《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 3


We are currently on route towards the Amoith Mountain. It lies to the North-East of us. There are two ways to reach the Amoith Mountain from our place. One was through the Northern Quadrant and crossing the rocky terrain and traveling through few of the Clans city. It would take us about 2 months to reach the mountain on foot.

The other was through the Eastern Quadrant. It had grassy terrain with some dense forest which had many monsters residing in them. We also have to through several Clan territories. The monsters would be a good target practice for the men and traveling on grassy plain was quiet comfortable than on rocky terrain. It would cost us about the same time on foot.

But there was one advantage the Eastern Quadrant gave us. That is a Continental roadway, Continental Broad Road 25 to be exact. It directly connected about 10 Clan territories with other along with the Amoith Mountain, where the Continental Broad Road ends.

Now, the Continent of Zoit had many roadways connecting different part. This is all due to the fact that the Clan territories were situated in a loose or sparse pattern. Connecting all of them was impossible. So many kinds of roadways were built. Some were small, forest roads while others were natural roadways and many beasts made roadways. They were naturally made by Clans and in some cases the Council of Zoit.

The Council of Zoit made roads only on those places where no one Clan could or it was in the interest of the Continent for traveling and economy purposes. Those roads generally made their way through uncharted territory to connect far away Clan territories or areas were connection was required.; connection in the terms of proper road ways and not forest or natural made roadways. It had Check Points posted in a fixed interval of the road ways. The Check Points were manned by the Zoit Army. Its purpose was to make sure the road stays safe for travelers and to be of assistance to any one requiring it, without any charge. It was a complicated network but it got the job done.

The roads built by the Council of Zoit were of only two types.

1. Continental Road ways.

2. Continental Broad Road ways.

The Continental Road ways were made for beast people to travel on foot while the Continental Broad Road ways were made for beast people traveling on mounted carriers exclusively. This regulation made both the roadways traffic free and easy to distinguish.

Now, why are we taking a Continental Broad Road to travel to the Amoith Mountain??

It was because; we are traveling on a recently acquired Miden Carrier Class Transport. Originally, it was made to carry goods or commodities. But we modified it somewhat. We removed a section of the carrying place and added a section where people can sit, keeping rest of the carrier same to carry some basic needs for our travels. The section where people will sit was made for maximum of 30 people.

Now, 20 Bloods are sitting face to face, 10 on each row while I am sitting beside Adi’Je just behind the tamer and behind us, Naj’Rak and Deiti in a similar manner than us. There were Check Post at regular intervals and they would check my Quest authorization because using this type of roads costs money and being in a top level Quest from the Council of Zoit itself, we would get certain ‘discount’ and other small leeway’s.

Taking a Miden Transport Class Carrier, the time that would take us to reach the Amoith Mountain would considerably decrease. The two month journey now would take about 20 days maximum. It was a good call by Naj’Rak who first thought of this idea. As time pass, she is showing a side that I didn’t see in the past. Now, particularly after our marriage, she has now begun to speak out more, giving out ideas which could help us in numerous ways. Though, she was originally tasked to head the Blacksmithing Unit, she has shared some of the load from Adi’Je’s shoulder. I am proud to be her husband...heck...I am proud of both of them.


Speaking of Naj’Rak; sometime after we started our journey, Deiti kept on intentionally lean on her or ‘accidentally’ touch her or tried to strike up a conversation whenever possible. Naj’Rak was pretty calm and didn’t mind and so did I. She may like girls but this...it is just to annoy me.

The Bloods Unit that was part of the Quest was carefully chosen by Adi’Je herself. She chose not to select any dual wielders as both I and she are more than enough. She mostly chose archers, about six of them. The front liners or sword and shield wielders counted in the area of ten. And trident wielders made up the rest of the team, which were four in number. This type of number and Bloods were chose keeping the monsters, Dynoths; whom we are going to fight, in mind. Adi’Je has lot more experience than all of us in battle tactics and formations and it shows in her way of conducting or organizing the Bloods.

Now, speaking about Adi’Je...well, right now, she currently has a mixed expression of lust and happiness...Why?? Because she is leaning onto me, keeping her head on the left side of my chest while my arm is around her from her lower back and was teasing her by touching lightly onto places close to her vagina. This made her bite her lips which I always love to see. Her red lips slightly trembling, her eyes closed and in some moments, she let out small moans which can only be heard by me; as I was the closest person to her. Well, if you are married to a beautiful woman, I guess it is normal, wanting to please her or even tease her a little, with keeping a constant vigil of the surrounding. And I knew, Naj’Rak wants the same treatment but though she has become more vocal but in front of me or matters concerning me, she doesn’t always say what she actually wants. I think I’ll seat Naj’Rak next to me and put Deiti with Adi’Je...that should teach Deiti a lesson.

The sky became dark but the light from the moon star was lighting the surrounding. We decided that we would make camp when it was night. And we did just as we planned. The Bloods came out of the Carrier and stretched themselves. We decided to camp beside the road. The monsters were let to rest and feed while we did the same. After our meal, we all gathered around and talked for some time. I noticed that the Bloods were hesitating even sitting in the same place as me. I asked Adi’Je about this.

Me: “Why are they still behaving awkwardly towards me?”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, you are our King...and sitting in one place and seeing the King socializing with his subjects just like equals is just a bit still unreal to them...”

Me: “Then what should I do?? I know I am The King but still I am one of them...and they haven’t seen any royalty before this, then why fear me??”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, you do not know this...but the Blood King always gives off a certain aura to their subjects. That aura makes them feel that their King is far more superior to them. That is why all of them are behaving like this. But once they start to interact with you in a daily basis, they might change their attitude.”

Me: “Still...it kind of...hurts.”

Adi’Je: “মহারাজ, আপনি আর এইশব নিয়ে আর চিন্তা করবেন না। আপনি আপনার প্রজাদের কাছে, খুবই প্রিয়ও ও ভালোবাসার মানুষ। আপনি কি দেখেননি আপনার প্রজা কতো খুশী আপনি রাজা হওয়ার পর?


মহারাজ রাত আনেক হয়েছে, এবার রক্তদের বলুন শুয়ে পড়তে আর কিছু কে পাহারা দিতে। তারপর... আপনি আশুন, আপনার শোওয়ার স্থানে। আপনার স্ত্রীরা আপনার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছে। হি হি হি হি হি...”

Me: “ঠিক আছে...তুমি যখন বলছ তাহলে আমি এ নিয়ে আর কিছু ভাব্বনা। আমি বাকিদের বলে আশ্ছি, তার পর আমি আশ্ছি... আমার স্ত্রীদের কাছে।

তুমি কি জানো, তুমি আমার জন্য কতো দরকারি? তোমার কাছ থেকে আমি খুব শুন্দর একটা আভাষ পায়ি। আদি, আমি তোমাকে খুব ভালোবাসি। সব সময়ে আমার কাছে থেকো, আদি।”

Adi’Je: “আমি জানি, মহারাজ। আমি আপনাকে ছেড়ে কোথাও জাবনা। আমিও যে আপনাকে খুবই ভালোবাসি।”

I move towards the Bloods who were camped some distance away from my tent. While I moved towards them, I wondered why all of a sudden, Adi’Je decided to talk in our ancient language. We converse in it sometimes but why all of a sudden??? Well, maybe she felt like it.

I reached the camp and seeing me, all the Bloods stoop up from whatever they were doing and bowed. I called one of them, who was the Captain of this unit chosen by Adi’Je. His name is Din’Pol. He was a sword and shield wielder.

Me: “Captain Din’Pol, place two Bloods on guard in here and one near our Carrier. Have a rotation of three hours shift. Is that understood?”

Captain Din’Pol: “Yes My King! Ahh…No guard near your or your guest’s tent, My King?”

Me: “That won’t be necessary and instruct the Bloods on duty, if and when they encounter anything suspicious, after informing you, they should inform me at once… Clear?”

Captain Din’Pol: “Yes My King!”

Me: “Carry on and tell the Bloods to take an early night, they must be tired.”

He nodded and went on to instruct the Bloods as per my orders. I walk back towards my tent where my wives should be waiting for me.

***************** Naj’Rak POV *******************

Deiti: “Well!!! What did both of them say? I honestly could not understand any of it… What kind of language was that??”

Me: “First of all tell me…why do you have to listen to their conversation secretly?? And why do I have to help you??”

Deiti: “Oh…you poor Naj’Rak… Oh! I’m sorry…it’s Queen Naj’Rak. I just want to know about their relationship dynamics and how do you fare amongst them…”

Me: “Or… you are just downright snoopy and want to tease our King tomorrow during our journey, just like you did today.”

Deiti: “He he he he… Queen Naj’Rak, your King is bit of a mystery to me. I have seen him in two different conditions, both miles apart. So...hurry up and tell me…please!!”

Me: “Ufff…okay…

They were conversing in our ancient clan language.

At first, Queen Adi’Je said to our King that ‘My Lord, please do not think about this matter anymore. You are both loved and respected by your people. Did you not see how happy your people were after you became our King?

My Lord, it is quiet late now, please order the Bloods to sleep and some to keep guard. Then, please return to your tent…’ ummm…. Ummm…”

Deiti: “What?? It was long conversation, this can’t be all…tell me everything…come on! Please Queen Naj’Rak!”

Me: “Okay…if The King hadn’t asked me to accompany you and see to it that I entertain your every childish request…I never would have thought of eavesdropping to our King and Queen.”

Deiti: “Really!! He said that!! Wait… What does he mean by childish request??”

Me: “Just like this one…okay I’m continuing from the last sentence. She said one last sentence before the King replied her.

She said ‘Then, please return to your tent… your wives would be waiting for you eagerly…’ then she laughed.”

Deiti: “Oh…so both of you… (She looked at me with a dirty smile, I don’t like this woman) Umm…so tell me, who gets him first tonight…hmmm…*wink* he he he he…”

I avert my eyes from her and said.

Me: “Ehem… continuing on…”

Deiti: “Ohh… it’ll be a wild night I guess… you should keep the sound to a minimum. You don’t want everybody to know what you are doing in there. Do you?? He he he he…”

Me (ignoring her comments): “Then our King said ‘Okay… if you saying this then I won’t think about it anymore. For now, I am going to instruct the others and then I am coming back… to my wives.

Do you have any idea of how important you are to me? I always feel a very beautiful aura coming from you. Adi, I…’ Ummm…Ahhh…”

Deiti: “I what?? Come on…spit it out…”

I clear my throat… for some reason, my heart is getting warmer and I want the King close to me now.

Me: “Ehemm… ‘Adi, I love you a lot. Please stay with me forever, Adi.’

Then Queen Adi’Je replied.

‘I know it, My Lord. I will not go anywhere leaving you. I also love you a lot.’

And that’s the end of their conversation… and in the future please do not ask me to eavesdrop on the King and Queen or translate any of their conversations.”

Deiti: “That’s all!! Are you sure?? You are not hiding anything are you??”

Me (bit annoyed): “No!! And please return to your tent Miss Deiti… we have a long journey ahead of us…try to get some rest…Goodnight.”

Deiti: “Well…it was just a lovey dovey conversation…no interesting stuff on him…how boring. Yes, I am a bit tired…I think I’ll take your suggestion. Goodnight Queen Naj’Rak, I hope you have a hot night…errr…I mean a good night *wink* he he he he.”

Me: “Ahh…Before we part, I was curious about why did you say earlier that the King was a mystery to you? And why did you say that he was different in conditions you had seen him?”

She smiles and thinks for a second. Then, replies.

Deiti: “You see, the first time I saw him in battle, he was struggling very badly but he did end up killing a big monster, though it was a very crude way to kill a monster. At that moment, I thought why was this person a top level adventurer and in the Council of Zoits adventurer Unit no less.

Then, in our second meeting, I couldn’t even see or recognize him. He was a totally different being…drenched in monster blood… He looked something else. And at that moment, though I am very grateful to him for saving my life but I was also scared of him.

I just want to figure out, what happened to him in this short span of time… or was he intentionally downplayed his abilities when we first met.”

Me: “You are a curious one, aren’t you?”

She smiles again and replied.

Deiti: “Sometimes…mainly about the people I am very interested in.”

Me: “What??”

Deiti (yawns): “It's getting late…Goodnight Queen Naj’Rak, see you tomorrow.”

She quickly left the place and went towards her tent leaving me with many serious question.

Was she joking or was she serious???

*************** End of POV **************

“My daughter, my precious, fiery daughter… I know you are not the same as other women. I know what you crave for… but would you not help your father in restoring our true values? Would you not help your brothers and sister live a life in which, they can be what they were born to be? Or our grandchildren inheriting our same values as we or you did…would you not help us?”

“Yes father, I will do what you ask me to.”

“You have no idea what happiness it brings me to hear you say that. My child, the mission or objective which I am about to entrust you is of high importance. The direction of our whole Clan depends on it. Are you ready to accept the objective after knowing the sensitivity of the mission and the consequence it would have on our Clan?”

“Yes father, I would not let you down.”

“Very good my child, now listen closely to the specifics of the mission.

First, you need to declare your intentions of marrying the King. You need to be his fourth wife. But declaring your intentions would not make the King sway of accepting the proposal. There is also another woman vying for his hind in marriage as of right now. You have declare a duel between the two of you and emerge the winner of the duel. Then, the King cannot refuse to marry you.”

“Father, from which house does this woman belong to?”

“My child, she belongs to the Ion house… a new generation Blood family. It is most likely the Kings plan to strengthen his lineage of the new generation Blood. But when you emerge victorious against her, the King would have to take a Pure Blood as his wife. Thus, you would be the first Pure Blood to become his wife.”

“I understand Father. I will do what is necessary.”

“Good… Now, after your marriage to the King; you need to influence him. You have to bring him in your control. He needs to understand the importance of preserving our ancestral traits. We do not need any other traits and certainly not from marrying those Crodon bastards. We need to preserve our Purity.”

“I understand Father, anything else?”

“I am proud to see my daughter’s eagerness in carrying out the mission which of great importance to us Bloods.

Yes, after you had taken control of his emotions, make sure he only needs you and nobody else. Give him warmth, emotional support and children. Make yourself the center of attraction in his life. After you have accomplished it, kill his other wives along with their off springs. You have to make sure that the only offspring that ascends the throne next would be your children.”

“Assassinate the whole of Kings Wives and children?? Will I not be suspected or even shamed as a Blood! Father…is this really a necessary step?”

“Yes my child, it is a necessary step. And to avoid that situation, it is imperative to have the Kings utmost love and trust on you. As you know, no one talks above the King. Sacrifices must be made for the Purity in our Clan to survive.

These are all the specifics of your mission…Any other Questions, my child?”

“No Father, I understand everything. When would I have to declare the intention of marrying our King?”

“Tomorrow, my child. At the meeting ground when all the lords including me would meet the King. His other suitor, I believe her name is Usa’Ion would also be present along with the Kings other wives as well.

You will declare your intention and challenge her into a duel. After that, you what to do.”

“Do I have to kill her as well, Father?”

“Yes My child, during a duel it is acceptable to kill an opponent. You are already an established Blood warrior, rivaling even the King and this duel would enforce that notion, making yourself more eligible than any other Blood woman.”

“I understand, Father…now if you are finished, I would like to return to my room.”

“Yes my child, it is all I had to discuss with you…Tomorrow, you are going to pave the way for a brighter future or all the Bloods…my child…my sweet sweet Adi’Je.”

I bow and exit my Father’s office chamber with sadness and grief crunching my heart into pieces. But I did not show it to anyone. Tomorrow, I have to declare my intention of marrying someone, whom I do not want to marry. I have to kill my best friend in a duel to enforce my appeal. After that I have to do what we Bloods consider the lowest form of act… assassination. I have to kill everyone from the Kings Wives and children. Then I have to make sure that…that…I touch my stomach…I feel nauseous even thinking about it. I have to bear someone’s child whom even I do not love.

Tomorrow, I would what I cherished most…the opportunity to find my true love… Tears roll down from my eyes as I sat on my bed looking at the moon star which was peeking through my window.

I hate what I have to do… more over I hate being a Pure Blood. I wish I was part of the new generation of the Bloods. I wish…

I woke up…saw it was still night. My vision was a bit blurry. I placed my left arm on my eyes and found the area wet. I was crying… it was part which I regretted most and even now haunts me. I turn to my right side and saw my Husband, my Lord, our King…no… Le’On sleeping peacefully. The bed sheet covering all three of us had been displaced. His bare upper body was exposed while covering his lower body. Some faint light from the moon star came inside our tent and was falling upon his upper body.

It looked like as if he was made from fiery hot flames of desire. I move closer to him and stop just few inches away from his lips. I whispered looking at him and caressing his hair.

“Le’On, you always asked me why did I choose you to be my husband. Though I said because of your high Blood Lust but forgive me… I lied.

Though the Blood women crave for only Blood Lust in their mates but I was or am different. I did not want a person with high Blood Lust but with something else.

That day when you came in front of the Aura crystal, I felt you…your heart. I wanted to come out at that moment as it was the first time; I met someone whom I could like. But, I had to test you. And with fear in my heart knowing that I could loose you to the test I was going to put you in… I hoped. I hoped that you may pass and because for the Clan but for me… I was the one who was badly in need of saving from the immense sadness in my heart.

I watched to fight; I watched you keep trying to save your friends. For the first time, I felt something different. I felt not only you were fighting just like a Blood should but with an honest thought for your friends. You had no care for yourself or for the love or liking for the battle. You fought to save your friends. You were a Blood but had care for others in times of battle…honest care.

Can I you a little secret, dear husband… I fell in love with you, then and there.

Le’On, you saved me from my own jail… you saved me from myself… I love you.”

With tears in my eyes, I kissed him on his lips. I felt the warmth coming from him even though he was asleep.

I then placed my head on his chest and snuggled close to him.

“Whenever I think of you being the mother of your children… I feel happy and relieved… thank you, my dear husband…thank you.”

I closed my and slept peacefully.

*************** Wei POV **************

Marion: “Hey Aby! Let’s go…”

Aby: “Coming!!”

Me: “Where are you going?”

Marion: “Many days ago both of us received a message from someone. But we were in the middle of trekking through a mountain range so we decided to check them once we enter a city.”

Me: “Both of you at the same time??”

Marion: “It seems so…I wonder who sent it.”

Me: “It could be Le’On.”

Aby: “What about Le’On!”

Marion: “Relax…its nothing; Wei was just saying that it could be Le’On’s message.”

Aby: “What?? To both of us?? Why?? What happened??”

Me (sigh): “Please leave before I get a headache.”

Marion (giggles): “And what about you? Come with us…after checking our messages, maybe we could go shopping.”

Me: “Thank you… but I was going to the training ground and train until night.”

Marion (sighs): “You could at least take a break from training just for one day.”

Me: “Sorry but it is important to me.”

Aby: “Marion, you know she is never going to come…now come on!! I want to see that message… maybe Le’On needs help. Please let’s go.”

Marion: “Yeah…yeah… I’m coming. Bye Wei and kick ass in training.”




Me: “Wait!”

Aby: “What?”

Me: “I will go with you.”

Both of them look at me with a strange look. Is something there on my face?

Marion: “Why a sudden change of heart?”

Me: “Just now, I also received a message.”

Both of them in unison: “WHAT?”

I look at them with annoyance.

Me: “What? Can’t I receive any messages?”

Marion: “No… no… that’s not the matter. Three of us received messages…”

Aby: “Please let’s go… maybe its Le’On… asking us for help or even some dreadful thing might have happened…”

Me: “Please shut up and let’s go… What’s with the sudden interest for Le’On with you? You are starting to get annoying.”

Aby’s face got red with veins popping out. *sigh* hen she would learn to control herself.

Marion: “Okay… please calm down Aby and let’s move.”

Currently we are at the City of the Zomons and still one month of journey to the Capital remains. We got down to lounge and headed for the Messaging Counter. After reaching there all of us opened our messages at once.


Page 1


Hey Wei, how are you? I hope your journey is going well. The reason I messaged you is that recently I received a Quest directly from the Council of Zoit.

The quest is that, I am tasked to clear the land surrounding the Amoith Mountain from the Dynoth monsters. Yes, I have learned what happened to your Clan from the Councillor who designated this Quest to me as I am the King of the Blood Zuma. This quest is going to be the peace prize between us and the Council of Zoit.

Page 2

I thought you might be interested as well as the whole team. I am attaching the Quest Notification with this message. I know normally, Javel or Marion receives or accept Quests for the group but this time I want you to decide.

If you accept, please send me a message so that I can relay some relevant information of the Quest. I hope you say yes.


DO YOU ACCEPT? (YES – NO) {Click on either one of the options.}

I clicked on ‘YES’ without thinking anything. All this time, I have pushed myself to kill all of them but now I’m presented with a great opportunity. With Le’On I would have a chance of reclaiming our land. My revenge on them will be a reality now. I could feel body trembling…in anger…in anticipation…for vengeance. But I’m not alone in this. I don’t open the Quest notification. I closed the message and looked towards both Aby and Marion who have already finished reading their messages.

When I looked at them, I saw both of them had a look of disbelief and sadness while adding anger for Aby. I ask them.

Me: “Is everything alright? Who is it from?”

Both of them in unison: “Le’On.”

Both of them looked at each other surprised and averted their gazes from each other.

Me: “What did he say?”

Again, both of them in unison: “He rejected our feelings towards him.”

Absolute silence fell in the area. Both of them do not know what to do next. For me it was awkward. Le’On did the right thing in my view.

Me: “I have something to say to all of you.”

Marion: “What?? Did Le’On messaged you as well?”

Aby looked at me with piercing eyes which was filled with tears as well as Marion. Both of their auras changed into a hostile one.

Me: “Yes.”

The situation could have gotten bad, had I not dragged them out from there and into our rooms. But both of them refused to talk to me or talk to each other. And even if the name Le’On was mentioned both of them would start to sob.

In the mean time, I gathered everyone else. Javel, Paleg and Ron are sitting amused while Marion and Aby are in a pit of despair. I start the meeting.

Me: “I received a message from Le’On along with a Quest notification for all of us. I don’t know what he said to both of you Marion and Aby but he gave me a shot at vengeance.

Now, onto the Quest specification.

Le’On was given a Quest by the Council of Zoit. This Quest would act as a peace prize between the Council of Zoit and the Blood Zuma Clan.

The Quest states that, he is tasked to clear the land surrounding The Amoith Mountain from Dynoth monsters. He is ordered to take back my Clan’s homeland. He was briefed about what happened there but he doesn’t know my story.

Normally, a Quest is accepted by Javel or Marion. But he stated that as it was my Clan’s homeland he gave the choice of accepting it. Without thinking anything I accepted but I won’t force anyone else.

I know we have to get this gem in the Capital and I am very sorry but I need to do this. This is my chance of vengeance, my chance to cool off the flames of anger and hatred towards Dynoths. Tomorrow, I will head out to the Amoith Mountain to meet him.”

Everyone was looking at me with a serious face. This was a personal matter for me but to them it was accessing the line between life and death.

Aby: “I want him to say it to me on my face. I will go.”

Marion: “Me too… if has asked for our help, we will give it to him.”

Paleg and Ron look at each other and then at Javel.

Javel: “And what about our current Quest. Need I remind you, this Quest has cost us heavily? We are almost out of our savings. If we do not get the reward from this Quest then we would be all penniless. Has anybody thought about that? Wei can leave…she has legitimate reasons for going and just like Le’On’s share; we can also transfer her share in her absence. But who would collect the reward, if we all take this…this new quest then who would claim the reward of our current quest?”

The atmosphere got heavy as everybody realized the predicament we were in.

Me: “Then, it’s settled…I will leave tomorrow while the rest of you continue on as scheduled. Aby and Marion I would tell Le’On that both of you are mad for some reason and sort it out once he meets you both…Okay?”

Both of them, with heavy heart nodded. There face told me everything they wanted to say to him, to me.

Thank you Le’On…for giving me a chance to take revenge for my parents and for my brothers…thank you.

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