《Peerless Hegemon [OLD]》22. Aberration


The moon hanged low.

It was as beautiful as a million shining gems, yet under its radiance was the tarnished land drenched in blood by thousands of lost souls.

In some beautiful garden, blood flowed without end. Servants watched in horror, but none moved for they were all frozen in fear.

A man was on his knees with fear apparent in his eyes and wet pants as he pleaded the woman before him for mercy.

The woman in front of him had long black hair that stretched down to her waist, it was not tied, yet it stayed where it’s meant to stay. Her eyes observed the tears flow out of the being before her, she was neither sneering nor laughing at his plight, she simply watched him for the sake of observation.

In front of her was a floating purple Zither which her fingers slowly gravitated towards.

“Mercy, please, I do not know what is happening my Father orchestrated this, he wanted me for, wait, no, please, don't —"

The man pleaded but the lady merely touched the string—


The young man clawed the ground trying to get away, but even then, his end was only a matter of time, “No, no, noOOOOOOOOOOO!”

With the hum from the Zither and the man’s cries, an ensemble formed.

It was a grotesque ending to a performance.

The lady turned to the servants, and as she blinked then turned her back to them before walking out of the garden.

The Zither flowed to her embrace and then she began walking away with bare feet, she exited the premises with her blood-stained soles causing a pitter-patter rhythmically echoing through the distance.

A blood trail formed as a young woman’s steps continued. With a passive expression, she resumed her journey not caring that she just killed hundreds of people and destroyed a Sect without so much as breaking a sweat.

"Kiel Zarte, I will soon meet you..." with a cold tone, she spoke as she hummed while holding onto the purple Zither.

Her footsteps soon left.


“The Dragon-Soaring Sect’s destruction and its leader’s death has been confirmed. It appears Lord Saber really was going to hunt for the perpetrator. I guess old Liu was not speaking crazily again after all.”

“Is that really true?”

“If it isn’t, then the Blood Dragon Sect would have tried to cover it. But as there were too many witnesses involved, they are doing their best to find the perpetrator and save face.”

“But who could have done such a thing?”

“Who knows, but everyone from the Tiger Flower Town said that it was a woman with a purple Zither whose a beauty that is out of this world... they say that her cold gaze can make even the toughest of men feel weak to the knees.”

"Where did you ever heard that?"

"My brother, his lover is a maid sent to the Dragon-Soaring Sect three months ago seeking employment through Lord Saber's recommendation. The Lord sent her there because they needed help, and to give her a chance for better pay, but the lass was traumatized."

"Oh, where is she now? Is that why Tarpio went to the Tiger Flower Town two weeks ago?"

"Yeah, the poor lass was traumatized. Tarpio picked her up and he is now taking care of her while tending to the Silver Inn."

Kiel listened to two drinking buddies' words while waiting for his dumplings.

Wearing a deep-blue colored scholarly while sitting on an outside table alone with an uncharacteristic smile.


He was an eye-catching existence thanks to his good looks and pleasant smile.

By his side was freshly grounded ink and in his hand was a brush pen and a piece of paper. He quietly wrote some symbols that meant nothing to others while listening to others so he could gather information and learn about the movements of some powers.

“Sir, here are your orders.” A young lady came to him and gave Kiel a plate full of dumplings.

“Thank you.” Kiel smiled gathering even more attention from women who mysteriously always passed by, 'This road is really popular to women, I see. Is there a boutique nearby?' Kiel thought to himself.

Kiel proceeded to eat dumplings, but his free hands didn’t stop moving. He carefully wrote runes while keeping in mind what kind of formation he could create using a particular rune as the center.

‘My runes still work. The [Spirit Connection] still exists so I do not have to worry about creating [Manifestations]. It is useable in combat.’

Out of curiosity, the young lady looked over Kiel’s shoulder and saw the symbols, she tilted her head as she failed to make out any of them. Noticing her prying eyes, Kiel turned to her and asked, “Do you have a question, young lady?”

“…ah, no, my apologies, for I had something so disrespectful.”

Kiel shook his head, “Do not be sorry, young one. If you have questions, I see it as my obligations to enlighten anyone who has questions for me.” he then laughed.

The young lady saw his bright smile and was enamored, that pleasant smile of his managed to put her at ease so, she asked, “The symbols, I was wondering about the symbols that you wrote. Are they words from another region?”

Kiel moved the symbol he drew to the side so the young lady would be able to see it, “You can say that it is a language of its own but it is not home to any particular region as these symbols are used by cultivators who walk the path of [Spirit Creation] or [Spirit Formation], As for its name, it is referred to as [Runes].”

“Runes, that sounds familiar… oh, you mean that wavy lines [Rune Scholars] study… wait, does that mean sir customer is an esteem Rune Scholar!? Dear me, please forgive me for being so blasphemous as to waste your time.”

Kiel watched the young lady lower her head to apologize.

The people around them all turned their attention to him, they too did not expect Kiel to be what he claimed himself to be. Even the two drinkers stopped their conversation to observe Kiel. Murmurs even started.

Taking note of this, Kiel momentarily squinted his eyes, before returning to a simple gaze, “Please, do not lower your head. Being a Rune Scholar is nothing special, please lift your head. As I said, it is my job to enlighten others.”

“Tha-thank you for your compassion.” The young lady was fidgeting still while standing before Kiel.

‘So, Rune Scholars are viewed with much higher esteem compared to before. Are they rarer now? Is it because it is now harder for them to grasp the Spirit Energy now that there is no longer a Spirit World?’

Kiel then noticed the young lady fidgeting about. She was uncomfortable with the situation.

While Kiel was in deep thought, 'But considering her reaction, it could also mean she's afraid of me... are we also seen in a bad light? There is no repulsion, so I supposed I am in the clear? I need to tread lightly.'


“Sigh... young lady now that I have answered your question, why not return the favor by telling me about this Dragon-Soaring Sect and the incident that happened last night. I am quite interested in it.”

"Ah, ye-yes, sir, it would be my pleasure." The young lady's face visually brightened.

“The Dragon-Soaring Sect is a power situated in Tiger Flower Town that’s southwest of our Rose Town. The Sect is the Hegemon controlling the Town, its Sect Master was the Town Lord and is the brother of our very own Dragon Blood Sect’s Leader.

“Two weeks ago, news of his brother’s death arrived two weeks ago and was just confirmed. The lady killed every man in the Sect, it was said she left soon after and is heading to Lily Town for some reason so, Lord Saber brought his men out to search for the woman and seek vengeance for his kin. They left a week ago, so it’s not as chaotic now...”

Kiel nodded his head, “I see, that is enlightening. Thank you for informing me, ah, I must now take my leave, but can I make another order to leave?”

“Ah, yes.” This exchange lightened up the young lady’s heart before going to place his order.

He silently processed all the information he gathered. He left Lily Town a week ago and a half ago then arrived here earlier today. He did not encounter anyone because he avoided the main road so he in the clear.

‘I managed to wipe my tracks so I doubt she’ll be able to find me… the Tigers should be smart enough to run if they need to.’

Under in deep thought, Kiel’s façade showed cracks as his smile vanished into thin air. A cold air formed around him as he failed to control his face.

'But I still have to think of a method to escape and even kill such people... I need to be really thorough with circumstantial evens. I am no longer the strongest being in this Universe. I can no longer destroy continents with a single palm strike.'

Kiel's eyes grew more insidious by the second, traps, schemes, and dirty tactics, everything that could be used against other beings entered his mind. His gaze was laced with the most potent of all venom, killing intent.

“Bastard! Do you have something to say!? Who are you to glare at me like that!?”

The bright and kind scholar act momentarily disappeared but then, Kiel was woken up as someone called out to him in anger.

His eyes returned to being gentle as he caught sight of the one who called out to him. It was a young man whose clothing made him seem one who walked the life of a rich noble.

By his side seemed to be an adviser of sorts. It was a young man wearing a scholar’s robes, and behind them were two guards around Half-Step True Spirit Cultivators.

On his waist was a sword but his foothold was flimsy. Kiel made a quick calculation in his head and deemed him killable and that goes for the guards hiding in the shadows.

However, instead of making trouble for himself, Kiel stood up with elegance. He cupped his hands and apologized, “I would like to seek for forgiveness, as a Rune Scholar, it is of great shame that I show such a face, but as I have received enlightenment, I pursued it and unknowingly showed such offensive sigh to this Young Noble without me noticing.”

The Young Noble snorted at Kiel, he wanted to take a step forward and say something, but then, the adviser looking fellow held onto his shoulders. The adviser moved close to the young noble’s ears and who face turned as white as paper.

The Young Noble once more turned to Kiel, his expression mellower than before, “Haha, I see, it was nothing but a misunderstanding.” The young noble apologized as well.

The Young Noble grew nervous and began sweating profusely, the scholar by his side stepped up for the assist. The Scholar had a smile on his face. Cupping his fist with his palms, he bowed, asking, “Honorable Rune Scholar, my name is Iren, my Young Master Talio have been on edge since his father, Lord Saber had just left to avenge his brother. To make amends for this misunderstanding, would you like to eat with us for lunch.”

Kiel looked at Iren, his eyes told him he truly wanted to make amends with what he had done. Kiel, however, lowered his head, “It is a shame but I have just eaten and already placed an order to go. I should be leaving this town soon, but thank you for the offer. Also, I was in the wrong as I let such a sight be shown to others.”

“…I see, that is indeed a shame, please, do take care on your way. There’s trouble brewing in our region, after all.” Iren turned to left but stopped and returned his attention to Kiel, “Oh, I would like to ask if sir Rune Scholar would be going to the [Seven Stars Examination] and get his license?”

The corner of Kiel’s eyes twitched but he made sure not to comment on his reactions too much, “I have no plans to head there as I wish to meet with a student of mine before the end of the year.”

“Is that so, well I just wish our path may intersect once again.”

“I too hope so as well.” Kiel agreed.

Iren, together with the Young Noble left with a crooked smile. Kiel observed them and then noticed the number of people looking at him weirdly. They all had smiles but he didn’t know why.

Were they judging him for not taking a stance in what he had done? Were they staring at him with contempt because he apologized and avoided trouble instead of acting down to the opposition’s level and went to kill everyone he could kill?

Kiel… did not care for he was in the wrong. Their reaction was very much well understood.

'I failed to control myself again... having emotions is making it hard to control my killing intent. But that Young Scholar managed to control the situation quite well, considering the scent of Spiritual Ink on him, he must be a low-skilled Rune Scholar. It is good to know that Rune Scholars are not detestable people.'

Kiel was glad he did not have to fear using being a Rune Scholar as a front.

Returning to his seat, Kiel went back to reviewing his Runes, until his dumplings arrived and he left after thanking the young lady.

His steps were silent and didn’t feel real and before long. Kiel left for the nearby Bamboo Forest.

'I need to get the key and doors ready... hmm?'

Kiel was just about to enter the forest calmly, but then, his eyes turned sharp and he stopped.

‘Seven… two are familiar, the rest are not.’ He looked behind him where the town was and then shook his head. He darted forward, as he rushed into the Bamboo Forest.

His footsteps were as fleeting as clouds and as his figure left its hold, seven shadows then passed by in great haste.

Six followed Kiel inside the Bamboo Forest and another remained outside.

A young man wearing scholarly clothing stood just before the Bamboo Forest's entrance. He had a smile plastered on his face as he looked into the distance admiring the speed which Kiel showed.

“It appears I was correct, for a fraud such as he to get the best of me, Iren of the Silver Brush, it would appear that I am in need of tempering.”

It was Iren who asked Kiel to join for lunch. He had a smile on his face and had gone here to dispose of the fraud that was Kiel.

He had actually believed Kiel until a few minutes after they left each other’s sight did he realized that Kiel was a fraud and not an actual Rune Scholar. He knew of his mistake after seeing the scribbles he dare called Runes.

“Flaunting a front, he cannot uphold to gain recognition and respect, those are the kind of person I hate the most… it would be best to rid of such person before he starts scamming someone to be his students and lead others astray. I cannot have Rune Scholars be defame because of one fraud once more.”

Iren of the Silver Brush was an honest young man employed by the Dragon Blood Sect to teach its First Young Master the way of Rune Scholars who showed talent.

He was a teacher and an aspiring Single-Star Rune Scholar who wishes to raise his star in the upcoming Examination at the end of the year.

Oftentimes he does not mind others and only deals with his own problems.

However, he takes pride in being a Rune Scholar and seeing someone desecrate his profession made his blood boil. Being a Rune Scholar carries a lot of weight and responsibilities and he does not want the views of his people being tarnished.

Thus, was the reason for his anger towards Kiel who dare flaunt such a front. Iren had encountered such frauds before, and now, he wanted nothing more than end this and cull such a person out of this world.

“How admirable, for you to care for others so much is truly something I envy.”

Iren was just about to head into the bamboo forest and search for the bastard when a voice entered his ears. The voice belonged to none other than Kiel who he had met earlier, his voice as gentle as it was before. But Iren would no longer be tricked as something sharp and pointed was pressed against his back.

“So, you’ve shown your true colors? How are you here? I could have sworn that I saw you went deeper into the forest to hide. How did you get behind me?” Iren asked with a laugh.

“You are correct, but right before you entered, I left tracks heading deeper by moving the bamboos aside using Spirit Energy while I snuck to the side and wait for your people to pass me by. I then simply circled and went back here. Though I did not expect to see you here, alone.” Kiel explained calmly.

“Do you not know that it is of great disrespect to impersonate a Rune Scholar? Do you know what will happen to you if you are to be exposed?” Iren asked while his hands carefully moving towards his sleeves.

He wishes to get his hands on the brush he had with him.

However, the bamboo roots raised the ground and moved up as if they were alive. They then grabbed hold of both Iren's wrists, stopping his movements further, dragging him down to his knees.

It was painful, but to Iren, it didn’t matter for what was more important was the fact the roots were actually infused with life and were being controlled.

Iren grew silent, his groan being the only sound coming from him. Kiel then spoke, “You fear that I am a fraud, is this enough proof?”

Iren ignored how he looked and listened to Kiel’s words. Taking a closer look, Iren’s eyes widened as he saw runes etched on the root’s surface.

“These are… ho—how? You didn’t even touch them!? Wait, are these, Ethereal Runes? Ho-How can this be? The-Then, a-are you—” epiphany dawn upon Iren, stuttering, words eventually failed to come out of his mouth.

Kiel’s said nothing and had the roots retreat back into the dirt. Iren was freed but instead of joy, only disappointment and shame could be found on his face.

It was not that he realized the awakening to a new sexual pleasure, he was simply disappointed that the Runes disappeared.

Iren turned around and saw Kiel looking down upon him. There was no pointed object to be found and seeing the bangle hanging on his wrist, Iren put them together and found Kiel to be even more mysterious yet believable at the same time.

Kiel then spoke, “I do not wish to kill anyone, and I have already shown you of my legitimacy. However, if you are to wish and thing otherwise, I will not back off and end everyone here including you and the six others who disturbed my peace. I do not want blood; I only wish to be left alone. Unless you do not believe my words?”

With words getting colder with every word being uttered, Iren felt his heart was in trepidation.

Knocking his head on the ground, Iren apologized with a bleeding forehead, “Please forgive this lowly one for not seeing your greatness and the magnanimity you have shown me and my student earlier. For someone like I to doubt your skills because of speculations I formed, I have wronged you. Please, punish this pitiful practitioner as you see fit.”

"I did not show magnanimity, I apologized because I was in the wrong, nothing more."

"How could I have so much hubris for thinking I could grasp your intent, once again, I apologize, please, take my life as compensation for my mistake!"

Kiel shook his head, he did not like such a person, “I see, then your punishment shall be you, reclaiming my peace and forgetting you have seen my face and skills, forbid your people from seeking me out for I have limited patience in dealing with people who seek me out for connection and forgiveness. I am only so patient with you because you made your move against me to protect our dignity as Rune Scholars against dubious Rune Scholars. However, I cannot say that I will act the same with the others.”

Iren actually wished to ask Kiel for guidance once this was over, however, hearing his words, he found his impertinence damning. He raised his head and agreed with his terms, “I understand, I shall forbid anyone from seeking you out.”

“Then, that is good.” Kiel was just about to leave but seeing Iren gnashing his teeth from the frustration he had with himself for seeking out Kiel. It was not a matter of pride, but even if it was, the only person Iren should be angered with was himself for reading too much into things.

Kiel shook his head, “I shall take my leave, but before I do, I will give you a piece of advice. Stagnation starts with their place of self, a rooted tree may grow in a pot, but only when its roots are freed from such confines and set a foothold onto the vast earth will it have the chance to touch the skies. If you want to temper iron to become steel, one cannot hit the same location throughout the process or it will result in breakage and impurity.”

'He should be smart enough to get my words, right? Well, this should get him out of this place.' Kiel did not want Iren who saw his skills roaming about carrying his knowledge in his head. He couldn't kill him as well as it would only create more trouble and attention to him so this was his only way to drive him away.

With these words, Kiel let out a sliver of killing intent and left. The people who entered the forest quickly returned in response to the killing intent. They found no one at the entrance of the Bamboo Forest other than Iren, who was on his knees kowtowing to nothing.

Iren was not apologizing but thanking a teacher who left him such an important lesson.

'Leave and temper myself to grow... the mysterious master actually gave me such valuable teaching despite everything I have done... it appears his words I truly am in need of much tempering and seek the world in hopes of finding the skies and the ceiling of my abilities.' Iren managed to interpret his words.

When Iren raised his head, he looked at the men and said, “I almost got everyone in the Sect killed because of my shortsightedness. The man we pursued was someone beyond my, or anyone’s level of skill, I doubt the Mountain Master of the Celestial Phoenix Mountain can match him, so I must warn you to stop seeking him out — I am quitting as Jire’s teacher, I am simply unqualified.”

A day later, Iren would leave the Town thanks to Kiel’s words to actively search for a connection with the world. When asked by the Sect, Iren said, “I am unqualified… and be warned, the bamboo forest is now the den of a Tiger, enter it for no reason and I doubt the Celestial Phoenix Mountain can save you.”

All the while such a thing happened, Kiel had already left the bamboo forest for some nameless forest where he carved out the side of a mountain using his spear.

With steady steps, Kiel went to find a suitable boulder to become his door and went back to the cave. Cutting his index finger, he used his blood as ink to draw Runes and create a simple formation to conceal his Spirit Energy.

Kiel used 30 Runes at the Boulder.

Runes appeared and as they glowed, blood flowed out of his nose while his eyes turned bloodshot. He was in pain. This was not the effect of drawing Runes using blood but with using Ethereal Runes earlier.

“It seems I overextended too much trying to chase the young man away.” What Kiel had done was called the Ethereal Runes and it was far beyond what he could do.

Ethereal Runes were used to manipulate the living which was an impossible task, but Kiel used it on the bamboo roots.

The roots may not be sentient but they were alive nonetheless and that took a toll on him.

What he did was nothing special but mere light tricks used by Masters to attract unknowing youths to their ranks. The roots could only show a burst of strength in the first few seconds but after that, there would be nothing, Kiel used that so that Iren would get off his back.

He could kill all of his trackers, but that would result in a fight so, again, he didn’t do anything excessive. And by using Iren, he managed to clear his name and have others leave him alone in fear of his retaliation.

Though the price came with him experiencing some light backlash. It was painful, but it was nothing serious.

Why fight when it’s not needed? He merely needed to show understanding, why pursue anything further? Kiel could fight, but he also needs to stay low and that’s what he did. He was not some braindead idiot that would use strength to solve everything.

The inherited pool of Universal History of the previous reality let Kiel review the lives of so many fools claiming to lay low and then end up fighting others for dominance.

More often than not, because of their “pride”, they could not even let an arrogant idiot get the better of them and end up doing what the arrogant side was doing throwing their weight all over the place. They would then have another fight they would need to lay low from while the other still looms over them.

For Kiel who wishes to learn from others, it was disheartening to know that one must become an idiot to become emotional. Someone who lost their rationality just to preserve face. What is face? Can you eat it? No, so Kiel chose not to copy such people.

‘So many so-called “heroes” claims to promote peace and not causing a trouble, yet a single time someone raises their tone against them results in a fight then they will later blame it on the other side… I am lucky to learn from their mistakes.’

Kiel could fight without provocation if needed, but he would not fight even if provoked if the situation told him not to. Self-control was key to achieving these.

Proceeding to close his cave, there was only darkness in the cave.

In the dark, Kiel brought out his spear that hummed in delight.

Grasping the range and space inside, Kiel moved his spear for three whole days, only taking breaks every twelve hours to eat and rest.

His training began.

On the first three days, he managed to grasp the feel of the world through the soles of his feet. His eyes grew accustomed to the dark and as he saw marks on the cave's surface, he shook his head in disappointment.

‘My intent is leaking; I must first contain it to regain my previous ways.’

Kiel spent another five days, his food already had depleted two days ago. However, at this time, he no longer needed such luxury.

He poured everything into his spear, regaining his sense of self through his bloodied past, yet changing it to suit himself. His eyes grew sharper, but even that was abandoned as he closed his eyes.

‘I am bound to abandon my eyes… I must grow accustomed to this.’ Kiel’s movements sped up, his muscles screaming and his bones creaking, and as his body finally collapsed, with his bones snapping in two, Kiel finally managed to retrieve himself.

Retrieving the feeling of the spear, he extended his body to his weapon and then had his spear integrate with the world creating an enclosed domain around him.

He plopped down as both legs were destroyed; his arms suffered the same fate. He groaned in pain but forced himself up nonetheless. With the spear by his side, Kiel began meditating.

The reforging of the body began. Kiel was not refining his body but simply healing it. Mist escaped Kiel's mouth and as he opened his eyes to observe his surroundings, there were no more added spear marks.

“How long have I stayed here?”

“Two months… it is the thirteenth month, and approximately 86 days before the End of the year.”

After the Ouroboros answered, Kiel, sighed, he stood up after finding his core. He looked around and moved his spear with ease.

'Start with something simple.'

He carved a simple Rune on the ceiling using the spear and had a light shine down upon him.

Kiel regained his lost ability to carve Runes using the spear. This method was used by most Rune Scholars who specialize in combat. But that was just a test, it was not time to start with the real challenge.

'Let us begin.’ Kiel’s spear moved with elegance, fluid like a calm rive and before long, a total of 124 Runes were carved, “This is my limit.”

With his cultivation, it would be impossible to etch even 30 of these Runes, but using his soul, Kiel managed to push himself to the limit. He avoided any backlash.

Souls were not used for combat, because it’s an auxiliary tool for cultivators to supply oneself with necessary energy.

The 124 Runes glowed a bright silver and Spirit Energy poured in the enclosed cave. Dense Spirit Energy came in, it wasn't pure as Kiel did not bother placing any purification formation, but it was enough for him.

With this, Kiel built a makeshift [Spirit Cultivation Chamber]; it should last him for about two months until the stone surface the Runes had been etched on crumbles.

The concentration of Spirit Energy granted Kiel a suitable environment to cultivate. He did not even have to use the Spirit Stones.

Kiel closed his eyes, his breathing, stable, and his mind clear. He began meditation, “I shall finish this in a month.”

In fear of being given away and having to leave his family's side for resources, Kiel did not cultivate. But, now, he decided to take a step forward.

Kiel’s open pores accepted the downpour of Spirit Energy. Kiel collected the energy; it was a tedious task but he did it without complaints. His own Spirit Energy and bodily state functioned as the filter for the impure Spirit Energy and as his energy peaked, the Ouroboros roared before Kiel could do anything.

The Spirit Energy inside his body coalesced and circulated in paths he didn't know existed.

Above Kiel’s head, the ethereal figure of a black serpent biting its own tail appeared.

"I can only show it to you for a few seconds else you will go blind."

"I understand... I am ready."

When Kiel opened his eyes, his black pupils were silver, and his scleras were as black as the night sky. With the assistance from the Ouroboros, the Universe that exists because of him showed itself, the domains outside of a Mortal’s conception laid bare before him.

A split second passed and Kiel already shed a tear made of blood. Pain surfaced his head hurt so much he was going to ass out, but to keep himself awake, Kiel moved his hands and stabbed his thumbs to his left shoulders.

“I have seen them all… I have grasped their location and entrance… stop!”

The Ouroboros circled around his head and with a roar that reached the world beyond the Mortal Plane of existence was recorded and the serpent descended into the body of its incarnation.

Kiel felt his body burning, his chest hurt but he did not care and he wanted nothing more than to gouge his eyes out.

"Pass out now and I will not be able to complete it, do anything and hold out. I will—"

"Just do it!"

The heat became his nourishment.

A compacted bead formed in the space at the center of the Ouroboros' body. The bead was a chaotic mess, it was grey in color, but it soon changed to several hues as time passed by.

Kiel coughed out litters of blood as he began crying tears of blood. His body convulsed and then he eventually collapsed.

But he kept his consciousness as he jabbed another finger to his other shoulder.

"Your body is rejecting the bead. This was not supposed to be created in the first place and was not supposed to be housed in a Mortal fleshy cage... Ye Feng, the last burst is about to begin, survive this, and I can force it to become a Beast Core!"

"Do...it!" he said as he coughed out more blood. His internal organs had already passed is just damaged. If not for Kiel's twenty years long refinement, his flesh would have already exploded into a bloody mess.

The Ouroboros forced the otherwordly and spirit energy to become a multi-colored bead.

A storm appeared inside of Kiel and only after minutes of pure torment did the Ouroboros spoke, “I finished crafting it, prepare yourself, Ye Feng… the second one is about to begin.”

Kiel nodded his head while gritting his teeth.

The energy inside Kiel’s body coalesced once more and with the help of the Ouroboros, a hallowed sphere was formed within him.

Then, BOOM!

A Universe the size of an adult’s fist was birthed below his abdomen.

With this explosion, his skin finally lost and blood spurted out everywhere. Kiel lost a lot of blood, but the pain kept his consciousness intact. He survived the ordeal.

This universe was compacted inside something called the [Hallowed Spirit Bead].and as for the multi-colored sphere, it was something no human should have, a [Beast Core].

The serpent entered the Hallowed Spirit Bead with the Beast Core without so much as a problem!

The Beast Core was something only a beast at the True Spirit Realm and above should have. It was different from a human's Hallowed Spirit Bead that houses a world for their Soul-Beast.

The Beast Core was their source of power, bloodline, and an innate connection with the World. Any Spirit Devourer cannot have a Beast Core, the reason why they create a Hallowed Spirit Bead was to imitate its effect using a Soul-Beast, they too wanted a connection to grow stronger.

But now, Kiel had both, it was unprecedented indeed. He was no beast because he had a Hallowed Spirit World, but he was also no Spirit Devourer because he had a Beast Core... Kiel had become an Aberration.

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