《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 4- CHAPTER 12


At dawn, I told Ust’Tas to guard the camp while in my absence and to let Sha’Elm sleep. His confidence level has grown much from yesterday, it’s good to see that. After specifying some guidelines and instructions about how to handle the wounded if he gains his conscious, I left to do some jobs.

First, I went to the place where the corpse of the beast man was. His body was...well...let’s just say, it was not all there. I searched the nearby area for anything and luck would have it, I found a small leather empty bag. I brought the bag with me to the corpse. I began to collect his leather armour which was shredded quite a bit, I didn’t find any weapon but I did find two rings in his pocket and nothing else. I gathered this thing and put it in the bag. After cross checking everything, in case I had missed something...I now went around to the dead bodies of the monsters.

They were all there, all 8 of them. One by one, I cut of their heads and gathered them at a place. Then, I tried a new thing...skinning a monster. Its skin seemed perfect to make bags out of it. When I was in Fort Solitude, I saw a huge uproar over monster skin made bags. They were cheap and somewhat durable. As we had killed so many, we could make some extra money out of it too.

But I decided to gather all the heads first. So I returned back to the camp. I was gone for maybe 40-45 mins so nothing changed in the camp. I placed the bag under Ust’Tas’s care and told him.

Me: “Give this to Deiti, when she wakes up. Tell her that, it belongs to her dead team mate. It’s all that could be salvaged.”

Ust’Tas: “Yes, My King.”

I placed the severed heads in a corner where Ust’Tas could keep an eye on.

Me: “I’m leaving to gather more heads and possibly something else...if the carriage from the council comes in the mean time, then first load the injured one and sent him for immediate medical check up.

And hold the camp until my return...do not move from here...until and unless you are attacked. Then come and find me, I will be present at the same place close to the river where we had fought yesterday...Okay?”

He gave a slight nod...

I again set off, this time towards yesterday’s battle field.

It took me another hour or so to reach the battle field. Some of their bodies were half eaten, while some had been dragged of...judging from the trail of blood left in the ground. Oh well...I started to cut off the heads of those who were still left. It took me another 20 mins to cut and gather their heads. I counted a total of 23.

Now, so many heads and no way to carry them. I placed all of them at a safe place and dragged one of the bodies. I walked towards where the river should have been. After walking for 15 mins, I found the river. It was a beautiful sight, the river was flowing calmly. I sat on a boulder and took out one of my sword to start skinning the monster.

I’ll say this...it is tough to skin a monster with a sword. Bits and pieces of monster flesh were still attached to the skin. I tried to cut them out, as cleanly as I could. After skinning them, which took me about 10 mins, I went to the banks of the river and washed the skin thoroughly, until it was clean. I stretched the skin wide and it seemed to me that if it was made into a makeshift bag, it could hold at least 4 heads. That means I had to skin another 5 or 6 just to carry all the heads.


Calculating my requirements, I went to grab another body. I started to skin as soon as I got back. It produced the same result. Bits of flat or flesh still remained attached. It would decrease the value of this things. I wish I had a dagger with me.

“You should use a blunt stone to scrape off the remaining flesh.”

I turned around and saw Deiti standing behind me, dressed in her silver armour and a smile on her face.

Me: “Ahh...Finally, you’re awake. It took you long enough. How are you feeling now?”

Deiti: “I am fine...at least now, still a little shaken from yesterday’s event but I’m still alive.”

Me (smiling): “Yeah...you are. But tell me...how did you get into that predicament?”

She came close to me and sat beside me, facing the opposite direction.

She sighed and said.

Deiti: “Hmm...One of my team mate unknowingly disturbed a whole lair of the Umeis.”

Me: “Umeis?? So I was right...and the team mate you were referring to is the dead one, right?”

Deiti: “Yes...You know, I had giving up hope yesterday but you saved me...Thank you...I’m really grateful to you for saving mine and my other team mates life. If you hadn’t come then...”

I looked towards her, her lips were trembling slightly and her eyes were a bit teary. I got up and walked towards the bank to find a blunt stone. I found a suitable one and came back. I put the skin on a flat surface and started to scrape off the remaining pieces with the stone. Her advice was helpful.

Deiti: “You know, when I saw you yesterday...at first, I couldn’t recognize you. You were covered in Umeis blood but when I looked towards your eyes, I got an idea of who you were? But I was still confused as to how you made it here? You were so fast that I couldn’t see you. You were not this fast, the last time we met.”

Me (smiling): “Really!”

Deiti: “Yes...last time, your movement was a bit off...I thought you were struggling and wondered how you got into the Council’s Adventurer Unit but after seeing you in combat...I got confused...you are not the same beast man I remembered. You...you my friend have become something else.”

Me: “Guess my training had some positive effect on me...I was glad you were okay...a little shaken up but still alive to see another day.”

I got up and went into the water and cleaned the skin. It was much better than the last one, although my armour got dirty. I placed the skin on a boulder to dry it. I also removed myself from my armour and with some water, I washed it and then with my dry shirt, I cleaned off the excess water of it and placed it near where Deiti was sitting. I also took out my belt along with one of my sword and put it down.

Me: “It would be a while before I return; you should take a quick bath while you have the chance...freshen yourself.”

She smiled and said.

Deiti: “Won’t you like to watch while I bathe? He he he he...”

Me (smiling): “Why??? You only like girls...so it’s better not to invest myself where I won’t be getting anything out of it.”

She made a pouting face while I walked out of the place. I gathered another body and went on skinning it. After skinning it, I scrubbed it with the blunt stone until no flesh remained attached to it. But still, I could not get the whole skin off at one go. I continued to skin one after another until I got seven of them. Many minutes have passed and I’m sure, Deiti had finished her bath...no one takes this much time. I gathered all the skin and walked towards the river bank.


There I found Deiti’s clothes, which were spread on the boulder, probably to dry them off. But no sign of her...Maybe she went off somewhere...She must have some extra clothes with her. I started to clean the skins one by one. After finishing it off, I placed them on different boulders to dry them off. Now, I had at least nine skins. It was enough for today. By now, I was dirty with stench of blood and rotten flesh all over my body. I looked around and found no one in sight. I dropped my pants and I took it into the water where I washed it and kept it on a boulder to dry off.

I took a quick bath and while I was at it, I even caught some fish. After drying myself of, I started a fire and began to roast the fish.


You have gained a NEW SKIL:-


Me: “Show Open Skinning.”


It is a simple method of Skinning monster hides or skins.


“Ahh...so you have started cooking our meal.”

I turned to see Deiti standing wearing new clothes and some fruits in her hand.

Me: “Yeah...I figured you were just as hungry as me. Where were you?”

Deiti: “I went to get some fruits for us to eat...as you can see...”

We started to have our meal.

Deiti: “So tell me, how’s that beautiful wife of yours doing?? Are you able to satisfy her??If not...then I’m always open to help you out.*wink* he he he...”

Me: “No thanks...she is very good and yes...she is satisfied. Ohh and I got married again.”

Deiti (shocked): “Again?? WOW...is she hot??”

Me: “He he he he...yeah...”

Deiti: “You lucky...lucky...bastard. Now I really want to bed one of your wives...say give one; you have two anyways, share with me.”

Me (smiling): “Absolutely not...they are mine...all mine...he he he he...”

She pouted and said.

Deiti: “Why did both of them choose you anyway?? It’s no fair...Here you are, married twice!!! And here I am...single...with no lady to mingle...Ufff...come on...let’s make a deal...”

Me: “No!! No deal...they are not for sell...or trading...or anything else in between...go find your own wife...”

Deiti: “It's not like, your wives are going to be touched by another beast man...a woman is going to touch them...please!”

Me: “Can you please drop this topic!!! It’s causing me a headache.”

Deiti: “Remember the last time, you said that if I was open to a threesome then your wife would be interested.”

Me: “Ufff...stop it...The only way you would ever get to have your way with them was by marry me...AND that would never...ever happen.”

Deiti: “Marry you...hmmm...Okay!!! I’m ready...take meeee....”





You have got to be joking...What's this??

Me: “Close King’s Crystal.”

Deiti: “Did you say anything?”

Me: “Yes...”

Deiti: “Yes!!! You will??”

Me: “What?”

Deiti: “Marry Me?”

I smiled and put my hand on her head, patted her and said.

Me: “No!”

Deiti: “Why???”

Me: “It’s getting late, we should head back.”

Deiti: “Nooooooooo....”

I don’t answer her and start to gather the hides, my armour, swords and belt. After reequipping myself, I folded six hides and turned them into a makeshift bag.For now, it will do. I put all the severed heads inside the bags and began our journey back.

Deiti: “How many did we kill?”

Me: “We??? We didn’t kill anything...Me and my team did the killing.”

Deiti: “Me, you what's the difference? We did bring them in one place...so...how many did WE get?”

Me: “WE got about 23 inside the makeshift bags and 8 back in the camp.”

Deiti: “So, 50 gold her head...we just crossed 1500 gold mark...not very good; we need more.”

Me: “How much time do you have left?”

Deiti: “The carriage will arrive tonight...so two days.”

Me: “Then, you and I would go hunting, tonight...and get ourselves some more of these monster heads.”

Deiti: “YAY!! You know, I kind of feel secure around you.”

Me: “Okay...stop buttering me.”

She laughed and so did I. It was good to see her finally shack her fear away.

We reached the camp and rested for a while. I got to know the injured beast man’s name. It was Nalth and he was from Aves to. Soon, night came and so did the carriage from the Council. We loaded the wounded person, whose condition was stable but still needed immediate medical treatment. I decided not to hunt anymore, contrary to what I had planned. I told Deiti about my mind being changed. She understood and agreed with me. We also loaded the heads, hides that we had collected and got on the carriages and left for the land of the Ustela Clan. If I had gone on hunting with her, she most likely would have an episode in the middle of the battle...such was her underlying condition. She was trying to suppress it but I was all too well known with that fear. I fought every fight with that fear in me...gnawing at me, every opportunity it got.

When we were just close to the city of the Ustela Clan, me along with my party got out of the carriage to start out journey towards Zuma. I told Deiti to take care of the rewards and the hides too. She was reluctant at first but I managed to make her comply and even told her to visit Zuma when she had finished her work here...which in turn made her happy...very happy.

We reached Zuma at dawn, upon entering I told both Sha’Elm and Ust’Tas to return to their homes and rest. I went to my home after making sure they had complied with my orders. But I was intercepted in the midway by all of the Council Members as well as my wives. Some of them had gloomy face while others were cheerful.

Adi’Je: “My Lord!! You are back!! It is great to see you... please pardon my rudeness of not asking about your quest but yesterday night we received a message from the Council of Zoit’s central command.”

Me (surprised): “From the Capital!!”

Adi’Je: “Yes My Lord, they have sent a message stating that, their delegate would come at end of this month to investigate about the matter of why we missed our supposed delivery date.”

Me: “So early....hmm....how are we on the front of getting support from other clans?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “My King, within a day of sending a notice, about 25 Clans have already pledged their support even at the worst times while we are expecting for more Clans to send their Intent of Support tomorrow.”

Me: “Good...and how is the army shaping up?”

Adi’Je: “At this moment, the level we are in...We can win any type of battles but I would have liked for more time. They need to be properly prepared just like a Blood should be.”

Me: “Good...and how about weapons and stockpiling the cave?”

Naj’Rak: “My King...we have enough to equip an army over few thousand at this moment and the cave as per your order are being stock piled with every important resources we have.”

Me: “Good....then let them come...we will welcome them in the ways of the Bloods...”





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