《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 4- CHAPTER 11


We just crossed Ustela Clan’s land and now are heading towards the Yaron Forest...Yes...We...As in the boy whom I forced to come with me. I thought he wouldn’t come or even too scared to move but much to my pleasure he came at the meeting point and even earlier than the fixed time.

He came dressed properly, downing his Blood armour and weapons. He was welding a short sword and a shield. What attracted my eyes was the shield. It was kind of an oval shaped with black background and red borderings. A red flame was also etched in the middle of the shield. It was really beautiful. Naj’Rak and her unit did really well with the new weapons and armours. Maybe when I come back, I should reward her...properly...Hmmm...I digress...

I reached the West Gate at the fixed time and to my surprise I found the counter boy waiting, ready to go in on an adventure. I moved towards him, upon sighting me moving towards him, he bowed showing his respect towards me. How many times or how many people did that, I still could not get accustomed to it. But it seemed to me that the boy had composed himself...

Me: “You are early...How long have you been waiting?”

???: “Umm...My K...Kimg...I...I mean...My King...Ahhh...I just arr...arrived just minutes ago.”

Me: “So...You CAN talk!!! That’s good to know...tell me...do you have a problem talking with another person in general or that happens only with me?”

???: “Umm...No, I...I don’t know, what happ...happened to me yesterday. My father scolded me after...Your Highmess...I...I mean...Your Highness left the center.”

Me: “First thing, drop the formalities...at least the Highness part...Secondly, your father, the man that came out of the room behind you?”

???: “Ahh...Yes...Your Majestry...I...I mean...Your...”

Me (a bit annoyed): “Cut the formalities...will you!”

???: “Ahhh...yes...I...yes...he is my father...”

Me: “And what is your name?”

???: “Umm...I’m sorry...I forgot to intro...introduce myself...My Lord. My na...name is...ahhh...umm...ahhh...”

Me (still annoyed): “Did you just forget your own name?”

The boy looks at me with a blank face...really!! I make you so much nervous that you forgot your own name...Ufff...

Me: “Tell me your father’s name.”

???: “Ahh...its...its...Yul’Tas, My Lord.”

Me: “And what name did Yul’Tas gave his son?”

???: “Umm...He named him...ahhh...umm...Ust’Tas, My Lord.”

Finally some progress....

Me (bit of relived): “So, your name is Ust’Tas. Why are you so nervous? Do I look like a monster to you?”

Ust’Tas: “No...No...My Lord...you do not. I...I...I mean...you are our King...So, I never expected to...to meet you or go on a que...quest with you.”

Me: “Listen to me very carefully. Yes, I am the King but I am also one of you. That means interact with me as you would do normally. Okay?”

He nodded but I can sense his fear...I think when we start our journey, he will ease up more.

Me: “Then, let’s start our journey.”

A young Blood approached me and bowed in respect. He got up and said.

???: “My King, the Queen has appointed me as your bodyguard for this trip. My name is Sha’Elm...It’s my honour to serve you.”

Hmmm...Adi’Je was talking about training men as bodyguards. This one also looks like he needs some experience. Oh well...more the merrier. I cannot share the quest with them but after completion, I would give them from my share. As to why I cannot share the quest with them? Well its simple...It was not mine to begin with. I was invited into the quest but it was not registered to my name.


Me: “Very well...let’s move.”

He nodded.

I quickly did a recap of my responsibilities in my mind. I have told Adi’Je about my chat with Zanesur and Sadama agreeing to be the Blood cave guardian. She will also lead a team to clean the cave and start stocking it with our supplies. All the while, Naj’Rak was to be in charge during Adi’Je’s absence. So, I’m all set and with that here we are...just entered the Yaron forest.

On the road while coming here, both of them didn’t say much. The guy Sha’Elm, who was my ‘bodyguard’, was a dual wielder just like me and he got married just recently to a lovely women Shai’Rin. How wonderful...it seems after the evolution, many Bloods got married. I knew Shai’Rin...she was a lovely girl, I used to study with her, we were at the same class when we were just little toddlers. A quick confession...I had a secret crush on her. But now look at us...both married happily. Of course I didn’t say any of this to her husband, my ‘bodyguard’.

Soon we reached a clearing, which gave the view of the whole forest. It was beautiful...just endless sea of tall trees and vegetation. Where would I find them was the main question? It was such a big forest and most of it was still uncharted. Upon entering the forest, the road which led towards the Ustela clan had no carriage parked...that means they still have time to finish their quest.

Now, the standard practice was to leave marks behind to help a team quickly identify the route back.

Me: “Ust’Tas take the left and Sha’Elm take the right while I will go and check ahead. Keep your eyes open for everything and check for any marks that look out of the ordinary. If you find something, inform the others at that moment. Do not wander far, leave a mark yourself to identify the way back. We will meet here after exactly 20 mins. Now go.”

Both of them nodded in acceptance though Ust’Tas looked somewhat worried but I have faith in him...he will be okay.

Upon receiving my order, they moved out as did I. I checked the bark of the trees or their base for anything. I tried to determine footprints. Though I found couple of them but they were all small footprints...too small for any beast men.

As I moved upwards on an elevation, the temperature dropped considerably while the forest got thicker than usual. I was starting to feel a little cold but still no trace of them. I decided to head back to the meeting point. I followed the trail left by me to the meeting point. When I reached there, I saw Sha’Elm already waiting there for the others. I moved towards him, when he saw me, he bowed and reported back.

Sha’Elm: “My King, I couldn’t find anything...no footprints belonging to any beast men nor any kind of trail left behind. In my opinion, Sir, they are not in that direction.”

Me: “Hmm...Not in mine too...maybe Ust’Tas was lucky. Where is he? He should have been back by now.”

Sha’Elm: “Should I go and search for him, My King?”

Me: “It’s better if we do it together...Let’s go.”

He nodded in compliance.

We searched for him, in the direction he went. Luckily, he did something great. He left trail marks behind. It was easy to follow them but we moved stealthily...you could never know completely, if you are stalked or not. After following his trail marks, we came towards a small clearing.


Sha’Elm (whispering): “My King, down there.”

I looked through the clearing; it gave a small view of the deep end of the forest. In the midst of the forest, a small river is flowing through it. It looked like a thin white line cutting its ways through the middle of the forest. And as I look further down, I saw a man lay flat on the ground. He was wearing the same armour that we were wearing. Yes...that fool had tumbled down slope...Uff...

Me: “Let’s hope he is not dead...yet...”

We made our way down towards him and when we reached there, we found him conscious.

Me: “Are you really a Blood Zuma?”

Sha’Elm: “How did you miss the slope? What were you thinking?”

Ust’Tas (whispered): “I...I am sorry, My King...but I wanted to get a close look and fell down here...”

Me (whispering): “To look at what? And why are we whispering?”

He gets up partially and points towards something and says.

Ust’Tas: “I spotted something down there but tumbled when I went closer to inspect it.”

I looked towards the place where he was pointing. I didn’t have to search long to find out about what he was talking about.

There were many monsters roaming in the place where the slope had ended. Or rather their body language was strange. They were growling and moving restlessly. The monsters were of silver colour and of medium height, being about 4 to 4’5” ft. They walked on both pair of legs which looked powerful. Nothing out of ordinary screams out from them but there was something else which was making them restless. I couldn’t see it from here; my view was being blocked partially by some branches. I decided to move closer to them to observe them further.

Me: “I can’t make out, why they are so restless?? We are going to head down a bit further...do not make loud noises or sudden movements.”

After giving them instructions, I started to move down slowly and without making any noise. Soon I reached a place, where I could see further than before. The monsters were few in numbers...to my count about eight. Some of them were converged at a singular point and the others were moving around them restlessly. What were they doing? I waited to see if I could pick up anything.

I didn’t had to wait long as one of the monster came out of the place some of them had gathered and I saw the reason for it. They were feasting...feasting upon a body...of a beast man. As soon as I saw this, I turned around and said.

Me: “They are feasting upon a body of a beast man. We are going out there and will kill those monsters. Now, you Bloods have nothing to fear...this is the time where you decide...whether live under the shadows of our past, which was full of despair and cowardice or start your new life and fill it with courage and valour.”

I looked at them, while waiting for their reactions. They nodded while their eyes showed determination...even Ust’Tas. Now, it is time to see the effects of Adi’Je’s training.

Me: “Good...now listen very carefully.

Ust’Tas, you would be in the front of the line with your shields up while me and Sha’Elm would be right behind you. We would move like a single line so that when they spot Ust’Tas, they would think he is alone and would try to flank him. And that’s when we will strike them. Both of us, me and Sha’Elm would strike at them. I would strike from the left while Sha’Elm would take the right.

Ust’Tas would defend and attack whatever comes in front of you. Okay...”

I again stop to see their reactions. To my joy, they nodded.

Me: “Good...then let’s move out.”

We got into formation and started to move out. Their forms were good or at least it looked good to me. I am not that trained myself so...ehh...what do I know?

Ust’Tas held his shield in front of him, while we were hiding behind it. His grip was strong and firm but he still showed signs of nervousness. We were just about to come out in their view when one of the monsters came and sat just outside the bush, we were hiding behind. The monster was in Ust’Tas’s range, he could easily kill it or even bash it with his shield but he stood there. I could have nagged him to go on but I’m not sure that would help him. It was his choice to make...I gave him time and waited and hoped.

His grip became stronger and he took in a deep breath. Then, within a second, he jabbed his sword right through the monsters neck with great force. He drew out his sword from the monsters neck and the monster dropped on the ground choking on its blue blood. He then moved out...and so it begins.

As we came in view, the rest of them noticed there fallen brother or sister... dropped whatever they were doing, bared their fangs and jumped towards us.

The first one to reach us got its skull crushed by the bash Ust’Tas gave it with his shield. As I foretold, two of them tried to attack us from both the flanks and were cut in half by both of us...me and Sha’Elm. Four down four to go. Two of them charged towards Ust’Tas head on together. He didn’t waver and using his shield to hide his most part of his body, jabbed his sword right through one of monsters skull and absorbed the bash of the other monster. The monster that tried to bash against his shield was in disarrayed state. He pulled out his sword from the skull of the monster and with a downward slash cut the staggering one’s head clean of. For the first time, some of the monsters blood was spread upon his face. I know the feeling you have when your face gets some blood on it. It feels empowering...like a power surging through me...almost making me drunk...the feeling of wanting more takes over...And that what was going through his mind.

I got out of the formation and ran towards the remaining two monsters that were still near their feast. They were caught off guard with my speed and with swift downward slashes produced from both of my arms, their skulls halved, blue blood sprayed out like hot water from a geyser. It was over for now.

I turned my attention towards the almost eaten body of a beast man. It was a male...his armours were ripped apart...well just some part of his innards were left...must have been someone from Deiti’s squad. I need to find her quickly...be safe Deiti...be safe...

Sha’Elm: “My King...please see this.”

He was standing in front of another clearing...it was a small ridge. It the base, I saw many...too many of these monsters had encircled a panting figure, who was trying desperately to keep them away. Another figure was lying on the ground wounded or worse...dead. As I used my advanced eye-sight, I recognized the panting figure...It was Deiti. She was injured herself but was trying her best. For her, these monsters were just too much...but not for us.

Me: “Sha’Elm, I am going down there first and would try to stop the imminent danger my friend is in. You and Ust’Tas come behind me but come at your own pace. I don’t want you to tumble down to your deaths... When you reach down, break loose and kill them all... can I count on you keep Ust’Tas safe?”

Sha’Elm: “My King, the day would not come, when I fail to defend my fellow blood.”

Me: “Good...”

I start my descend, with each footing; I took in deep breaths at regular intervals, mapping out the best route to reach her quickly. When I was close to the base, I used my skill...

Everything got slow...their movements...Deiti’s movements...I don’t think she saw me coming down. I reached my first prey within a few seconds. It was standing still and now lying on the ground...headless...some of its blood sprayed upon my face...I want more...

*************** Deiti’s POV************

Get back...get back...stay away from me...Damn that Emvor....I told him not to be careless...these things hunt in packs. Damn him...poking his nose into a lair of Umei’s. Damn him...damn him...trying to be a hero...well where are you now...Mr Hero...

I’ll tell you where he is...he’s in some freaking Umei’s stomach...that’s where he is...

Now what do I do...surrounded by all of these Umeis. Even Nalth is injured and unconscious...How do I defend him and me from all these Umeis? Is this the end of my life?? So soon...even after being careful in all of my quests...getting killed...no...Getting chomped down to tiny pieces through others fault...But why?? I always thought I would live a great life, filled with great adventures...great stories to tell my family. Even finding the one I’m meant for...wherever that person is...

One of these Umei scratched me on my left shoulder producing a deep wound. I don’t have anything to stop the bleeding...that damned Emvor had the medical box. At this rate, even before I get killed, Nalth would die of severe loss of blood. Somebody please help us...help me... I wish Le’On was here. He could have saved us from all of them...Did I invite him too late?? I should have contacted him before accepting this quest... But...A couple of Umeis are getting ready to charge at me. Their body language is telling me about their intentions very clearly. I can take one of them...but not two or three at once...So; this is how it’s going to end.

They jumped, I could see at least three in front of me and I do not know how many attacked from behind...With my right hand, I struck my axe into the head of one of the Umeis attacking. Its lodge deep inside it. I cannot pry it out in time...this is the end...I’m sorry dada and mama. I wish I could see you both one more time. I let my axe go as I see two of them; with their jaws open showing their long and sharp teeth. I wait for my end...helpless...the Umeis are just about to reach me...somebody...please save me...

As I look into my death...the two Umeis got split into two spraying their blood out, while some of it fell upon me. What just happened?? I felt something run past me and before me, I saw only dead and decapitated Umeis. Who?? What?? I touch my face with my right hand and saw it was filled blue fluids...In front of me, there were still some Umeis standing but they weren’t moving...I turned backwards to see the state of Nalth.

I saw, he was alright and well but was surrounded by dead Umeis...but who did it?? I moved my gaze from Nalth to other places. I saw a figure standing, it’s back towards me...it was blue all over as if it had drenched itself in Umeis blue blood. I saw the rest of the living Umeis backing off...their eyes...filled with fear...fear of the thing standing in front of them, drenched in their brethren blood.

It turned it's face towards me and smiled. Those red eyes...I have seen those eyes before...but where??

???: “It’s been some time Deiti...I am happy to see you doing well...he he he he...”

The voice...I know that voice...Who??... Le’On!!!!

*********** End of Deiti’s POV **********

After making my way through all these monsters, I first took care of the once that were in the motion of killing Deiti. After taking care of them, I quickly went past her to kill those who were going to attack the man lying on the ground, whom I presume injured. They stopped attacking, when they saw the damage I had inflicted to their group, they started to move backwards. I turned around to see if Deiti was okay or not...She was well, considering the situation she was in just now. She was sitting on the ground, eyes filled with tears, blood dropping from her face...not her blood though...it was blue in colour so it was of the monster I slayed. She was trembling and her face had a look of confusion...I smiled and said to her...

Me: “It’s been some time Deiti...I am happy to see you doing well...he he he he...”

Her expression changed, as if she was now trying to figure something out in her head. Her trembling lips opened and tried to say something but couldn’t...maybe she was still in shock...better give her some space...

In the mean time...I received a notification.


SKILL- TIME DELAY effects ended.


Great...I look around and saw still many of them remaining. They were not attacking but that would not be the case when they would come out of the initial shock. They would surely attack.

“My King!!! Are you alright?”

I turned to find Sha’Elm and Ust’Tas standing beside Deiti, guarding her. The shape they were in, tells me that both of them are now enjoying this... both of their faces and as well as armours and weapons dripping with blood of the monsters. They had a hungry look to them. Good...I walked close to them.

Me: “Yes...I’m alright. It’s nice to see both of you enjoying...ha ha ha ha...good...now Sha’Elm...go to this side and look for a way to go up again...possibly a broad pathway...we have to carry people too. Me and Ust’Tas will defend this position.”

Sha’Elm: “Yes, My King.”

He quickly went to my right side where I pointed...the presence of these monsters was less there.

Me: “Ust’Tas...look out for any surprise attacks and defend this place along with her.”

He nodded and said.

Ust’Tas: “Yes My King.”

I smiled and went to check up on the man lying on the ground. He looked pale, indicating that he had lost a lot of blood. I tore a piece of his clothing and wrapped it around his wound. He had a deep wound on his shoulders and stomach. I did them both and was successful in stopping the blood flow...at least for now.

I picked him up and placed him near the still confused and teary eyed Deiti. I patted her head and went away to kill some of the monsters.

I unsheathe my weapons again and dashed towards some of these monsters. I cut the first one’s head with my right and stabbed another in the throat with my left. Then with a downward slash, I cut another one with my right and plunged my sword in my left inside one of theirs mouth, lodging it deep inside. I pulled it out and went on to kill another one.

By this time, they started to retreat...and I let them...I had to get Deiti out of here first...My priorities were set. I turned towards the place Ust’Tas was defending. Two or three of them were lying on the ground in front of him...their skull were smashed and a few were decapitated.

I stopped in front of Deiti and kneeled down. She was still trembling...I put my right hand on her head and slightly patted her...reassuring her...

Me: “Deiti...it’s alright. Your safe along with your friend here. Can you get up? Are you hurt anywhere?”

She was still looking at me. I noticed her shoulder had a deep cut. I tore a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around on the wound.

Deiti (in very low voice): “Le’On!!!...”

She wrapped her hands around my neck, hugging me and started to cry...

“My King! I have found a path.”

I turned somewhat and saw Sha’Elm had returned.

Me: “Good...pick up this beast man here and Ust’Tas defend us while we are walking...the entire time.”

Without wasting any time, Sha’Elm picked up the man over his shoulder.

Me: “Deiti...we have to walk now...can you walk?”

She didn’t reply but just went on crying...

Oh well...I scooped her up in my arms and started walking. She did not let her grip loose and now, she had buried her face on my chest or at the armour...which was dripping with blood of the monsters by the way. But by the looks of it, she didn’t care for that. She was very light too...if...you know...anybody wants to know...Ehmm...So we started our walk back to move upwards, the way we entered the forest.

We had walked for about two hours before we reached the exit of the forest. The moonstar had started to shine in the sky.

We had to find a way to transport the injured beast man. I asked Sha’Elm to give the man some Vitalis potion as well as apply some on his wounds, so that his condition becomes stable until tomorrow.

Ust’Tas in the mean time had completed making two tents...that’s all we had with us. He also cooked something while I was tending to Deiti's wound. I applied some Vitalis herb on her wound and wrapped it again with same cloth. Deiti was still in shock but had stopped crying. I again tore a piece of my cloth and wiped her beautiful face clean of the blood. My shirt was all torn up now...

Now looking at my fellow bloods, I felt pride...pride over them, how well they handled themselves and pride over my wife, who taught them. She is a remarkable woman.

After finishing diner, I placed the injured beast man who was now stable, in one tent along with Ust’Tas to sleep and to look after him. I put Deiti in the other tent, to sleep alone. She was in need of rest... I told Sha’Elm to sleep beside the fire, while I would take the first watch. He first hesitated as it was his job to guard me at all times... but I told him to take rest as he would have to guard me tomorrow for the whole day.

Some hours had passed; it was a beautiful night...filled with many stars. The monsters I killed had to be the one she was hunting...I could be wrong also. But if she returned without any head of those things, she would have to pay a huge fine...minus the fact that one of her team mate is injured and the other one dead. Tomorrow, I have to salvage something out of the dead beast man’s carcass to show as a proof of his death. And if I’m lucky enough, gather the heads of the monsters we killed today...if it remains and not get eaten...the same goes for the dead beast man.

Lots of things to do tomorrow...Let’s see what happens next.

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