《First》Ch. 34 Looking for answers
Using her capsule's outer shell as an uncomfortable temporary bed, Tia continued starring aimlessly at the ceiling. She did so while she enjoyed a sweet sucker in her mouth.
Her thumb's nail in her mouth, she nervously gnawed at its hard form while she thought over what she learned and what she could do.
The eight gods mentioned in those flyers aboard Avalon in great frequency, was the names of the 8 AI mainframes Nexcom could still no longer access.
Why were the AI's names showing up in First? Why so many times? They were questions she couldn't answer but greatly desired to. The answers to those questions could unravel everything since their existence went against the very foundation of First's creation.
The 8 AI mainframes were designed and given fail-safes to never interfere with First. Tia had come on after they were created but had still had the chance to review them, finding no fault.
Tia found it very hard to believe they had overcome this as they simply didn't have the physical capability to accomplish it. As they were crystal based, any alterations would of shattered their entire existence beyond and semblance of repair.
No, they were operating 'as intended.' But at the same time their names were being used while being said to hold power in First.
Tia was 99% sure these names within the guilds had nothing to do it's the 8 AI mainframes but then. But she was also sure the Ai mainframes could not enter First so why was she here?
There was only one path here, regardless of the truth behind the 8 gods of First, this was her only lead and she had to follow it.
Moving a little, Tia forgot where she was and abruptly fell off the capsule in a spectacular display of terrible motor skills. A few uncontrolled rolls later and her buttocks struck the ground with a hard smack.
It was unpleasant and to make it worse, Tia tried to grip her capsule for support and found it locked forcing her to fall again.
This was also unpleasant.
"Bear bear!"
"Capsule is locked until Tia's health improves. This cannot be overwritten, attempts to do so will require discipline as dictated from Nexcom."
Tia froze her line of thinking on how to get past bear bear. She had no intention of dealing with Nexcom security. Her child like body had literally gotten her spanked as they came to the conclusion that a child would not listen to reason, before they even tried it!
Biting her lip she fought her urge to tamper and went to clean up. She was letting herself go a bit, noticing her hair was akin to a wild bush and very greasy. That and she wasn't sure if she had changed clothes from yesterday.
She couldn't remember when she last had a meal either as her tiny tummy did a tiny growl.
Tia surrendered, bear bear was right.
Taking another sucker, she popped it in her mouth and left to find a ration dispenser.
Finding one, Tia made an order of noodle soup and watched as the noodles were pressed out over a wide area and cooked on the spot, falling into a disposable bowl. Afterwards a tasty broth with little bits of this and that were poured in.
It was supposed to be hot and sour noodle soup but with Tia and her sucker, became hot and sweet. For normal pallets, one might recommend not trying it.
Next was a bath, it wasn't her first choice of activity but was a definite part of healthy living.
Stripping down, Tia got a running start and jumped in. Her bath was allot larger than most and could be considered a pool. Diving down she could feel the cleaning agents scrapping away everything she had worked up. They opened her pores and fondled her hair until they acquired anything and everything that was undesirably sticking to the body. It was bad because one if looking from above would only see a dark cloud swimming around underwater. Such a phenomena meant she was long overdue for cleaning.
Tia couldn't help but laugh during the process as a ticklish sensation crept across all her nerves, forcing her to take a breath above the water. That part was unpleasant yet still so refreshing. After the black cloud went away, a white one came out to surround her. It gave a soothing sensation as it added essential nutrients to her skin and hair.
This was how the privileged cleaned themselves in the new age. Anyone outside Nexcom was told to take a shower or jump in a 15L bathtub.
Enjoying it for a bit longer after the white cloud had left, Tia eventually came out. She felt refreshed and ready to take on the world as a number of hot air streams twirled around her to dry her off.
All that was left was soaking her mouth in an oral hygiene solution and getting dressed. It was improper form to enter her capsule stark naked, she wasn't intending to be uncouth, just lazy health wise.
Her outfit was yoga attire, orange and black with a wide headband. It fit her well but more importantly was comfortable, the only consideration worth considering for Tia.
Returning to her capsule bear bear finally unlocked it and let her in.
Soon Tia was back in first. With a flash of light she was aboard the black scorpion.
It was now a great distance from the Avalon. The 3 instigators accompanying her that had been severely injured were not recovering aboard this ships medical ward.
Tia looked around. The resurrected house of Sakura's members were diligently performing their duties. They had been appearing one after another after like devoted men and women of faith, with Tia as their savior. It was to a point creepy but none he less effective in growing a large loyal force.
"Mistress of Sakura, reports from petal squad."
A man bowing his head kneeled before Tia and held up a crystal. It was a data crystal where an individual could store sounds and scenes via an imprint of mana.
Tia took it from the man's hand and channeled her own mana into the device in order to activate the retrieval process. It began to replay, then it began to play faster and faster. What could of been weeks, months or years played out in minutes as Tia starred at it with unblinking eyes. When she finished the crystal was red hot and had to be dropped, the man catching it with painful eyes before quickly wrapping it in the cloth he wore.
Tia closed her eyes as bear bear absorbed the information and began flagging areas of note.
Petal squad was one of the House's recon resources. They consisted of maybe a dozen or so men and women that made themselves available to Tia when she needed information. Their mission was to seek and inform, traveling terrain to acquire their knowledge. In a sense it made them scouts but they didn't have the skills to classify for the actual class.
Bear bear began displaying movie clips in Tia's vision by means of rows and columns. By focusing on one she was drawn into it and became a part of it, seeing what those that recorded it saw as they saw it. When she let her eyes blur, she was released and returned to the selection.
Tia scrutinized the information provided, making sure she understood everything thing the petal squad could inform her of. There was a considerable amount there, describing in detail the workings of one of the 8 guilds Tia, had seen advertised in great repetition aboard the Avalon.
The guild relating to Rhea had been nearby so Tia had focused her efforts on discovering what she could about it.
As a result of Petal squad's efforts, she found it to be a cult.
It was disturbing. Not so much in the sense that it was particularly damaging to the individuals involved, but because First had become like this. First being used for cult-like worship? It was pathetic and a giant slap in the face to its creators.
Tia sighed and rubbed her forehead. She did not want to get involved with these people but... She had to. Her self-set mission had been to search for clues of the AIs and the clues lead to the guilds.
Either way, the size of this situation was astronomical and though Tia doubted the AIs involvement, there was likely something going on. People in general were never known to get along across the world, it's why Nexcom had chosen to act with such force to pacify everyone. Like children told by their parents that they couldn't play with particular children, they kept trying to one-up or topple the other, endlessly incapable of getting along. If they weren't dropping bombs, they were attacking the market. The catastrophic destruction was usually unseen but it never slowed down or even stopped for a second. In a way Nexcom did the world a favor by giving them something in common, common fear of the biggest fish named Nexcom in the pond called Earth.
Now for so many to suddenly get along and worship virtual gods? It was beyond suspicious, it was preposterous.
The guild using the name of Rhea for their recruitment and identity's backing was called Air Raid. They had no common goal or purpose, just existed in great numbers that were never used. Numerically they were one of the 8 largest guilds but were never seen using their numbers, not even in ceremonies typical of cults. It's just that when asked, members said they believed in Rhea.
Running the guild were the self-proclaimed 'prophets.' Their 'divinations' showed the way for its members to find great things in First while warning of danger.
Thinking about it Tia considered a possibility. A combination of classes that included skills in scrying and fate manipulation might give them that power. Fate manipulation being an extremely advanced skill at the end of religious themed classes that wasn't always available to everyone. Those skills would allow future events generated in first to be observed and while being observed changed, hence their names.
Tia didn't think anyone had the skill Fate manipulation, no one should of had the time to complete the class to that extent so that brought her back to square one.
Shaking her head, Tia made a command with her eyes and finger to move seeing that her speculation was going in circles. No one around her had taken their eyes off of her. The house of Sakura was a cult in its own right as well.
Looking out from the black scorpion, Tia could see Air Raid's Guild headquarters. It was a small mountain hovering a few meters off the ground, while dug out to support an aesthetically pleasing structure that extended out its side. The mountain was also covered in holes, a huge number of possible entrances suggesting what was in the structure was only a fraction of its potential.
Tia, while nodding to someone, sent the ship in a fast descent and landed near the mountain's exterior. With another nod she sent the ship into high orbit after exiting.
She was immediately greeted by a number of people gathering after seeing her approach.
One in particular came out from the rest to great her.
He was of the warrior class, having large green and red scimitars dangling at his waste with a body that was built and durable. The man looked capable of giving any Swedish body builder a leg sweep to their ego.
Bear bear came into play and began scripting what Tia should say. Social educate was a science at its core and bear bear was more than adequate to handle its proceedings. When it came time for Tia to ask questions, she would take charge.
The man began to speak, "Welcome to Air Raid, you have given us quite the spectacle upon your arrival, may I ask the nature of your visit?"
"I apologize for the abrupt arrival and any inconveniences it may have caused. My only wish at the moment is an audience with your guild leader. You may call me Tia."
"The guild leader? I'm sorry you had to come all this way but I cannot allow that Tia and I'm Fib by the way. Nice to meet you."
"Why is that?"
"The guild leader will only meet with strong players. His work is demanding and laying it down requires a strong reason to. Only those who have shown themselves worthy will have the chance to meet him."
"And how is it one proves their strength?"
"I'm sorry Tia but I can tell from a glance you are too young to be considered strong. Perhaps you would like to join our guild and follow Rhea."
"Yes, she is our God. With her guidance we are becoming strong.
Perhaps you would be interested in joining our junior division? While you believe in Rhea, many good things will come your way."
"Do you know anymore?"
"Our guild prophets commune with the divine Rhea and produce a guild board full of tasks that are of high quality."
"How are they able to do this?"
"I can't say for I do not know. All I can add is my thanks to them for I am what I am today because of their help.
This was a dead end for Tia, she needed to go higher up.
"That's unfortunate. It gives me more reason to talk to your guild leader though. Is there not a way to meet him or her?"
"There is but I cannot permit such a young lady as yourself to take it."
"What is it?"
"You must defeat me."
"Is that all?"
"Is that all? IS THAT ALL?!? You cheeky brat, I'll have you know that I am an elite of the Air Raid guild."
"Hmm, well I am ask for a duel regardless. I wish to meet your guild leader."
"Kid, you might not be courting death but are courting something close to it. If you have no interest in joining the guild as a junior, I'd ask you to leave."
"I refuse. Will you not fight me?"
At those words there were whispers all around. It seemed Fib was obligated to accept any request of this nature and there was much gossip about its possible outcome.
"So be it. I Fib of Air Raid declare combat against the individual known as Tia. Warnings have been given and no one shall interfere for either side until there is a winner. The winner shall be declared when one yields or dies. Tia, this is your last chance to walk away or will you continue."
"I accept the challenge."
"Then walk to me, match your back to mine and walk forward 10 paces, you may then attack when I yell fight."
Tia nodded and prepared herself as asked.
"Fight!" Fib bellowed.
Tia turned around and ended the match in a single move.
As a nightwitch, one of Tia's many abilities included telekinesis. As of now she had gripped the large man, lifted him into the air and brought the scimitars he was holding in his hands to his throat.
"Please yield." Tia replied.
"Not. Yet."
Tia had to let go of the man as he struggled. Had she not, she may have accidentally loped his head instead threatening him with his scimitars. And if she just held him there, the match was unlikely to end.
There was a reason to not to kill Fib. It would leave a terrible first impression to gain an audience through murder and showing she had the power to choose, further improved her appearance.
Staying still for a moment, Tia traced her lips with her index finger in turn making them a cherry blossom pink. Then taking out a blade from her back she kissed it, coloring it entirely the same shade and hue.
Anyone could now tell Tia was dangerous now. The blade she held was leaking an ability that charmed the opponent and sharpened the blade.
Under telekinesis and charm, Fib was made helpless as Tia approached and struck each scimitar, knocking them from his hands.
Next gravity magic was invoked, driving him to his knees. For Fib it would of been like walking the ocean's depths.
In his kneeling position, where his arms were left motionless and point straight to the ground, Tia forced his head back to reveal his entire neck.
Bringing her own blade to his neck she repeated in a much less friendly tone, "Please. Yield."
"I yield," Fib replied instantly, fear clearly in his voice.
Tia released the magics and Fib toppled to the ground like an old sack of potatoes. The magics used were very hard on the body, not even organs would be sparred as they were both ones that could be applied to all the cells in the body together.
"Please take me to your guild leader."
"Y-yes, ri-right away" Fib replied, collecting himself with great effort between deep breaths. He was having a hard understanding what had just happened, how was this little girl so strong?!?
Finally Tia was lead through the crowd and under the floating mountain. Eventually they found a blue teleport array and were whisked away inside.
Some doors and more teleports and Tia found herself in the structure portion she had seen before, looking out windows high in the sky.
When she was stopped at the end of a windowed hall, Fib knocked and two large marble carved with immaculate designs opened.
Standing to the side of the room, Tia could see the guild leader busy working on something at a table but that wasn't what interested her for what was in the middle of the room scarred her.
In the middle of the room was a divine spark, which was what Gaia would use to portray one of the eight 'gods' of First.
Tia fell to her knees in disbelief, she did not know how or why but it was clear that the eight AIs had gotten into First.
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For ages, the Great Tree was content to simply bask in the sun and feed on the earth, but then one day, it saves a young child's life when she was being pursued by a bandit. Henceforth worshiped as a God by the girl’s village, the Great Tree must protect his newfound followers from a multitude of threats, and in doing so unearths not only ancient secrets about the world it calls home, but also learns more about its own true nature.
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my devil twin | [HIATUS]
"Сaйн сонс, усан толгойт минь. Өчигдөр чирч ирсэн хүүхэн чинь явж ч амжаагүй байхад яаж халтар найзуудаа гэрт авчрахыг бодож байна аа. Би чиний охидыг үсдэж чадах ч хөвгүүдийн зодоон мэдэхгүй тэнэг минь. Би чамд болон өнөөх халтруудад чинь хоол өгөхгүй бас ирж байгаа бол наад өгзгөө чирээд өөр нэг найзынхаа гэр лүү ЗАЙЛ."Хоёр секундын зайтай төрсөн ихэр эгч минь утсыг спикер дээр нь тавьсаныг ч мэдэлгүй хөөрхийлөлтэй найзуудыг минь орилон харааж байхад би найзуудыгаа шоолсоор машинаа грашиндаа тавьж байлаа.Started: 20.05.01Edited: 22.04.11Ended: Credits to Taemu-
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