《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 4- CHAPTER 8


The room was filled with those monsters, too many to count. The room itself was very spacious. I couldn't find anything in the room except two main things. One was the monsters who were walking aimlessly within the room. And the other, was easily the worst thing I ever saw. It was a big one... And I mean a really big monster who was at the far end of the room.

It was at least 9-10 ft tall, having a greenish body, just like the small ones... Small compared to him, had two sharp looking cutters for arms and had two legs, which looked like they had just enough strength in them to take the pressure of the body exerting on it. After observing his legs I got the idea that the monster had very low agility. Any attack mixed with high agility should work against it. I noticed another thing after carefully observing the monster. Its arms were different from the rest of its lackeys. Its arms or rather its cutters were covered or could be entirely made up of a strange solid looking material of ash color. It looked sturdy and I deduced that, it would not be easy to cut off its arms. It had no distinct head just like the others. Though it did not have a head, it didn't stop him getting one eye each on its side... That means it had four eyes on all four sides. They were of medium size with green pupil. So it didn't have a blind spot too... Well, that was a tough one. And to add to my woe, it had yet another surprise for me. Its mouth were not of the normal size... Normal in comparison with others of its kind. It was placed vertically in the place where its chest should be. The large hole which was supposed to be its mouth also had large sharp teeth on them. I suppose, it also spat poison from its mouth.

After analyzing everything in the room, I began to experience different kinds of emotions one after another. It started with anger, surprise, scared (a little) and sadness. I had to face all of them... All at once and I hope the big one doesn't poke its ugly neck in the middle of my fight with the little ones. I understood that sudden dash and strike strategy would not work here. I really need a good plan. I need to come up with something that would give me enough time to dodge their poison spit at all times.

I searched for the sparsely populated part of the room to start my attack. But their numbers were so high that no part looked like it had less numbers in them. Now, all of these observations only took a few minutes because after my opening of the door one of the monsters saw me and screamed which in return turned every one of its gaze upon me... Which was not good for me yet it had to happen. I cannot fight every one of them all at once in that room, my best bet would be to draw them in the tunnel and killing them there until I reach the big one or it decided to kill me and comes to me...

When they all saw me, they prepared themselves to attack... to them it was first come first serve... I shouted.


Numerous monsters dashed towards me, wanting to rip me apart. Where as for me, I ran backwards to find a suitable place where I could start my attack. I didn't have to search for long, I found a place and got ready... my senses peaked at a high point, swords unsheathed. I watched them come towards me and I waited... They were now just a few meters away and I choose that moment to release my blood lust upon them. I wanted to test my blood lust against theirs. The result was pretty satisfactory. Upon releasing my blood lust upon them, the front line of there's froze on its track. The space in the tunnel had already forced them to come at me in a group of two. Well... It was time some blood spilling...


I dashed forward towards the frozen monsters and even before they had time to release themselves from the effect, I cut off both of their heads... Yes... I will now call them as heads. They fell, revealing another line, I stabbed my swords into their heads and pulled it back while I again cut off the next line heads off with two slices. They gathered their senses and was now attacking me. I let them use their cutters against me while watching out for their poison. I slashed a horizontal slash to block their arms, severing them in the process and I stabbed them in their chest while they were screaming in pain. I started to slash left and right without any care in their world while only watching out for their spits. It wasn't very long before one of them spat at me. As I was already standing close to them, so I ducked easily. That was one of my tactics. I would force them to fight in a close quarter combat. I cut their legs, which made them fall, after that I smashed their heads with my foot. I kicked one in its chest, that monster flew back, taking many monsters that were behind them. That one blocked a portion of the tunnel, which forced them to fight me in one on one situation. I cut their arms, legs, heads and stabbed whatever part I felt like stabbing.

I didn't like the idea about their blood spraying upon me... but in this fight I need it. So I tried to get as much as I could for me. They screamed at me while I cut them with an upward slash or sometimes downward slash. Sometimes I sliced at them horizontally too, producing the same effect. I killed, however I wanted, but I took small injuries here and as well. But I used my regeneration skills to cure myself.

I have lost track as to how many I have had killed so far or how much time I had spent down here, fighting them. As I look around me, I see endless dead bodies of the monsters, but when I gaze forward I see that I haven’t made any difference as their number was still greater than I have liked. It was impossible for me to fight them on and on. Though I had my reservations about getting their blood on me, but then it was required in the current situation. I needed it to keep me going. I went on killing them, and got myself drenched with their disgusting blood in no time. While being in this position, I also new a fact. It was that I could not forever fight them in the tunnels. I was killing them at ease here, but the impact which I’m having upon them is less so I need to push them back and fight in the room.

I pushed forward with that fact in my mind. They tried to use their poison, but I managed to duck them properly. I have grown accustomed to their shooting motion. So it has become easier for me to spot when they are going to spit their poison on me. I pushed them back until I reentered the room. As I entered the room again... I saw the big one still standing in its position. He hasn’t moved an inch since the fight had started. I closed the door behind me to trap them inside the room. They were still many, but here now, I could have a much bigger effect.

I continued on and on, sometimes jumping on their heads and severing them or sometimes I used my elongation skill to act like a whip. I killed many still many were left. How did the ancients managed to freeze them here?? So many of them... how?? What were thinking? All these questions kept coming to my mind. I had no answer to it also I didn’t get to see if any survivors are left or not. I thought of something at that moment. It was now time to engage the big one.


I dashed towards him, cutting any monster that blocked my path, I formulated that if I use agility based attacks, I could easily take it down. I followed the plan and as I moved closer to the big one. Its big mouth opened and large, very large amount of poison came towards me. I dodged to my left and the poison bust barely missed my arms. When I got up and looked at the place where the poison had landed, I was shocked. Behind me, there were a lot of live monsters who were chasing me... now all that remained were a massive amount of melted bodies. Its one shot had melted everything within a 10 ft radius. Oh boy...

I still continued my attack and it spat again. This time I dodged to my right and without looking back I continued on. When I was close to him, I jumped towards him and with both of my swords I used a downward vertical slash on it. The monster blocked my attack in time with its arms. Its arms were much stronger and harder than the other ones. But while in the motion, I continued with my attack. But every time, it blocked me. It opened its mouth and I knew its intention. I dodged and a large amount of poison flew out from its mouth. It melted many of its brethren to mush. It was really a disgusting sight but I had to find its weak point, which I think would be its legs. After landing on the floor, I immediately charged towards its leg, but was met with a blow on my back. It was really powerful... I was planted on the ground, producing a small crack on the ground. My armour took the sting out of its arms but the force it generated was more than enough to make me immobile for a few minutes...

My spine was shattered, along with my one of my lungs, which had popped, but thanks to the regeneration skill, my injuries started healing quickly. But it was not quick enough. It kicked me with its right foot, hurtling me towards some monsters which were standing a few meters away. While in the motion, I saw it opening its mouth. I knew what it wanted. The way I was now, there was no chance for me to dodge it... save for one way.

While I was about to fall upon some monsters, I threw one of my sword in my left towards the big one. The moment I threw it, I fell upon some of them, pushing them backwards, while killing one just with the force. I was dazed for a few moments, though I received no extra injuries from the last attack, but I had to come to my senses because I didn’t know, if my plan was successful or not. After a few moments, my senses returned while I stood up to see what was my current situation. I saw a big spurt of poison in front of me. Even before I could react, the spit flew past to my left side. The moment it flew past, I...I...I...I felt agonizing pain.... So much pain... I looked towards the place from where my pain was originating. I found some of my left arm missing, no...It melted right off... some portion just touched my arm and it produced this kind of destruction.

I started my regeneration skill to rebuild my arm, the pain was unbearable, producing some tears from my eyes when I heard a loud scream.


I looked forward to find that my plan did succeed. My sword had struck its eye, which made its attack to miss me by just inches. It was screaming in pain, while its eye leaked blood out of it. I looked around to see that the most of its attack had melted the rest of the monsters behind me. I got an idea... I could use the big one to finish the small ones. I waited patiently while my arm formed. It had melted down from the elbow.

My hand regenerated back, it was as good as new, after moving it to check if everything was working fine, I charged forward towards the big one while it was still distracted. The road in between had a few monsters on it... those that were there met a swift end. When the big one was in my sight I jumped on its body and pulled out my sword which was impaled in its eyes. When I pulled it back completely, large amount of jelly like blood poured out from the wound while the big one screamed even louder. It jerked its body in an attempt to get me off him but I took the chance and started my barrage of stabs at the same place. Within minutes, I had dug a hole in them while the big one continued to sway its body violently.

When enough space was made, I cut it’s nerves inside its head, whatever looked like important, I went on cutting it. After a while I got off him until I was satisfied. When I got off him, I noticed its rest of its eye either had fallen off or rolled upwards. It was now blind, but still spitting poison. It was now easy to dodge its poison attacks. The big one spat poison haphazardly melting most of its brethren. The rest, which survived, I cut them down... Finally, there numbers now fell to a mere ten, who were dealt swiftly. The small ones were now either melted to a goo or was dead while missing multiple body parts. It was time to end the big one’s life. I jumped on its head and again started to cut out some portions of it. When I cut some semi jelly like piece of meat inside its head, most probably its brain, it fell down on the floor with a large *THUD* sound. It was finally dead.

I fell flat on the floor... tired... very tired... every part of my body aching. If I didn’t have the regeneration skills, I would have died a long time ago. While lying down, I looked at the battlefield... only dead monsters, but no sign of any survivors... yet. Was Hui’Mi’s information wrong? Or Who made this place? And why put them here? All these questions hounding me. I let go of my swords and just lay there staring at the ceiling. I didn’t even know when my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was the ceiling, little by little, I remembered the situation I was in before. Now, that the monsters were dead, I have to start searching for any survivors. But, I’m sure that all the monsters have been dealt with so I have to be on the guard too. I got up on my feet and surveyed my surroundings. I decided to walk to the far end of the room where the big one originally first stood. I kept an eye on everything else, if something new decides to show itself. It took me about 5 mins to reach the opposite side of the room. As I though... it was a large room. Upon reaching the site, I started checking the wall to find something or anything that would help me. After the checking nearly half of its length, I found an inscription written on it.

“দরজা খুলতে গেলে, লেখার নিচে হাথ দাও.”

It said: “To open the door, place your hand under the inscription.”

I did what it said.

When I touched the place under the inscription, I felt something like a switch. I pressed it and it worked, a door opened to my right, releasing a cloud of dust in its wake. After the dust cleared, I entered the room. It was a well lit room with a crystal, situated in the middle of a pedestal. I moved towards the crystal, it was red in colour with black streaks running over its body… much like our body markings. I came close to the pedestal. A line was written on it which was also in our ancient tongue. It said.

“হুই’মির দলীল জানতে হলে এর ওপর হাত রাখো.”

Which meant “To know about Hui’Mi’s Will, place your hand on this.”

I touched the crystal with great excitement...

As I touched it, something stung both the palms of my hands. Then it started to glow...at first with a bright red colour, then with black colour after that it gave a bright light from it. It stopped and showed me something.




Me: “Show Will of Hui’Mi.”




After that, something flashed in front of my eyes...


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If you are reading this will then it means you have cleared the second test. But there would be no notification when you clear the third test.

Welcome, New King of the Bloods. I, Hui’Mi had written here about all the plans I had implemented for the selection of the new king.

I have set four tests for an individual to truly claim the right to be called the King of the Blood Zumas. Now, I know you are wondering about many things which I will explain as I go on.

The First Test:-

It was to kill the Guardian monster of the swamp located around the city of Zuma.

The individual must kill the Guardian before his third birthday. Killing the Guardian would unlock the racial trait of the Blood Zuma. But of course, it would be of the Basic Level. When unlocked the individual would jump the normal evolution Ranks and attain the new unlocked Rank automatically.

It is a compulsory rule that it must be passed first before any other test.

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The Second Test:-

After unlocking the Blood racial trait, the individual would have to take a trip to the Dentia forest.

There lies a certain person within an Aura Crystal. She will test the individual once she recognizes his presence. She would recognize the individual through their Blood trait and only that.

She would test the individual in ways as she pleases. The individual must continue on and pass her test. If the individual passes, he would be rewarded with the Kings Outfit, which would contain the Kings Sword and the Kings Armour.

Upon wearing them, the individual will get a rank up. His rank would change from the Basic level Blood Zuma to Blood Lord.

When the rank of Blood Lord is achieved, the individual will receive a massive boost to his Blood traits.

Another event which would happen when you pass the person within the Aura crystals test. After the individual had passed, the person within the Aura Crystal would come out of the crystal. That person would be a woman named Adi’Je and she would be also a Blood woman. She would be a Pure Blood and the only one living. If the individual impresses her enough then she would also decide to marry him. She would be the Queen of the Blood upon marriage, even if the individual fails in the next two tests.

I know, after being released from the Aura Crystal she would inform him of our heritage which I have suppressed and about our civil war. I expect that the individual gives her deserved respect and the honor of stating her the rank of General of Bloods.

She was originally stated to marry me when I was still ruling over the united Bloods. Her father, a high level Blood had hoped that she would change my mind about my decision of the future of the Bloods. Though being the best warrior, not just in the category of women, but in the whole clan, she accepted her father's decision. See, apart being from very powerful, she also had a warm heart. She would do anything for the people she loved as I am sure the individual would get to know, if she decides to marry him.

There is a rule within the Blood women in regards of choosing their mates. Primarily, the Blood Lust within the male was used as the deciding factor, in which I had the most. But she did not accept me through that rule, but for her father's request. She truly is a wonderful woman. Though being charged of making me turn towards another path, she herself came to acknowledge the idea of mine... so much so... that she became the General of my army and lead us to victory in the civil war.

Adi’Je, the General of my army, who fought against her father, who was the leader of the other faction known as the Pure Bloods but also her whole family whom she loved the most. She killed her parents, brothers, sisters and niece and nephews to win me the war just because she had high hopes of my idea. The idea of creating a new generation who could control their Blood traits at all times against the irrational and sometimes bloodthirsty traits of the original Bloods.

She was the one who lost most in that war, though she never complained or cried about it. I could not honor her even with my next six lives of the sacrifices she had to make. That is why I decided that she would place herself in the Aura Crystal and be part of the test for an individual to claim his right as King in the hope of whomever it maybe, she would finally find her love and be honored as the Queen.

Honor her and treasure her... it would be a wish of mine to the next King.

After completing this test, the individual must go through the third test.

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The Third Test:-

After achieving the rank of Blood Lord, the real Guardian monster will find the individual. His name would be Zanesur. I formed an alliance with him. What was the matter over which the alliance was formed is known to the person who is reading this will, that means you.

But I didn’t tell him everything. When we found out that they were being killed by these monsters. The first step I did was to secure and carve this tunnel to my liking. I wanted to use this cave for the battle which would be between you and these monsters that we had captured alive and put them here after paralysis and freezing them and as well as the final place to keep this letter.

Yes, we first captured most of them and put them here, along with the few survivors of Zanesur’s Clan. They were the only ones left and you would get to save them and take them to Zanesur while completing the quest as well as earning Zanesur’s allegiance.

After completing this test, you would receive something which I will not tell you. It's a surprise... you would know what to do with it.

Now, on to the fourth and final test.

The Fourth Test:-

This is more of a personal test than anything and also this one is not a compulsory test. It is more of a request of mine.

When Adi’Je placed herself within the Aura Crystal, I took some of her blood as samples. She did not mind then. What happens after that, she has no clue about it... the rest was all my doing.

I knew of a special poison made by the Pure Blood Women which was known as the Curse of the Blood Women.

The Pure women used to make a poison and injected it into their husbands. The purpose of the poison being that their husbands could not mate with any Crodon women. This was used as a means to keep the family Pure. Only the person authorized by themselves could mate with their husbands. The poison was made from different herbs and a main ingredient which was their own blood. The person authorized by the Pure Women would drink a potion made from their own Blood so that they would not get affected by the poison while mating.

I used her blood to create the same poison and gave a monster to use it. Long ago, many years after settling in the new place we helped a man to transfer his precious gem in the Dentia forest, close to Adi’Je. When we finished our assignment of relocating his gem, we got the news of his death and his castle being burned. There was a clause in our agreement, if he died before our next meeting, we would stop any information regarding the gem from reaching to anybody. But I used this occasion for my next test. I placed a Guardian monster and gave her this poison to utilize. She would use this and kill anyone who would intrude their for finding the gem. Later I heard from the monster that the man who owned the gem had left a tablet there containing the location of the gem. But she assured me, no one would pass her. Yes... she kills by sleeping with men and sucking them dry.

Your test would be to sleep with the monster there. Do not worry, sleeping with her would lie your next and final two rewards. When sleeping with her, she would transfer the curse onto you and during your meeting, you would gain a powerful Blood skill which would in turn kill her. So I suggest, after receiving the skill, kill her.

Now, your questions... why would you intentionally make yourself go through that?

Well, for one, you would earn the title of King and two, I found after researching for many years about our own clan as well as other new species that were forming their own clan.

I found out that when mating with people of different clans, the next generation produced from it would receive a reduced Blood racial trait, which would seriously hinder their growth. Not all species can mate with the Bloods. There are a few, but most of them are off limits to Blood. You, as the King, have to look after this matter. Taking the Curse would limit you to your Blood wife or wives. But I have prepared a list of species with whom you can mate or rather I have made an arrangement with them.

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Exactly what is the arrangement... would be revealed to you by the reward you would receive here.

And the next question would be... Why did I use Adi’Je’s Blood?

To create the poison is only half the answer, the other half was to bind her with you. I could not take a chance or rather I did not want her to be robbed of being Queen if not an Elite in your reign. If she is married to you, then I am sure this poison would not matter to you as I know or rather am sure, whomever she chooses would love her back if not in the same amount but greater. As I have said it earlier, cherish her well.

At this moment, if both of you mate after the fourth test, then she would know that her blood was used to put in a Pure Blood Women’s Curse on you. How she would know? Well, during mating if any Blood women lick even a single drop of blood of her husband, she would know about your mental state as well as biological state. Our women are much more advanced than us.

If you're thinking that she would cure you of this poison of her own volition than I’m afraid, she cannot. It is not that she would not want it... the case is that once the Curse is put, there is no cure for it. If you mate with a person of another clan then it is a fact that your curse will claim her life. In the process the curse mutates and produces a much more devastating effect on the next victim.

When you receive the Curse from the monster, it would already have been severely mutated. I hope you control yourself to the utmost and if it crosses a certain threshold, then it would also effect Adi’Je. So... BE CAREFUL.

Please, I would like for you to take that Curse upon you, think about the next generation... we have already what we wanted. Do we need more... I wanted the power to control our own traits not to limit or diminish our capabilities or our pride.

Remember... You are a Blood... do our people justice and create a new era for us.

With this I end my Will... Good Luck... King.

After the letter ended, the crystal under my palm, broke into pieces, but a small portion embedded itself onto my hand. It caused some pain to me for a moment than it subsided. When it was over, I examined my right hand and found a small red piece of crystal had protruded itself from my wrist. I tried to take it out of there, but when my hand touched the crystal, something was shown to me.





Me: “Show Crystal of Kings.”


This crystal embeds itself only into the Blood Kings arm and no one else. Only the Blood Kind can use this crystal.


More information will be given, if enough experience was gathered.

To show start the function of Crystal, say ‘ Initiate King’s Crystal’.

Me: “ Initiate King’s Crystal.”



I felt a searing pain in my eyes... I dropped down on my knees, closing my eyes and screaming. It felt like melting... but after a few minutes it stopped. My head was throbbing in pain, but still I opened my eyes. I didn’t feel nothing out of the ordinary other than the headache. But what was that?? Oh well, I would find it out later, but first where are the survivors??


As soon as I saw it, the wall in front of me started to lift to show me a big room with bars. The door of the barred room opened. I quickly unsheathe my swords and took a stance.

Little by little I saw a hand emerge from the darkness and then an arm after that a beast like form emerged. It was like Zanesur so I thought that it was one of the survivors.

The beast looked towards me with eyes filled with disbelief and fear... observing it, I realized it was a male. I spoke.

Me: “Do not fear me...I have come as an emissary of Zanesur, your prince. I am here to free you and take you to him.”

Hearing me, he fell on the ground, clutching his face and I could hear a faint noise of crying. He was sobbing, when another figure emerged from the shadows, this time a smaller figure emerges from the darkness. It kneeled down and put its arm around the crying one. Then spoke.

???: “Are you really going to free and take us to Price Zanesur?”

It was a feminine voice, I nodded and said.

Me: “Yes, that is true... please get all of those who are alive quickly. I will guide you towards your Price Zanesur.”

She nodded and waved towards someone in the room, still hidden in the dark. She helped the one crying on the floor to his feet and said.

???: “Thank You... We were caught and was about to be eaten when something happened and we lost consciousness. When we regained our senses, we were still in the dark, but could hear the sound of fighting coming from outside.”

Me: “Yes... that would be me... killing those monsters. You see, my ancestors killed some of them, but the numbers of these monsters were more than they could cope so they paralyzed and froze everything down in this tunnel... unfortunately you were also caught on that method. But our King at that time made a pact with Zanesur and here I am.

The rest would be informed to you by your Price, I’m sure... for now, please hurry.”

???: “Fro... frozen!! For how long??”

Me: “Too many years to count...”

I saw her tearing up, but she strengthen herself and she waved again towards something in the dark room. Soon many bodies start to emerge from the darkness... they ranged from male, female and even some children... all in their transformed state. I counted and they were in total, of 15 members.

Without any delay or any kind of communication, I lead them out of the tunnel. I was the first one to come out of the cave. As I came out, I saw darkness outside. The moon star shining brightly along with many stars. One by one each of them came out of the cave, holding each others hands... some were crying.

I had noticed earlier that when I led them out through the big room where I had to fight the last battle, they were looking at the sight with disbelief... as if it was impossible; then their behavior changed and they started to emit fear towards me. I kind of felt little irritated. they may have been locked for years but come on... why fear me??

The female nor any one of them did not talk with me the entire time I was leading them towards Zanesur.

After leading them for about 30 mins we reached our destination. When we reached there I called out for Zanesur.

When he came... it was a wonderful moment. He quickly transformed into his beast form and rushed towards the group. They surrounded him and hugged each other and started to cry... It was awful... I mean the noise that was created was unbearable. I turned around and proceeded to walk back towards Zuma.

Zanesur: “My Lord!! Please wait!! I...”

I looked back at him, smiled and said to him.

Me: “ I’ll would come back at a later date... for now... enjoy your present company... bye.”

He bowed and went back towards the group while I was returning back to Zuma... who knows how many days I was in there and what had happened in the mean time...

After walking back for another 20 mins I saw the city’s outline. It seemed to me that Zuma was safe. I went towards the city gates.

When I reached the gates, the guards who were guarding the entrance bowed and kneeled down in front of me. I was happy that they were wearing proper Blood armour and had Blood weapons hanging on their waist. I guess the production of weapons was moving smoothly. I walked forward after nodding towards the guards and as I put my foot in the city, I was shown a notification...



Due to clearing this quest you have satisfied the RANK UP conditions.




Restrictions have been changed on all skills.












Me: “Le’On.”




Me: “Yes... change it to... The Blood Cave.”



Me: “Close.”

At my command the King’s Crystal closed. I was too tired to think or do anything. Tomorrow, I would do all the job that still had to be done. But now, the only person I want to see is my wife and I want to sleep on her lap... I suppose, I missed Naj’Rak too, and before going I didn’t meet with Marion, Aby or neither one of them. I think they are now far away from here. Who knows when I’ll meet them.

I reached my house, too tired to notice anything except the light was on in my house. I quickly knocked at the door and waited. The door opened. Though I am a King, but some things shouldn’t be missed in one’s lifetime; such as the sight of your wife’s warm smile after seeing you and a warm and tight hug to come after that, such in this case. I stood there in front of the door while she had buried her face in my chest while hugging me tightly... I could feel her tears.

I smiled and lightly patted her head and said...

Me: “My Queen... I am home.”

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