least and it was nice to see our confidence in ourselves was rising.

Me: “The drink was amazing don’t you think?”

Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord, but what came after was much more enjoyable he he he he.”

Naj’Rak: “Your right Queen Adi’Je. It seemed the King was more energized than other nights. Maybe we should make him drink those drinks before we make love.”

Adi’Je: “Not a bad idea Queen Naj’Rak… we could do that. Although other matters may have played a major part in yesterday’s love session.”

Naj’Rak (with an innocent face): “Other matters? What kind of other matters were they, Queen Adi’Je?”

Adi’Je: “Our Lord may or may not have made love to both of us yesterday night thinking about someone else…”

Naj’Rak (surprised): “Who was that person? Is the King going to take another wife? Do you know her Queen Adi’Je?”

Adi’Je (smiling mischievously): “I do not know whether our Lord wants to take another bride, but I think he wants to take another concubine.”

Naj’Rak (still surprised): “Oh! A concubine… but who is that woman. Is she one of the female Bloods with us, Queen Adi’Je?”

Me: “Will both of you stop it? I did not think about anyone when I made love to both of you, and no… I don’t have any plans of taking anybody as neither my wife nor a… a concubine. I am happy with both of you and I don’t need anyone else.”

Adi’Je (giving me menacing look): “But My Lord, yesterday it seemed like you wanted to… let’s just say, you wanted to taste a forbidden fruit.”

Me: “No, I didn’t want any forbidden fruit. I have a hold over myself and I have full knowledge about my curse. Now, will you please change the topic?”

Adi’Je: “Then My Lord, what will be our next move?”

Me: “After getting the reward, I think it’s time to start our journey towards the Amoith Mountain.”

Naj’Rak: “My King, can I recommend something?”

Me: “Please go ahead Queen Naj’Rak.”

Naj’Rak: “I suggest that we should ask them to transfer the reward to the Treasury in Zuma rather than receiving directly. We could instruct Council Woman Je’Lec to distribute the income. It would save both time and energy.”

Adi’Je: “That is an excellent idea Queen Naj’Rak. I recommend this too.”

Me: “Okay then, I will do that. Queen Naj’Rak please upon reaching the City of Cillata go and send proper instructions back to Council Woman Je’Lec regarding this.”

Naj’Rak: “Yes, My King.”

We reach the city within one hour and as we walked through the city, every Cillata people stopped whatever they were doing and continued to watch us. It was awkward, but it was okay. We reached the Council Hall and were greeted with joy by the Cillata Councilors. They saw the heap of monster head we carried back. One of them, Council Woman Isuli Erpes led the Bloods carrying the heads to the proper place for processing and counting. I ordered the rest to go to their respective rooms and rest. Naj’Rak went to do send an urgent message to Council Woman Je’Lec back in Blood Zuma.

Council Man Ekela Cyn: “King Le’On, I knew it! You and your people could do this daunting task. But so many??”

Me: “Thank you, Council Man Ekela Cyn. When we reach the designated position, they were not there. After searching for a while, we found them crossing a small river running through the forest.”

Council Man Veann Gos: “How many were there exactly?”

Me: “As you could see they were a lot of them. Our initial estimate of 50 due to the scouting report was way off. We had to fight against at least a 100 of them. Although I didn’t mind the excess number nor my men.”

Council Man Veann Gos: “Sorry for asking this, but were you happy because of the money you would receive?”

Me (grinning): “No… we got a much more valuable thing fighting them than your money.”

Council Man Veann Gos: “What was it?”

Me: “Battle experience. My people, including me, got some much needed experience and the extra number did help. Thank you for sending us out there.”

Council Man Ekela Cyn: “Thank you for… for killing them.”

I could see tears forming in his eyes. I put my right hand on his shoulder and said.

Me: “Council Man Ekela Cyn, it was the least I could do. As I said earlier… I know the pain of losing someone to senseless monster attacks.”

Council Man Ranrt Logale: “Your Highness, the documents regarding the Trading Clan Alliance pact is ready for your reviewing.”

Me: “That is a good news.”

Council Man Ranrt Logale: “Yes, please follow me Your Highnesses.”

Me and Adi’Je including a few of the Governing Body of Cillata Councilors walked to a room showed by Council Man Ranrt Logale. When we reached there, I saw the rest of the Council Members had already gathered there. They all rose when we entered and bowed to me and Adi’Je. Council Man Ranrt Logale led us to a big table. He looked towards us and pointed towards two chairs which were situated side by side.

Council Man Ranrt Logale: “Your Highnesses, please take a seat here.”

Me and Adi’Je sat on the designated chairs. The rest of the Councilors along with Councilor Ranrt Logale, Councilor Ekela Cyn and the rest of the Governing Body members also sat on their respective places.

Council Man Ranrt Logale spoke first.

Council Man Ranrt Logale: “Your Highnesses please wait for a moment. We are waiting for the collection report and after that part is over, we would present the Pact papers. Is it okay with Your Highnesses?”

Me: “Yes, it is fine. We should finish our primary task first.”

It didn’t take long as we saw Council Woman Isuli Erpes entering the room with another man behind her. She came towards us and sat at an empty chair along with the rest of the Governing Body. The man who was following her was carrying a small blue crystal in his hand. He stood beside Council Woman Isuli Erpes and handed over the crystal to her. After that, Council Woman Isuli Erpes looked towards me and said.

Council Woman Isuli Erpes: “King Le’On, the counting is complete and has been verified.

We have received a total of 117 Bokoo heads.

The General Body pays 50 gold for each Bokoo head. As per our agreement, we will pay the equal amount as the General Body. The total comes to 5850 Gold.

We also noticed that you are a registered Adventurer of the Council of Zoit Adventurer Unit. Then a 5% tax will have to be added. After calculating the tax, your taxable amount comes to 292 Gold and 50 Silver. Deducting the tax amount, your total payment comes to an amount of 5557 Gold and 50 Silver.

Keeping your contribution to helping our people who were in need without asking for anything and also helping us to exterminate a current threat to our clan, we… The Council of Cillata has decided to award you with 5000 Gold.

Thus, your total earned money sums up to 10,557 Gold and 50 Silver.

Would you like us to transfer the amount right now, King Le’On?”

Me: “Please transfer the whole amount to the Treasury of Blood Zuma.”

Council Woman Isuli Erpes: “Very well, King Le’On.”

She touched the certain part of the blue crystal and a screen was shown. She inputted something for a while. Then, she looked at me and said.

Council Woman Isuli Erpes: “Transferring 292 Gold and 50 Silver to the Collection Department of the Council of Zoit’s Adventurer Unit under the ID 1365987.

Transferring 10,557 Gold and 50 Silver to the Treasury of Blood Zuma Clan under the direction of their King.

Do you verify this transfer, King Le’On?”

Me: “Yes.”

Council Woman Isuli Erpes (smiles): “Very Well…”

She pressed something on the screen and closed the screen. She handed it back to the man carrying it previously.

A screen opened up in front of me.








Council Man Veann Gos: “Now, onto the second part of this meeting. King Le’On, please review the agreements at your leisure. After you feel that the agreement is fair or to your satisfaction, then we will proceed to sign it.”

He signals to someone back towards the door. Soon, a woman comes out with two separate scrolls of paper. She comes near me and places one of those scrolls in front of me. She then moves a little distance away from the table and stands there.

Council Man Ranrt Logale: “Your Highness, if you are wondering why there are two scrolls then, I would like to inform you that both of them have the same content. If today, the signing is done, then one scroll will be for you and the other for us to keep as a proof.”

I nodded and opened the scroll. It read.



This Partnership Agreement is made:-




This agreement upon signed by these two clan, establishes the TRADING CLAN ALLIANCE.

Hence forth, any new members will sign in this agreement as the Alliance being the other partner and not any particular clan.


1. Every Clan signed in the pact will have to send their merchants to all other Alliance members City for trading of and not limited to patented goods.

2. The Blood Zuma Clan would provide security for any and all member Clans in the Alliance, upon request by any and all member Clan(s). The security will only be provided on sensitive or Level B matters and up. But, the Blood Zuma Clan has the authority to deny any and all requests. They would be paid accordingly.

3. The Blood Zuma Clan will provide assistance during any or all attack of monsters to any or all member clans in the Alliance. The Blood Zuma Clan has the authority to deny request of any or all member clans in the Alliance.

4. Any or all clans in the Alliance will support each other in any matter of Council of Zoit or any other matter, after a discussion of the member clans at first. The discussion would be about the eligibility of the matter of the concerned clan or clans.

5. If any matter or problem arises, a meeting will be called by any or all member clans to discuss the matters.

6. A meeting of the member clans will be held annually in different clan cities. The location will be decided by lottery.

7. Inclusion of new members will be debatable. A vote will be held upon the matter of the new clan should be included in the Alliance or not.

8. Exclusion or termination of a current member clan would be decided over an inquiry and voting.

9. As a show of gratitude, the Blood Zuma Clan would receive the rights to give two votes in any matter of voting while all the other member clans would get one.



PARTNER 1(NAME) - ____________________________________

PARTNER 2 (NAME) - ____________________________________

Adi’Je comes close to me and said: “Now we are officially grunts for hire.”

Me: “For now… but very soon it will all change.”

Adi’Je: “I believe in you My Lord. I know you will elevate us to our former glory.”

Me: “Then never stop sharing your strength to me.”

She smiles and I turn towards them.

Me: “Everything here fine, I will sign it now.”

Council Man Ranrt Logale: “Excellent, we are very happy to hear that Your Highness.”

We signed both the scrolls and instructed them to transport it back to Blood Zuma. They called for the teleportation crystal. After its arrival, I picked its destination, which was Council Woman Je’Lec along with a note saying to keep it stored safely. The scroll was teleported thus bringing the meeting to an end and with a loud cheer from the Council of Cillata. My first signing of a document of this kind. Hopefully, this alliance would bring a lot of commerce to Zuma, which we are in need. We have to connect Blood Zuma at a higher level in all, for us to become a major Clan in this continent.

We retreated to our rooms for the rest of the day. But not before inquiring about the road that lay ahead of us. Tomorrow, we will resume our journey to the Amoith Mountain. We got to know that the next check post would be the last in the Continental Broad Road 25, which is about some 500-550 km from here. From there on, if we turn right on the Continental Broad Road 25/1A, we would come in contact with another Clan. They were called Galeform Clan. They would also be the last clan we would encounter before we enter the Council of Zoit controlled Red Zone. It will take us almost 10 days to reach them. Incidentally, the Galeform Clan was also interested in joining our Alliance, although they don’t have any patented products. But it would good if we can make another ally for us.

I sincerely and secretly hoped for some monster encounter too. The Bloods along with me need as much experience as we can get our hands on. We would face a tough opposition from the monsters in the Amoith Mountain and these gained experience would help us somewhat. Bring on the adventure.

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