《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 2


We sat face to face inside the Meeting Hall. All the Blood Zuma Councillors were seated behind me along with Queen Adi’Je and Queen Naj'Rak on my right and left side respectively, while the four of the Council of Zoit representatives sat behind Councillor Vajek.

After a few silent moments and staring back at each other, he starts to speak first.

Councillor Vajek: “King Le’On, first of all, let me clear some things before we start our...ahh...discussions.

I truly apologize for the behaviours shown by my fellow Councillors towards you and your people, the last time they were here. After hearing about it, I personally felt that your retaliation was warranted.

For that reason, I have forwarded your terms or judgement to the Central Branch with a little personal message.

King Le’On, you have to understand something. The decisions taken on the matter of Vitalis and treatment of Zumas...sorry...then Zumas, now known as Blood Zumas was made by the Council of Zoit, who were in power many, many years ago. But, the Councils that followed them didn’t question their decision which led us to this situation. Personally, I had urged the Council before to revise their policy towards Zuma but they had become arrogant after not suffering any consequences.

Now, after your judgement or ruling over the matter, the Council have received the shock of their lives. After hearing about Zumas getting a King and evolving into a more for the lack of a better term aggressive species they are now baffled.

In the midst of all this, they had authorized deadly force against the Blood Zumas but I had to remind them of couple of things.

One, the unit which had come with the Delegate was subdued within seconds. That they didn’t even had a chance to see their subduers.

Two, the Blood Zumas are now armed and has a standing army to defend itself. And after hearing about the force shown previously by the Blood Zumas, it was possible that crushing the Blood Zumas would not be easy. We could incur heavy casualties.

Three, we were on the faulty side and as now the Blood Zumas have a King, his orders or judgments towards any clan or the Council cannot not be overlooked as it is a written law of the Council of Zoit, itself.

Four, the Blood Zumas are wielding over 40 Letters of Support from different Clans. That means, engaging in war against the Blood Zumas now would turn into a Civil War which would break our continent into smaller pieces and plunging us into chaos.

After being reminded of these points, they became unsure of what to do. Personally I was relieved about these current events. I believed that if the Zumas were eliminated, then we would lose the secrets of how to grow Vitalis. No one knew of it. Or they might destroy the lands in which Vitalis are grown. It is a well known fact that, Vitalis cannot be grown around anywhere except here.

In that case, after pressuring the Council, I got them to accept all of your terms but we also have a point to make or rather they have to state.”

Me: “Councillor Vajek, I liked your attitude from the start...now I know why. You Sir are a true politician.

Please, state the Council of Zoit's term.”

Councillor Vajek: “Thank you, Your Highness.

The Council is ready to admit its fault and accept all of your stated orders or terms but in exchange they want to know Blood Zumas intention after this. That how would the Blood Zuma conduct there business? Can the Blood Zumas give the Council of Zoit any assurance that in the future, the Blood Zumas would not cause any trouble or back out of the proposed agreement? And they want the assurance in terms of more than words.”


Me: “My Clans gets mistreated for years and they want assurance if we can keep to the agreement. This is very funny...I would have laughed at it, if we had been in any social gathering.

Hmmm... Assurance in terms of more than words...now explain that phrase to me, Councillor Vajek?”

Councillor Vajek: “King Le’On, what the Council of Zoit wants is that the Blood Zumas show or give some kind of assurance which would mean heavier than just words.”

Me: “And does the Council of Zoit have anything of that sort in their minds, already?”

Councillor Vajek: “Yes they do, King Le’On.

They would like to offer a Quest, a very hard one. The Council of Zoit have failed countless times to finish this quest. If you accept the quest and complete it we would take that as an assurance of peace between the Council of Zoit and the Blood Zumas along with your demands of course. This quest will be registered to only you, King Le’On. You can decide the personnel but you must lead them.”

Me: “In other words, the Council of Zoit hopes that I accept this quest and die trying to fulfill it, giving them a chance to subdue my Clan back...Am I right, Councillor Vajek?”

He looks at me, his expression doesn’t change but the people behind him began to sweat.

He tried to say something but I continue.

Me: “I want all that I have ordered to be completed first then I would accept your quest. I want that apology first and the allotments of Blood Zuma Councillors in both the Quadrant Councils and the main branch, in the section that I have ordered, of course. And the Adventurer Units as well. I will see the signed draft first.

But on a personal note, you can tell me about the specifics about the Quest that the Council has in mind. You see, I am intrigued by the Quest that the Council failed many times and to see why they wanted us to take it.”

Councillor Vajek: “As you wish, Your Highness. If you don’t mind, may I use your messaging center? I could converse with my superiors’ right here, wasting no time.”

Me: “Yes you can...wait! I will make the messaging system available to you here. The agreement would be done faster.”

Councillor Vajek bows his head and lifts it up, said.

Councillor Vajek: “Thank you, King Le’On.”

I signaled one of the Blood Zuma Councillor to arrange for it. In the mean time, I asked.

Me: “Why are you brokering a peace here while your rest of the delegate came to subdue?”

He smiled for a bit and replied,

Councillor Vajek: “Your Highness, I have been in this line of work for many years. The one thing I have learned from my experiences over the years is that a strong ally is much more beneficial than a strong enemy. That is my philosophy.”

Me: “Mine too Councillor...mine too.”

We both smiled at each other...at least we aren’t trying to betray each other. I had to bring peace between us and also get revenge. So, to me...this was a great opportunity.

Me: “Then, Why didn’t you come with them in the first time?”

Councillor Vajek: “I thought my colleagues would do the job that was expected from them but apparently they did the exact opposite, Your Highness. I am a person who loves peace, especially within the Zoit Continent.”

I nod and smile, when Ust’Tas entered the room with the messaging crystals.


After setting up, Councillor Vajek starts messaging his superiors. I watch as he exchanges many messages. Sometimes he gives an expression of tension and sometimes expression of annoyance. I sat there, watching him...this was my first meeting of this kind, it’s kind of nerve wrecking actually. After 30 mins, he faced me and said.

Councillor Vajek: “Your Highness, the Council of Zoit readily accepts the conditions and within a few minute, they would send the paperwork ready to be signed.”

Me: “Good.”

I turn towards Ust’Tas.

Me: “Return to your post but bring the paper work at once when it arrives.”

He bows his head and leaves.

We didn’t have to wait long as the paper work arrived rather early. I looked over it to check it for any nasty surprise left by the Council of Zoit. But everything was of my satisfaction. I named the Councillors to be seated in the slots we gained both in the Quadrant Council Office and in the Council of Zoit main office in the Capital.

They were:-

Councillors Selected for Quadrant Council:-

1. Councillor Dra’Emz.

2. Councillor Ron’Syn.

Councillors Selected for the Council of Zoit in the Capital:-

1. Councillor Bar’Rok for the Department of Economy.

2. Councillor Tor’Von for the Department of Defence.

I kept Councillor Je’Lec here as she would be an excellent liaison between us and our Councillors in the both the Quadrant and Main Councils. Another reason for keeping hear was in times of me and both of my wives absence, she could govern our Clan very efficiently.

After allotting the Councillors, I turned next towards the matter of setting up of Adventurers Unit.

The Council of Zoit had stated that within the next five months they would start setting up both General Body Adventurers Unit as well as Council of Zoit center with a counter for the Councils Adventurer Unit. With the creation of the Council of Zoit center, communication between both the Council would be smooth.

Now, onto the best part... the Quest of the Council of Zoit.

Me: “It seems everything is in order...now; please tell me about this...this Quest of yours Councillor Vajek?”

He nods and clears his throat.

Councillor Vajek: “Many years before, the Clan living in the foothills of the The Amoith Mountain, were almost killed off. The one’s responsible for that event, were the monsters that lived on the mountains at that time. They are called Dynoth and they were thought to only prefer to live up on the mountains.

But one fateful night, they charged down over the City and the beast people living there incurred heavy casualties. They had no prior alarm about the attack. Though they had wielded weapons but were unable to counter the flash attack of the Dynoths.

Dynoths are very, very swift monsters and equally powerful.”

Me: “What was the Clan’s name?”

Councillor Vajek: “Reha Clan.”

Me (surprised): “Reha Clan??? But, I thought they lived in the Southern Quadrant alongside the Feli Clan.”

Councillor Vajek: “They live there now, but originally they lived on the foothills of the Amoith Mountain.

As I was saying, they are both powerful and fast. The Council had tried many times to take back the land but we failed every time. We sent the adventurers as well as the Zoit Active Army Units. All of them faced crushing defeats, forcing the Council of Zoit to declare the land a RED Zone.

The Council of Zoit now maintains a perimeter around the land but in reality, we they start attacking, we would lose more ground to them.”

Me: “Why did those monsters decide to attack? Were there any big skirmishes between the Reha Clan and the Dynoths before their full assault?”

Councillor Vajek: “No...The Reha Clan respected their boundaries with the Dynoth and never engaged in any sort of skirmishes with them. The only thing we have been able to find is that they might have a guardian controlling them.”

Me: “Hmmm...So the Council of Zoit want us to achieve what everybody else failed. Or in other words, march to our death...giving you an open shot at us...am I right, Councillor?”

Councillor Vajek: “Umm...It’s not like that...King Le’on...”

Me: “Do not worry, Councillor Vajek. You see, we are one of the first beast clan to walk the Zoit continent. When simple minded beasts began to evolve, we were ruling most of the continent. No task is hard for us. We will do it but at our own pace.”

Councillor Vajek: “As you wish, King Le’On.”

Me: “Then when will I receive the official notification?”

Councillor Vajek: “Soon, Your Highness.”

Me: “Hahh... then I think this meeting is over.”

Councillor Vajek stands up as well as his fellow Councillors.

Councillor Vajek: “It was a pleasure meeting with you, King Le’On.”

Me: “Likewise, Councillor Vajek...”

After some more pleasantries, the Delegates left the City.













I turn towards to Adi’Je and said.

Me: “Adi, prepare a unit to be deployed within five days. The Bloods are going hunting. I would have both of my wives with me too, in this quest.

The Council thinks that they have played their game so well but they do not know what we are capable of!!! Very soon they will know.”

Adi’Je: “As you wish, My Lord.”

In the next few days, the preparation for the quest was in full swing. Adi’Je had selected a Unit of 20 Bloods. As of right now, the total number of member for the quest is now 23. I wanted to add some more people in this quest. But I don’t think they have reached the capital yet and Marion and Aby haven’t replied back to my messages to them. I wanted Wei to join, she deserves too...it is her clan’s land after all.

With the quest in mind, I decided to tweak my Skill List.

Me: “Open Skill List.”






















Me: “Move Cartography, Crude Weapons Smithing to Stasis Mode.”

Me: “Close Skill List and Open Stasis List.”





Me: “Move Air Blast to Skills List.”

Now, the management of my skill list is over and it looks pretty good. Hopefully this time, I can use my newest skill, The Air Blast.

The day before our deployment, I was called to the Council Hall. When I reached there I found three women standing in front of the entry, talking.

Yes, two of them were my wives; Adi’Je and Naj’Rak and other one, who had a look of a thirsty beast on her face, was Deiti...so she finally came...and apparently, found her targets...

As I move closer to them, Adi’Je sees me coming and gives a bow and so did Naj’Rak and said.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, a friend of yours has come here to meet you.”

Me: “Yes...I can see that...Deiti, how are you?”

Deiti: “Tell me first, why did she address you as ‘Lord’? Then tell me, why do your people now look exactly like you, when I heard they were short and brittle? Then tell me, how did you acquire such beauties as wives?”

Adi’Je: “May I answer these questions, My Lord?”

Me: “Yes please.”

Adi’Je: “You see, Miss Deiti, I addressed him as ‘Lord’ because; he is our King along with my husband. Secondly, what you heard were right up to a point. Our people were short and weak but when the King was chosen, they returned back to their original forms and lastly, he won us over through his bloodlust. We Blood women are driven to choose and mate with the person who has the most blood lust in them...which you are lacking...so, I don’t think you can sway us...

But if you agree to be a concubine to our King, we can...sometimes give you little incentives...*wink*”

She lets out her adorable mischievous smile. After all this time, I have grown fond of her mischievous side.

Deiti looked like she was robbed of all her money. She at one time looked at me, then at Adi’Je, then at Naj’Rak and finally again at me.

Me: “What Adi’Je told you is true. I am the King of the Blood Zuma. Blood Zuma is the original name of our Clan. And these two are the Queens of the Blood Zuma.

Now that you know, you have absolutely no chance here, how about you rest at our house. You must be tired from the journey. I have a proposition for you, also. Let’s go.”

With a dumbfounded look, she followed us back to our house.

Deiti: “A King huh....Well you just got more complicated...”

Me: “How am I complicated?”

Deiti: “First tell me, when we first met, were you King of the Zuma...”

Naj’Rak: “Blood Zuma...the name is Blood Zuma.” She interrupts Deiti.

Deiti gives a small smile and says.

Deiti: “Ahh...yes...sorry, as I was asking, were you King of the Blood Zuma back then?”

Me: “Technically...yes. But, I was definitely the King when I came to your rescue few days back.”

Deiti: “Then right now, I’m being guided by a King and two Queens!!!”

Me: “Yes...now, BOW COMMONER!!!”

Deiti: “Do I have to??? King Le’On?”

Me: “Ha ha ha ha...no...You don’t. Not right now, at least.”

Deiti: “I never thought; the young, good looking, High Level Council’s Adventurer with beautiful wives and a fearsome fighter would turn into a King of a Clan...”

Me: “Yeah...who would have thought??? Oh...Speaking of Adventuring, originally I wanted to wait until we reached our home but I think I should say this now.

There is a Quest from the Council of Zoit...it’s pretty high...would you like to come?”

Deiti: “A Quest from the Council of Zoit??”

Me: “Yes.”

Deiti: “What is the quest?”

Me: “That I cannot tell you, not until you accept the Quest.”

Deiti: “Hmm... Beside you, who else is going?”

Me: “Around another 22 other Bloods including my wives...under my command of course.”

She face brightened upon hearing the information of my wives being part of the Quest. After a moment of silence, she spoke.

Deiti: “Okay...I accept. Now tell me, what is it?”

Me (smiling): “Wonderful...you will know once you receive the notification...which would only happen tonight.

I am very happy that you will be accompanying me. Now, if you would excuse me, I remembered a work I have to do, my Queens would take care of you...okay...see you at home tonight.”

Deiti (smiling): “Okay...take your time...I would love the company of the Queens...he he he he *wink*”

I smiled at her and then turned towards Adi’Je and kissed her bye and then continuing onto Naj’Rak next. As usual, her body stiffens and her breath becomes irregular...well I can understand that...today’s her day to sleep with me after all...ha ha ha ha... Ehm.

I left the girls and walked back towards the messaging center. I can only feel sorry for Deiti now...I don’t know, what kind of surprises I would get, when I return home? Knowing Adi’Je, I just hope it’s not something wild. But, right I had some things in my mind.

First, I have to send the notifications to all the members’ chosen for the Quest, except my wives. They don’t need to as they are the Queens of the Bloods and my spouse. By that designation, they automatically qualify to any level of Quest given by any one.

Secondly, I have to send a message to Wei, telling her about my Quest for reclaiming her Clan’s land...maybe she would want even help me in this quest...I will also invite everyone as well. Though I know, they haven’t reached the Capital yet...or any City as both Marion and Aby haven’t replied to my messages.

I reach the messaging counter and sent a message to Wei.


Page 1


Hey Wei, how are you? I hope your journey is going well. The reason I messaged you is that recently I received a Quest directly from the Council of Zoit.

The quest's parameter is that, I am tasked to clear the land surrounding the Amoith Mountain from the Dynoth monsters. Yes, I have learned what happened to your Clan from the Councillor who designated this Quest to me as I am the King of the Blood Zuma. This quest is going to be the peace prize between us and the Council of Zoit.

Page 2

I thought you might be interested as well as the whole team. I am attaching the Quest Notification with this message. I know normally, Javel or Marion receives or accept Quests for the group but this time I want you to decide.

If you accept, please send me a message so that I can relay some relevant information of the Quest. I hope you say yes.


After I sent the message to Wei, I also send the Quest notification to the rest of the Blood men and woman including Deiti.

Now, the deployment day is nearing and we are as ready we can be. I have a good feeling about this Quest. Bring on the adventure.

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