《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 4- CHAPTER 4


I slowly opened my eyes, at first they were a little blur. It took some time getting used to the surrounding. At last I was fully awake and saw a few stars in the sky but they were not stars. I could make out their shape which was irregular to the shapes of the normal stars in the sky. They were also of different colours. They had more of a greenish colour to them. A thought came to my mind...Why am I thinking about stars? Actually...Where am I? No...First of all...What happened? And why couldn’t I move?? Then it struck me...I was hurled into trees like nothing then was smashed by something big and strong, was smashed upon the ground after hearing a voice which came from a yellow eyed monster...It talked!!! Is this monster similar to Aniya and others or even why is it here?? I had never heard of such monster living in the forest...But, it looks like I’m alive at this point...so I didn’t die...then why can’t I feel anything?? Last thing I knew or felt was pain...the pain that came from all over my body as it was crushed in the attack...I had no time to regenerate the bones that had been broken...Maybe I’m middle of regeneration...but why can’t I feel or move any part of my body??

It seems like I can move my head just fine...I looked to my right and saw stars around me...Irregular shaped stars that were shinning with a greenish colour. I understood that I was not seeing stars...they were something else...Then I tried to look at my body, though it was dark, the star like objects gave enough light off them for me to see my body. I was covered with vines all over the body...it was weird but how many times I tried to move or even wiggle some toes, I couldn’t...not even my hands...it was weird as well as infuriating. Where was that monster?? Did he really talk??...Many questions but no answers...

I don’t know how many hours passed by as I tried everything to move but every attempt resulted in failure. I was angry at myself, for being careless and cocky...I should have detected that thing's presence but didn’t...How powerful was that monster??? I don’t know what will happen to me but I hope Adi’Je is safe and can manage without me...

Suddenly, I heard rustling sound coming towards the direction my foot was pointing...Someone or something was coming. Finally, I would have answers to all my questions...

???: “So, the Blood King is awake...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA....”

Me: “Who are you?”

???: “Ah...How rude of me not to introduce me to you, My Lord...”

Me: “He he he he...Isn’t it a bit late for any formalities between us...”

???: “I am sorry My Lord but I never expected The King being...well how to put it...Ahh...Ummm...”

Me: “Weak...Easy to kill...”

???: “Ahh...no....not weak...let me assure me My Lord, you are definitely not weak...Well no other being was able to survive my attacks...not at least after I was stopped by the last Blood King...”

Me: “What??”

???: “Ahh...ha ha ha ha...how foolish of me...My name is Zanesur...My Lord...”

Me: “Who are you? I have never heard your name nor did I know there were two guardians in this swamp...”

Zanesur: “HA HA HA HA HA HA...”


Me: “What was so funny?”

Zanesur: “Forgive My Lord...it seems that you lack knowledge.”

Me (surprised): “Knowledge!!! of What?”

Zanesur: “HA HA HA HA HA...forgive me again My Lord...but I never thought that I would live to see a day come that I would be the one to impart knowledge to a Blood King...I sorry to say this but I think your ancestors are going to be really angry with you...”

Me: “Eh...I guess there’s always a first time for everything....”

Zanesur: “HA HA HA HA HA...forgive me but I have introduced myself...now My Lord, may I know yours...”

Me: “My name is Le’On...tell me...where am I and why did you attack us?”

Zanesur: “You are at my humble lair...it’s not much but it had the necessary things required to keep you paralyzed for a while.”

Me: “What do you want from me?”

Zanesur: “My Lord, before I could answer your question, I would like to ask a favour or actually two favours.”

Me: “It looks like I won’t be moving anytime soon...so...tell me what you want?”

Zanesur: “Very well...Then allow me to tell you a little story, My Lord.”

It moved closer to me until I saw an outline of a monstrous body...with its bright yellow eyes it could generate fear in the most fearsome of warriors...

It came close to me, slowly making its way to my right, and then I saw something that surprised a little.

It changed...It took a shape of a beast man from the monstrous form. He was also tall in his beast man form as he was in his monster form...but I only could see a little, the light from the star like things were not enough to reveal his true form to me.

He came close to me, sat down on the ground and started to talk...

Zanesur: “You must have many questions for me but please wait until I finish my story My Lord.

*************** Zanesur POV ****************

Many years ago, this land...this swamp was under my father’s territory. His name was Asolos. We lived and hunted here. Out of all the less beast clans we had the power to transform in a beast shape but it could only last for few hours. I lived here with my brothers and sisters. We were a small clan but we did not engage with any other...nor did we have the knowledge of any other.

But soon that changed. We were attacked by unknown monsters...maybe they wanted to reclaim this land as there’s or maybe they only wanted to kill...till now I do not know the exact reason...

They took us by surprise and we lost many of our people. We only managed to kill a few. They were as big as us but had cutters for arms and spit poison from their mouth. After fighting for many days, along with my father all of my people died leaving only me...I too had lost all hope and was burning with a great desire...the desire for vengeance but alas I was too weak to slay them all...too weak to take my revenge.

The moment I lost my hope and was ready to die...I was saved. I was saved when I least expected. I saw a beast man, not like any other I had seen before crushing and cutting my enemies with ease...The first thing I thought about was...How could he kill them when my whole clan failed to do and died??


He had appearance almost identical to you...yet many things were different about him. To me, he looked even more dangerous. I stood there while he killed all of them without stopping or receiving any kind of injuries...drenched in blood and looking at me.

He walked over to me, I could only look. I felt an intense pressure was trying to force me on the ground...my feet’s started to tremble...I didn’t tremble even when I was in the presence of my father Asolos, who was the strongest of us...He stopped in front of me; spoke in a deep and powerful voice...

???: “Who are you? You do not look like the monsters that were nesting here? Can you understand me? Are you intelligent enough to form sentences??”

I answered with as much pride I could muster.

Zanesur: “I am capable enough to understand and communicate with you. Strange one, you are mistaken...these lands belonged to me and my people... (I realized a harsh truth)...or rather it belonged to my people...as they are all gone...I am the only one left...I am called Zanesur, son of King Asolos, who died in battle with this creatures...”

???: “Oh...so this was the case...well Zanesur, son of Asolos...I have some news for you...that might interest you...but first let me introduce myself...I am named Hui’Mi...King of the Blood Zumas.

Me and my tribe have come to this land to start a new way of life...when we saw that it was infested by these monsters, we decided to kill them...now for negotiations...”

Zanesur: “What type of news and what kind of negotiations??”

Hui’Mi: “I would like to reclaim the land just outside the swamp in the name of my people and as seeing that the only intelligent life form in this swamp...then that tells me you are the guardian of this swamp. So as its guardian I want you to put a proxy monster as its guardian, making yourselves invisible.

Then after three generations have passed, one or many of my people will venture in the swamp and would try to kill the proxy guardian. You are to let them do it...you are not to interfere in that matter, whatever might be the result. You are to remain hidden and control the proxy guardian. You are also allowed to attack my settlement and kill, if any you can but only after three generations.

Now, on to the mater of the news for...when we were clearing this land, we found a hole in the northern most side of the swamp, that was most infested by them. Probably, it was their nest. I did not attack the nest as I saw many of other creatures...which now I know, they belonged to your clan were being dragged in there...I just blocked the entrance of the cave so that they don’t come out but someone can go in...I have made it that way...I think some of your people are alive...now answer me...how long do you live?”

Zanesur: “Ahh...as long as we are not killed by anything”

Hui’Mi: “So...just like us...great...thankfully I made a decision to leave them be...If I gather correctly, you want your vengeance...”

I nodded hearing the word vengeance....I felt my body burning....

Hui’Mi: “But...I know you cannot defeat them and certainly not on your own...before closing the hole, we tossed paralytic and freezing poisons inside in abundance...

The poison would spread, paralyzing and freezing all life forms inside...only when someone destroys the blockade created by us, the fresh air from the atmosphere will put them back to their original forms negating the effects...”

Zanesur: “But...Why??”

Hui’Mi: “I will tell you the whole plan...the reason I want you to create a proxy guardian and use it to attack our settlement because, if someone of my clan kills it, he would be named the new king...

I want him to face greater challenge and a gift of friendship...with you...When the new king is crowned, find him. He would be the one to enter the cave, kill all the creatures and save your people in the process...thus if he succeeds he passes my test and earns your friendship...if not than we both loose our clan...

This would be a onetime event...so do you agree...if you want, you can transfer your desire for vengeance to him to make him feel and realize your true pain. After feeling your desire for vengeance he would treat this quest as if his life depended on it...thinking of your people as his own...

And when he succeeds you can offer him anything you want other than your friendship...”

Zanesur: “I accept...it has a chance of saving some of my people...I accept...but why all this?”

Hui’Mi: “To lift a curse upon us...to know about ourselves better and to be better than our own ancestors...

But I want you to honour this agreement and be sincere to it...”

Zanesur: “You have my word, My Lord.”

*********************** End of POV *******************

Zanesur: “Thus now, as the new Blood King has risen, I claim that you honour your side of the agreement, handed down by your ancestor...”

Me: “So, the whole point of thrashing me and keeping me here, paralyzed was this??”

Zanesur: “HA HA HA HA...sorry for this...but My Lord, I couldn’t risk any other decision taken by you, other than the set course. So keeping in line from our agreement, I transfer my desire for vengeance to you...”

He extended a finger close to my neck, where one of his nails extended and stung my neck.

I could feel my mind and heart burning...with red hot flames...flames of vengeance...So...you carried this maddening desire for years patiently waiting for me...ohh...I love this feeling, after many hours I felt something in my body...the feeling was raw...as if it stemmed through my own heart. I felt as if my anger rising...at any moment it would explode....HA HA HA... HA HA HA HA HA...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA....I could not stop neither my laughter nor my anger...so pure desire...

Me: “I will do what you were promised and give them a little something as extra from me...now, release me!!!”

He nodded and stood up, then walked towards me. He extended his arms forming a claw and slashed downwards, and then he backed off.

With the slash of his claws, the vines got torn, releasing me. I regained control over myself...stood up and felt if anything was yet broken. But nothing, I body was as good as new...I felt the desire for vengeance brimming out of me...I could barely contain it but I had to...This was not the place to unleash it...I had to return back to the city and to Adi’Je...then I would begin my journey.

Me: “After finishing the quest I would meet you here...until then stay invisible...”

Zanesur: “Yes, My Lord...please save my people.”

I nodded and left its home.

It was morning...the light star burning brightly...illuminating everything...the birds singing beautiful choruses...I looked back and saw that I was under a hole that lead into the ground, surrounded by large trees.

I went inside again...

Zanesur: “Did you forget to say anything, My Lord?”

Me: “Yes...the direction to the settlement...please...he he he...”

Zanesur looked at me for some time, and then said...

Zanesur: “If you continue walking straight ahead, you would find a lake then take left to it and you will see your settlement.”

Me: “Ahh...thanks...”

After following his directions, I finally reached Zuma...Ahhh...how beautiful it looked!!!

As I was about to enter through the gates...I received a notice....


You have accepted a Clan Quest:- HUI’MI’S WILL.

Well, I must go home first...I wonder how long was I out.

Upon seeing me entering the city, Adi’Je ran towards me and tackled me to the ground, knocking the air out of my lungs...a little bit more and I would have been split into two...

She looked at me with teary eyes and kissed me...Ahh....what a wonderful feeling it was!! It made me forget about everything for a moment...her lips so soft, so juicy...wish I could keep on sucking on them more...but now is not the time...I broke away from her kiss and I cupped her right side of her face with the palm of my right hand and with my index finger wiped the tears from the base of the right eye...I smiled at her...She smiled...she truly looks more beautiful when she smiles...probably it was her smile that drew me to her during our first meeting...

Adi’Je: “My Lord, where have you been?? You had gone in the swamp and when I went to look for you, you were gone...I found blood on the ground. We looked for you for two days in the swamp...please do not leave me alone like this...I...I do not know what I would do...if something were to happen to you...”

Me (smiling): “I will tell you everything but now is the time or the place for these kinds of conversations...let’s go back to our house...”

She nodded and stood up also helping to stand up...We walked to our house but we met the rest of the Council members...they were all worried. I could see Naj’Rak's puffy and swollen eyes, I understood that she too had been worrying about me...sweet girl...maybe I should really think about making her my second partner...we have already mated once and Adi’Je also wants it...well today I’ll ask Adi’Je about her thoughts about this...

Me: “Council Woman Je’Lec, is everything going according to plan?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “My King!! Finally...I’m glad you are safe...these past two days were hard on us and especially on the Queen...but yes...everything is going according to plan...”

Me: “Good, well we will meet in the evening in the Council Hall to collect all of your reports and I have something important to say to you all...”

Everybody nodded and left to do their work...

Naj’Rak approached me with teary eyes...

Naj’Rak: “My King...*sniff* *sniff*...I’m glad you are alright...I...I...please take care of yourself more...*sniff* *sniff*...You are very important to us... (with a soft and low voice) to me...*sniff*”

I extended my right hand and wiped her tears...she froze...he he he he...silly girl...She was looking at me surprised, oh so she didn’t expect me to also wipe her tears...I smiled and said...

Me: “Naj’Rak...I am alright, do not worry anymore and do not belittle yourself...you are a fine and strong woman. Please wipe your tears and take care of your self...you are also important to me...”

Her face lightened up then immediately turns red; she looked down, nodded and went away...

Adi’Je: “She was also worrying about you but could not show her tears in the public. She held it in and would cry only in isolation...such a sweet girl.”

I turned towards Adi’Je, she was smiling. I too smiled and said...

Me: “She really is a sweet and innocent girl...”

Adi’Je: “Ahh My Lord, have you decided to take her as your concubine or maybe your second wife...”

She was giving a mischievous look...I am sure she was planning something...

Me: “We would talk about it later in the comfort of our home, let’s go back.”

Adi’Je: “Yes My Lord...”

We started heading back to our house.

On our way many people greeted us...I could never get used to this kind of treatment but when I look at Adi’Je I could make out that she reacts differently in this kind of situation...she handles it with more poise and grace. She also emits a powerful and confident aura around her...really a true Queen...

When we reached our home, I changed into a more comfortable clothing...though I took a good beating, and my armour did not dent at all...it was really a great armour. I ate some food and proceeded to take some rest but Adi’Je stood in front of the stairs blocking the door. She had also changed from her battle attire into a more sensual one...it was off black colour but very thin...I could see the outline of her body where her precious parts were hidden. It felt like the dress was designed to tease and it was successful. She put a foot on the wooden door frame, showing her long, slender, white as milk leg. Her cloth covered now just the upper part of her thigh while showing the rest. She slightly arched her back to make her breasts entice me; her lips were slightly open while her tongue slightly rolls over her lips, breathing heavily and her eyes filled with lust.

I smiled, walked close to her until I was close to her face, where I could feel her warm breath on my face, my chest slightly touching her breasts. I could feel her erect nipples burning holes in my chest...I smiled at her and put my left hand on her leg which was blocking my way and put my right hand around her waist making the distance between us small...very small...now I was just a few inches away from her juicy red lips while her breasts with erect nipples still continue to burn holes on my chest...After touching her leg, I started to move my hand upon her leg up towards her thigh with a light touch. I felt her body getting tense with every moment...her breathing getting heavier. I trembled with excitement...I tightened my grip around her waist and slowly upon coming close to her thigh I moved my left hand downwards to caress her skin lightly around her vagina.

After caressing for some moment, her mouth opened more as if inviting me to ravage her...I slowly inserted two of my finger on my left hand inside her vagina, which I found to be wet, dripping with her juice. Upon my finger entering inside her, she let out a soft moan and moved closer to me to kiss me. But I moved my head a little bit further...just enough to tease her...this made the walls of her vagina to constrict a little, more juice started to flow out...her eyes were now slightly closed. I started to move my fingers inside her...to and fro...sometimes twirling them...sometimes retracting them back up to her walls of the vagina... Then after teasing her for some seconds, inserting again with some force, which made her twitch her and letting out soft moans. I could feel that she couldn’t stand there any longer...I grinned and said to her...

Me: “Hmmm...Look...you are so wet right now...do you want me...that bad?”

Adi’Je opened her eyes slightly, lust burning with great force inside her, said in a pleading voice...

Adi’Je: “My Lord....ahhh...ummm....please...ummm...take me...I want to feel you ahhhh...inside me...ummm...please....ummm...master...”

She used her trump card; whenever she used the term ‘master’ my walls broke instantly...whenever she called me ‘master’ with a low soft voice I lose control over myself...

I took out my fingers from her vagina; I looked at it and saw it was dripping wet. While I moved my fingers out, she opened her eyes and her face turned into a pleading one...Even I couldn’t hold any more...

I took her in my arms, she grab tightly on my cloth over my chest; with a smile...I carried her up stairs to our bedroom. Upon entering our bedroom I placed her on our bed and stood back to marvel the sight of my wife burning...burning in the fire of lust. She lay on the bed, crossing her legs to one side and extending her arms as if inviting me to a deep, warm embrace...

Accepting her offer, I removed any and all pieces of clothing from my body and slowly went to her. I put my hands on her legs and slowly lifted her clothes until her crotch becomes visible...She parted her legs giving me the full view of her vagina which was dripping wet...I parted her vaginal walls and started to lick it. She caught hold of my hair and started pulling it as I started licking deeper and deeper into her...my hands were under her dress slowing making their way, running softly over her smooth skin until they reach her breasts and started massaging them. She let out moans and her body twitched as she was forcing my head to move deeper into vagina...I continued this until I felt her body getting stiff and with a loud moan she let out some juices from her vagina, drenching my face.

I licked her some more, than proceeded to move up to her face. I removed my hands under her dress and slipped off the thin laces over her shoulders that were keeping the whole dress together. After parting it, I pulled down the dress until I had full visibility of her juicy and plump breasts. I kissed her on her lips; our tongues rolled over one another, while I continued to play with her breasts...No words were needed to say...our actions spoke louder than them.

While sucking her erect nipples hoping for something to come out, I position my penis onto her vagina walls, after rubbing the place with my tip, I proceeded to enter her. I couldn’t wait any longer and by the looks she was showing neither could she.

I entered her but not with slow rhythm, I entered her a bit roughly...me as well as my wife enjoyed a bit rough mating. She put her arms around my neck and said with a low and sweet voice.

Adi’Je: “Ummm...do as you...ahhhh...ummm...like...ummm...ahhh...rough...ummm...more...”

I obeyed her and slowly changed my pace; she also matched my pace of thrusting with her waist, grabbing tightly on my neck. It was warm inside her, warm and tight. The more deep I went, I felt her vagina to tighten...until I hit what I knew was her entrance of her womb. The pleasure which I received from there was so much that I did not want to come out of there any more...I wanted to go deeper than that...I was hungry and greedy, hungry to lick and suck any tiny drop of nectar from her body and greedy of wanting more of her...wanting to ravage her for many more hours.

This types of thoughts made me increase my pace...our hips were colliding with each other where they made loud sounds, mixing with her loud moans and mine too...which I felt created a place just for the both of us to enjoy each other. While moving inside her, for some moment I looked at her face. I saw her beautiful milky face turn red with lust and her red lips made her look even more beautiful...she was my wife...I asked her...

Me: “Tell me...huhh...huhhh...to whom do you belong?”

She opened her eyes...little bit but enough and smiled, she placed her right hand over my right cheek while keeping her other hand over my neck and said...

Adi’Je: “I am...ahhhhh...ummm...huhhh...yours.....ummm and yo...ummm...yours...ahhhh...alone....ahhh...forever...”

She pulled my face down and we kissed.

I put my hand around her waist and pulled her whole upper body towards me where we were enjoying each other. She was kneeling over my lap, hugging me with her thighs. I felt my pleasure receding, the effects of the curse...but the thought of her only being mine both body and soul made me move even deeper inside her while she made the same movement maximizing our pleasure...

Many seconds, minutes or even hours had passed but we kept loving each other... how many times I have felt her body stiffen and shudder, while juices gushing out of her vagina...I lost count...nor did I keep any...until I felt myself nearing my climax and wanting to feel the maximum pleasure I started to push in her at faster rate while I asked her...

Me: “Where do you...huhh...ahhh... think I should...ahhh...ejaculate?”

Adi’Je: “Inside...ahhhh....ummm...ins...ummm...ahhh...inside me...” All she could manage to say, tears dropping from her eyes...but I knew it was of pure ecstasy.

I tightened my grip on her body and with one final push...I ejaculated inside her...filling her womb...

Finally, energy left from both of her body as I put her down on the bed and lay on her; while she was caressing my hair...We fell asleep together as one...

It was well after evening that we were able to get up and it took even more time getting ready for the meeting in the Council Hall...but both of us were satisfied. We reached the hall and found everyone waiting. We took our place and started our meeting.

Me: “How are the affairs of Clan going?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “My King, I have some good news about the Glass Company you ordered to negotiate.”

Me: “Please continue Councillor...”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “After contacting them and informing them about our offer, they quickly said yes...they were in dire need and it turns out, they had cut short of the deficit but still couldn’t pay the whole sum. Their debt totaled to a sum of 178,000 gold.

As per your order, I transferred them the sum of money after signing with them the contract which contained our rules. They happily agreed with it and with no changes, we have now become a silent partner of the Ustalia Factories. Our order of raw materials would arrive two days from today, while the ores would be arriving around the same time.”

Me: “Good, now finally, we can start making our own weapons and making some potions as well...”

I turned towards Naj’Rak and asked.

Me: “Council Woman Naj’Rak, how is the construction of the smithies going?”

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “My King, they are going on schedule and will be over by the time the materials reach us...”

Me: “Good...”

Council woman Je’Lec: “My King, this month we are going to have a surplus harvest of Vitalis...around 150,000 crates more...all due to the fact that no harvest was lost due to any monster attacks...”

I was happy...surplus means more currency with which we could negotiate with different clans if we need anything else...

I turned towards Adi’Je and asked...

Me: “What about our defences and training?”

Adi’Je: “Some primary defences have been set. More would be placed within this month and the training of the people is moving nicely. If I may My Lord, you must quickly join the training and learn at a fast rate...”

I nod as she was right... I need to learn faster to acquire more strength...

After some trivial matters were discussed, I started my own announcement.

I told them about everything, starting from my fight and getting bashed by Zanesur to the will left by Hui’Mi for the next Blood King.

A few of them were in shock, while some took in stride, while some and by some I mean Naj’Rak had tears formed around the corner of her eyes threatening to fall at any moment and Adi’Je remained calm and asked me what was our plan about it?

Me: “Before I plunge myself into this quest, I would train for two days...Adi’Je you are to train me for the whole day...Council Woman Naj’Rak would take over from your supervisory role of the defences. Give her some pointers so that it would help her to do her job.”

Adi’Je: “Yes, My lord...as you wish.”

Me: “After that, if I feel ready enough to continue on my quest, I would leave...Adi’Je as the Queen of Blood Zumas, you will stay here and rule in my stead...”

Adi’Je: “But My Lord!!!”

Me: “No but...this quest is mine and mine alone...it was trusted to a Blood King by a former Blood King... I would handle it alone... I don’t know how long will it take for me to clear the infested tunnel but If I don’t return in a month, then look for me or my dead body. By then at least you would have some armed Bloods and you would have some practice also...”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, please do not day such words...We believe in you...you will return to us victorious...”

I smiled and nodded, looked over to everyone and found Naj’Rak fighting with all her might not to cry in front of everyone...

With that I called the meeting to end. While everyone was leaving, I told Naj’Rak that I would walk her to her house...She was flustered at first, tried to say no but at the end lost when Adi’Je pressured her...No one could say no to Adi’Je...I told Adi’Je to return to our house and to wait for me...She smiled with a mischievous smile. While I was about to walk out with Naj’Rak, I saw Adi’Je handing Naj’Rak something and obediently she drank it...

I did not utter a word...I decided to ask Naj’Rak about it while returning to her house...

From the Council Hall we went south towards Naj’Rak’s house. The reason being, I wanted to know exactly how she was feeling and what she wanted. After hearing her answer I would map out my future plans...

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