《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 5







Adi’Je (yawns): “Oh her... I put her to sleep... heavy sleep... he he he he.”

Me: “Sleep!? What kind of sleep? How??”

Adi’Je: “Remember My Lord, before meeting the elderly, you saw her resting on my shoulder?”

Me: “Yes.”

Adi’Je: “Well... what happened was... let’s just say, I made her happy for a moment and drugged her with a sleeping potion... small amounts nothing powerful.”

Me: “Made her happy?? Noo... sleeping potion!!? You drugged her?? Little amount??”

Adi’Je: “Yes, just a little amount... promise.”

Me: “And she didn’t wake up for the whole day... did she??”

Adi’Je: “Uhhh... he he he he...well...”

Me: “What??? She didn’t wake up for the whole day??? Is she dead??? Did you check her out afterwards???”

Adi’Je: “Yes, calm down My Lord. I had placed her in her tent and put a guard on it. If she wakes... I mean... when she wakes up, we will be notified.”

I look at her feeling that her explanation did not give me the best of hopes.

Me: “Are you sure?”

Adi’Je: “Yes My Lord... absolutely...”

I thought for a moment. I saw even Naj’Rak moving her arm over my pillow, perhaps trying to find me.

Me: “Well, as I am already awake, I should check up on her and also the injured elderly.”

Naj’Rak (cute sleepy voice): “What izz going on, Queen Adi’Je?”

Adi’Je: “Look Queen Naj’Rak... our Lord has woken up and wants to go out!!”

Naj’Rak: “Noooo My Kiiiing...do not gooo...please come back to bed!!!”

She stretches her hands as well as Adi’Je with a very mischievous smile on her face, inviting me back to a place of pure bliss. But!!! I fought the intense temptation.

Me: “No, I will go out... both of please continue sleeping. Both of you need rest more than I do.”

Though the protest was very... very HARD and when some skin got involved it turned into a pit of desire, but against all odds, I managed to get out of the tent with my pants intact... Yess... but why do I feel, I just lost my chance on something mind-blowing?? Well... what’s done is done. I wore my shirt and with my armour on one of my hand I first went to check upon Deiti... I sure hope she is awake.


But another problem arose. I don’t know which tent belonged to her. Well Adi’Je did say that a guard was placed in front of her tent. I will look for the tent which has a single guard in front of it. It’s a start.

And luck would have it; there was only one small tent with one Blood guarding it. Other tents did have guards but they were large and housed the people of the Cyn Clan whom we saved. Well it fit my search criteria so I went towards the tent.

I approached the guard who bowed upon seeing me.

Me: “Has the she woken up yet?”

Blood Guard: “No My King! I did not hear anything from inside that would indicate otherwise.”

Me: “Okay... when will your rotation end?”

Blood Guard: “My King, about in an hour.”

Me: “Hmm...Go on...take an early break. I am here. I will take over.”

The guard look quite unsettled with my order.

Blood Guard: “But My King... I ...”

I smiled at him and said.

Me: “Go on, take an early break. You would need it. Do not worry.”

Though he was hesitant at first but I assessed the situation well. He was tired and required an early sleep. I entered the tent and found a beautiful women sleeping peacefully like a log. I thought of many reactions she would give upon waking up that she missed an entire day due to Adi’Je. Although that would raise an entirely different set of questions regarding how lethal Adi’Je can be. She more or less knocked out someone for a whole day with lower grade sleeping potion. I don’t want to imagine a person taking one of her high grade sleeping potion. Why not just give a poison potion and be done with it. But there is a lesson to be learned here.

Do not make Queen Adi’Je irritated or you will lose whole days of your life if not your whole life. Moving on to Deiti, I approached her to wake her up.

Now, I would like to skip the part where I tried to wake her up but failed. I tried everything from slapping (ranging from mild to rock hard), nudging, screaming and nothing. I was sitting beside her, sometimes checking if she is breathing or not and thinking about excuses I have to give to her when...which at this point looked highly unlikely...wakes up. I had spent nearly half an hour or so in her tent when Adi’Je along with a smiling Naj’Rak entered.

Adi’Je: “It seems she is still sleeping...Oh my! What should we do??”

I look at her and towards Naj’Rak. My Queens are really something.

Me: “I know you have a way to wake her up. Please...wake her up.”

Adi’Je smiled and replied.

Adi’Je: “Only if you pay a price, My Lord.”

Me: “And what that might be?”

Adi’Je: “You neglected your Queens this morning for this sleeping as well as loving beauty. So... your price would be a deep, long, meaningful kiss to each of us. You will kiss us until we are satisfied... Do we have a deal, My Lord?”

I sighed...

Me: “Do you think anything other than this?”

Naj’Rak: “My King! These are a wives right. She can want whatever she desires to her husband. For now, all they want is for their husband to hold them tightly and make them lose themselves in his arms and...”

Adi’Je (interjecting): “In short, she means hurry up My Lord.”


I held Adi’Je tightly in my arms and slowly leaned forward but not the whole way, stopping just a little bit away. I let her close the remaining distance by herself. Our lips met and frankly I melted away. I dare not discuss anything further. After that it was Naj’Rak’s turn. She was quite anxious, waiting patiently for her turn. I did the same thing and in addition to kissing, she also started grinding herself into me. Well I don’t know how much time had gone by when I finished our kissing session.

When I turned around, I saw Deiti was already coming out of her deep slumber. While I was engaged with Naj’Rak, Adi’Je had already administered something to wake Deiti up.

She woke up and she was looking like a baby that had woken up after a goodnight’s sleep. It was comical but I dare not laugh.

Me: “Good morning, Deiti... how are you feeling?”

Deiti (stretching her arms wide and yawned): “Hmmm... morning?? What are you talking about?? We were in the carrier and...”

Her eyes became large...she was now checking her environment and the other two ladies trying to hide their laugh and me with a tense face.

Deiti: “What happened? Where am I?? Queen Adi’Je gave something...”

Me (I interjected): “Alright then, since you're finally awake, I’ll let Queen Naj’Rak explain it to you about everything thing...”

I turned to look at Naj’Rak with a smile on my face (it may or not be mischievous in nature) and continued.

Me: “She will tell you every little thing. Now if you would excuse me and Queen Adi’Je here, we have some urgent matters to attend to. I’ll see you some time after... now come on now Queen Adi’Je.” I extend my hand towards her.

Adi’Je cleared her throat and replied by grabbing my hand gracefully.

Adi’Je: “Yes My Lord. See you later Queen Naj’Rak...Deiti.”

With that, we made our exit leaving a surprised Naj’Rak to deal with any and all aftermath.

Adi’Je looked at me and said.

Adi’Je: “I did not know you had a mean side.”

Me: “I had to... I wasn’t going to explain someone why a whole day was missing from their life.”

She laughed and at that moment Captain Din’Pol approached us.

Captain Din’Pol: “My King! And My Queen! I have a report.”

Me: “What is it, Captain?”

Captain Din’Pol: “The Cyn elderly has awoken, My King.”

Me: “Good... were his people notified?”

Captain Din’Pol: “Yes My King. They were the first to know and are now currently inside his tent with him, updating him about the current situation.”

Adi’Je: “Why did you inform us first?”

Captain Din’Pol: “I am very sorry My Queen... when he woke up, he was panicking so the attending guard made a spot decision and called his own people to help him calm down. It is my fault, Queen Adi’Je and it is me who deserves to be punished and not my men.”

Adi’Je (gracefully might I add... a true Queen): “Well it seems the attending Blood has good presence of mind.

AND Captain Din’Pol, although it is commendable to see you taking responsibility for the actions of the men under your charge, DO NOT forget, it is solely the King’s decision whether to punish someone or to save someone. Your inputs in that matter are not required. Understood?”

Captain Din’Pol (nervously): “Ye-Yes My Queen.”

Well she can be pretty nightmarish.

Me: “Where is his tent?”

Captain Din’Pol: “The... there it is My King. Let me escort you there.”

We approached the tent. The other Bloods surrounding the tent and in the area bowed when we approached the tent. The Cyn people were watching in awe...probably wondering what was going on. Nevertheless, they opened a path when we stood in front of them. We entered the room and saw the elderly was surrounded by both males and female beasts of their clan. The elderly had tears in his eyes and was looking at me with surprise along with other beast people present there.

I spoke first to ease the atmosphere.

Me: “First of all, let me introduce myself.

My name is Le’On and I am the King of the Blood Zumas.

(I point my hand towards Adi’Je) And this is my first wife; Adi’Je, Queen of the Blood Zumas.”

The elderly and his people still remain unresponsive. Very well...

Me: “Yesterday, we were travelling from here to the nearest city but we found you lying on the road unconscious.

Queen Adi’Je here quickly administered some medicine on you to stabilize your conditions. You were responsive for couple of seconds and after that you became unconscious.

But in that brief time, you relayed to us that, to save your family. Immediately we formed a search party to locate your family. What we found were, your people desperately holding on against many powerful monsters.

We took action and engaged those monsters and slay all of them. We were able to rescue some of your people but many lost their lives before we arrived and for that you have our deepest condolences.

Your people can relay what had happened after that. We have also brought back the bodies of your fallen beast men. They are placed with proper care. We will be done with breakfast soon and begin our journey to the nearest City. From there, you could mourn your fallen properly.

Now, I need to some answers about the event and about your identities. Maybe I can contact the Council of Zoit for you.”

The elderly absorbed all of the information and for some time thought about something. Then, he wiped away his tears and cleared his throat. He responded.

???: “Thank you, Your Highness for your assistance to us. You and your people did so many things for us without making my people feel any discomfort. Ahh... at first let me introduce myself.

My name is Ekela Cyn, head of the Cyn Clan and also a Council Member of the Cillata Council. It is an honour to meet you, King Le’On and Queen Adi’Je of the Blood Zumas.”

Me: “Councillor Ekela Cyn, I wish we had met at a better time but a heavy question still linger in me.

Are you okay at this moment? Yesterday, your injuries were looking worse.”

Another Cyn man spoke out of turn to me in an angry and annoyed voice.

???: “What do you think?? Does he seem ‘Okay’ to you? Would YOU BE OKAY IF YOUR FAMILY WAS KILLED?”

This outburst was followed by silence for a few seconds which in turn was disturbed by noise of swords being unsheathe led by Adi’Je. She was now giving deathly aura and it was enough to suffocate a beast man. I had to take control of the situation.

Me (in a loud voice): “BLOODS!!! STAND DOWN... (I looked towards Adi’Je with stern face) NOW!!!”

For the first time I have ordered Adi’Je to do something. My mind was filling with guilty thoughts about scolding Adi’Je but it had to be done.

But to my surprise, every Blood that drew weapons along with Adi’Je replied in unison.


And with a swift motion, all of them sheathed their weapons. Adi’Je had a smile on her face but my job was not over yet.

I turned towards the out bursting Cyn man, who looks scared.

Me: “And where was this anger of yours, yesterday? Where was your anger when your people were getting killed? As I recall, you were one of the people who were crouching on the ground crying your eyes out in fear even though you had a weapon in your hand.

And to answer your other question. Yes... I have lost my entire family to stronger monsters as did many of my people. We can understand the loss felt by your people.

Now, Councillor Ekela Cyn, is it true that you lost your family?”

He wiped away his tears again and replied.

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “Ye-yes... King Le’On. I... I... lost my only son in that ordeal.”

I felt sad... if we had arrived a little bit sooner then the loss of people would have been less...

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “But, had it not been for your intervention at the right time King Le’On, I would have lost many or all of my people along with my daughter, who is now the only living child of mine.”

A timid girl, not much in height... maybe 5’5” - 5’6” ft came out behind some people. She had the same features like the rest of her people... ample bosom and a generous behind. She was a little hesitant at first. I could see the dried tears on her cheeks and red eyes.

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “King Le’On and Queen Adi’Je, this is my daughter Asa Cyn.”

The girl bowed and it looked like she was gathering up her courage to speak.

Me: “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Asa Cyn.”

I looked towards the Councillor Ekela Cyn.

Me: “Councillor, please rest. We will start our journey very soon. Until then excuse us... Ohh... before that, what were you doing in the forest?”

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “We have a tradition in Cyn Clan. Every year we would collect Yellow Sweet fruits before monsoon comes. We use it to make a sweet drink which is also a major form of economy for us. That is what we were doing there before the monsters attacked us. They weren’t supposed to be there. I don’t know how and they came here.”

Me: “What are those monster called?”

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “Bokoo. They are called Bokoo. But they were supposed to be residing on the upper side of the forest. We didn’t know they ventured this far south.”

Me: “You mention that you came to pick fruits. I gather you had carriers to transport them and yourselves.”

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “Yes... we had 3 Yul carriers with us. We tied them just east of the location we encountered the monsters.”

Me: “Okay... thank you for the information and please take rest.”

With that we came out of the tent. I turned towards Adi’Je and placed my hands on her shoulders and said.

Me: “Queen Adi’Je, I am very sorry about my actions inside their concerning...”

She put a finger over my lips and said.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, please do not apologize for a good decision. You merely acted as a King should... firm and fair.”

Me: “Really?”

Adi’Je: “Yes My Lord. I was proud of you in there.”

We both smiled.

“Now if both of you don’t mind, explain it to me... how can you give back an entire day to me?”

We both turned to see a fuming Deiti. Her white skin had turned red in anger I suppose. And behind her was an apologetic Naj’Rak. So finally, that time has dawned upon me.

Me: “Deiti...you are finally awake! Come on now... we have lot of work to do... no time to chit chat.

Queen Naj’Rak, please stay here and make sure that everything is ready for our departure when we return.”

Naj’Rak: “Yes My King.”

Deiti: “Hey!!! You cannot just ignore me now...”

I noticed four Bloods sitting idly. I point at them and said.

Me: “Hey you four!! Come on let's go.”

Upon hearing the orders they quickly got up and joined us. I turned towards Deiti.

Me: “I am sorry about what happened to you... can you find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Deiti: “Ohhh... I don’t want anything from you. I want an apology from her... Stop trying to save your precious wife.”

Me: “I am not hiding anyone. Moreover, I am trying to save you. Before you do or say something foolish to Adi’Je, just remember... for a little annoyance, she knocked you out for a whole day. Now, do you want any more deadly things happen to you?”

She thought for a second and replied in a softer voice.

Deiti: “I was just saying that please do not do it again, Queen Adi’Je.”

Adi’Je: “Oh my... how sweet. Okay... I promise not to do anything to you from here on this moment.”

Me: “Awww... look at you girls... friends in no time.”

Adi’Je: “I have to... My Lord would be angry with me if I do not treat his next possible concubine or wife with respect.”

Deiti: “What?”

Me: “Yeah... What??”

Adi’Je: “Nothing (giggles).”

Me: “Look! We have the reached the location.” Deciding to change the topic.

We again stand in the place where we fought. The headless bodies are still there but some are missing. Drag marks are on the ground suggesting some other type of monster decided to feast upon them. Well time to search for the Yul carriers. I looked over to the other four Bloods that I brought along.

Me: “Go to this side (pointing towards my east) and search for Yul carriers or any sign of them. When you find it, bring them back here, we will be waiting here. Now go.”

They bowed and quickly went to the work.

Deiti: “Woah!! Look at King Le’On...Ufff... so hot... it’s like a king like aura is melting of you.”

Me: “Heh... you think that’s hot, wait till you see Adi’Je in her Queen mode. You will bow down and call her Queen.”

Deiti (looking at Adi’Je): “I have no doubt in that. Anyway... so this is the place. I can’t believe I missed the party.”

Me: “The Councillor said that these Bokoo’s were not originally from here.”

Deiti: “Wait, the Councillor?”

Me: “Yeah, we saved an elderly Cyn beast man and it turns out he is the head of the Cyn clan and a Council Member in the Council of Cillata.”

Deiti: “He is a Councilman from Cillata? How is he paying us?”

Me: “Paying?”

Deiti: “We are NOT GETTING PAID!!? Are you a FOOL?? Are you an Adventurer of The Council of Zoit??”

Me: “Not everything is done for money and besides I took these Bokoo monsters head as proof and will sell it in the General Body Unit.”

Deiti: “Every Adventurer requires payment for his or her services. That is the law!! And you just forfeited it.”

Me: “Uhh... first I didn’t know about that law and coming from you, I think you made that one up. Secondly if it were to be true then...Yes... I kind of forfeited.”

Deiti: “Do you even know how rich they are? They sell a sweet drink known as the YellowCyn drink all over the continent. Did you not know?”

Me: “No.”

She put her arms on her head as if she was experiencing a big headache. And all this while Adi’Je was looking at something. She spoke.

Adi’Je: “My Lord... monsters.”

I quickly went towards her and asked.

Me: “Where?”

Adi’Je: “There... just behind that tree line.”

I followed her direction and found three Bokoo’s walking towards us. Though it looks like, they do not know that we are here.

Me: “Well Deiti... looks like you wish has been granted. Queen Adi’Je and you take them out when get close to us.”

Adi’Je (with a smile in her face): “Thank you, My Lord.”

This woman really likes to fight while Deiti pouted but did not say anything. She only saw me fighting but in a short while, you will see how a true Blood fights.

The Bokoo’s noticed us when they came closer the open field. A nice breeze was blowing over the field. They immediately start their mad dash towards us. Dieti had already equipped with her axe but Adi’Je was still standing without unsheathing her swords. Deiti was a little bit anxious or nervous, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. I had taken a few steps back to watch. It took the Bokoo’s few minutes to at least get within striking distance of the girls.

Adi’Je without drawing her swords out, waited. But Deiti dashed forward to meet them head on. Deiti quite skilfully avoided the first one and engaged the second one while the third ignored her and went after Adi’Je along with the first. Deiti gave the monster nagging wounds, but nothing deep enough to lose its life. I think she was doing it to prolong the fight. Sometimes she would look back to see what had happened to Adi’Je. She had a smile on her face. She must have though two monsters at once would be hard for Adi’Je. It would suffice to say Deiti thought wrong.

The other two Bokoo’s were now just touching distance from Adi’Je. They were already in the motion of grabbing her with their arms. But in a flash, Adi’Je drew her weapons and ducks the first Bokoo’s attack and gave it a deep cut on its chest on the right side from a quick slash as she went past it. Blood sprayed from the cut inflicted on it, which was Adi’Je’s initial intention. Then as she went past the first one, she used her tail to wrap around the second one and used it to throw the second Bokoo towards the monster fought by Deiti. In a flash, the Bokoo hurled towards its intended target and collided with it. It collided with such tremendous force that both of them got smashed into each other while their blood sprayed everywhere, some even on Deiti.

Adi’Je still wasn’t finished. She charged closing the distance between her and the only remaining Bokoo, who was in pain from the deep cut it received earlier. Bokoo used both of its arms and tried to grab Adi’Je, but she twirled at the right moment which made the Bokoo run past her. Adi’Je used her right hand to produce a horizontal slash still within the twirling momentum. When she stopped, she was looking towards me with a smile, while Deiti was looking at her in awe. The Bokoo stood some distance away, headless...blood spurting out and fell on the ground. The fight was over. Though Deiti fought one but Adi’Je killed all three. And that’s how a Blood fights... it fights to kill all his/hers enemies whether directly fighting or not. And they do it with a smile on their face.

Deiti: “What was THAT?”

Adi’Je: “What?”

Deiti: “How and why did you kill my monster?”

Adi’Je: “I did not see your name written on the monsters.”

Deiti: “Why you...”

Me: “Hey!!! Great job... both of you. Now let’s cut (I look towards the mangled bodies of two Bokoos) or scavenge the heads of those two. (But upon closer look, nothing was there to scavenge. It was smashed.) Or let’s just wait here.”

Adi’Je (smiling): “Thank You My Lord!!! He he he he”

She happily wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed her back. After a while we broke from our kiss. I saw Deiti was standing in an awkward manner with an unusual expression. Adi’Je also looked towards her.

Adi’Je: “Do you also want a reward from the King? He he he he.”

Deiti was about to say something but was interrupted as the other Bloods returned along with 3 Yul carriers.

One of them was full with Yellow coloured fruit and the other one half full. The last one was fitted for people to sit. Most likely they used this one to travel.

Me: “Did you find anything else?”

One of the Blood spoke: “No My King. These were all that we could find.”

Me: “Okay then, let’s take theses back to them.”

I went ahead and picked up the severed head of one of them and we started our journey back.

When we reached the camp, everything was as planned. The carriers were ready and so were the people. I saw Naj’Rak busy with giving out orders. Upon seeing their carts, a beast woman from the Cyn clan approached us.

???: “This is our carriers and the fruits are still there.”

Me: “I know I have brought this to return it to your people. Please call who ever are in charge of your people now.”

She nodded and looked back. She was clearly searching for someone. She then waved her hand towards another woman. This time it was the daughter of the Councillor.

???: “Look Asa, they even brought back our carriers.”

The timid looking daughter of the Councillor came close and saw the Carriers.

Asa Cyn: “You even brought back the fruits... Thank you so much... thank you for everything you have done. I wish we could have finished our quota but still this much would be enough.”

Me: “Please Miss Asa, pick three people to manoeuvre these carriers.”

Asa Cyn: “Yes, right away.”

Me: “After you have finished, please wait close to our carrier.”

With that, we went towards Naj’Rak was. Upon reaching there, I called Captain Din’Pol to come as well. After everyone has gathered, I laid our plan to carry all of the people.

Me: “Okay, here is the plan. The Cyn beast men would travel on to one of their Yul carrier which is fitted for them. While we would carry ourselves, the dead bodies, the severed heads, the injured Councillor and if his daughter wants then she too. Make room accordingly. Any questions?”

Everybody indicated that they all understood and went their way to complete the task.

Pretty soon we are on our way towards Cillata city with the people of Cyn. This time, I was sitting in the back with the Councillor and his daughter.

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “I must apologize for asking you this but I have never heard of any Blood Zuma Clan before. Although, I have heard and met some beast people hailing from Zuma. Are you a variant of that clan?”

Asa Cyn: “I was also thinking of the same thing. I wanted to ask His Highness but never could get my courage up to ask you.”

I smiled and replied.

Me: “Actually the Zuma Clan was a deevolutionized version of the Blood Zumas. We, the Blood Zumas and the Zumas are the same people. There was restriction put on us by our last King. That restriction forced us to be the beast people you encountered. But there was also a provision that if the next King wanted, he could lift the restriction upon all of our people. I took it and we received our original traits back.”

Councillor Ekela Cyn (surprised): “You are the same?? What kind of restriction was that... turning big strong people into...?”

He looked at me realising the place he was in before saying that all too familiar word.

Me (smiling): “Weak... yes I know...”

Councillor Ekela Cyn (looking apologetic): “I am sorry, King Le’On.”

Me: “No...Please don’t be. It was true. We were weak and that is why we feel your loss and grief.”

Asa Cyn: “Then, why was there a restriction on your people?”

Me: “We were already an evolutioned Clan before any other clan in this continent even started their evolution phase. We were much aggressive in nature and if remained at the same level... then no other Clan would have survived our onslaught. That is why, to save other clans and other variety of in clan matters, the restriction was put on us.

And I saw the redundancy in them, at this age thus lifting it.”

Asa Cyn: “Wow!! The first clan to evolutionize before other clans... Your people have rich history. Can I ask you another question, King Le’On?”

Me: “Please go ahead.”

Asa Cyn: “Where were you heading before you met my father?”

Me: “Well... we were going to a quest given by the Council of Zoit.”

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “A quest from the Council of Zoit... must be very important.”

Me: “It is...we are on our way to clear the area surrounding The Amoith Mountain.”

Asa Cyn (surprised): “The Amoith Mountain!!! But that’s...”

Her father interjected.

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “Many beast people tried but fail, even Zoit’s own Army Units failed to retake the land. But, I do hope you succeed King Le’On. I do hope so.”

Me (smiling): “Thank you, Councillor.”

Councillor Ekela Cyn: “I wish my son could see you... he... he... loved adventures... and...” Tears started to fall from his eyes and even Asa started to cry. It was normal for them... losing one’s own son is truly sad.

Me: “Councillor, Miss Asa, I am sorry for your loss.”

They continued crying along with some childhood stories of his son or some story about his dreams.

After two hours of journey, we reached the City of Cillata. The people were looking at us but we went straight to the Council Medical Unit. Upon reaching, we handed over the dead bodies of their people. Before going inside the Medical Unit, Councillor Ekela asked us to stay in the city for couple of days and I agreed. We also needed to rest and restock our supplies, not to mention, to sell the heads of the monsters.

With our Quest level being the top most, we were given rooms to our liking and moreover, they were complimentary from the Council of Zoit. They would pay for us whenever we stayed in a Council sponsored Inn. We also get free shade for our Miden Carrier along with free upkeep of the carrier as long as we are in the city. The Council of Zoit really knows how to take care of people whom it employs. Though, this quest did put a strain on my pocket but it was also compensated when I got a message from the Council of Cillata.

They already got whiff of what had happened and had sent an invitation to me and to my wives, inviting us to a meeting with the Council. The invitation did not come alone. It came along with a message.

*Every item the Blood Zumas buy in the City, the bill would be picked up by the Council of Cillata and tomorrow cremation and mourning would be held in the memories of the victims.*

Me and my wives got a deluxe room, a few of the woman Blood present in our unit got a room of their own and the rest of the Bloods got a large room. We were not tired as such so I told all the Bloods to freshen up and take the rest of the day off. Go outside and do whatever they want but to maintain dignity towards our hosts. They were all happy to do as they saw fit while me along with my wives took a shower to clean ourselves. I wanted to see the elder in the Medical Unit after refreshing up. Both Adi’Je and Naj’Rak wanted to come with me but I told them to go out and tour the city and to buy anything they pleased. They can use the accounts I created for them. It contains enough money to satisfy each of them. I would in no means let my wives shop on someone else’s money.

I reached the Medical Unit and went towards the reception desk. There a petite woman was sitting stationed. She looked exactly like the Cyn people except her complexion was a bit darker than them.

Me: “Excuse me Miss, could you tell me where Councillor Ekela Cyn room is?”

The receptionist looks up to me, smiles and then replies.

Receptionist: “Certainly Sir, please wait one moment.”

She rummaged through a drawer and brought a paper. She again looked at me and said.

Receptionist: “The Council is Room 21. It’s on the second floor. It is the first room of the corridor.”

Me (smiling): “Thank You.”

I followed her directions and reached his room. There was no one around his room, not even his daughter... maybe went to rest for a little. It is better to let him have some time for himself. I left without meeting him.

I had other work to do. I took the heads and skins to the General Body’ Selling Goods counter.

First, I enquired if any bounty was placed on those Bokoo monsters. And I found it was... actually when the Council of Cillata heard the events that had unfolded with Councillor Ekela Cyn, they placed large a sum on individual head of Bokoo monsters. It was 50 gold for each head.

After I registered my ID and placed my loot, I received 2300 gold as I had brought 46 heads and after selling five Bokoo skins I got 10 gold in total. For me, it was a big haul which I distributed among all the Bloods maintaining a percent. In all, around 1000 gold remained with me. From there I transferred 300 gold to each of my wife's account and kept the rest which totaled in 400 gold. I was happy and I hope other Bloods would be and even my wives.


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