《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 4- CHAPTER 3


My Clan settled around a beautiful mountain called The Amoith Mountain. The mountain guarded us on the north while we were surrounded by a beautiful flower bed...it was full of flowers...many colours came together to form a sight so heart warming; blue, yellow, pink, red all mixed together. We had a very moderate climate all round the year...not to warm or too cold...It was truly a peaceful place...one of the most peaceful place to be found in the whole continent of Zoit.

Beast men came all over the continent to appreciate the beauty of the nature or the majestic view of the mountain during the time when the light star rises and when it sets...truly a magnificent place to spend one’s life...Our Clan had plenty, we never had face hardship not since we relocated here from a barren land long ago. Tourism was our main source of income. My parents owned an Inn called the Blue Freeze Caps near the foot of the Amoith Mountain. While my parents managed the Inn, I played in the flower bed with my two brothers...I was the youngest in the house...My brothers cared for me more than anyone...They took me everywhere they went, played with me whenever I wanted, brought me beautiful flowers and gave me chocolates. They were my favourite people in the whole world. I did loved my parents but my brothers Keltor and Delel were extra special.

Keltor being the oldest one by five years, he was the one who would inherit the Inn from my father but he spends his days with me. He gave me rides on his shoulders whenever I asked and brought me flowers without me even asking him while Delel was next being three years older than me. He always protected me or watched over me or helping me whenever I was in problem being in studies and homework’s or when our mother wanted me to do chores in the house or when I wandered on the foot of the great mountain. My brothers told me that I should not wander alone on the pathways leading to the mountain but they never told me why??

The day I turned five, my family threw a party for me. The whole clan was invited...everyone from my friends to teachers to my brothers and his friends were present in the party. A big cake was made; Keltor told me that it was just for me...I was really happy...after the party I gave everyone a tight hug, kisses and went to sleep...I was so happy...

A swinging motion woke me up, when eyes adjusted to the scene I saw ground...I didn’t understand...I tried to move but couldn’t. I felt that I was on someone’s shoulder, it felt familiar...It was Keltor’s. I could pick out his scent and the feeling I get when I ride his shoulder from any where. It was a silly thing but it was one of my favourite place. I tried to look up and saw...it was night and everywhere I looked I saw fire...why I was seeing fire?? What happened?? Suddenly I was put down from his shoulders and on the ground. I finally got a good view...I saw my brothers panting; their face covered in dirt, tears and blood...What was going on??


“Keltor...What is happening??”

Keltor: “Please forgive me...my dear sister...but whatever happens next...just please listen quietly...Okay?? please say that you will listen...”

I nodded...what was happening?? I saw fear and pain in their eyes...

Keltor: “We are going to put you inside this small hole...Okay?? whatever happens...whatever you see...do not come out of it. I repeat Do not come out of it...

My dear sister, never make any sound too...after everything finishes...when help arrives, go to them and inform them that Dynoth monsters wandered down from the mountains and descended upon the city in the cover of night...Okay??

After that tell them that you have family in the Felonas...Tell them about Aunty Horuna in the Felonas, they would take you to her...Did you understand?”

I nodded but why??? “Keltor...” Tears started falling from their eyes...

Delel: “Sister...our parents are dead. They are no more...they were killed by the Dynoths. Most of our Clan members are dead and they are coming this way, this is the only thing we can do to save you...If it was possible to outrun them, we would have but...” His voice choked...

“What are saying...big brother??...mother...father...dead...!” I couldn’t understand...I just hugged and kissed them goodnight...we were enjoying our party...they...they...they...are dead...

Tears roll down my eyes...

Keltor: “Delel and me will divert all of their attention towards us and try to distance them from your hiding place. Whatever happens...DO NOT COME OUT..."

He puts his right hand on my head and pats lightly.

Keltor: "Live a full life, my dear little sister...not just for you but for all of us. Do not think we would forget you...absolutely not...you are our precious little sister and we love you to death...

I’m sorry...but there would be no more shoulder rides for you...my little sister...As much as it pains me to leave you alone here but as long as you are okay and live a happy life...we will live on with you...”

They both hugged me and kissed me on my forehead...I was crying...

“Please don’t leave me alone...I need you big brother...”

Delel: “And our hearts break that we cannot be together anymore but this all for to keep you safe and to make sure you live...My sister...we would not meet again but please choose a man who would love you and care for you more than our parents and more than us; be a fearsome woman...never fear, fight everything head on, save as many people as you can...Okay!! now hurry up little sister...we don’t have much time left. They are coming here...hurry up now...”


I went inside a small hole...there was enough for me to crawl inside and sit comfortably...I looked towards them...

“Please don’t leave me...big brother Keltor, big brother Delel...please...”

Keltor: “Live well and be happy...our dear sister...our...little...Wei...goodbye...we love you...”

He covered the hole with thick branches making the hole invisible...but there was enough gaps for me see...

After covering the hole, they ran towards an open area. Some moments after big black creatures with 4 legs ran towards them...my brothers ran and ran but they were chased down. They were far away now but I could see their outlines...those vile creatures...those vile creatures...impaled my brothers on the ground with their legs...multiple times. I was crying and wanted to help them but they told me to stay here until helps arrives...

I could not do anything other than seeing my brothers get killed...I cried and cried...but made no sound and I don’t know when I slept...

When I woke up, it was already morning but I didn’t come out...what if they are still there?? Sometime after I heard voices outside...they were of beast men. Thinking they were here to help I came out. When I came out and looked at the direction of the city...there were only blood, dead bodies and burned houses...

I...I...My whole world turned upside down in matter of hours... After meeting the beast people that had came, I got to know that they were from the Zoit Reserve Army. I did what my brothers instructed and told the people of the Zoit Reserve Army about what happened. I got to know that very few of the Reha clan survived. I at first couldn't even recognize the lifeless bodies of my parents. But I knew it was them from the matching rings they were wearing.

After identifying the bodies of my brothers and parents or what was left of them...I was taken to Aunty Horuna in the Felonas or rather Feli Clan and was adopted...she was the sister of my mother...there I lived with her and her daughter Aby....

After the event, I was not the same...only a fire burned inside me...fire to grow stronger...strong enough to fulfill by brothers wish to help save lives. I trained and trained forgetting everything else...

After some years I became an adventurer with Aby and joined a group...We did many adventures and slowly I considered them friends...but never again visited the place I was born...

Right now, I was standing inside a dress shop in the Port town of Solitude.I was forced to enter the shop even though I...I...I...to tell the truth...I was afraid to enter...I had forgotten this feelings or likings but Le’On forced me in here...Le’On...a young boy we picked up from the City of Zuma, though traditionally they were considered to be weak but he proved his mettle many times...even saving me once...He was a bit weird but a good boy...

I tried different dresses at his request or rather forcing me to wear all those beautiful dresses but I was not sure which one looked good on me. After trying many dresses he gave his approval on a dress...incidentally I also liked that dress...I gave him some money to pay for it while I went to see other things...

When I returned, I heard the clerk saying that the dress cost 250 golds. I didn’t have that much amount and as per my instructions he told her to unpack it...I felt sad...everyone says I don’t show emotions...maybe they are right. Actually I have forgotten how to be happy...even this dress was out of my reach; then I saw Le’On doing something which made my heart feel warm...

He payed for the dress with his own money and asked the clerk to lie to me about the cost of the dress. The clerk was thinking about it but when she saw me, I felt something inside me jump...the warm feeling had reached my face only and I don’t know why but I nodded to her...she took it as a sign and accepted his request.

I quickly went towards them and acted as if I didn’t know anything, he complimented the clerk...huh...this guy...he told her to say that it costed 50 golds and I had the exact amount but forgot to empty my bag...so careless...

Stupid guy...but for the first time in many years I saw my brother’s image inside him...for the first time in many years I felt...happiness...

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