《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 5- CHAPTER 1




Bright and early in the morning, they arrived. The delegate from the Council of Zoit, consisting of four people. They wore a black robe with an emblem etched on it in their chest. It was a sword with a ring of flowers hovering over its tip and both the sword and the ring of flowers were of gold. It looked pretty weird, I must say.

When they entered the city, they had a mean look on them. They came in along with a marching armoured unit, they were at least 500. All of them tried to project an illusion of ferocity and toughness. This unit consisted of different types of beast men. Out of them, there were many I couldn't recognize from which clans they belonged to; but frankly, I did not care. The Council and there ‘Bodyguards’ had one thing in common with them. They all thought that they could scare us into submission. But when they entered Zuma... they got the shock of their life.

The moment they entered the city, they encountered big, red, strong armed beasts instead of small, frail and weak beasts and that scared them. They continued marching towards our Council Hall. It seems they knew the direction of the Council Hall beforehand. Well, I was once told by the elder that all the Council Hall in every city was made in the same way. They were situated in the middle of the city with main roads leading to it from all four sides.As soon as the Council’s bodyguard unit stopped its march in front of the Council Hall, as per my orders, they were surrounded by newly formed Blood Units, led by the Blood Queen. Initially, they got startled. Our move made them form a defensive formation. Their eyes told of an emotion which I wanted to see in them...fear.

But I knew, their arrogance would blind them and I was proved right. Four Council Man came out of the formation. Some of them had a look of surprise, but only one of them showed arrogance suppressing his surprise. The atmosphere had become quiet heavy. Why wouldn’t it be? Think of many, many tall, strong beasts wearing red armour, equipped with black weapons having a cold look, surrounding you...how would you feel? I wanted exactly that.

All four Council Members were of different Clans, but none were from this quadrant from what I saw...Interesting...So, the Council did send a suppression squad. Good.

The one who had look of arrogance, took a few steps forward and spoke in an arrogant tone.

???: “My name is Sorad and I am a member of the Council of Zoit. What is the meaning of THIS?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “Welcome, Council Man Sorad...welcome to Zuma.

Sorad: “Zuma?? Where are all the Zumas?? Who are you??”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “We are the Zumas...well...now we are known as Blood Zumas.”

Sorad: “Blood Zumas?? What is going on and what is the meaning of this? Surrounding us with armed beasts...do you want to declare war on the Council of Zoit?”

Me: “Do you want us to do it?”


Sorad looked at me and with a stern face asked.

Sorad: “Who are you? How dare you speak in front of a Councillor of Zoit?”

I walk towards him, his guards started to get ready, if anything befalls their Councillor. I stop a few feet away from him and said.

Me: “You lowly beast...do you know who you are talking to?”

Sorad’s face got red and his ears started to twitch. Now that I’m close to him, I can see he was black, totally with brown eyes and he was short, he reached up to my chest.

Sorad: “What did you just say?”

Me: “You heard me the first time. Why are you dramatizing the moment? But out of consideration for the new and underdeveloped clans I will repeat myself again.

I asked you, do you know who you are talking to? You lowly beast!”

Sorad: “Lowly...I am a lowly beast?? How dare you?”

Me: “Ufff...so annoying...Who do you think you are? Marching in our city and raising your voice...”

Sorad: “I am a Councillor of...”

I cut him in middle of his sentence...

Me: “Yeah yeah...I don’t care...Well, I am going to tell this only one time...so, listen carefully, Shorty.

My name is Le’On and I am the King of all Blood Zumas. Long time ago, when simple minded beast such as you were just developing the capability to walk, our last King, Hui’Mi used his authority to suppresses our racial trait... to give you simple minded beasts a chance at survival. We were originally known as Blood Zumas and not Zuma.

As the new Blood King, I converted back my whole Clan into Blood Zumas, their rightful name.”

Sorad: “Preposterous...I did not know of any Blood Zuma??”

Me: “And you weren’t supposed to know...it’s not the kind of thing, toddlers could understand.

It happened and here we are...now...tell me you lowly beast...Who gave the right to the Council of Zoit to exploit my people for years??

Who gave the Council of Zoit the right to extort Vitalis from us or changing the rules when it came to us?

Why the Council of Zoit didn’t come when called upon for assistance during a monster raid?

Answer me these questions for starters...and I shall think about your future...”

Sorad: “I do not have to any answers to some pathetic...”

I gave a signal by flicking two fingers of my right arm and before he could finish his sentence, I cut into his sentence.

Me: “Before talking further...look behind you.”

He gave an annoyed look and looked behind.

At my signal, the Bloods moved in the Council’s Bodyguard Unit and suppressed them within seconds. Our speed and strength were unmatched. Each and every one of them had swords, trident resting on their necks while they kneeled on the ground...shivering. Some even had their mouths opened and some were confused. The other three Councillors were not subdued but they stood at the same spot in shock and awe.

I kind of wished to see Sorad’s face while he looked at the scenery but unfortunately, his back was towards me.

He turned and to my joy, his arrogance had left; now fear had taken place.

Me: “A few hundred subdued your men within seconds...think what effect it would have when an entire Blood army falls upon its enemies... think very hard and choose your words very carefully...Councillor of the Council of Zoit.”

Sorad: “You...you cannot do this... this is... is...”


I raise my voice and start to give off some of my blood lust.



Why did the Council extort my people for generations??”

His and the rest of his men started to shake...it was feint but I could see it...Sorad tries to say something.

Sorad: “I- I- I don’t have to tell you anything.”

Me: “No...You don’t. Then here is my judgement about the matter of extortion of Zumas by the Council of Zoit.

In accordance with the law laid down by Council of Zoit, it clearly shows that the Council itself disregarded its own rules in the matters of Vitalis of the Zumas, extorting from us without any remorse.

As the King of the Blood Zumas, I exercise my power and find the Council of Zoit...


The Blood Zuma would not give their taxes for 5 years nor sell any Vitalis to the Council of Zoit in the amount fixed by them for us but sell them on the fixed market price for here on out.

The Blood Zumas would receive two permanent seats in the Quadrant Council as well as in the central Council of Zoit, one in the department of economy and the other in the department of Defence.

Also, the Council of Zoit has to install two offices here in Zuma, one for the General Body Adventurers Unit and one for the Council of Zoits Adventurer Unit.

The Council also; cannot not order or could take command of any Blood Zumas or of their army. The Blood Zuma would maintain their army as they see fit and upon request of the Council, first we would think about it and if the reason is viable then only the Blood Army would march. I will not trust the Blood Army in the hands of any lowly beasts.

And if, the Council of Zoit tries to use military strength against us in any pretense, her are over 40 Letter of Support from different Clans and corporations...”

I threw the whole bundle towards him, which he catches it with a surprised look and looks at them. His face is now filled with fear...

Me: “The Council just paid very heavily and dearly...don’t be so greedy or someone like me would not just bite but cut your bottoms in half...Now get lost...and come when you are ready to create both Adventurers offices.

Bloods! Escort them out of our city.”

All the Blood Zumas in attendance started a shout “Bloods! Bloods! Bloods!” in unison when the Councillor and his men were escorted out of the city.

Immediately after, we are at a meeting inside the Council Hall.

Council Man Bar’Rok: “My King, will the Council accept this decision?”

Me: “Something tells me, they will...we just have to wait for the right moment. That’s all.”

Council Man Tor’Von: “Was it the right thing to do, My King?”

Adi’Je: “Stop acting like a child! Bloods do not fear anything...Whatever our King decided is for our best...And personally, I liked what we did today. It was amusing to see those lowly creatures cower in front of us...the very beasts they thought, they could wipe out easily...He he he he.”

Me: “Queen Adi'Je is right...It may seem new to you, who have seen the Council of Zoit do whatever they want but, may I remind you...this is a new era. We will reclaim our glory back, one way or the another. But for now, go home and rest. The real game begins now...Meeting adjourned.”

All the Council Members stood up and bowed to me in respect before leaving the room.

Adi'Je: "My Lord, I would have liked more if we had cut their heads and send it to whoever was in charge of this continent. They should know, Bloods don't tolerate lowly species acting against us."

Me: "That would have done nothing of importance for us."

She smiled and spoke again.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, you know something that the Council Members do not?”

I turn towards Adi’Je and smile.

Me: “Maybe...or maybe not.”

She smiles and comes closer to me and gives a warm kiss. I feel like I am covered in a warm protective shield that would never break. I feel safe. She broke from the kiss and said.

Adi’Je: “My Lord, I eagerly await the day when I would bare your child...but to do that a Blood man must always take his woman to bed whenever she wishes...”

I smile and ask her.

Me: “And do you wish it so?”

Adi’Je smiles and *wink*. She lets out a little giggle.

Suddenly I felt a tug on my shirt; I turned around to see Naj’Rak fidgeting and wanted to say something but I knew what she wanted...

Me: “I know what you want, Queen Naj’Rak...so...what are we waiting for?? Let’s go...*wink* he he he...”

With that we went to have some fun... but Adi’Je was right. I did knew something that the rest of the Councillors didn’t.

Three days ago, I received a message from Deiti, who apparently was still in the Ustela Clan’s city.

She wrote.


Page 1


Le’On, I have finished my work here in the Ustela Clan’s city. Below here I have attached the Accept Order of your share of the reward and the items you gave to sell. Hope you like the sum you have earned, I know I did.

I am now free and decided not to take another quest. I was thinking of visiting you in Zuma, to meet you, see your city and you know...see your wives. Hope you don’t mind me visiting. I will arrive within two days.

Page 2

Oh...speaking of Zuma, just yesterday a big contingent from the Council of Zoit arrived here, around five officials with many Bodyguards. They made quite a ruckus over here after arriving. People were gathered around them and after some winking to few bystanders I got some information.

It seems their destination is Zuma. Most of the officials were acting like high and mighty save for one, who was leading them. Hope you guys didn’t do anything naughty.

I’ll see you there when I arrive, okay...bye.



DO YOU ACCEPT? (YES – NO) {Click on either one of the options}

I clicked on ‘Yes’.




Well that’s good to know.

The more important news was the delegation is coming from the Ustela Clan consisting of five Councillors.

I quickly sent Deiti an urgent message.


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It is good to know that your work has finished over there and would want to spend some time at my Clan’s city. I know your true intentions about coming here but you will not gain anything. But I have a small request for you.

Please stay there for a little while longer and please report to me about the Council delegate’s movement just after they leave Ustela Clan.

And if you can, please find out about their agenda. It is a request from a friend but if you succeed, I may be inclined to accept one of your requests.

I divided half of the money I received and gave it to both Sha’Elm and Ust’Tas. Both of them were unsure but upon insisting it, they accepted it.

Yesterday, I again received Deiti’s Message.


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I have a confusion, why did you refer Zuma as Blood Zuma? But that can wait until I visit.

The delegate just left Ustela Clan. I didn’t find any juicy information about their motive. All I heard, they were going to Zuma and probably to teach them a lesson and this information came from a very innocent Ustela man who may or may not be a Councillor.

Interestingly, out of five Councillors, only four were part of the journey. The one who was leading them didn’t accompany them. He stayed here and I must say, out of all the Councillors that came here, he looked the most calm beast man.

That’s all I had, I hope upon my arrival you don’t back out from your promise of granting one of my requests. I am looking forward to it. I will be there in five days. Bye.

So one stayed behind...

And I am now sure; the Councillors that came today would go back to Ustela and report to that one. I want to face him as from what Deiti described, he looked the one with actual authority.

And I was proven right. Two days later, the Council Delegates came back. This time they were more cautious and jittery than the first time they came here. I let them march up to the Council Hall. Many of them were still emitting fear. Why wouldn’t they? Their formation was broken and infiltrated within seconds who placed either a sword or a trident on each of their neck.

The Delegates stopped in front of the Council Hall and from them emerged this time, five Councillors. Four of them were the same ones that had come before. There body language had changed, in place of pride, fear had taken place.

The new one stepped forward. He was tall...as tall as me. He had a square face with big brown eyes and brown skin with its jaw was black. He had a look of experience and I didn’t feel any unnecessary pride in him. He stopped in just front of me as I was standing in front of the Council Hall along with other members and my wives. But what he did next even shocked us.

He kneeled on one leg in front of me and bowed his head. After a few moments, he lifted his head up and said.

“Your Highness! I, Vajek, a minister from the Council of Zoit wish to seek an audience with the King of the Blood Zumas. Please accept our request, King Le’On.”

And what happened after that was even more surprising.

The rest of his company also kneeled to me and bowed there head. With respect or not, I didn’t care... this man was a true politician. It was going to be fun... talking with him.

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