《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 4


We have been traveling for almost eight hours without stopping. According to the last Check Post Clerk, the nearest place which would have a good place to rest is still 400km ahead. Though we are not traveling by foot, but still, it's very hard sitting in one place for hours; even Deiti is worn out. At the beginning of the journey she was very energetic. Talking about arbitrary things, giving me a headache in the process. Today she sat beside Adi’Je while I sat beside Naj’Rak. But that didn’t stop her. I didn’t know she can talk this much.

But much to my happiness quite a while back, she finally stopped talking. Ahh... What peaceful environment!! But why was she fidgeting before stopped talking entirely. I turned back to see her. What I saw was a little bit funny and a lot of weird.

She was sleeping or at least it looked like it with head slanted on Adi’Je’s shoulder. Deiti’s face looks flustered and red with her eyes closed. She was breathing heavily and her hands were in a crossed shape resting on her lap. Adi’Je was smiling... but not her best one, but of a mischievous kind. I got the feeling she did something to make Deiti shut up. Well... it’s all good.

We were traveling through a forest, but not a dense one. The environment was quite cool and full of flowers which gave a beautiful smell. It was a peaceful environment until I spotted a body lying on the side of the road.

I ordered the carrier to stop and got down. Adi’Je and Naj’Rak also followed me. I quickly went towards the body. It was rolled over, showing his back towards me. I rolled it over to find out it was a beast man. He was an aged man, but severely injured. Blood had covered half of his face, but he was still breathing. We still had time to save him. He had a low grade armour, but I could see no weapon around anywhere.

Me: “Queen Adi’Je please administer this man with Vitalis, quickly.”

Adi’Je: “Yes, My Lord!”

With haste she brought out a small glass tube filled with Vatalis potion from one of her pouches. She quickly dropped some on the injured man’s mouth and some on his wounds which were visible to us at that moment.

After waiting some time, the injured beast man opened his eyes... just barely though. His breathing had steadied somewhat. He may live if we hurry up and reach the closest Clan territory. Although administering Vitalis would stabilize him for the time being but medical treatment is must always. I have no idea whether he saw us or not, but I decided to speak with him.

Me: “Can you hear me? Please hold on, will bring you to immediate medical treatment... please hold on.”

I turned towards the carrier and shouted.

Me: “Captain Din’Pol!! Come out here quickly.”

He quickly exited the carrier and came forward.

The injured man with a loud cough extended his hand towards me.

I grabbed his hand and said.

Me: “Please hold on... we will get you to some medical treatment.”

The injured man with a lot of pain said in a low voice.

Injured Man: “Please... save my family...” He pointed towards his right into the forest.

Me: “What!!! Family... where are they mister?”

He had closed his eyes... most probably lost his consciousness

Me: “Queen Adi’Je please stay with this man and administer Vitalis and try to keep this man’s condition stable.”

Adi’Je nodded and said: “Yes, My Lord.”


I shouted, looking towards the Carrier.


Captain Din’Pol pick four Bloods and stand guard here while I take charge of the rest.”

Captain Din’Pol: “Yes, My King!!”

At that very moment, all the Bloods got down from the carrier equipped with their armour and weapons.

I looked towards Naj’Rak.

Me: “Queen Naj’Rak, you will come with me.”

Naj’Rak: “Yes, My King!!”

Captain Din’Pol selected an archer, two swords and shield and one trident to stay with him. That leaves me with five archers, eight front liners and three trident wielders.

After dividing the Search and Rescue Unit, I gave the order.

Me: “Bloods MOVE OUT!!”

We entered the part of the forest where the beast man had pointed out. It was not a dense one so searching for someone should be easy. We had fan out to widen our search capabilities. But we didn’t have to search for very long. I heard a faint scream coming straight ahead. I started to run towards the direction and everybody else followed me. After a few minutes of running I came out to a clearing. It was small grassland surrounded with trees which had fruits hanging onto them. It would have been a pretty sight had it not been for the ground soaked with blood.

I saw medium sized monsters attacking some people. The monsters were many in numbers, about 40 while some of them lay dead on the ground. They had one eye and had proper arms and legs. They were grey in colour. They had sharp teeth. They used their hands to grab someone or used their teeth to bite them.

The people who were defending themselves looked worn out and many did not have proper armour or weapons. They even had women and children amongst them. Many of their kind also lay on the ground... dead; some even had few body parts missing. The people were loosing, they would not survive long without serious help.

All of my men had gathered around me watching the scene. I looked at them... I saw no fear. I smiled... this is going to be fun.


Front Liners at the front, tridents behind them and archers fan out, pick out a vantage point and wait for my signal.”

The archers nodded and fanned out while the rest followed my command. Me and Naj’Rak stayed just behind the trident line. Now, we have to get their attention... easy enough.

Me: “Front Liners!! Bang your swords on your Shields in unison.”

They listen and we they started banging their swords on their shields to create a marvelous sound. A sound, which would fill any fighting unit with valour and courage.


The sound created traveled to the ears of everyone, beast and monster. Their attention turned towards us. The sound was loud and the Bloods got more confidence in themselves. The beast people looked at us... their eyes told me all I needed to know. They now saw hope and I will make their hope into reality.

Now all its missing is a good and powerful Chant...what it could be?? Hmmm... Let’s try this one.

In keeping with the sound created by the front liners, I started chanting.

Me: “BLOOD... BLOOD... BLOOD...BLOOD... BLOOD...” I continued and to my happiness the rest of the unit followed suit.

Keeping in rhythm with the sound, chants were heard which now became a war chant... feeling every Blood with pride and courage and the monsters had a look of worry.



I screamed.

Me: “Front Line... forward march...”

The front liners started their movement along with others. The monsters in confusion started to run towards us leaving the beast people alone.

After covering some ground, I ordered the Unit to stop the march and told them to ready their shields. The front liners pulled their shield in front and their swords between the gaps of two shields. Adi’Je had drilled formation into them and it was looking very sturdy. The monsters had now closed the gap between us and were about to smash into the shields of the front liners.

I yelled.

Me: “Archers... shoot.”

A volley of few arrows came out and struck some of the advancing monsters. 3 of them fell on the ground probably dead, and with them they took another 3 which tumbled after getting hit by the dead bodies of the monsters. The rest collided with the wall of shield, pushing the front liners back in the initial moment. I had expected this... it was their first battle. After being pushed a few feet, I ordered.

Me: “Front Liners... ANCHOR DOWN!!!”

The Front Liner did exactly what I ordered. The force with which those monsters had collided had now been dissipated. The Front Liners got a good hold of the situation, shaking off their mental block or pre-battle anxiousness. They stopped being pushed all together. The momentum had reversed.

Me: “PUSH!!!”

The Front Liners pushed the line of monsters back, one step at a time. They used their hands to push the front liners back but failed. The Front Liners were now in control, using their full strength like they were taught, eyes full of determination, faces filled with smiles. It was time to let them taste some Blood.


They jabbed their swords through the gap between two shields into the faces of the monsters and upon retrieving their swords back, the monsters howled in pain as Green blood gushed out from the wounds.


The Front Liners broke from their formations and attacked the monsters head on. Stabbing, jabbing, slashing however they could, they killed the monsters. The trident wielders also engaged along with Naj’Rak. I was surprised to see her ferocious side. It was hot!!!

The monsters soon got outnumbered as they were cut, stabbed or slashed on various places on their bodies. The front liners used their swords to first cut off the monster's arms while the trident wielders thrust their tridents into the chest of the monster. The woman Bloods along with Naj’Rak also used their tails in the fight. A tail of a Blood woman is more powerful than any Blood man has in both of his arms. I saw a few monsters got hurled towards the tree line, got squished upon impact. It was a frenzy out their... green bloods was sprayed upon the Bloods which aggravated them more.

But no monster broke through the line held by the Bloods nor any Bloods received any kind of damage. Soon, the dead bodies of the monsters piled up. The monsters tried to grab a few Bloods, but they were cut down even before they could defend themselves. There was no need for me to enter the battle so I stayed a few distance back... watching over everything.

Finally the last of the monsters fell on the ground, dead. The Bloods had won their first battle ever and they looked like they were hungry for more. I looked around once again to see if I had missed anything but only the dead bodies of the monsters came into my view. Finding nothing, I turned by attention towards the beast people who were watching the fight... baffled.

I walked towards them, I counted and their number came around 15 including women and children. Some of them were on the ground crying or howling would be the right word. The men who were standing were trembling as if it was their first fight. I stopped before a man who looked like the most composed of all of them.

I spoke.

Me: “Hello!! Are you able to talk?”

The man looked at me and nodded.

Me: “I don’t know what happened here but if you would follow us, we can provide medical assistance and protection. Once you are comfortable we can talk about the incident.”

The man still looking at me took a step back. As if he felt fear just like the rest of the other people.

Me: “Do not worry; I am an adventurer of the Council of Zoit’s own Adventurer Unit. These are my Clan people. We are here to help... I promise you, nothing will happen to any of you.”

Finally the man spoke.

???: “Ohhh... Thank You...thank you very much... for saving us. But how did you find us?”

Me: “We found an injured man lying beside the road we were traveling. He pointed this way and said his family was in danger. When we searched the direction he pointed, we found this place.”

???: “Ohh...ahhh...”

Me: “Please now come with us...

Bloods form a protective guard around them and stay on your guard. If anything threatens, kill it.”

They quickly headed my order and formed a protective guard around the group.

We escorted them back to our carriage but without talking a single word with them. They just all looked scared and why shouldn’t they be. Upon reaching the carriage, Adi’Je came close to me.

Adi’Je: “My Lord!! Who are these people?”

Me: “We saved them; they were being attacked by some kind of monsters. We had to quickly kill them all before these beast men also died. Before we reached there many of them had already died.

Queen Adi’Je how is the injured man?”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, his condition is now stable...he will live.”

Me: “Good...please look after these people as well...provide them with Vitalis and some food.

I will take some men and bring back the bodies of their fallen so that they can be identified.”

Adi’Je: “As you wish, My Lord.”

I turned around to Naj’Rak, who was busy making room for the people that had come. I decided to let her stay here and help Adi’Je.

Me: “Captain Din’Pol!”

He appeared in front of me.

Me: “Pick four Front Liners and move out with me. Order the rest to help and guard this place. We will stay here for the night.”

He bowed and quickly went to complete my order.

Now that I have some moment to myself, I focused on the group of beast men we just rescued and also thought about the elderly we just saved. Their features were somewhat similar. That means they are from the same clan. But what were they doing here? And how did they get attacked?

These beast men had average height, sharp features, pointed ears, a bit of yellowish colour complexion with a patch of black on their nose and had horizontal black iris over hazel eyes... the beast men had an extra feature on them. They had few whiskers over their mouth. The grown men looked funny, but the young boys looked cute... Anyway... they looked harmless to me.

Captain Din’Pol: “My King! Every thing is ready.”

Me: “Hmmm...Good...let’s move out.”

Captain Din’Pol: “Bloods...MOVE OUT!!!”

Within a half hour we reached the battlefield. It was a mess, so to say. Bodies lying everywhere, but thankfully our fight occurred some distance away from the bodies of the beast men lay.

Me: “First, collect the bodies of the beast men. We will carry them first.”

Captain Din’Pol: “Yes, My King.

Bloods!! Collect the beast man bodies and place them in a clear place.”

The Bloods got on to work.

They took out the bodies one by one and it was not a pretty sight. Some got their head bitten off, others got arms or legs or both teared off. Men, women and even there were two little children; one was a boy and the other one a girl. They were not more than two years old. The wounds or I should say, looking at their lower body which was basically smashed into paste clearly suggested they were mauled to death. Poor, innocent children.

Captain Din’Pol: “Such level of death... I remember when I saw my father got killed during a monster raid in the city. I still remember it like it happened yesterday.”

Me: “My parents as well as Elder were killed by monsters. Though I didn’t see my parents get killed nor do I remember their face now, but I failed to save Elder, who died in front of me.

We all lost someone during monster raids. We all can relate to their deaths and their family's agony of losing their loved ones. But I will tell you one thing right now.

Bloods, from now on... our path in which we choose to walk will be filled with bloody battles. Battles that would churn any other beast's stomach irrespective of which Clan they belong to. But we are not one of them. Bloodier the conflict, the more dangerous we get.

Etch this scene into your heads and communicate this to your fellow unit members. Remember what you have accomplished here. In the future, I will demand more brutality from you... from all of you. I want each and every Bloods fight whose result will be like this one. At the end of every conflict, our enemies shall lay like these monsters lay here.


All the other Bloods in unison: “YES MY KING!!!!”

Me: “Good...now carry on.”

With few found fire in their eyes, they again started their work of clearing out the bodies. In the mean time, I decided to chop the heads of the dead monsters. Maybe they carry some form of bounty in the nearest city.

I selected one, whose head was still intact. Its body had the markings of several wound marks, probably died from loss of blood. This one was killed by those people while defending themselves.

I properly examined the monster’s skin... if it was worthy of fetching any prize. But sadly no... It seemed to me that it had no value. Maybe I’m wrong... well it can be, I am not an expert nor I know the names of these monsters. Let’s just skin this one and take it to those people for identification. Maybe they could offer any information about it. But first, I cut its head off. Well by now, it had become easy to me.

After cutting of its head, I skinned it. Surprisingly it was much easier than the last time.

In the mean time, Captain Din’Pol approached me.

Captain Din’Pol: “My King! We have finished picking out the bodies. They were a total of 15 beast men, which included 2 children, 5 women and the rest male... some even had weapons but not of good quality. What should we do next, My King?”

I looked at him...

Me: “Send a few Bloods to bring sheets from the carrier which we were carrying with us. Tell them to bring at least 20 sheets, if there is a shortage then inform either Queen Adi’Je or Queen Naj’Rak to give them our own sheets which we use in my tent.”

Captain Din’Pol bowed and said: “As you wish, My King.”

He left to carry out the order. It gave me enough time to skin a few more, but there were many monsters left whose head was still intact to their body. I looked around and found two Front Liners taking rest. I called for them.

Me: “Hey!!! You two...Come here.”

They quickly got up and rushed towards me with an anxious look.

Me: “Cut the heads of all the monsters and bring them here. If you want you could ask a few more to help you. I need all of there heads gathered in this place before the Bloods come back with sheets. Okay??”

One of them nodded while the other spoke.

“Yes My Lord...understood.”

Both of them quickly ran towards the rest of the Bloods resting and mobilized them towards my command... well if you call that a command. Seeing them run around cutting and gathering the heads of dead monsters was pretty funny. But it did give me some free time to skin a few more.

The light from the light star started to fade indicating we have to hurry. Pretty soon the Bloods who were busy cutting the heads of had finished their task. One of them came to me.

“My King, we have finished our task.”

Me (looking at him): “Great...now take some rest.”

He bowed and went away. I had also finished skinning two of them. I put the bloody skins in the place where the heads were collected.

Captain Din’Pol: “My King!! We have brought the sheets you ordered.”

I turned towards him and said.

Me: “Then start wrapping the bodies in the sheets and prepare it so that it can be carried. Also collect these heads and skins in a sheet to. If the sheet is small then connect two of them to make it big. We will also carry these.”

Captain Din’Pol: “As you wish My King.”

Upon receiving orders, the Bloods started placing the bodies in the sheets and wrapping them. It didn’t take long for them to finish the task. Within half an hour, they had finished the job.

Me: “Alright Bloods, let’s get back to the carrier.”

I picked the big sheet full of heads and skins of the monsters which was now bloody while the rest of them carried the bodies.

We reached the carrier which had now transformed into a large camp. The beast men who were attacked were sitting around a big fire. Many of them had bandages on their body, arms, legs or even on their head. They were looking calm a little bit. The children were sleeping close to the women. Some of them were also eating.

The Bloods kept the beast men's bodies at a side, away from their eyesight. I also kept my load close to the carrier. After placing everything I told the Bloods to take some rest and some food. Then I went towards where my wives were standing.

Me: “Is everything alright?”

Both of them look at me surprised, but then smiled. Naj’Rak wrapped her hands around my left hand and came close to me while Adi’Je did the same with my right hand. Now both of them sticking onto me with cute faces.

Adi’Je (smiling): “Yes My Lord... everything is all right.”

Naj’Rak (pouting): “My King!! Why didn’t you take me with you??”

I smiled at her and said.

Me: “Queen Adi’Je needed help, though she won’t say it but I knew and you were the only person that I could trust. That is why I did not disturb you while you were busy in here.”

Adi’Je: “Oh My Lord, before I forget. I got some information about these people.

Apparently, these people are from the Cyn clan or rather a variation of Cillata clan. The Cillata clan has many variations among them and these people are from Cyn clan. Incidentally, the next city belongs to the Cillata Clan, where they all reside. Although I am still unsure what were they doing here? Whenever I ask this question, they remind themselves of the horror they faced and start to panic... Uff really... such weak beast should not have evolved...”

Me: “You should not say that, some time ago we were also like this. I can understand their feelings.”

Adi’Je gives a pouty look but her smiles come back again.

Me: “And what about the elderly that we found first? Have you found his family yet?”

Both Adi’Je and Naj’Rak look at each other before looking at me and said.

Naj’Rak: “No My King! We have been unable to locate his family. Though no one has approached us to look for him either.”

Adi’Je: “Maybe his family is among the dead that the Lord has brought.”

It was a horrible yet a good possibility of that happening.

Me: “I suppose it is a possibility we have to keep in mind. But tomorrow I would try to talk to them about some of our questions while escorting them back to their city.”

Adi’Je: “It is a wise choice My Lord...”

Naj’Rak: “Very true My King...”

Both of them had started to press themselves into me quite a while ago. I knew their intentions, but its a little weird. The atmosphere is a little heavy to have these kinds of emotions.

Me: “Is this the right moment to have these emotions?”

Adi’Je (smiling): “My Lord, these exact situations are wanted for a Blood couple to have a nice time with each other. To other clans this might seem a tensed environment, but today, you just led your first charge as a Blood King against a group of monsters and returned victorious. Today, after many, many years the Bloods were victorious in saving other people’s lives. And this calls for celebration...

A Blood Queen or in your case, Queens need to reward there Blood King for his victory in the field of battle. And he deserves it too... My Lord... I already feel it... our glorious future... filled with epic battles and epic love making... he he he.”

Naj’Rak: “Now, please My King, if you would follow us to our tent... (Giggles)”

Me: “You know Queen Naj’Rak... you are becoming more and more like Queen Adi’Je as time passes.”

Naj’Rak: “Is that a bad thing, My King?”

Me: “Nope...not at all...”

Both of them gave a soft giggle. I suppose they are right. We did have a successful fight against those monsters. But tomorrow we have much work to do.

The night passed on without any new incident and mine passed on pretty good considering the unconditional love I got from my wives. I am a refreshed beast man now.

Suddenly a big question dawned on me. I woke up as quickly as I could. I saw, I was lying in a sea of arms and two black tails. Though it felt nice and warm, but I had to wake up.

Adi’Je: “Hmmm... My Lord... What are you doing waking up so early?? Please... come back to bed!!”

Me: “Uhhh... he he he...umm Adi, yesterday, I completely forgot about something.”

Adi’Je (trying to forcefully open her eyes): “About what, My Lord?”

Me: “Umm... what happened to Deiti? Where was she, yesterday?”



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