《Peerless Hegemon [OLD]》6. Ordinary as can be


His mother, Ava, was a strong woman with long black hair. She managed to quickly recover from giving birth the very next day. She even did the housework without so much as looking tired.

Ava's morning routine was relatively simple. First, she'd go about doing the housework before tending to her children's needs. She would often talk a lot, so her children would be able to pick up her words.

Though one of the two already knew how to speak, the other had nothing better to do other than listen and learn.

'This is rather pleasant.' Ye Feng was pleased with this development.

Two months passed since Ye Feng, who now knew his name as Kiel, was reborn in this world.

He learned a lot of things and had already grasped almost everything that he could from his parents.

His home was that of a small house made for wood and had three rooms, one for the bedroom, one for the kitchen that was also the dining room, and the other was storage of some kind.

Kiel had yet to go inside said storage; thus, he had no way of knowing what was inside that place. The house was also situated on a hilltop.

From what Kiel knew, his Father, Noah, was also strong. He goes about hunting in the nearby forest to hunt for food and beast to sell for other resources.

During the day, Ame and Kiel made an unspoken rule of not cultivating as to not create a big commotion. They did not want their parents to have an unappreciated headache.

After all, despite their weird quirks, Ava and Noah seemed to be a relatively normal couple.

However, during the night, there was a meeting between two tiny children.

[Can you understand me now?] Ame asked with her eyes closed.

[Yes, I already learned from Ava — Mother, how to speak the words.] Ye Feng answered with confidence.

They were not communicating with their mouths but instead, their mind. The two of them had a relationship that neither of them could explain. It may have been that thing that others say about Twins having a mental connection, but whatever it was, the two of them were now living like this.

[Who are you?] With Kiel finally understanding the language of this world, he initiated the conversation. His cultivated curiosity remained even after regaining some of his emotions.

[Why should I tell you? It is not like I know who you are.] Ame refused for reasons unknown.

Kiel, however, wanted to form a connection. He learned that to live was to create relationships and to cut them off was to die; thus, instead of getting angered or irritated, he chose to become the bigger person, [My previous name was Ye Feng, I come from a time when this world of yours did not exist. I was a wandering man with no direction. In my time, I used to be a person who had nothing despite being able to grasp everything. I am an empty figure of a distant past that no one knows.]

Ame was somewhat surprised to hear Kiel speak of his past. From his tone, she could tell that he should be someone with understandable depth, but who knew he was someone this open?


Kiel was either stupid or eccentric.

However, she snorted, 'Peh, a time when the world did not exists?' she was doubtful, but... she could somehow tell that he was not lying.

Clearing her mind, she decided to respond in kind, [My name was Qiara, I was a thief that performed some mischief, and some time ago, everything came back to haunt me. I have no one other than my beloved, and soon, I will leave this place to get back what I have lost and get revenge on the ones that killed me!]

Ame was already settled with it was that she desired to do. She wanted to get her life back the life she had.

Ame had a direction she wanted to live, and Kiel found this enviable. He closed his eyes and simply said, [I shall not stop you in what you want, but as you are now my sister and family, per my wish, I shall help you in getting what you want. If you ever wish for something, ask me, and I will grant it to you.]

[What nonsense are you saying? The ones I will be fighting are not some chumps that you can find in—chiii~]


Ame's words stopped as she let out a terrified yelp. The roar of thunder had rendered the feisty twin without defense. She was trembling from fear for reasons Kiel could not understand.

Kiel moved his hand and held Ame's, he then whispered, [There, there, brother's here.] he did not know what kind of things a brother acts, but from what he could gather, a good brother takes care of their siblings when needed.

Ame wanted to shake Kiel's hand away but was too scared to do so; as such, she was forced to hold his hand — she failed to notice that she was no longer trembling.

Kiel opened his closed eyes and saw Ava was already by their side.

Ava and Noah awoke, not because of the loud roaring thunder but because of the scared sound Ame created. Ava opened her eyes and checked on her children; she smiled as she noticed that Kiel held onto Ame's hand.

"The older brother protects, I see…" She reckoned that Kiel must have done this by reflex. Seeing that the two babies were awake, Ava picked them up and looked towards Noah's direction, "Dear, I think this is no ordinary lightning. Can you stop it please?"

Noah got up from the bed and yawned, "Okay dear…" he stepped out of the room with a tired look on his face. It was clear that he wanted to sleep some more.

Kiel stared at Noah, who had just exited and felt anxious about his safety. Although Noah was strong for a Mortal, Kiel doubted he could do anything about thunder. He reached out with his left hand as if he was trying to stop his Father — Kiel did not want to lose something he just gained.

"Are you worried about your Father, Kiel?"

Ava asked, and with a giggle, she too exited the room.

Seeing Ava go outside with the children, Noah raised his brows, "Ava, what are you doing outside? Just go to sleep, I'll finish this in a minute. I do not need any help."


Kiel saw Noah exiting the room he had not yet entered. On Noah's right hand was a Black Sword and on his left was a three-legged furnace.

He had so many questions about them, but his curiosity could not be answered as his two parents saw the items as normal.

"Well, our little Kiel seems to be worried about your safety. He seems to be already aware of his surroundings, so is it not good to show the manliness of his father?"

Noah's eyes began to water as he leaned in to rub his bristled face to Kiel's soft baby skin, "How filial you are my child, hohoho, I'm sure you're going to grow up strong!"



Noah cried as Ava kicked his knee.

"Get away from Kiel this instant; what if he gets a rash?"

Noah laughed as he apologized and then exited the house. Ava followed with Ame and Kiel in her hands.

When they exited the house, the rumbling thunder frightened Ame stiff. She unknowingly buried her head on Ava's bosom while tightly clutching Kiel's hands.

Ava took note of this and shouted aloud, "Noah! End this quickly! It appears Ame is scared of thunder!"

"Really!? Then I'll have to try hard for my baby girl!" Noah answered loudly.

Kiel raised his head a saw the flashing lightning but failed to know the origin of lightning. But then, he saw it, a beast with the body of a Deer, the horns of a Bull, and cloven hooves — it was Qilin.

It was partially covered with azure scales. Its body was covered with lightning that was flicking upwards. Every time it stomped its hooves, thunder would sound out, and as it saw Noah, it felt so angered that it let out a roar that dissipated the thick clouds.

Noah saw this and had the furnace float in front of him. The carefree aura of Noah dissipated, and what replaced it was an overbearing presence. He opened his mouth to say, "You are too noisy."

The Qilin heard his words despite being so far away and then dashed forth with a raging temper. It turned its lightning covered horns towards Noah with the sole intent of skewering the impertinent man.

The Qilin's horns were no mere ornament. It was the place where it stored its lightning, thus making its horns its most potent weapon.

Noah could feel the pressure, but he simply flew up and met with the Qilin and then swung it to meet the Qilin's horns. The sword didn't seem anything special, but as Noah completed the swing, the Qilin's horns had already flown off.

SKUAAAA!!! The Qilin roared in pain and wildly crashed on the ground.

Its anger quickly peaked as it realized that it had been outclassed by a mere human!

Gathering the lightning in its mouth, it planted its feet on the ground.

Hong! Crash!

The ground it was stepping on bore web-like cracks as a breath of lightning beamed towards Noah.

Seeing this caused Noah to simply shake his head; he used his finger to tap the furnace's lip. The furnace opened, and from within, cerulean flames appeared.

"Cerulean Fire Serpent — Devour."

These blue flames flickered about and then shot out of the furnace to become a serpent with untold length. The bright Cerulean serpentine flew across the skies and devoured the breath of lightning with its giant maw. But it didn't stop; it overpowered the lightning breath and reached the Qilin.


Clouds of dust were created, and the serpentine retreated. It quickly turned into an ordinary-sized snake. It looked towards Noah and burped before nodding its head and retreating inside the furnace.

"As shy as ever, I see." Noah said with a smile.

The clouds of dust settled down below, and the Qilin was no more. Noah quickly went back to where Ava and the rest were.

"You could have ended it with your sword. Why do you have to bother Ziao?"

"It's fine; you said to show them my manliness, so I did. I also wanted to make an imprint on our children. A Father must be respectable, hahaha!" Noah triumphantly said with pride. He then noticed Ame staring at her with what seemed to be expecting eyes. Seeing this caused Noah to smile with even more pride, "Did you see that, my daughter? You do not have to be worried by mere lightning; your father is here to protect you and your brother."

No one knew when Ame raised her head to watch, but it was clear that she saw the serpent devour the Qilin. She was amazed.

Noah and Ava returned inside. Noah placed the Furnace and Sword back in the storage and went back to sleep. Ava had Kiel and Ame join them in their bed to ensure the child would be given comfort.

"Sleep now…" Ava said as she rhythmically tapped Ame to sleep.

However, Ame was screaming in her head and found it hard to sleep.

[How amazing and Noah's Soul Beast was nothing to laugh at, I do not even know what it was. How can someone like him be living in this place? He can open up his own Power, and I am sure he'll be able to rule over a good chunk of land!] Ame had a new impression of this family of hers. She thought she was in a part of some ordinary household, but she couldn't have been any wrong.

She was in awe; however, someone else was not [Noa — I mean Father seems to be pretty good, but he needs to be more decisive in his movement. He could've ended it before the Qilin showed itself. Ame, everything is all right now, so I shall be going to sleep.]

Kiel yawned and fell asleep. He knew he wouldn't be able to cultivate, so he chose to rest instead of wasting time.

He was clearly unimpressed by Noah's performance.

Ame… was rendered speechless. But she did ask quietly, [Who is this man?]

He was far more mysterious than Ame had thought. She closed her eyes, ready to fall asleep, when she heard her twin respond.

[I am Kiel… your brother.]

As he had thought, this was a normal household.

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