《Peerless Hegemon [OLD]》21. Leaving the Town


‘I am still alive, so that would mean no one came to me when I was asleep… there is no follow-up assassination, they were sure of my death.’

Kiel's eyes showed a bright light, 'I need to leave this place.'

A single day, that's all that he has.

Kiel has killed people from the enemy's camp, though they instigated the aggression, the ones behind them would still retaliate.

‘I’ll escape before sunset. But first, I need to make suitable preparations. I have too limited of a time.’

He stood up and rummaged around the house. Searching for valuables that others might take an interest in, he spread his senses and sought out anything that radiated energy.

With the help of the Dimensional Bangle, he kept all of it without a problem.

That was the first time he opened the Dimensional Bangle.

Inside, he found something that took him by surprise.

‘Oh…’ Inside the Dimensional Bangle, he saw four items left by his parents: a letter, a pile of spirit stones, a Soul-Beast, and a single pill.

He knew what the spirit stones and Soul-Beast were about, but the letter and pill were a complete mystery to him.

Kiel wanted to open this letter before leaving, but he knew that it might stifle his progress thus left it for later.

He now knew how much emotion gets in the way of things.

'I must not drown in my emotions.'

“You have grown.” The Ouroboros praised.

“Ouroboros, I need your help. I need the essence you speak of all those years ago.” Kiel abruptly asked.

“Do you mean the remnant? You do remember that it has no effect on you and is limited, correct?” the Ouroboros said, confused by his abrupt request.

“I know, but it is necessary.”

“…I shall make preparation. But make sure to not waste this gift, only seven of it exist in the Universe, even I will not be able to create them another time.”

"I only need one of it and it does not matter if it is complete or not."

"I'll prepare one, do not worry. But once taken out, it cannot be reversed, so you must keep it hidden in the Dimensional Bangle. But even that Bangle will only last for so long before being destroyed."

Kiel nodded his head thanked the Ouroboros before heading to the storage room that had not been opened for years.

Opening the storage, there was nothing there other than a single crimson spear that hummed in aggression against Kiel.

Kiel had seen this spear only ones when he checked to see if this room needed cleaning. It was left here by his parents, though he did not know why they specifically left the spear.

‘Did they see me practice my spear skills?’ he asked himself but didn’t really care.

When he found this spear, he didn't really pay it any attention and left it there in storage to rot.

He actually forgot about this tool because the room was spotless then. He didn't need an actual spear then anyway.

He closed his eyes and confirmed that there were runes etched under the floorboards, ‘It is too messy to have been a [Rune Scholar].’ He thought to himself as he opened his eyes.

A Rune Scholar was one of three jobs he mastered in the past. It was a useful profession he used to earn money when he was at the Righteous Path, which said no to plundering.

He didn't think he'd be using his skills so early but it was a nice reminder.


Now that he regained the use of Spirit Energy, Kiel now had access to a lot of his previous arsenal. That was to say, he now had a plethora of ways to kill his enemies.

‘That’s enough for now.’ He said as he shook his head.

Kiel approached the spear and it let sent out a wave of sharp energy. The floor and walls were all scratched, yet it failed to touch Kiel.

Looking at it with a cold expression, Kiel was now just a step away from it, “Rot or be used by me? Give me an answer.”

The space around him seemed to bend from the thick Spear Energy. Now that he’s a cultivator, he could already use the Fifth Mastery of the Spear, [Domain].

The Crimson Spear dared not retaliate after sensing Kiel’s pressure. It knew its own energy would be destroyed if it dared go against him. It didn’t know how this human gained such potent Energy but that didn’t matter for this human was more than worthy to become its wielder.

The Spear was tamed by sheer pressure and as Kiel touched its shaft, he spoke, “If you coöperate, I will give you the chance to be reborn.”

The Spear hummed in delight.

‘A Spear with an Ego, but has no ability to communicate… it lacks a proper soul to become a cultivator.’

Anyone and anything could become a cultivator: a dog, a monster, a human, a demon, and even a spear can become a cultivator.

With proper guidance and help, anything could become a cultivator if one has the potential to become one. Kiel knew this all too well.

He once saw a pill create its own body then eat the cultivator who wanted to eat it, as an act of vengeance, ‘It’s not that bizarre.’

With that, he went and keep his journals and Ame's letters away. Her last letter dated three years ago, and it was such a shame that Kiel would not receive any more of them.

But it was also a good thing for Kiel planned on finding her. Her current state was unknown, but it's clear that her life's also being threatened. Ame should also be a target.

‘I failed to ask them… emotions really are dangerous when it clouds the mind.’ Kiel sighed at this dilemma.

After keeping the Spear inside the bangle, he shook his head and exited the house.

‘I need to find some good guard dogs while I am away.’ he was ready to go out and search, but his steps stopped as he raised his head and turned his attention east to see three people heading to his direction.

They soon reached Kiel.

Three people stood before him.

The two on the side were wearing leather armor and had swords tied to their waist. The one in the middle had an armor made of steel and a sword just like the two.

The two was not someone Kiel knew, but the fancy-looking man was the Guard Captain of Lily Town.

The Guard Captain’s name was Aish.

Aish was neither strong nor upstanding but someone who liked throwing his weight around trying to prove he's someone worth more than the rest.

In short, he was an asshole and piece of shit of a man.

“Can I help you with something?” Kiel asked without so much as a care for who he was.

Aish would have already lost his shit if it was anyone else, but it was not a secret that Kiel’s sister was someone with unquestionable strength so he did his best to hold it in. Aish would not dare make trouble with someone like him.


“Tch…” he lightly clicked his tongue, “…I need to ask you about something. Four bodies were found three hundred meters east of your home, because of a fight between cultivators. The Town Lord asked me to investigate if the one who prevailed went to Town or somewhere else. Do you know what happened?”

Aish’s impatience was very much apparent. He didn’t like being around Kiel whose visage and overall elegance was beyond him. Aside from strength, Aish had nothing against Kiel.

Aish always felt that Kiel was looking down at him every time they meet, making it even more unpleasant, ‘I can’t have this ugly mug of his out of my eyes.’ he thought to himself.

But that does not seem to be happening as quietly as he wanted…

“I was the one who killed them.” Kiel answered without trying to hide anything. He reckoned this would help in deterring any pillager who would want to lay their hands on his house.

Aish and the other two looked at Kiel with befuddlement before smiling and then bursting into a peal of wild laughter.

“Gahahaha! Are you trying to be funny? I didn’t know you could do that. I don’t know if you are aware of it, but the ones who were killed were all at the peak of True Spirit Realm, do you think someone like you can do that? Stop wasting our time and just say you don’t know.”

Their laughter pierced Kiel, he had seen such a scene before.

‘This should be the cue I prove them I am not lying…’

Kiel looked at them with a deadpan expression before stretching his hand forward.


“What are you, doing?”

His finger touched Aish’s left shoulder and while everyone looked at Kiel weirdly and asked him such words he answered calmly, “Proving myself — pierce.”


Without any more pretext the Aish felt his body being stung by a thousand knives and his pained roar echoed. He fell to his knees, his eyes rolled backward and his tongue was sticking out.

Aish lost his consciousness.

'That's not good.'

The other two beside Aish were startled and wished to retaliate, but the world was suddenly engulfed in a sea of blood and froze in fear.

“Move and you die, speak and you die, disobey and you die.” Kiel warned.

The two stopped whilst sweating bullets and a wet patch appeared on their trousers.

Kiel proceeded to touch Aish’s forehead with his thumb and woke him up from this slumber.

Aish took a big gasp of air. He wished to scream but Kiel moved quickly to dislocate his jawbone.

"Do not make a commotion."

Aish who used to look at Kiel with disdain was now filled with horror. His eyes showed confusion but deep inside there was pure and unadulterated terror.

“Psh, jont kil, mi.” tears fell as he spoke. His true nature finally appeared: a coward who had no backbone before the strong.

The air around Kiel changed as he remembered how a notorious torturer acted in the past. Emulating that person to himself, he spoke with an even colder tone as he grabbed onto Aish's hair...

“I know the town looks down upon me, everyone laughs at me because I do not care about women or any form of pleasure. They think my family left me because I was useless and I offer nothing good to anyone.

“But believe me when I say that I killed those four men, last night. Why? Do you doubt my words?”

Aish looked at those pair of dots, and he failed to do anything other than shake his head and cry.

Kiel continued, “Good, then I will tell you this now, I will leave in search of a guard dog. Use that time to spread what kind of person I am and what I have done.”

Puncturing Aish’s right shoulder, Kiel let the spiraling Spear Energy out. He and Aish exchanged gazes, “Also, tell the Town Lord that I will go and collect the Dimensional Bangles my victims had in their possession if he no longer has it with him, I shall take an arm and a leg.”

Kiel walked away after noticing that the three people around him had already wetted themselves, “If I return and hear nothing of what I have done, then I shall take your heads. If the Town Lord asks, tell him I am going to the Silver Forest for a little while.”

Kiel’s echoed words from a distance and terrified the three. They know not what this psychopath’s intentions were, but they dared not find out.

The two first left, not even caring about their superior’s condition.

Their minds were filled with Kiel’s cold tone and eyes. Fear enveloped their minds.

They forgot about him altogether.

Using what little time they had, the two spread Kiel’s true nature so that they may keep their heads.

But everyone who listened to them reacted as one would expect — laugh.

They thought the two went insane, but soon, Aish caught up with the first two narrating the same story as the other two.

With Aish's injury as proof, what seemed to be an impossibility grew plausible by the minute.

“Do you mean that person was no idiot but a hidden dragon? BAH! Do you really believe that?”

“Then do you mean to say that Aish the bastard would come running, tears streaming down his face and a hole on both shoulders, not enough proof?”

“For all we care, they might have been bewitched!”

“Who knows, but we’ll see if their words were true or not once the boy goes to meet with the Town Lord. Everyone is already waiting for him; I’m going to the Town Lord’s Manor, I’ll wait there like the others, do you wanna go?”

“Of course, I do!”

Conversations like this were normal that day, everyone, both young and old, men or women, gathered around the Town Lord’s Manor.

[Inside one of the rooms.]

The Town Lord was devoid of a smile. In front of him were the three sorry lots that met Kiel.

Aish’s bleeding had stopped but his tears had not.

From the windows, the Town Lord could see the gathering of people who wish to see what’s about to unfold.

The Town Lord smiled, “Would you look at this wonderful mess. Who would have thought that something as glorious as this would happen? People, expecting for their Lord to humiliate himself by bowing before a young man. Are you people happy to see this? You must be because you were the ones who advertised it!”

The table adjacent to him broke in half in a single hit.

The three guards who were kowtowing on the floor trembled upon hearing the wreckage. They all raised their heads...

“It’s all true, Town Lord, we are not lying. That bas… that guy, he's not human.”

“So, you think someone with his skills had lived without cultivation for years despite having the ability to do so? If it was an old Sage pretending to be a young man searching for answers, that, I might believe, but, that boy? Let’s think about it, yes, he might have chosen not to cultivate for years, despite him having heaven-defying talent without anyone noticing to the point he was abandoned by his parents, do you think someone like him can kill those five!? If that’s true then I should abandon my role as the Town Lord and hand it to him because even I would not dream of fighting such people! Don’t you think so too!?”

The Town Lord took in a deep breath to ask the people before him, “Do you think that’s possible!? Do you even have a functioning brain!? Sigh, do you even know what level of cultivation he is in currently?

“…Martial Master, we b—”


Aish was pinned on the wall as the Town Lord grabbed him by the neck, “MARTIAL MASTER! THERE! You have your bloody answer. He’s a bloody, Martial Master! Do you think it’s possible for someone like him to do such things!?! Why couldn’t have you seen through it and had to drag my reputation to the ground!?”

Whether it be the underground society or the one in the light, respect takes center stage in terms of currency.

To be respected was to have control, to be humiliated was to be a dog. One cannot become a True Leader without the respect of the people.

One must first hold the heart and mind for them to hold the reigns.

This world's ruled by the truly strong, the ones who could become Leaders and establish powers were the ones who get respected, not the ones who gets trampled over.

‘I just managed to completely wipe the Vollunds, now someone else is trying to rock my position with lies? Tch, if only it was someone else!’ the Town Lord wished that the one messing with him was some ordinary person who had too much free time.

Sadly, it was the twin brother of the genius that rose in the ranks of the Celestial Phoenix Mountain.

Ame had created legends that spread throughout the lands and she was someone he shouldn't dream of messing with.

In short, Kiel was not someone he could touch. Even if he was abandoned, the fact that he’s related to Ame was enough deterrent to anyone stupid enough to antagonize Kiel.

But the Town Lord was now put in a precarious situation where he could not do anything against him.

The Town Lord is a kind but ferocious figure. If not, then he wouldn’t have been capable of obliterating the Vollund Family without a second thought.

It would be logical of him to do what Kiel asked of him, give him what he claimed that's supposed to be his, the two-Dimensional Bangles that had been retrieved from the corpses near the Town.

If he do just that, he would avoid any possible conflict with Ame.

However, he had already seen its content he had no plans of giving them back.

‘There were Stellar Stones and top-notched Breathing Techniques inside, if I can learn them, I’ll be able to reach the seventh level… I can’t possibly give it to him.’

The Town Lord could have just taken the Breathing Techniques, but the Stellar Stones and its other contents were also treasures he couldn’t have possibly hope to have. All of them were too valuable to give away.

This was now his and he would not say otherwise. If he needed to, then Kiel would have to be “convinced” to give it to him.

‘I am not going to give it away.’ Having touched the borders of greatness, the Town Lord failed to discern what’s logical and what was not.

Holding onto the groaning Aish, he heard the whimper of the other two. He turned to look at the pitiful Aish and with a sigh he finally regained a semblance of calmness, “You two, bring the Guard Captain to the Healing Ward, ask for a pill to help him with his wounds.”

“…” they were too scared to even answer.

“MOVE!” The Town Lord roared and the two quickly scuttled out of the room with Aish.

The Town Lord sat on his chair and made a deep sigh, he rummaged around his clothes and held two Dimensional Bangles in his hands.

Grasping onto it as tightly as he could, he was determined to keep it for himself.

“I shall not bend.” He was serious with his words.

His words left his mouth and he began to wait.

Is this greed or not?


[Silver Forest]

“You marched into my Forest with bated breath and killed every being who wished to contest with your strength. What is it that you want from this King?”

The Silver Forest was not made of glamorous trees.

It was not named after its scenery.

In fact, it was not even recognized by anyone other than the locals of the Four Minor Towns under the Celestial Phoenix Mountain.

But still, it was called as such because of its uncrowned King, the Silver Striped Tiger whose level of cultivation is at the peak of True Spirit Realm.

It was near having a Demon Bead and had been feared by many.

It controlled a Forest that spans for five hundred Kilometers, it was a King in its own rights.

It had no contest yet it now quivered before a young man whose emotion was no better than a simple unfeeling pair of black abysses.

“I want someone to watch my doors until I return.”

The beast whose body towered for five meters laughed. Its black fur lined with silver heaved up and down as its laughter pierced the leaves and made the beast cower in fear.

“GAHAHAHA! You speak as if it would be my pleasure to serve you.” The Tiger moved closer to Kiel and got onto his nose, it growled as its eyes revolved and turned red, “Do you really think I’ll obey an [Spirit Devourer]? Your kind hunts mine and extract their souls and destroy the barriers the world imposed on [Spirit Devourers], you arrogant beasts call yourselves the beings the heavens created to rule this world, yet none of you can’t go beyond without our help. I don’t obey such beings. What right do you have to command me? Who do you think you are?”

The being growled in anger but Kiel did not react other than raising his hands. Kiel’s eyes reflected the beast’s.

The tiger saw this and jumped backward. With a shrub on its back, its Spirit Energy emerged. Despite everything the beast had said, it was now showing fear.

Kiel looked at the beast as he brought out a stick from his dimensional bangle, walking towards the beast he was without a smile.

“You ask of me who I am with so much pride yet you jump the moment you meet my eyes. I see that you are smart and listen to the instincts you have been given; I see now that you are worthy to obey me.

“Outside my family, and outside the human race, or [Spirit Devourer] as you call my kind, you would be the first one who I shall recognize. Now, I will give you my answer about why you should obey my commands.

“Tiger, I didn’t really want to go back to this world because I came to terms that I am not actually suited to step into the worlds of cultivators. Do you want to know a secret? I am a man who stood at the peak of my time, and I am the reason this Universe exists.”

“In a way, I am the King and Emperor of this world, your entire being is worth less than the dirt on my nails. That is what I wish to say, but in the end, I rejected that role so I can only offer you one thing—"

Kiel stopped his steps and now stood before the Tiger. His eyes wandered to the side and into one particular shrub. The Tiger noticed this and tried to swing its paws.

Kiel saw this and waved the stick in his hand. The stick and the Tiger collided, the paw survived but the stick disintegrated.

The Tiger now got the advantage, but it didn’t try to go any further.

Kiel’s eyes were already different, the air changed and fighting intent so thick the Tiger not fathom filled the air.

A warning from the [Spirit Devourer].

“— I do not wish to use a weapon as it had been a while since I used it for actual combat. I might kill you if you further try anything else.”

The Tiger kept its claws.

“That is wise of you to do. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I was just about to tell you what I can give you. It is the right to live, the Celestial Phoenix Mountain does not bother you because they wish for you to grow and be ripe for the harvest. Come with me and become my guard dog, if you do so, then no one will dare think of ever touching you — or your cubs.”

The Tiger was hesitant to speak, but in the end, it asked, “…how can you guarantee that?”

“Because if the Celestial Phoenix Mountain do that, all of them will die. My Sister used to be a part of them and she's someone beyond their capabilities. They will not dare touch anyone I take under my wings... and I will kill them all if they try anything else.”

Bloodlust mixed with Kiel's [Domain] shrouded the place another warning as to what kind of person he was.

The Tiger finally bowed its head, “It is now time to head home.” Kiel said as three tiger cubs walked out of the shrubs, “You’re a good Father for not running away, now use that brain of yours to do what's necessary.” Kiel said as he turned his back on them.

“What makes you think that the Celestial Phoenix Mountain is bidding their time and what of my children?”

“Anyone with half the brain knows they can kill you and turn you into resources, it is only natural to think that they are fattening you with time. They will most likely turn your children into pets after killing you. Just to be clear, if you follow me, I will ensure to turn your cubs into beings that could hunt Dragons and devour Phoenixes.”

The Tiger should doubt this human for [Spirit Devourers] were known for being sly as foxes. But, this one before her did not have the smell of a normal [Spirit Devourer] instead, he smelled similar to his kind.

Someone connected to this world.

Then, just as Kiel was about to head out, he remembered something that was of utmost importance, "Oh yeah, if you're willing to come with me I shall grant you and your family a treasure in the future..."

"What treasure?" the Tiger grew curious.


Kiel answered and as a red flash of light flooded the forest, the Tiger bowed before Kiel as its decision finalized.

"I shall follow."


With every passing minute, the Town Lord gained confidence, thinking Kiel had died.

With every hour, he was celebrating with a laugh.

But when the skies bled and the sun was about to hide, hurried steps could be heard coming to his room with quick feet.

The heavy doors opened with a bang.

The second-in-command of the Guards, came rushing, wheezing, trying to catch his breath.

“My Lord, please, help us!” he screamed for help.

The Town Lord rose from his seat and walked towards the Vice-Captain, “Calm down and tell me what’s happening!”

The Vice-Captain took a deep breath, “The King of Silver Forest is moving towards us!”

No words were needed to be uttered for the Town Lord already stood up to prepare for the worst.

“Tell the people of the Eastern Side to retreat. Gather the guards, we shall be the ones to stand on guard and protect the Town!”

“What of Captain Aish?” The Vice-Captain asked.

“…He’s incapacitated, he’s speaking nonsensical things, he might become a liability than anything else. Do not worry about anything else, we are to protect the citizens!”


The Town Lord moved, his steps faster than normal and his heart beating as if there’s a stampede in his heart.

He opened the desk drawer to his right and brought out a single black circular plaque that had two hundred runes etched on its surface.

The runes glowed red and wailed as if it wished to escape its confines. The Town Lord exited his room, “Let’s go!” he said to the guards awaiting his orders.

The Town Lord moved across the streets from the rooftops to not cause any more commotion down on the busy streets. Heading to the Eastern Entrance of the Town, the Town Lord saw the hundred guards cowering in fear while staring at the approaching beast.

The Town Lord raised his head and saw the silver luster of the Tiger underneath the glow of the setting sun. His heart raised but as he landed on the ground and in front of the guards, he shouted on top of his lungs, “Do not falter! I am here with you!”

The Town Lord unsheathed the blade on his waist and raised it over his head. His shout carried heart and volume, his desire to protect this land surfaced for everyone to here.

“THE TOWN LORD IS WITH US!” A brave soul echoed his words to the others, granting them courage.

The Town Lord smiled at this sight and then turned to look back to the beast. With gritted teeth, the plaque in his hands was about to activate when he noticed something quite bizarre.

A figure was walking close to the Tiger as if he was taking a stroll.

The first thought he had was if someone managed to tame the beast of the Silver Forest.

“My Lord, someone is with the Tiger!” a loud voice announced for others to hear.

Hearing this made the others think that this might be survivable. However, what they failed to see was the Town Lord’s following reaction.

“Ho-how is this possible?” He stuttered as he asked. Beside the Tiger was the idiotic Kiel, whose expression remained the same as always — uninterested.

The others also saw him the closer he approached them and after a few minutes, the guards failed to control their emotions seeing Kiel’s standing in front of the Tiger.

Kiel stood before the Town Lord while the battle-readied guards watched.

Their mouth soon became ajar as they remembered how they laughed at him all those years ago. They remained silent wishing Kiel wouldn’t remember them.

Thankfully, Kiel didn’t care about them and simply faced the Town Lord, to which he asked, “Did the guard captain did what I told him to do? Give it to me.”

The Town Lord heard Kiel’s words and his eyes twitched as his grasps on the plaque tightened.

Kiel took notice of this and then spoke lightly, “Roar.”

A simple command was given and the Tiger did what it was told!

The beast let out an earth-shattering roar and the ground quickly crumbled. The Town Lord staggered and the guards all fell on their behinds, though some hanged on, they still soon fell to their knees.

The roar echoed throughout the Town; this caused the people hiding in the underground shelters to tremble in fear.

“That is a warning, now, give me what is rightfully mine… if you do not, then I will take your limbs, cripple your cultivation, and feed you your own genitals.”

This is not a bluff.

No one really knew what kind of person Kiel was, he rarely interacted with people and sits all day on some bench to watch others.

He rejected women and booze and had been under the scrutiny of people. Unfeeling and abandoned, that’s who he was.

But at this moment, the Town Lord only saw an invincible being, and with his simple words, the greed got replaced by fear.

“Here is the Dimensional Bangles.” The Town Lord presented two bangles to Kiel.

Remembering the encounter, Kiel recognized the bangles.

He accepted them and no longer paid the Town Lord any attention. Walking past the deflated Town Lord; Kiel threw him a book found inside the Dimensional Bangles.

The Town Lord took noticed and picked up the book. His hands trembled seeing that it was the Breathing Technique he so desired.

Before the Town Lord could even say anything, Kiel’s words rang, “Keep it, I have no need for such a thing. Share it with promising youths so that this town could prosper.”

Kiel entered the Town with its Lord bowing his head before his magnanimity.

When Kiel reached his home, he gave the Tiger five commands:

First: kill anyone who wishes to tarnish and plunder his home.

Second: do not destroy the town for the Town Lord would most likely protect his home in exchange for the Breathing Technique.

Third: do not risk their lives to protect his home, if they cannot defend it, then leave and search for him to report after laying for about a year.

Fourth: the three cubs are to find Kiel once they reach the age of fifteen. However, if they can create a human body at any age, they can go anytime.

Fifth: Should the Father Silver Striped Father create a human body; he is to find a replacement for his post and then search for Kiel.

These commands would be etched in the heart of the Silver Striped Tiger.

“If I am to obey these commands, will you truly do everything you have promised me.”

“I already chose to let you live and I have no plans of abandoning my words. I have shown you the treasure that I have promised do what I have commanded"

Anyone would merely follow these commands with a half-hearted approach but Kiel knew these Tigers would not do such a thing.

Though it was partly through threats and manipulation using fear, there were other reasons why they would not betray him — three reasons in fact.

An altered spirit devouring method inspired by the [Seven Star Void Breathing] which Kiel he created from what remained of the past in his free time.

A fighting technique tailored to a four-legged beast.

And a promise that he will give the Tigers a future that is much more fruitful than what could be. He promised to help them be reborn.

This chance to change their destiny that which their bloodline dictated was what brought them to his side. As for whether they believed his claims or not, Kiel only showed them a substance that could only be found in his possession.

The treasure he had could be argued as the greatest treasure in this universe.

It was something that could not be obtained outside of his hands, after all.

But one might question as to whatever this treasure may be, if its value was just like how it’s described, then why promise it to a beast of a Silver Striped Tiger’s caliber?

Why not use it to entice something or someone stronger?

Just like before, the answer is simple, and that’s these Tigers are [ordinary].

It was not because of eccentricity nor was it because Kiel felt like it.

NO! It was because this would create a better outcome for him.

A King does not appreciate a chest full of gold because he already has more than one could ever give.

But a peasant would risk their lives in exchange for five pieces of such luxury.

The Tigers would appreciate this gift more than anyone else. Though he did say he did not wish to chain them, with this, Kiel managed to do more than chain them.

He nailed them to his side with a promise of grandeur with a simple glimpse of his existence’s depths as proof of his claims.

Kiel restrained them using an invisible chain known as gratitude, desire, and most important of all, terror.

Kiel looked at the setting sun one last time from his home and finally decided to leave.

He noticed that the people of the Town were actually in the plains as they tried to catch a glimpse of him.

Kiel noticed this and brought out his spear.

He drew out the Fourth Level Master Spear Energy and then cleaved the earth, leaving a deep gash on the ground.

The people who saw what he had done got scared.

Kiel’s voice then echoed, “I leave my home in search of my Sister who went to find greatness! My house is guarded by the mighty Silver Striped Tiger and anyone who wishes to pillage it shall die by their fangs and claws!”

This was his message to the village, but it was different for the Tigers, “I leave my home to you.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“…Do not call me Lord, my name is Kiel, and I deem you worthy to speak of my name.”

“I understand, Kiel.”

“Seek me out once the conditions are fulfilled, I will then show you the greatest mysteries of this World.”

“But you have not said where you will be going, how will we seek you out?”

“Do not worry, for my name shall echo in your ears soon enough. You will know where to search for me.”

The people of the Town and the Tigers watched Kiel walked westward.

It was a beautiful sight and it would be told for many generations to come, how this young man’s journey started.

‘This should lead anyone searching for me astray.’ He thought to himself before heading north.

He also went the other way after leaving the people’s line of sight.

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