《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 4- CHAPTER 6


Javel: “What happened here?”

Ron: “Yeah!!! What is going on?? How are all the Zumas evolved same as you?”

Paleg: “Hey...how is it going?”

Me: “Hello guys...already finished with your vacations?”

Marion: “Yes...actually we got bored there so we decided to drop by here early. How are you Le’On?”

Me: “Yes, I am good...when did you guys reach here?”

Aby: “Enough of the pleasantries...what happened here??”

Adi’Je: “When will you improve your attitude? It’s getting to the point of irritating.”

Aby: “What did you say?”

Me: “Stop it...let’s go inside the Council Hall, we’ll discuss there.”

We went inside the Council Hall and I started to tell them about how the current situation came to be, barring some information that I did not share it with them.

Me: “When I came here, the Council had vague ideas but a condition was met so I received a letter from Hui’Mi, telling me that as the new King, I could lift a suppression trait over all Zumas. I lifted it and everybody evolved into a Blood. And this is the gist of it.”

Ron: “Then, you really are a King...huh...”

Me: “Yes...”

Javel: “What will you do now?”

Me: “About what?”

Paleg: “We have to go to the Capital to hand over the gemstone. Javel was asking, would you come with us or would you stay here?”

Me: “The way the current situation is right now, I can’t leave Zuma...lot of work still left to do.”

Javel: “Hmmm...I understand...it‘s Okay if you don’t come. We will transfer the reward to your account when we reach and hand over this thing. We came here to know if you would come or not. You are not coming so, we would leave for the Capital tomorrow.”

Me: “That is fine with me, until then I will arrange the Council Inn for you to stay.”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, with your permission, I would love for Marion and Wei to stay with us in our home.”

Me: “I don’t have any problems with that but why?”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, I have grown quite fond of both of them.”

Me: “If they agree then its fine with me...”

Marion: “No no...It’s not necessary...we’ll stay in the Inn” She looks towards Wei and she nods.

Adi’Je: “Ahh...no no no...That would not do at all. I insist for both of you to stay with me at our home.”

Me: “Aby, why don’t you join them...it would be fun if everyone stays together.”

Adi’Je: “My Lord!! Why??”

Aby: “Uff...who would want to stay with this one and you??”

Me: “Then I’ll sleep somewhere else...then it is settled. All the girls would stay at our house.”

Marion: “Then where would you sleep, Le’On?”

Me (thinking): “I will...”

The door opens and I saw Naj’Rak entering the hall...Adi’Je looks at her and then towards me. She smiles and *wink*...oh no...

Naj’Rak: “My King, I heard you came back...Are you alright?? Oh...I’m sorry...I did not know you were entertaining guests...Pardon me My King, Queen...I would come at a later time.”

Before I could say anything, Adi’Je spoke first.

Adi’Je: “Ahh...Councillor Naj’Rak, please come in...Meet our guests.”

Naj’Rak: “But My Queen, I must be intruding...”

Adi’Je: “You have done no such thing...everybody... meet Council Woman Naj’Rak and Council Woman Naj’Rak these are our Kings friends or team mates. Starting from the left, he is Javel, Ron, Marion, Wei, Paleg and Aby.”


Naj’Rak: “Hello everyone, it is nice to meet you.”

Everyone else greeted her... Naj’Rak came over and sat to my left as Adi’Je was sitting on my right.

I looked towards Adi’Je and I recognized a mischievous smile on her face...if someone who didn’t know of her, they would be scared if they saw her smiling in this fashion.

Naj’Rak: “I am very sorry to disturb in your discussions...”

Adi’Je: “Absolutely not Council Woman Naj’Rak, it is quiet fine. We were just discussing about a small matter. I invited the girls to our home to stay for the night but they wanted to know where our King would sleep for the night.”

Naj’Rak: “Ohhh...I see.”

Adi’Je: “By the way, you are free right?”

Naj’Rak: “Pardon me, My Queen, I didn’t quiet understand you...”

Adi’Je: “Well, it is quiet natural, as our house will be filled with guests, our King should sleep at his wife's house.”

Everyone gazes at Adi’Je, some not quite understanding what she meant.

Aby: “What do you mean?”

Adi’Je: “Oh my...I forgot, how silly of me. We have not told you people yet...you see by the right of the blood, Council Woman Naj’Rak here is Our Kings second wife...so it is natural he spends tonight at one of his wife's house.”

And there it is...Naj’Rak starts blushing, Javel sighs, Paleg was trying hard not to laugh...Wei...Wei was staring at me, her hand was at her waist. I got the impression that she was thinking of unsheathing her sword. Marion was okay. She did not react, I think she accepted it. Ron was well... being Ron, covering his face with both of his hands and Aby released a tremendous amount of killing intent. She was really scary, her eyes had turned red...her expression was screaming at me that she would kill me at any moment now and I should just run.

Aby (grinding her teeth): “IS IT TRUE?”

Me: “he he he he (nervous smile) You see...ahhh...I was saying that...ahhh”

Aby slams her hand on the table and asked again.


Me: “ha ha ha (nervous smile continuing) you see...it is...ahh...it is true...She is going to be my second wife.”

Witnessing Aby’s reaction, Naj’Rak looks confused and asks.

Naj’Rak: “Is there something wrong?”

The moment Naj’Rak ended her sentence, it looked like Aby was about to do something when Adi’Je spoke.

Adi’Je: “No no...Nothing is wrong Council Woman Naj’Rak...everything is just fine. It is just that everybody is surprised at the announcement.”

She looked towards Aby and asked.

Adi’Je: “Right??”

I tilted my head towards Adi’Je and saw Aby had drawn a knife out and Adi’Je had her sword unsheathed and placed it on Aby’s stomach. It was a bloody standoff under the table...ohh boy...

Aby once again looked towards me and with a forced smile she said.

Aby: “Ye...Yes...that’s right. I was just surprised...ahh...congratulations.”

Naj’Rak: “Ahh...thank you...still it has been not yet finalized. We haven’t declared to the people yet.”

Everybody congratulated us and that was the end of that matter. Later I accompanied the boys to the Inn and got them settled. They joked and asked me how did it happen while I replied that Adi’Je choose her for me and Naj’Rak was also a good woman for me. Ron was again quiet jealous of me. I got to know; they would leave in the morning and would reach the capital after one month.


It was well after evening when I found some alone time for me. I had intended to talk with both Adi’Je and Naj’Rak about what had happened in Zuma during my absence and about the development of weapons. I still did not understand why Adi’Je invited the girls to a sleepover...well I had forced Aby to go to but I was still worried, what would happen between Aby and Adi’Je considering what I saw in the meeting hall?? I was also worried about how the news of me marrying Naj’Rak actually affected them. I am sure Adi’Je wanted to irk Aby that’s why she announced it the way she did.

I was lost in all of these questions when I felt someone had grabbed my hand. I broke from my train of thoughts and turned around to see who had grabbed it. When I turned, I saw Aby holding it. She had red and puffed eyes. She was also shaking a little bit.

I smiled and asked her.

Me: “What is the matter Aby? Why aren’t you taking rest? Tomorrow you have to start your long journey towards the Capital...you should rest for the whole day.”

Aby (low and soft voice): “Is there some place private we could go? I want to talk to you.”

Me: “Yes, there is...follow me.”

We were on the northern part of the city, where mostly the markets and shops were present. I walked towards the eastern side, where the farm lands lie. At this point in time, it should have very few people present there. Aby was still holding my left hand while we were walking. I felt something was bothering her and I kind of understood about what she wanted to talk to me. This was the right moment to bring her out of her shell or the facade she put on.

We reached the farm lands after walking for 15 mins and for the whole time we did not talk to each other. She was holding my hand and some people gave glances at her while showing their respects towards me. When we reached there, it was dark; the moon star was shining brightly along with many stars. It was a beautiful night and the farm lands had no people in them, none which I could see. I took her near one of the warehouse, where we store our Vitalis. There were quite a few benches for resting. I motioned her to one of the empty bench and she quietly sat on it. I too followed her and sat beside her. I turned towards her and asked.

Me: “Now, what do you want to talk about?”

She looked at me for some moment, then turned her gaze towards the farm lands. After looking towards the farm lands, she produced a soft smile on her face and said.

Aby: “I still remember, at this very place when the last time we came here, I watched a boy running towards a big and viscous monster armed with crude weapons. He showed tremendous agility, even blindsiding the monster. He stopped the monster from giving the finishing blow to a fallen Zuma.

I still remember thinking at that moment, ‘what was that boy doing??’ and thought he was going to die. I tried to help him but we could not, we too were fighting some monsters and this prevented me.

I did not know what to do...thinking what I should do...that’s when I saw him. A BOY...turning the table on the monster. He stabbed and slashed the monster while the monster had no answer for the attacks dealt on him. It was as if the roles were reversed. The hunter became the hunted and the hunted became the hunter.

I was mesmerized by him...I was mesmerized by you. The amount of recklessness you showed, it was unheard in the whole of Zoit continent. You had to be reckless...who could in their right mind would charge a monster three times large and powerful than you.

After that; I saw you rise, shoulder responsibility...fought with an intensity one didn’t know of and even saved my life once. You know, I was very happy at that moment...not because I was saved but because you came to save me...where no one had a chance, I had welcomed my death but you brought me back.

You saved each and every one of us, in the worst of situations you saved us...while I was worrying about you every time you were engaged in battle...I realized something very important...something which never occurred to me before...

You probably hate me because I call you a BOY every time and will continue to call you a BOY in the future. Everybody including you think that I am disrespecting or teasing you by calling you BOY all these time...I do like to tease you by calling you a BOY but it is not the real reason.

I call you a BOY because, after seeing a reckless and at the same time a courageous Zuma boy, I fell in love with him. I call you a BOY because it is my right to call you. You are mine and I was and still am unable to share you with any one... (Tears coming out of her eyes). You are mine and only mine...”

She suddenly bends forwards wrapping her hands around my neck and kisses me on my lips. At first, I didn’t know what was happening? or rather I did not know what to do. Then after understanding the situation, I tried to break from the kiss...to ask her something...but her hold tightened more...I felt that she didn’t want to leave me...

I felt her soft and warm lips upon my lips...with each passing moment her grip around me tightened. I felt her breast pressing on my chest burning a hole in it. I did not know when but I too embraced her back. I brought her closer to me...her body was warm.Her body frame was small. We were in deep embrace at that moment, our kiss grew more intense.

Slowly, she broke from our kiss and with a soft voice said.

Aby: “I love you, Le’On...I love you so much...”

She now positioned herself over my lap, she was sitting over my lap with both her legs wrapping around my waist. How could she manage that, I had no idea...and we kissed again...tasting and sucking her thin yet juicy lips. Her hand was around my neck and mine were wrapped around her back. She was grinding her pelvis on mine, giving me pleasure while we were locked in deep kiss...

My mind became blank, while I drove myself deeper into her, responding her movements but then I realized something. I broke from our kiss; she still had her eyes closed and her lips stills wanting more. Slowly she opened her eyes and asked with a surprise look.

Aby: “What’s the matter, Le’On?”

Me: “I have something to tell you...Aby...”

Aby: “Please, we can talk later; let me have this quite moment with you.”

Me: “This is important...you have to know about it and then decide what you want to do.

You remember I fell into a trap back in the castle.”

She nodded.

Me: “After falling down there I received a curse from a monster down there. I killed it but its curse stayed. I did not tell you guys as I wanted not to burden you with this information. I knew you would be worried about me so I decided to stay quiet for the time being.

When we reached Fort Solitude, I told Marion about it. She is a medic so I figured she could help me, while keeping it a secret. She examined it but could not find any cure.

We searched the library there but could not find anything.

But when I mated with Adi’Je (suddenly her expression turned into a jealous look) in ecstasy, she bit me hard on my chest drawing out blood. We Bloods get an overall idea about our partner or Blood partner if we ingest some of their blood. She licked the blood that came out and immediately knew about the curse.

(Now, her expression turned into something else...most probably anger...) I told her about the monster that gave me the curse and she recognized the monster. Apparently, while she was in the Aura Crystal, she was the one who taught the monster how to give the curse. It was an ancient curse known to only Bloods. So it didn’t affect her as it was her own making and she could make potions for other woman so that the curse would not hurt them but it has to be a Blood woman.”

With a look of confusion, she asked.

Aby: “What curse? And why would it hurt women? What is going on?”

Me: “It’s best to show you.

Show Curse of Aniya to Aby.”

The notice popped in front of her eyes. She read it and while she was reading it, her hands which was around my neck, now was clutching on the cloths on my chest. Tears began to form on her eyes; her lips were trembling, after a brief moment she looked at me.

Aby: “What...What is this, Le’On??”

Me: “This curse prevents me from mating with any woman. If I do and do not control myself then they might even die. I cannot have your bloods on my hands. This is the main reason we cannot be together. But as this curse was made with the help of Adi’Je, she can withstand it. She said something about this curse being used on Bloods men by their pure Bloods wives so that they do not bed any other woman from other clan.

I cannot risk your life...”

Aby (tears falling): “But...but...you slept with Marion...She didn’t get affected...”

Me: “You knew about that?”

She nodded.

Me: “She was saved because Adi’Je decided to pull me from her at the right time, albeit without knowing about the curse at that moment.”

Aby (looks confused): “Adi’Je??? She was not there in the hotel room!! What are you saying?”

Now, I am confused.

Me: “Hotel room?? What hotel room??”

Aby: “I saw Marion pleasuring you back in the Inn at Fort Solitude...but there was no Adi’Je at that time.”

Me: “Ohh...that...I thought you knew about us mating back in the cave.”

Aby: “You mated back in the cave??? With Marion??”

Me: “Yes... back in the cave Adi’Je stopped me before anything bad could happen to Marion?...wait!! You saw us back in the Inn??...wait!!...she was not pleasuring me...at that time. She was doing a medical check up.”

Aby (looked confused after hearing the new information): “So...but...but...can’t Adi’Je cure you??”

Me: “She knows how to cure me but she won’t...at least not right now...”

Aby: “She said NO!!! That...that...that...AHHHHH....”

She pushed me back and got up, her face red with anger. She walked or I should say, stomped away from me. I didn’t dare to ask her, where she was going but she had to know the truth.

******** Marion’s POV ****************

We were having a friendly chat with us just girls. Adi’Je, Me, Wei (though she doesn’t talk much but still chips in here and there) and a new girl, named Naj’Rak. She is a Councillor in the Council of Zuma...or I should say Blood Zuma. She is also Le’On’s new bride...really that guy never seizes to amaze me. Aby had gone out saying she had some things to do...Probably left to find out Le’On, giving him a piece of her mind about getting a new wife. Really, she needs to accept her own emotion.


The door opened violently...we were all surprised and quickly looked towards the door. It was Aby, who had done the deed. She was panting and brimming with anger...*sigh* now what had he done...she walks up to Adi’Je...no no...Her target was Adi’Je.

Aby: “You ancient creature...CURE HIM...NOW!!!!!!!”

What? Did Le’On tell her about the curse??

Adi’Je: “What are you talking about?”

Aby: “Do not joke with me...I want him cured of that damned curse...CURE HIM NOW!!!”

Adi’Je: “Oh...it seems The King has told you about that.”

Aby: “Yes he did...you can’t have him all for yourself...I want him...I demand you cure him, you old hag.”

Adi’Je (smiling): “You want him?? Impossible...He does not have such a horrible taste in women...”

Aby: “He told me that you know the cure...so CURE HIM!!! Or I will rip you apart...”

Adi’Je (putting her hands on her cheeks): “Ohh...I am scared...someone save me...he he he he.”

Aby: “I’m giving you a last warning....cure him...”

Adi’Je (smiling): “No.”

Aby (surprised): “What?? No...You can’t do this...cure him...”

Adi’Je (her smile disappearing): “No.”

Aby (tears rolling down her eyes): “Please...Cure him...let me be a part of his life...please...”

Adi’Je stood up and approached Aby, when she went close to her and put her hand on Aby’s shoulder.

Adi’Je spoke with a serious tone.

Adi’Je: “I said No.”

Aby sat down on the floor crying and looked up to Adi’Je and asked...

Aby: “Why???”

Adi’Je: “Because...I cannot...”

Aby (looking confused): “What?? But... but...you told Le’On that...”

Adi’Je bowed down and helped Aby up and said.

Adi’Je: “I lied to him. I cannot cure him.”

Aby: “But...”

Adi’Je: “I cannot...because there is no cure for it.”

Aby: “No cure...but he said that you made potions that helps a Blood women to not feel the effect of the curse.”

Adi’Je: “Yes, I do but it only affects Blood Women and you are not one but I or anybody cannot cure the King of the curse.

You see, when the curse claims lives it mutates itself producing a more severe effect. I believe that monster had killed many people using this curse before forcing it upon the King. He already received a mutated Curse and if it claims any other victims then it would mutate even more and it would affect the King also...this is the only drawback to this curse.”

Aby: “Then, why did you teach that monster this kind of curse?”

Adi’Je: “I did not teach her anything.”

Aby (looking confused): “Then...Le’On told me...”

Adi’Je: “I lied to him about this too...you see I could not interact with the outside world from within the Aura crystal. The power that the crystal gave would only affect the animals in the Dentia forest.

But before entering the crystal, I gave a vile full of my blood to Hui’Mi at his request.

When I accidentally tasted the Kings blood, I got to know that he was under the Curse and also found out that it was made from my blood. A pure Blood Women's blood is the main ingredient for making the poison. But I did not want to burden him with this information, so I lied to him.

The most I can do is to stop his curse claiming any victim. The very best I could do from now on was to look over him and make sure he only mates with Blood women who had drank the potion I made beforehand.

Please, do not tell this about him...he does not need to know.”

What??? Then...then...Le’On can’t be cured...no no no....

*********** End of Marion’s POV**********

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