《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 4- CHAPTER 2


I am standing in the Clan Hall with many other newly turned Bloods...the reason, was simple. We are all here to learn our Clan’s ancient martial art which was known as Thunderbolt Hands. It was decided that before anyone learned fighting with weapons, they would first practice our Martial Art to solidify our base. We would gather here at 4am, learn martial art up to 6am then for an hour we would practice weapons training with wooden weapons. It was a good thing when we learned the fact that with the Will of the Ancestors came their affinity towards choiced weapons.

It looked like that Bloods preferred only 4 kinds of weapons to fight. They were the Trident (mainly used by females), Arching, Shield with Sword and Dual Swords. Apparently only the most vicious kind of warriors used Dual Swords. Though they had high affinity towards a single weapon, in time they could wield other types of weapons if they trained on it. Our instructor, Adi’Je entered the hall and stood on the make shift podium. She wore her usual dress which included wearing her armour.

Adi’Je: “Everybody listen carefully to the words I am about to speak...these words were not made by me but passed from generation to generation of warriors by their teachers...These are the words of our ancestors...

The Martial technique of the Thunderbolt Hands is practiced in a dance like free form. It was characterized by intricate footwork, explosive bridges, balance disruptions, extremely rapid deflections and multiple strikes to nerve centers on the limbs, head and torso. It also contained throws, locks, controls, wrenches, traps, and pressure point seizes. Mix in the two and these techniques provide a seamless yet thoroughly deadly integration of the bodys full array of anatomical weapons.

Now, to master this form, your body must be at a peak position with all senses at a level higher than usual. But, we Bloods posses a strong anatomical configuration. Our all senses are already set at a level higher than normal beast men...thus we do not have to put extra work on it. Do not even think it would be easy to learn the form. But if you carefully copy my movements, you should learn it by the end of this week. So lets begin...”

With this speech our training session begin...she demonstrated the right forms step by step, 2 hrs went by and after continuous effort to copy the same movements...we were exhausted...even with our highly primed body, we felt severe exhaustion. Apparently, it was created keeping our base levels in mind. Then began our weapons training where we each got a stick and copied her forms...again...over and over again. After the 3 hr session I don’t think I’ve felt such exhaustion in my life...even the bottom blacking events looked pleasant in front of this.But it had to be done... To grow stronger and I had to; people were looking at me...for my sake and for their sake...I had to grow strong.

After training, both Adi’Je and me came back to our house to take a bath... (Maybe together...I won’t tell every little detail of what happened in there...he he he he...it’s only for me to know.) After finishing our bath, we felt refreshed...had our meal and then we went off towards the swamp to cut some trees with some people.We need wood for our fortification and yesterday I’ve set everybody’s work. So they are all busy and right now, with all the dangerous monster in there it would tough for the newly evolved Bloods to face them so Adi’Je will be enough to cover for all of us while we cut the trees.


We were looking for a place deep inside the swamp that had tall sturdy trees. While walking Adi’Je asked.

Adi’Je: “Ah...My Lord, how did you like Council Woman Naj’Rak's ‘help’ last night? Was it satisfactory or did she lacked something??”

Me: “No...It was very good...I don’t think she lacked something...”

Adi’Je: “Ahh...is that so...then I’m relieved to hear that.I was worried her inexperience would not suffice you but My Lord do not worry, in time I would teach her the ways of pleasuring you. She would become an expert in no time.”

Me: “Umm...thank you!?... but Adi’Je, it would have been better if it were you in our first night back in our home.You shouldn’t have just watched last night...”

Her expression turned into one of surprised.

Adi’Je: “My Lord...You saw me? But how? You were facing...”

Me (smiling): “I could feel you standing behind the door, watching us...you may look like this (pointer at her body) but inside you, there is a mischievous little girl...”

Adi’Je (smiling now): “He he he he...I was just watching to see if she was fulfilling your desires or not....it looks like she did a wonderful job. So... My Lord, should I add her to the long term list?”

Me (smiling): “You are my wife...how can you say something like this so easily?”

Adi’Je: “Because... My Lord, I am a Blood woman along with the title of Queen.I love my King more than anyone and that is why I do not have any fear that someone might steal you away from me and as I have told you...you are the King...they are allowed to have certain discrepancies, also Blood woman just needs to feel their mates Blood lust to satisfy themselves...It is all that matters and you My Lord, have the highest and the mightiest level of it. That is why woman want to be yours(she shrugs her shoulders) and I... merely act as a screen to weed out unworthy woman just like that Aby...”

Me: “You still haven’t made up with her?”

Adi’Je: “We just made a mutual understanding...that is all.”

Me: “Well, I’m glad that you two didn’t fight while I was out in the quest...”

Adi’Je: “Well, whenever we were out, Marion saw to that nothing happened between us...But My Lord, if I may...please turn your thoughts from that unworthy Aby...hmmm...even Wei is more deserving of your affection than that under developed merecat...”

Me: “They are all my friends and I care about them equally...please stop calling them with insulting names...Ah...this spot looks good don’t you think?”

Adi’Je: “Yes My Lord, this is a good place.”

Me: “Okay, I’ll cut them, while you cover me.”

Adi’Je: “Yes My Lord...”

I took out a broad-axe, opened my armour so that it doesn’t make me feel constricted and began chopping down the tree...Normally; it would take beast men half a day chopping a whole tree down without proper equipments but being a Blood gives me added strength and endurance...I could feel the power increase with every hit...Every hit I make on the tree creates a deeper dent than the previous one...

We returned with a good amount of logs, towed them with the help of log pullers which we had but in a small number. We need to buy more of this heavy pulling carriage. It was evening while we were all tired and sweaty. I decided to take a bath again while I told Adi’Je to assemble every Council member for a status meeting. She nodded and went towards the Council Hall.


I reached home and got inside the bath...in felt nice after a day of log hauling and wood cutting. While I lay there, certain thoughts came in my mind. How I wanted to became an adventurer and go on different adventures but now I’m doing something else...though I was not complaining about my current situation but I missed going on adventures...I decided...after I’ve finished rebuilding the Clan I would again go on an adventure...

Then another set of thoughts took over from the previous train of thoughts...I remembered Marion’s face when she said that she loved me. I still haven’t given her an answer. I have to tell her about my true feelings...I don’t love her but I do care for her...from there on my mind spiraled between many things which I rather not discuss...

I got up from the bath, got ready and went straight towards the Council Hall...

The meeting started...I wanted things to move on a rapid pace...we were racing against time. If we don’t arm ourselves by the time Investigating members arrive, all this would be for naught. We have to make them understand of our full potential and destructive nature...that we as allies are much more important than making an enemy out of us.

Me: “Where we are in the matter of procuring iron ores?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “My King, at first light I began negotiating with all of the decided Clans...at first they were little curious as to why we needed iron ores all of a sudden. I gave all of them the same answer...this time we have a surplus of our commodity so we decided to purchase something with it.

Then they argued about the prices...it took a little more time than I would have liked but I got them to bend at our preferred deal. They knew that Vitalis do cost more and they were in dire need of it and out of them, the Kalais Clan offered an incentive for some extra 3000 crates of Vitalis.”

Me: “What might that be?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “My King, the Kalais Clan though they deal mainly with iron ores and other ores but on the side they also produce Sizril and Miden Transport Class Carriers...

With those extra 3000 crates they offered us 100 Sizril Transport Class and 50 Miden Transport Class Carriers, which they would deliver along with the first installment of the order.”

I must admit, I don’t know what those names mean...I was just born some years ago...I don’t know everything that happens or exits in this continent...

Me: “Uhh...What are those?”

Council Man Ran’Ami: “My King, let me clear it for you...You see the transportation of heavy quantities of merchandise is done through 3 types of carriages. They are Yul, Sizril and Miden. They are named after the monsters that pull the carriages. They are very docile but hardworking monsters and very strong. The Yul Carrier Class is used for short distance transportation, while both Sizril and Miden Carrier Class are used for long distance transportation. But Sizril Carrier Class can carry medium sized loads while Miden Carrier Class can carry large sized loads.

Upkeep of these monsters is not easy as their diet requires a special type of vegetation that is only found around the area resided by Kalais Clan and some other Clans close to them. Normally, this kind of deal profits them more than us...but...due to our production of the very best Vitalis and as being its only producers we get to keep certain reject materials that cannot be sold in the market. These materials help in production of Vitalis...but this is also a Zuma Clan...err...I mean Blood Zuma Clans secret.

These by products can also be used as food for those carrier monsters. I believe, it even enhances their abilities in some areas though it will be small. But there next generation would provide us with stronger monsters...Then we only have place orders for the Carriages only and not for the monsters...In the long run, it will become a good asset.

So My King, in my opinion, we should take this offer...”

I looked around, everybody agreed... I turned towards Councillor Bar’Rok.

Me: “If we agree to this, how long it will take for the first installment of merchandise to reach us?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “Ah...My King, it would take maximum of 10 days for each installment to arrive here. As you commanded, they are ready to sign a secrecy deal and a five month supply deal...they would fulfill their orders in 5 installments, made in every month.”

Me: “And should we pay them at once?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “My King, we will pay them in five installments also. That is the best way to go about it.”

Me: “Hmmm...Ok...sign the deal...tell them to make haste and also inform them that, if they can reach us before the allotted time, there would be an extra 500 crates waiting for them as reward.”

The Councillors nodded, that’s one problem down...now onto another...

Me: “What about our requirements of raw materials needed for glass?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “We had contacted several companies that suited our requirements...out of them two made an offer that we think it was good enough to bring it to your attention, My King.”

Me: “What were the offers?”

Council Man Tor’Von: “My King, one of them is called Asania Glass Works, who are a medium sized organization, they offered us that they would provide us with 1000 crates of ready made glass each month for our initial offer of 5 months and we would pay them 40 % of the total profit from the sale of Vitalis potion on those 1000 crates of glasses.

And the other one, Eloria Glass who have offered us 5000 barrels of raw materials for making glass for ourselves, every month in exchange for 2000 crates of Vitalis.

My estimate is, after procuring the Vitalis; they would create potions and sell it themselves.”

Me: “Well...this is a tight spot...any other takers??”

Council Man Tor’Von: “No...My King...there were some small companies but...”

Me: “What were they offering?”

Council Man Tor’Von: “They all wanted a long time contract same as Asania Glass Works but Asania has greater market value and the product quality is also better than them.”

Me: “Tell me...Which company is closest to us? Or rather which of the small companies location is closest to us?”

Council Man Tor’Von: “My King that would be a small company named Ustalia Factories...last I heard, they were nearing bankruptcy...”

Me: “How much debt they carried?”

Council Man Tor’Von: “My King, I do not know the exact amount...but I can find it out...Ahh...I know for a fact that its owner was looking for some benefactor but didn’t receive anything...the glass business is a tough market...specially...”

Me: “Quickly find it out...if their debt is or at max 200,000 gold then offer them a deal...that we will clear all his debt in exchange for 60% of the shares of his Company and we will use their glass bottles to sell our Vitalis, giving them 30% of the total profit after selling them...which would fetch them a nice little profit.

If and when they accept the offer, sign a secrecy agreement, they will manage the company but we will remain silent partners and order 5000 barrels of raw materials for making of glass, every month for our use.”

Council Man Tor’Von: “Yes My King...but 200,000 gold is a very big amount...”

Me: “Yes...it is...but our future is of more importance...hurry up Council Man Tor’Von.”

He nodded and quickly went on his job. Then I turned towards Naj’Rak...I didn’t notice but now that I was looking at her...closely...she started blushing when our eyes met and she was restless...for something...After our little steamy session, she was hurriedly shooed away by Adi’Je and my Queen took her rightful place...which was in our bed, beside me...

I cleared my throat and asked,

Me: “Are the Unit ready with all the preparations?”

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “Ahh...um...My K...King, Ahh...we know what needs to be done and are ready to start our testing once the material arrives. The construction of the smithies are underway as well as the necessary tools have been ordered, they would arrive shortly...” She blushed again...She looked cute though...

Next it was the matter for our defences and fortifications...

We were about to start with our discussion on that topic, suddenly the emergency bell started to ring.

The door opened, the receptionist came inside.

Receptionist: “My King, a group of Doners was seen going towards our fields...”

We quickly moved out...I didn’t want the same thing happen again...not while I was still present...

When we reached the farm lands, it was filled with those monsters and they were all large sized one's. Luckily at that moment we didn’t incur any casualties...it was all due to the fact that it was time for everybody in the fields to leave for their homes.

We have to clear them, though it was too much for me alone...but I had Adi’Je at my side...

I ordered her to take the left side while I took the right. I ordered the Council not to let anybody near this place until we clear it. Though they have gained power but they didn’t have any weapons to attack or defend themselves...

The big ones were about 5 ft high but it was easy prey to me now. I cut the first one in half with a horizontal slice, while stabbed another one right through its middle were its weak point was...sensing their kind were being attacked they turned their attention to me. They charged but I cut them with same intensity...no more...no more fear...no more shackles of fear and hopelessness neither for me nor for my people...I cut them...I cut them left and right...there was no blood but I felt a frenzy...a frenzy that grew more and more I slew them...their attacks were stopped by my armour, while they could not withstand my attacks. After some time, I felt something...something which was familiar to me...it was something which was familiar to all of my people...it was fear...But it was not coming from me or from my people...but from these monsters...after years of superiority...they started to feel fear...

Feel this new sensation, remember it well...from this moment onward it will be us...who will rule over you...damn monsters. They started retreating but I didn’t stop...one monster turned to flee but I cut its head clean off. I had reached the limits of the swamp while chasing after them, it was already dark but the light from the city made it somewhat visible...I saw a figure lurking behind the shadow of the darkness of the swamp, I sheath my swords while grinning...

I was wondering when your kind would make its move...Finally; we meet again Talon...the guardian of the forest...

I saw it's glowing yellow eyes...I can feel its blood lust but something’s missing here...I felt something wrap around my waist...it constricted, I couldn’t breath...I tried to look down but was suddenly hurled to my left. I was a few feet above the ground, flying through the air, I saw the yellow eyes fading as if I’m moving away from it...the air felt smooth...*THUD* *DHOOP*

I felt pain...severe pain rising from my back and face. Why was I down on the ground?? How did I reach here?? I tried to stand up and then started coughing *COUGH* *COUGH*...I look at my hand...blood...*COUGH* *COUGH*....ARGHHH...the pain was unbearable. I think my spinal cord was broken...I couldn’t feel my leg. Why couldn’t I feel my legs??How did this happen?? I heard a light growling...I looked to find out from where it came from?? I...I remember...I was staring down the Talon then something grabbed me by my waist and I...I...I was throw?? Did Talons have that kind of power??

Again I heard growling but this time it was closer to me...I looked again, only to find a pair of yellow eyes glowing some distant away from me. I quickly tried to unsheathe my sword but I couldn’t...something wrapped around me...it felt like, it was trying to crush me and in a moment I was sent flying on another direction...this time...I could feel more power to its throw...but what was wrapped around me???

*THUD* *DHOOP* *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH*...air was knocked out of my lungs...I gasped for air...then it brought another round of coughing and pain rose again from my back...this time more severe. I was again on the ground...I tasted dirt...I tried to move but I got the same result. I can’t feel my legs or my right arm for that matter.I think its dislocated or may be broken in pieces...*COUGH* *COUGH*...blood came out of my mouth and wet the dirt but I tried to suppress the pain and tried to move any part of my body that was still functional...I could move my left arm.

While putting pressure on it I rolled over...I could see the stars now...oh...how beautiful it looked...I remember my first night scouting with Aby...It was a night same as this one...I gazed upon the stars...back in the city, I felt that the world outside was different...that night...I was proven right. For the first time, I felt alive...she did really keep her promise to Elder...though I am sure she doesn’t feel that way...huh...maybe I could send her a message...telli *DHOOP*...

*COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* HWAAAA....Something was just smashed over me. I grasped air but I couldn’t...I coughed...again and again. I knew I was spiting blood. My body was engulfed with excruciating pain from all over my body. My ribs were broken along with many bones...my left arm was also out. The only things I felt were pain and only pain...nothing else. I had no control over any part of my body except from the neck up...What was smashed upon me??Such power...Is this the same type of Talon that I faced and killed before?? Suddenly the pain rose to another level...ARGGGGGHHH....

I looked to see what made it rise...something black, thick and long wrapped around my legs...such was its power...it lifted me above the ground upside down. I saw that I was hanging few feet above the ground...the pain was unbearable but I had to endure it. I was moved towards something; I could make out its outline in the dark...it was something big...much bigger than a Talon...no...no no no no...It was not a Talon...the movement stooped. I looked carefully at the thing that was wrapped around my legs...its ...it’s a tail but no razor sharp point, it’s definitely not a Talon...then what is it?? I looked to my left and found that I was close to a yellow glowing pair of eyes...it was looking at me...I think, it was going to make its last strike...it this it??


HUH...it talked...the tail moved like a whip towards the ground. I knew it was going to smash me on the ground...I saw the ground move closer to me at a fast pace...*DHUUP*...I saw only darkness and nothing else...

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