《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 3- CHAPTER 1
Blood...one of the most important life line of both us beast men & the monsters that we fight. We fight each other to stake our claim at the top of the food chain. Fortunately, we the more evolutionized & civilized beast men have reached to the top at one point & have successfully defended our position for countless years...reigning supreme over everything, over our less fortunate counterpart. Through our past victories we have grown arrogant...arrogant enough to think of them as mere cattles...only worthy of slaughtering. But we forgot a simple rule...rule of the nature itself...one might never be strong to overpower something mighty but a group might be. The sense of security we feel today was born from arrogance...but we forgot yet another truth...though we became the top living organism in this world, we too can be toppled, and we too can become the hunted... as my team faced this similar situation. At that moment, we became the hunted. Blood flowing everywhere...so much blood that you cannot tell, from which animal it came from...did it came out of the creatures that are hunting us or did it came from us, who are being hunted.
Funny thing was we reached our goal within 3 days. We crossed the Sameria Sea & found ourselves inside the Dentia forest. This forest was a normal forest; nothing was out of the ordinary other than it was devoid of any kind of monsters being it big, medium or small. We thought this was a safe place. Ohhh...we were so wrong. If only we understood all the signs.
Anyway, after entering the forest we combed it thoroughly only to find a strange aura emitting from a certain place. When we reached the place from where the strange aura was emitting...we saw a big rock... I use the word ‘rock’ because we have no idea what it was. It was a blue rock with a size of a medium sized tree or about 10-12 ft tall. How could it be this big...& how we were supposed to carry this back... And why didn’t anybody else found it all this time? But these questions were answered as soon as Javel touched it. It emitted a powerful aura...so powerful that we were knocked down on the ground...some of us went flying some feet back & toppled on the ground.
I felt a pulse...a strong pulse...it was so pure...so powerful...so familiar yet unfamiliar to me. But from where was this coming from??? I got up & looked towards the rock. I looked around but found nothing...I was surprised but instantly felt the pulse again. This time I carefully sensed it & it was coming from the blue rock, but why? I turned towards others to ask them about the pulse but what I saw was completely different from what I was used to see.
Wei’s hands were shivering, Aby’s ears (I have always found the hear slender pointy ear enhanced her cuteness) were twitching, tears started to form on the eyes of Marion, Ron was holding his sword nervously, Paleg was holding his bow that gave an impression that it would fall any second & Javel’s hands...strong hands trembling. Each of them were looking at different directions...I looked around, finally gazing upon my surrounding. I felt something familiar...something which was powerful enough for an adult beast men be that from any clan to wet his or her pants. The feeling was similar to the feeling I felt within me when fighting those monsters. After a while, I realized the feeling was nothing more than Blood Lust...coming from every direction. We were surrounded...
Creatures armed with fangs, claws, stingers, wings, tails, everything & anything one could think in his lifetime had surrounded us, hoards & hoards of them, gazing at us...with foul look. Their mouth foaming...hearts fluttering, stomach growling...at the site of prey...us. Well I took out my swords, prepared myself for my last battle, looking around I felt...happy...that in the moment of my doom I’m standing with people whom I care for most. Yet a tinge of sadness, that we all shared the same fate. They had given me so much...yet I have not returned their kindness enough.
The rock let out another pulse but this time it was not a powerful pulse like the previous one but a calm one which had the exact reaction on the creatures. Their eyes became bloodshot... their blood lust enough to make a person vomit two times over. I heard a faint sound...the sound carried a feminine voice... “আমাকে রক্ত প্রদান করো... হি হি হি হি...”. Everybody looked at one other…trying to comprehend what it was or who it was? And what did it say?? But I knew…
It’s the dialect of our clan used in ancient times, times when our Clan Patriarch lived. It was passed to us through the generations of a singular bloodline. The bloodline linked directly to Hui’Mi…my bloodline. I raised my voice & translated it.
It said or rather she said while laughing “OFFER ME BLOOD!”.
Marion was brought in the middle with Paleg, Aby & Ron covering for her & for using their long range attacks, leaving us three Javel, Wei & me to secure the three directions, with our backs towards the blue rock. We were trapped…but the moment I heard the voice I knew, the only one capable of balancing the effects of blood lust coming from the creatures was my own blood lust skill. I vowed…I will make sure that the only ones standing this day would be my team mates.
It was time for some killing....
We waited, maintaining at a certain distance from our center group as if the line was broken then they would be wiped out. We had to hold a line...a stiff line or it was more of an arc… The creatures rushed towards us in unison…only blood would quench their thirst…our blood…I took my stance, taking slow breaths, tuning out everything around us…the only presence left within my senses were my team mates & our hunters. I closed my eyes, my grip beginning to tighten…I stilled my heart…I knew I had only one choice…only one way to save my friends…by bathing in blood…my foe’s hot blood.
I opened my eyes; I saw the creature which was first to reach me, mouth open, claws ready, eyes filled with hunger…hunger for our meat… well not today!! I cleaved its head clean from its body, blood spurting out from its headless body; splashing on my face…I am relieved. With my left hand I cleaved the head of another one, bathing in its blood…now my body starts to burn from the inside…with my free right I cut the arm of the next one, with my left cut its head off. The thirst of blood getting stronger. My movements became more fluid, as the fight went on. I started cleaving left & right…legs, claws, arms, heads, torso’s, tails, tongues, guts…whatever I could cut…All of their parts was flying around me…their bloods drenching me…I could hear Marion’s scream…
Marion: “LE’ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I turned around & saw her crying…tears falling from her eyes…she was still unhurt…I cannot waver…the job is just starting. I held my ground, stabbing, slashing, cutting, bunting anything that moved near me…no mercy…The creatures came at me in a group…I cut the first one’s head, ducked the next one’s attack, went inside the middle of their pack, sliced the leg of the creature on my left, sliced the arm off the one on my right, turned, sliced the head off from the legless creature with my right, cleaved the head off the armless one with my left. Ducked again, tail went over my head.
I cut a leg off the one unleashing the tail, it fell on the ground. With my left cleaved another one’s head & with my right stabbed the fallen creature on its head. I stabbed in throats, stomachs, head, and eyes whichever place I found, I plunged my sword in. I activated my Body Elongation skill; my arms became more extended, becoming more like a small whip with swords attached to its end. I started cutting, slashing left & right, moving into better positions…no extra bravado was needed…only basic cutting. I didn’t realize but unconsciously I had started to lick some of their blood that was being spread over my face. It felt nice, felt I was getter power from a different source, to others it might seem to be a bit cannibalistic but it didn’t matter…only thing that matters was that I don’t stop killing them. Dead bodies started to pile up around me…I didn’t care…only thing on my mind…KILL.
The creatures whom I didn’t even knew exist came at us with fury…one stopped my sword in the left hand with its claws so I had to jab the sword in my right through its face. Instant death but another one came & tried to slice me with its tail; I dodged to the left but the tip of the tail struck my armour, it produced a spark. After regaining my footwork, I plunged towards him… impaling him to the ground. Another one struck a blow on my back, I feel on my knees…it hurt…but I was in no mood to feel pain. I rolled sideways & as soon as I did that again a tail slammed on the ground where I was kneeling. I quickly got up & with my left I impaled its tail to the ground & with my right slashed its throat.
My plan was simple…get as much blood on me as I can. I had to increase my blood lust or I couldn’t keep up with this level of fighting. Few stingers can straight at me; I swerved on my right & slashed at the stingers with a back hand, cutting them clean off. I charged ahead to cut some more…I heard a woman scream…I turned around & saw a creature while on the ground bleeding stuck its claws on Wei’s right foot…it was a deep cut. Wei had lost her footwork but still managed to keep her balance, trying to fight through the pain…Brave girl, I thought…but the creature was not finished, it wanted to tear her leg away, not seeing any other alternative I threw my sword in my left hand towards its head & it struck, instantly killing it. The claw released & Wei freed her leg but she was still in severe pain, if it was not treated in time, the blood loss can make her weak & she would be in danger. Just when I was accessing the situation, a claw cut into my shoulder. The cut was not deep as the strap of the armour took most of the damage but the strap got cut in two making the armour tilt on the other hinged side. I was defenceless on my right side, but I swung my sword cut the creatures arm & then stabbed it through its right eye. I was suddenly at a peculiar position, one sword in hand & armour hinged on one side dangling over my body.
I always liked fighting with two weapons in both hands. I felt that my attack efficiency got halved. It was no time for any thinking. Luckily I didn’t throw away my bone dagger, always keeping it close to me, keeping it a secret. Without hesitation I took out my dagger & now I was whole again. I quickly reacted to an incoming creature. I stabbed it in its neck with the dagger while ducking to evade its claws. While I was in the motion I slashed at the throat of another creature close to me with my sword. Finally…it felt….no…it was…an all out war.
But like in any other war or in battle one would suffer casualties. Though luckily we didn’t lose anyone…yet…but we were picking up small injuries along the way. This injuries accumulating overtime did a heavy damage which would hinder our battle capabilities. My armour rent, I didn’t notice it but when I was picking up small cuts, and then I realized my situation. I looked around, it was not just me but everyone…Aby & Ron had come into the front lines while Wei & Javel were receiving treatment from Marion. She was crying yet she did her work with utmost care & with great efficiency. It was nice to see Aby fight in the melee. She moved with grace & struck with pin point accuracy. If I wasn’t busy fighting myself, I would have just sat down & watch her fight. But I didn’t have that luxury. Stabbing & slashing were my only way to keep them safe. Even though I was not a very skilled warrior but still I could not let my lack of experience be an issue in this fight. Even though I did not have much experience before…I can gain them, now.
I could hear Marion screaming to me…
Marion: “Le’On…come back…to are injured. YOU NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION… COME BACK…”
I’m sorry Marion but this was one fight I cannot rest or stop fighting even for a second. I increased my output, submerging myself only in the fight. Cutting, slashing, stabbing them continuously, drench in blood, some even went into my mouth & also receiving cut or getting slashed in the process. I was shown a message.
Due to your consumption of enough blood of the mutated variant of Densai animals, you receive a great physical & mental buff from the Aura Crystal.
Available until the blood consumed has been totally processed by the body.
Finally, something I can use to great extent against them. So these creatures get their power from that rock…now…lets test this buff…
I moved closer to them, I came face to face to them…woah…so fast…I need to control the output. I cut him like a paper…it was so easy…I continued my onslaught trying to control my speed & the new buff of cell regeneration helps me to recover from any cut quickly… Unconsciously, I smiled when I cut them…they were slow & weak now.
“কতো রক্ত... হি হি হি হি... কতো দিন হয়ে গেছে এতো রক্ত দেখে... হি হি হি হি... আমি খুশি... আমি খুশি... হি হি হি হি... আহ, তুমি... তুমি আমাকে খুশি করেছ... তুমিই আমার পুরষ্কার প্রাপ্য... তৈরি হও... হে মহান জোধাঁ... হি হি হি হি...”
After saying this, the blue rock emitted another aura…a powerful one…which traveled all over the place… suddenly the creatures attacking us stopped…slowly they changed…their whole constitution changed… they became docile, their eyes now filled with innocence. They were just like any normal animal unable to hurt any of us… So this was the case, I thought to myself.
Javel (shocked but still in battle stance): “LE’ON…What did she say???”
Me: “Ah…It said… that so much blood…it had been long for her to see so much blood, she was happy & laughing at our work. And she said…said…ahhh…”
Me: “she said that…that I have made her happy…I deserved to receive her award…& to get ready…&…&…”
Ron: “And WHAT???”
Me: “And… she said that I was the greatest warrior here.”
Before anyone could react anything…the blue rock started to glow…its light started getting brighter… & then it shattered into pieces…
The bright light slowly fades away…& what came out put everyone in awe…but filled me with a familiar sense… a woman…unlike any other race we had know, came forth…a blue pendant hanging over her neck…she was dressed in a red gown with which complemented with her white & bright skin…she had red hair which reached her up to her knee’s… with emerald eyes… her lips red & thick… she had a look of a proper woman giving off a pleasant & yet a heavy aura…& her black tail which came under her gown & shot towards me. It was so fast that even with my buff…I could not move or defend myself. It tail wrapped itself on my waist, while everybody were still in awe I was pulled towards the mysterious lady. The tail was powerful…I could not resist its power. After a short moment, I realized…I was standing in front of her…she was smiling. While her emerald eyes looking at me…it felt like she could even see my soul…I felt a strong aura unlike anything…so pleasant…she was so beautiful. She parted her luscious lips & said in a powerful yet sweet voice.
“Hello…My Husband….”
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