《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 4- CHAPTER 1




I noted some changes after the general populace made their evolution. Just like me, the men had red slit pupils on white eyes, light red body completion with black formations on the shoulder giving an image of black flames. But no short black horns on their heads while the women had red eyes, a black tail, a fair skin completion, black borderings running over her shoulders down towards their body, if I remember correctly they would form a black flame over the stomach region...at least that’s what Adi’Je had told me before, red lips, red hairs reaching up to the knees. So only thing missing from everyone in terms of appearance was the horns that I had. Other changes also happened; like their height changed just like me...men and women grew close to 6 ft or above, while the children were just less than 5 ft 7-9 inches, just like I was before. Adi’Je had also informed me earlier that we grow according to our experiences gathered. Maybe that’s why they are yet to reach the full cycle.

Another thing happened which I can count as blessing was that after everybody evolutioned, all of them got a will from their long forgotten ancestors, giving them knowledge about various things that a Blood should know from birth for example, the art of fighting, living and many more. But the most important knowledge which even made Adi’Je jump up and down came in the form of our secret weapons and armour crafting knowledge, the Blood Blacksmithing. Not many got the blacksmithing knowledge...about 30 got them including a Councillor. Well that’s a start, I guess. I noted that we had many work to do before thumping our foot to reclaim our pride in the Zoit continent and also face the Council of Zoit.

We gathered everyone in the Clan Hall, which was used primarily for sheltering the people in times of calamity or monster attack. Now it housed thousands of newly evolutionized Bloods. After the evolution period, the Council wanted to disband themselves, giving me the full power...but I asked them to stay. I needed their help in every way...I was new to this but they have slugged it out for years.

I stood alone in a hastily made podium but had enough power for my voice to reach the farthest corner of the hall. Everyone else stood before me, some with expectant faces, some with pride, and some with tears. I gather they were happy that we can now start living without constant fear and some with lust who were lead by my wife, Adi’Je...heh...it kinda feels awesome...

I start my address...

Me: “There are lot of things to be done; unlocking the suppressed racial trait was the first part. We have lots to learn about ourselves. If we are to become strong we first have to know ourselves...learn our strength...learn our weaknesses and then put up counter measures for our weaknesses. If you think that, becoming Blood would give me or you instant power, then I’m sorry to tell you...IT WON’T. You have to earn it first and through great hardship, great courage and an unending valour as our ancestors motto was...COURAGE AND VALOUR...we hold this above all else...

After carefully examing the current situation, I have come to some conclusion... including myself and the rest of us, we still have more ways to go to fully recognize how to use our powers in the full extent...barring one...”


I could hear a small murmur going on...about whom the person was??

Me: “The only person who still holds the true Blood in herself...the one who actually witnessed our great times along with the duty of ushering the new one... my wife, YOUR QUEEN, Adi’Je...”

She takes one step forward and kneels in front of me with her head held high...full of pride...

I continue...

Me: “Adi’Je...knowing; that you are the only one who holds the knowledge about everything...we Bloods could do or how to do things...as I announced earlier, you are to be the General of the Bloods from here on... you have to supervise and take control of the construction of our fortification for our defences and offences which include teaching the people about the martial way of the Blood and also guiding the Blacksmith Unit helping them on how to make our armours and weapons... I know this is a big ask for one person to fulfill and having to guard the treasure while waiting for the next King...you of all people deserve rest but as true as it is...I’m sorry but I have to ask you to perform this duties...”

Adi’Je (spoke in loud and clearly): “For the betterment of you My Lord and my people, and for my Clan I will perform any task give to me how much hard it may be...I will fulfill all the duties given to me by Our Lord and I will not disappoint you...My King...”

Her face, her expressions told me all the things I needed to know of her true feelings...she was proud and excited...her eyes filled with fire...flames...black flames, burning inside her...in turn I felt proud and happy that she chose me as her husband...I nodded and continued...

Me: “We first need to build our defences...to stop any future attacks... for that we need raw materials and money...we also need to arm ourselves with our own custom made Blood weapons...for that we also need raw materials... all this things hinges upon our monetary reserve...Council Woman Je’Lec...how fares our Clan treasury??”

Council Woman Je’Lec steps forward...though she used to be an Elder before. Closing on her Zuma death years...but now, after the evolution, she has became a beauty of graceful proportions...a mature woman...just like Adi’Je...in fact all of them had grown up to a similar level...although even after the Suppression mark was nullified, Adi’Je still remained unrivaled...

Council Woman Je’Lec : “My King...our only source of income is through the sale of Vitalis...though I say that but even after trading Vitalis for generations...our treasury which was supposed to be overflowing is not...we lack funds...such a big construction effort or buying raw materials would drain our treasury completely empty...”

Me (surprised at that information): “And why is that? Why our treasury lacks funds even after dealing such large amounts of Vitalis day in and day out??”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “My King, it was due to a single fact... or I should say a single organization...The Council of Zoit...

As you know My King...it is rule of the Council of Zoit that any clan who has some form of trading material only known to them, they can and should have the right to sell or distribute to anyone and everyone within the Zoit continent at a fixed price of course...the price fixed by the Council of Zoit and in return they would pay 20% from the earning of the Clan each month along with a supply of a generous amount of that material to the Council...the amount can be negotiated between the Council of Zoit and the Council of that Clan...


Thus the situation of a win-win model forms in the normal case.

The problem arises in our case...I should say only in our case...deemed weak, unnecessary and without any support our voices fell on deaf ears. The rule suddenly changes when it concerned us...though it was not a written rule per say...The Council states that we would have to sell 80% of the total production of Vitalis to the Council of Zoit directly...leaving us 20% to sell or to be used by us every month and we have to pay 20% of our income also to the Council as tax...”

I got angry.... unknown to me...my voice rose in power...


I saw everybody began to sweat and tremble a little...only one person stood stall and proudly...although I sensed lust in her...yes...it was Adi’Je...

Council Woman Je’Lec: “Ahh...ummm...My K..King...because...they declared that our commodity was to precious and important to let a lowly and weak clan as such ourselves to handle...so they fixed the percentage of the tax and the price it should be sold to them...which was half of the market price...we just barely made something from our dealings...that is why we are where we are....”

I was angry but I had to control it...Elder had written it to me...that what I decide and how I react will affect our mind state towards the Zoit continent...

Me: “From this moment onward...all sell of Vitalis to the Council of Zoit is nullified...we would sell 100% of our merchandise to every clan out there and we will not give monthly tax too...”

Again murmur began... another Councillor spoke...he was the in charge of external welfare department...Council Man Tor’Von...

Council Man Tor’Von: “Pardon my insolence My King...but won’t that irk the Council of Zoit and they might... no...They will retaliate with force...which would...”

I cut his sentence half way...

Me: “And we would return their kindness with the same mindset...make no mistake...I have no intention to let my Clan fight a war with the entire continent...not that we are small in number...believe me when I tell you...a few of us can create havoc between thousands of enemies without breaking a sweat...think about a battle field filled with thousand of us...

I know they will act like a pouty child would...if we stick our boots over them at this moment, they will fear us and start cooperating but on a later time would try to back stab us or to annihilate us...

So, we don’t need to only make them bend at our demands...but to crush them completely...at the first moment...so that they do not even try to think ill thoughts about us much less act on it...

Bloods, we were present when the continent was born...heck...we once ruled over it...we were the supreme being...in time other clans emerged when we suppressed our power... but unlike us...they emerged from base creatures...so answer me this...though they behave like a civilized manner...what is the basic or base instinct within all of them??? What rule still governs over their mind?? Anybody???”

Adi’Je (with a menacing voice): “The simple rule of nature...the strong rules over the weak...whatever happens...this rule of nature is ironclad...”

I smiled...I knew she would answer it...no...I hoped for it...I saw the effect she had on the rest of them...they were now at ease and in a trace of something called courage and pride returning in them...

I finished with these words...

Me: “Bloods...stop thinking as you thought this morning...a new light star has emerged in your life...a new hope...a new power...embrace it with full conviction...but do not get drunk on it...we have the ability to control ourselves...acquired from the rule of suppression...that would be our strength...controlled aggression...also beware, if you try to go outside of the boundaries set and learned from our ancestors...I would be the first one to strike you down....


With this our meeting adjourned, I returned to the Council Hall with Adi’Je and the rest of the Councillors following me...there was still many things which had to be done...

We sat on a table. It was a big table made of wood and it was like a big V shape with me sitting on the point where the two lines meet, five Councillors sat on both side and to my right, Adi’Je sat. Before we began our session, I leaned towards Adi’Je. She looked at me and I signaled her to come closer. She leaned towards me; I came close to her ear and asked...

Me (whispering): “I have a question to ask you...Why do I have a pair of horns and nobody else does??”

She shifts her eyes towards my horns for a moment and then whispers back...

Adi’Je: “My Lord, it was due to the fact that the horn represents royalty and it is a mark of Kingship in our Clan...many previous Kings used to have horns like yours...”

Me: “Ohh...”

I lean backwards to a normal position, she too straightens up and I began my statement...

Me: “How long would it take for the Council of Zoit to send us a warning for not sending their self imposed quota of Vitalis?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “My King, normally, they wait for 3 months to issue a warning to a clan for not fulfilling their quota...”

Me: “How long does it take for them to send someone from the Council to investigate the matter when one clan fails to meet the quota?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “My King, after they issue a warning, they wait for another 2 months before sending someone from the Quadrant Branches to investigate...”

Me: “So...in all we have approximately five months before the Council sends someone...”

Council Man Tor’Von: “My King, if I may ask...what are you planning?”

Me: “Though many things may seem important to us right now but the most important thing right now is the issue of arming our people with weapons and armours made from our own secret techniques...

We need to build secret smithies for the Blacksmith Unit to help them make our weapons. No other Clan needs to know about our secret, thus I’m declaring the Smithies and the Blacksmith Unit to be a Clan Secret. It has to be guarded at all cost.( I saw everybody nodding at my statement. It was true...) If the Council of Zoit knew about this then along with the Vitalis; they would want their hands on this too...

But, to help the Blacksmith Unit, mass produce weapons and armours, they need raw materials...”

I turn towards Adi’Je,

Me: “Uhh...Adi’Je...Do you happen to know the materials used to make our swords?”

Adi’Je (nodded): “Yes My Lord, they are made from the mixture of Iron...Black Iron to be exact and Glass... the mixture is known as Wootz or crucible steel...ummm...if you want to know more about it...the Blacksmith Unit would inform you everything...”

I turned towards the rest of the Council Members...

Me: “Councillors...Which clan or clans in this region or any other region has the means to sell large quantities of Iron and Glass or any one of them?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “My King, during my meetings with other Clan Council members in the Quadrant branch, I have been approached by them for placing exclusive orders for Vitalis in exchange for their commodities...But at that time, we barely had Vitalis for ourselves...so I had to recede the offers...Out of such offers, I came to about 15 Clans that supply the majority of Iron to all other Clans in the continent.”

Me: “Which of them gave us the best offer?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “Out of them, five had the best offer and their Iron qualities were top grade...”

Me: “Hmmm...Interesting...What were there offer?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “Their initial offer was 2 million tonnes of iron ores against 6000 crate for Vitalis...”

Me: “Can we fulfil the quota?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “My King, if we stop our sales to the Council, that alone would generate a surplus of 300,000 crates or more per month against our 80,000 crates which we are left with.”

Me: “Hmmm...Still...Council Man Bar’Rok....please contact them and negotiate with them, we would go 3000 crates of Vitalis for 5 million tonnes of iron ore. If they something against this order, tell them that a single crate cost more than many 100 crate of iron ores...this is a good deal for them and Sign with them a 5 month secrecy deal.”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “My King, with all of them?”

Me: “Yes...we will buy small amount of iron so that no gets suspicious... buy 5 million tonnes from each of them...sign a one time contract with a clause that if the merchandise is off satisfactory level more contracts would be given... thus our iron ore reserve stands to an estimate of 25 million tonnes of iron ores with the loss of 15,000 crates of Vitalis.

Now, how about glass...any takers?”

Unknown Council Woman: “My King, if I may...Glass is made from of a mixture of Sand, Lime and Soda...so we need these 3 different materials...”

Me: “Ahh...thank you...umm??”

Unknown Council woman: “Ahh...I’m sorry My King, let me introduce my self...My name is Naj’Rak. I’m the one who received the Blacksmith will...”

Adi’Je: “And also the Councillor that is going to head the Blacksmith Unit.”

Me: “Ohh...I’m sorry...but you were not present before during the speech or when the Blacksmith Unit was formed.”

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “Apologies My King, when I received my Blacksmith Will, I quickly came here to inform...but you were not present but Queen met me and informed me of the decision of making a Blacksmith Unit and so I went to find all the members that received the same will and exchange information between us...”

Me (I turned towards Adi’Je): “Is that so?”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, it is true...”

Well, I was glad to have her at my side or else...I would have gone mad...

Now that I closely look at Council Woman Naj’Rak...I’ve never heard of her when I was still leaving here...maybe she was new and apparently she was young too when she evolved. I can say this because her face didn’t have that mature look like Adi’Je or Je’Lec; instead she had a face of a young woman who was still inexperienced...pretty easy on the eyes too...had some perky breast and had small lips...her hair was also short than most of the woman...

Adi’Je: “Ahemm...Ahemmm...My Lord...you were saying something...”

I looked at her, she was giving a mischievous smile...I turned around to break eye contact...

Me: “So who can supply us those materials?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “My King, as such no clan specifically makes glass or even supply those raw materials...but I know of many small, mid and large sized industries who can supply us what we need.”

Me: “Will they take crates of Vitalis for payment?”

Council Man Bar’Rok: “I can try negotiating with them...”

Me: “Or find out which of them are interested at a partnership.”

Some of the Councillors look at me with a question mark hanging above their heads while some nod their heads...I gather they understood my intentions...

Me: “A partnership, that would state that they would supply us with raw materials along with ready-made glass bottles and we would create Potions from the Vitalis and sell them in the market with the name of us along with there's on it...”

Council Man Bar’Rok (his face lit up): “I could try this...but we can give contract to only one company or organization...”

Me: “That does not matter...see to it that, they keep on their word and we need delivery monthly basis...”

I just remembered something else...

Me: “Oh and what about armours? What kind of materials are used in them Council Woman Naj’Rak?”

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “My King, Black Iron is the main component which is used, My King.”

Me: “Would the amount of iron ore suffice for arming the whole clan?”

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “My King, it would take some days to figure out the exact techniques and how much of what to use to make the same kind of weapons and armours which are possessed by you or the Queen...all in all it would suffice.”

Me: “Good...if you need more amount do not wait for even a second...”

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “Yes, My King.” She nodded.

Me: “Now onto the matters of building a fortification and defences for the city...”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, to envelop certain hot zones around the city, right now we can use wood to make a sturdy fortification and sometimes large stones...but to make anything better we need to spend some coins which we do not have...but the woods and stones we can gather them from the swamp...”

All the Councillors nod at the suggestion...

Me: “Very well, but do we have the machineries to cut the wood and build the fortification?”

Council Woman Je’Lec: “We have, My King...enough to us started and if the Blacksmith Unit helps us out if they can then we can certainly make a good fortification around the city...”

I looked towards Council Woman Naj’Rak...

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “My King, I think we can help...I can’t give you the exact amount up to which we could help but after confirming with the Unit I can give you the exact amount.”

I nod at her suggestion...

Me: “Then onto training the general populace along with me...”

Adi’Je: “My Lord, I would like to train first a small group of people first...maybe about 500...make them proficient enough so that they can teach it to others...thus in this way we could teach it to all of them. Along with that we need to build a training hall...the bigger the better...”

Me: “Hmm...Why not turn the Clan Hall into training hall at this moment?? It is very big and would accommodate many numbers of people...until a proper Training Hall is constructed...”

Adi’Je: “That would be a great idea My Lord...”

Me: “By the way what form would you teach them?”

Adi’Je: “Before they are proficient in weapons training, they first need to learn our own hand to hand combat form...the Thunderbolt Hands...umm...My Lord, if I may...I would like for you also to join the training and learn the Thunderbolt hands...”

Me: “Absolutely...I would love too...I warn you...You would not take it easy on me...”

Adi’Je (smiling): “Absolutely My Lord.”

Me: “So...I think we have finished...lets adjourn our meeting for today...ahh...before I forget; I want status report every night after each day about everything...”

They all replied in unison “Yes, My King.”

WE got up from our seats and proceeded to move out. I was excited to show to get home and rest...tomorrow would a start of a new era...but suddenly a hand tapped on my shoulders...I turned around and saw it was Adi’Je who signaled me to stop for a moment...

Adi’Je: “My Lord...Are we going straight to home?”

Me: “Yes...It’s been a long day and I’m sure you are tired too...”

Adi’Je: “Umm...I was wondering if you could bring me some sweets from the shops back to our home while I go ahead and prepare for our dinner...”

Me: “Hmm...OK...here is the key...Do you have any preference?”

Adi’Je (her face brightens and a smile forms): “Ahh...I would love those chocolate flavours...if you do not mind, My Lord...”

Me: “Certainly...then you head back to our home...I will bring it as soon as I can...You do remember where are home is...right?”

Adi’Je: “Yes...absolutely...My Lord.”

She turned around and exited the Hall in a brisk pace...I too went towards the market to find a sweet shop... After many days she had asked me to buy something she likes...How could I not fulfill her wishes?

Nothing eventful happened when I bought some chocolate sweets barring everyone saw me bowed their heads in respect...even the sweet shop lady even gave me something extra...even though she should be nearing her death days...but now she looked like a matured woman...Oh man...that is going to be a pain in the bottom...

I returned home, knocked and Adi’Je opened the door...I entered and saw the whole room had dim lighting...I looked towards Adi’Je carefully...she was wearing something new...which was black and had laces over her shoulder...well it looked like a black gown with laces attached to it.

Upon seeing my gaze, she smiled...

Adi’Je: “My Lord, do you like my new dress? Apparently it is called a Satin Nighty, which I could wear when I sleep...it is a night wear for ladies...Marion bought it for me when we were shopping in Port Fortitude...”

Me: “Ahh...yes...you look beautiful...my love...”

She blushed a little...which made her even more beautiful...

After finishing our diner, she quickly closed my eyes with her hands.

Me (a little surprised): “What are doing Adi?”

Adi’Je: “Husband...please let me lead you to our bedroom...”

Me: “Ok...but why did you close my eyes?”

Adi’Je: “Because my dear husband I have a little surprise just for you...so please...hurry up...”

Surprise...I felt a little excitement...what could it be??? While pondering about it for some moment, Adi’Je spoke again...

Adi’Je: “Husband, we are here...please do not peek.”

Me: “Ah...Ok...”

After some while...she slowly lifted her hands over my eyes and said...

Adi’Je: “My dear husband...do you like it?”

I slowly opened my eyes...adjusting to the dimly lighted room and saw my surprise...I couldn’t believe my own two eyes...How Could she manage to do this??? I looked towards Adi’Je in surprise or amazement...She was smiling...albeit mischievously...I again looked towards the surprise she gave me...

It was Council Woman Naj’Rak lying on the bed, with both of her hands tied to the bed post, naked while blushing and breathing heavily...She had the look similar to Adi’Je which was known to me...it was lust...

I again turned towards Adi’Je...dumbfounded...

Me: “How...How...did...”

She spoke halfway of my sentence...

Adi’Je: “apologies my husband...but as much as I would love for me to join you in your (she looked towards Naj’Rak, smiled and then again faced me) conquest...I cannot...I am very tired and I want to feel you over me...but I at this moment could not satisfy you...so in my place Council woman Naj’Rak has offered her ‘help’ to me and I took it... seeing that you too wanted to know her better...as you can see my husband, I took the liberty to soft her movements and she is now ready for your any and all commands...*wink* I now take my leave...I would sleep tonight in the next room...”

I try to say something...but she turns and says something back...

Adi’Je: “Ohh...if you are worried about your curse then be at ease my husband...as I have already made her drink a potion that will make her immune to your curse...as I am...but just for this night...

Tomorrow, if you are satisfied with her ‘help’ then I can make arrangements for her to be totally immune to your curse...but that discussion is for tomorrow...for now just let her ‘help’ you relax...my husband....*wink*”

After that she left the room...now it was only me, who was standing in front of the bed and Council Woman Naj’Rak lying on the bed with her hands tied to the bed post.

I went close to her...she was breathing heavily...arching her back upwards thrusting her small but firm perky breasts towards me...biting her lips...I felt my urge rising...her reaction with the effect of the room was getting to me...I tried to talk to her...

Me: “Ah...umm...Council Woman Naj’Rak...I didn’t know that my wife was planning this...I will open your bonds quickly and you can return to your home...”

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “My King....ummm...please....umm...don’t untie them....please let me have the honour of serving you tonight...ummm (biting her lips) in...In place of our Queen...please...”

Me: “But...Council Woman Naj’Rak...”

Council Woman Naj’Rak: “Please call me just...umm...Naj’Rak...My King...please...accept me for today... please...ahhh...give me the honour...”

Upon hearing that and seeing her reaction...I could no longer hold my urge...Adi’Je was right...We Bloods males are governed by our lust heavily...

I slowly undressed myself until I was standing naked while she saw me undressing and moved her body in excitement.

I started by kissing her legs and from there on went upwards as kept on kissing until I reached the vicinity of her vagina...I could her moans and I could feel her excitement mixed with lust...the air was already filled with maddening desires making my own urge uncontrollable...I slowly licked her vagina...fluids were already oozing out...I kept licking while I inserted one of my finger inside her vagina...She lets out a loud moan.

Naj’Rak: “UMMMM....AHHHHH....YESSSSS....MY King...take me...ummmm...take me as you see fit...ahhh...”

I kept licking and now I added another finger into her vagina...she shuddered, letting out a loud moan yet again...fluids gushed out of her vagina, making my face wet...but my lust rose to a point where I could hold no longer...

I moved upwards while kissing every part of her body...my hands slowly made their way towards her perky breasts and firmly grabbed them...she once again arched her back in excitement and ecstasy...frequent moans along with our strong mating pheromones filled the room...driving us to a point of no return...

I moved upwards and slowly found my lips on her small yet firm and thick nipples...I kneaded them and sucked them...hoping for something sweet to come out...something did came out but not from the nipples but from her vagina...She moaned loudly, while constantly turning her face left and right...sometimes opening her eyes to see me...twist and taste every part of her body...


I knew she had enough...all she wanted now was for me to enter her and ravage her...I too had reached my limit...but it was receding...damn the curse...I had act quick...

I positioned my penis just touching her vagina walls, while her legs were parted wide...my hands upon her bound hands and the moment I kissed her small yet juicy lips...I entered...it was tight at first...but by applying a little more pressure than normal I went deep inside her tight vagina...she tried to scream but couldn’t as she was locked in a deep kiss with me...upon reaching her deepest point down there, I pressed my hands upon her bound hands to help me apply more power and I started to move in a rhythm...it was a little higher than normal...but it was giving me more pleasure than my normal rhythm...the tightness in her and the sight of her bound and helpless body made it more pleasurable...

I pulled back from the kiss to bite her shoulders...I liked the idea of biting my mates on their shoulders...The idea of leaving marks on them during mating excited me...all she could do was moan and moan some more...she tried to say several things...but the only words that actually made sense were “so rough”...

After some moment, while kissing and sucking every part of her upper body...I placed my hands on her knees and locked them up with my arms and started to press harder...she arched her body while moaning and shuddering...I felt something gushing out from her...I too felt that I was nearing the end while I kept on touching something with the tips on my penis which I gathered to be the entrance of her womb...The idea of filling her womb made me move even harder...by this time, she even lost the energy to moan...all she could do was just keep her eyes closed and wait for the ultimate pleasure...

After some time, when my rhythm reached its highest peak along with my lust...I ejaculated inside her...filling her womb without holding back nothing...a loud moan escaped from my mouth “AHHHHH.....” while she bit her lips hard...hard enough to draw blood from her lips...shuddering one last time while arching upwards and gushing out for the last time...

With the little energy I had left in me, I freed her hands and feel on her, hugging her and nestled my head between her soft breasts and went to sleep...feeling relieved and gratitude...for Naj’Rak and even more so for my beautiful wife Adi’Je, who I knew was spying on us through the crack of the door...he he he he...

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