《Peerless Hegemon [OLD]》7. Strong


"Look at Ame taking her first steps…" Ava had a broad smile on her face while looking at Ame taking her first steps.

Ame held her head high as she achieved the ability to walk in the fourth month of her birth. She turned to look at Kiel, who was watching her while sitting on Ava's lap with a smug expression.

[How do you like that? I managed to walk before you did!] She sounded very proud of this achievement.

Kiel wasn't really that surprised to see Ame already taking her first steps. Since birth, they were fed nourishing baby food after being breastfed by Ava, though only recently did Kiel noticed, the fact remained he had been eating luxuriously for a long time.

They also had nothing better to do, and even he, who had no interest in pursuing body cultivation, already strengthened himself. His bones were no more compact, his joints more flexible than most, and his body had more vitality.

Because he was a baby, it was far easier to cleanse his body. His pores from head to toe had already been opened. The impurities that remained were expelled out of his system in the form of excrements.

[Good job…] Kiel said with a deadpan expression he always had.

Kiel looked at his sister and then at her mother, who was celebrating, "Oh" Kiel came to a realization as to what was happening.

Flapping his arms up and down, Kiel demanded to be placed on the ground.

"Do you also want to try and walk? Hmmm… ara? Look, Ame, your brother, can also walk now~."

Ava's eyes glistened as Kiel took his first step. Kiel looked at Ava and gave his Mother a nod, which caused Ava to squeal in delight.

Kiel saw this and took things even further, "Mo… ther."

Ava froze, and with a trembling voice, she spoke, "K-Kiel, just now… d-did you just…"

"Mother…" Kiel saw the joy behind Ava's eyes and spoke with more clarity this time around.

Ava became teary-eyed as she picked up her son, "My son just called me Mother…" Ava celebrated Kiel's first words with smiles.

Ame didn't really care about familial affection, but seeing Keil's vacant countenance caused her to feel defeated.


'He's looking down on me!' She thought to herself.

She took her steps slowly as she approached Ava with tiny steps, tugging onto Ava's clothes.

Ava's attention was stolen. She looked down and saw Ame, "I'm sorry, Ame, did I made you feel lonely~?"

"Mama!" Ame's undeveloped voice sounded out.

Ava heard Ame speak, and she lost it and began running about with a smile on her face, "My children can talk, already!" she announced the heavens with Ame and Kiel in her embrace.

Ame locked gazes with Kiel, who was on Ava's other arm. She had a smile look on her face as she successfully stole Ava's attention; Kiel could see this and simply raised his hand to give this sister of his a thumbs up.

[Good job.] he said in their mental link.

'Tsk…' Ame clicked her tongue ever so silently, which baffled Kiel.

'Did I do something…? Relationships as a sibling are hard to understand.' Despite his deep pool of knowledge, understanding others was still hard for him to do.

'I am not very good at this.' Mastering others was going to take a while.

When Noah returned from hunting, he had Ava prepare the liquid that will be later given to Ava and Ame for later.

Ava told Noah what happened earlier that day, and Noah celebrated by playing Kiel and Ame. He was full of smiles as he decided to put down the twins in front of him.

Noah sat straight and crossed his arms, "Now, let us get to the heart of the matter… say, Father, my son."

Kiel tilted his head as she gave an answer, "…Father?" he said in a confused tone of voice.

Noah showed a subtle smile only to have it wiped away as she turned to Ame, "Come on, Ame… say Papa… come on, now… come on."

When Ame refused to do so, Noah became teary-eyed.

[You've got to be kidding me… he's jealous of his wife.] Ame sighed at the sight of her father. She turned to Kiel as she searched for an answer, and she only saw Kiel motioning to humor him.

"Papa!" an enthusiastic voice drowned Ame's visible sigh. The night ended with Ame feeling a little tired.


The next day, Kiel went out with Ame. They were being watched by Ava as to not have any kind of accident.

At this time, Noah was just about preparing to go leave for the Forest, he saw his children saying their goodbyes to him, and he waved his hand back to them.

Kiel looked at the blue skies and felt that he was someone small for the first time in his life. He sat on the patch of grass that was carefully trimmed by Ava every morning and began looking at the distance.

The way he sat made him seem like an aged person, it seemed comical for Ava, and she smiled at the sight of this. Kiel was satisfied with this life; though he was now weaker than he ever was, the fact remained that his life was no more colorful than it ever did.

[This is a good life…] he said in a mental link.

Though the family he had this time around did not have anything and was shrouded by mysteries, the fact remained that he was now living with a much more vibrant fate.

And as he smiled, he accepted this life to his.

'I want to read a book.' He suddenly thought to himself. This was something he carried over from the previous Universe, his incessant desire for knowledge, 'I'll try convincing Mother and Father in a year or so.'

Kiel began to plan things out, and as he continued his act of being the good son and when he reached the fifteenth month after his birth, he officially became a year old.

He grasped the fundamentals of letters after 12 days and understood the rest in 15 days. Kiel then requested books, and they gave it to them without so much as a question.

When Ava left to the nearest Town that was East of their humble Home. New knowledge filled Kiel's mind; he began unraveling the world from the books and with Ame's assistance in confirming what kind of Universe he found himself in.

He managed to unravel what was considered common and began to live with ease…

Six years passed. Kiel was now six years of age. His body was healthy, and his mind was a vault of unknown knowledge.

He continued to act as the son of Ava and Noah… he was leading a happy and fulfilling life.

'It's rather fortunate I have not been given away despite reaching this age… it is a good thing I didn't cultivate.' Kiel said with a smile.

That was right, he stopped his cultivation when he was 2 after reaching the peak of what a mortal, non-practitioners could have.

He was full of vitality, but he had no mystical power to speak of. He smaller than a grain of sand from who he was in the past, but he was satisfied with this end… he didn't want to risk having to be given away.

Kiel was currently walking along the treeline that Noah goes to every day. On Kiel's hand was a meter-long stick, and he was walking along a path with ease of mind.

He was watching someone else��s life inside his mind. It was the life of a Martial Emperor, and he was currently going about slaughtering his way in a war with a single spear.

'He's not bad.' Kiel said as his steps stopped, and then he turned to a tree. He poised his body as he felt an itch to move, 'It had been a while since I tried using a spear.'

Kiel took a half step and twisted the stick in his hand, and hit the tree trunk without so much as a hint of energy coming out of him.

He then heard a voice inside his mind, [Kiel, come back home, Mama is looking for you.]

Kiel's attention was taken, and he turned his back to the tree trunk, [I am on my way, Ame.]

As Kiel walked away, the stick in his hand turned to dust, and the three behind him now bore a hole that went through two other trees.

Kiel may not have cultivated, but after living for who knows how long, his master of weapons had already settled on an unreachable realm, he was from being harmless.

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