《The Feline Faction》Vol III: Ch 7: The King Is Dead


AN: Well... fuck. no music for this chapter.

but, there is a video I want to share with you all. Wanna know my only thought while watching this video?


p.s. my rep is at sixty nine, if ya know what I mean. ;)


Egain: I woke to a day like any other.

Ever since shadowpelt had left me in charge of the forest, my life had gotten a sort of... structure to it.

In the morning, I would get up from my comfortable resting spot at the foot of what was sort-of dubbed Shadow mount.

I say sort of, because ninety percent of the denizens of the forest couldn't think enough to name things. But, I still believe in all of them. sort of.

After getting up, I would swing by the wolf camp, and check out how the mothers with cubs were doing, and see if they needed anything.

Next, I head over to the beavers by the river. Though, I rarely feel like they need help. Ever since the river beast showed up, and scared the fact that they are weak into them, they've... gotten dedicated, I guess you could say.

After that, i head over to see how the corralling of the foxes is progressing. I'll explain.

Ever since the fortifying of the forest was completed, a problem arose within. The beasts not directly under shadowpelts reign seemed to dislike him leaving, and ever since yesterday they had gone crazy, breaking out in fights with each other and members of other species. The strange thing is that this all happened at around noon yesterday, and everything had happened at once without any pre-warning.

So, I had tasked the Nest with gathering/luring the various wild races inside the forest to designated areas within the forest where the fighters could be put in solitary, while the rest would be kept in an area small enough to keep track of.


Even though it felt horrible to treat my fellow beasts like docile cows, I had to do it for the sake of peace within the forest. Even the nest had been getting antsy, and I still didn't know why.

On the way there, I could faintly hear the cry's and yipping of pain that signaled fighting. I rushed over to see what was happening, only to lose my train of thought completely.

within a wide, webbed-in area was mass hysteria. It seemed not a single fox was spared, and even as I watched several of the larger foxes ganged up on the smaller, and ripped them to shreds. I ran forward, and questioned the arachnid in charge, and he responded in clicks, a few words leaking out every now and then.

"This one does not know what happened, just a moment ago they were calm as water."

Even as we spoke, the death toll climbed. With no other solution, I made my decision.

I took firm strides, and jumped over the web wall, simultaneously changing to my wolf form.

An audible thump could be heard as I landed,

The foxes near me turned, but they were too slow. Before they could react, their bodies were bent in unnatural ways, and their pitiful cries of pain could be heard loud and clear. As a shadow passed through the fighting pairs, hard smacks and heavy impacts could be heard. Finally, the shadow reached the eight-headed fox. The fox reared back, and came forward-

A clawed hand, as large as a dinner plate, was also reared back.

-only to be dealt a devastating blow to all eight heads. temporarily knocked unconscious, the massive body fell to the ground. Standing above the fallen monster, was an even greater monster.

standing three meters tall, and packed with muscle, this was the body of a predator. And that predator was among prey.


silence fell, and Egain silently heaved a sigh of relief.

whew, I'm glad they recognize me as a threat. If a group is in turmoil, all you need to bring it together is a common enemy.

The words of his father. he died, like he lived. keeping the pack together. kinda fitting the son should follow the father, huh?

But, before anyone could react, something strange occurred. All around, in near perfect synchronization, all the foxes bowed their multiple heads.

The massive predator stood stock still, not daring to move. Finally, he egain asked what the heck was going on.

"what the fuck are you all doing?"

The one intelligent fox, a grey-pelt, probably something like forty years old. an amazing feat, reaching that age. During that time, this fox had learned speech, and broken away from the cursed instincts of his species, instead opting for reason. Even though he was smart for his kind, his speech was still hard to understand.

"we bowing to king. has proven himself. we serve from now, until stronger king come."

"But, Shadowpelt is the king!"

The fox seemed confused. "can not feel it, young one? King is dead. is obvious from events. all forest in turmoil, finding new king."

Egain stumbled, and fell to his knees, changing back to his human form. "Shadowpelt... Dead?!"

It's not possible. "That's impossible! Shadowpelt is the strongest being I've ever met! He could never-"

The fox cut in. "Ignorance is not a sin. But those who refuse to see the truth laid before their eyes are the root of evil."

I was momentarily shocked silent by the geezers profound words. as I knelt, trying to keep the world from spinning, the next filed in, and bowed beside the foxes.

"sssss, Even though Shielin is master of nest, egain is king of forest. will obey."

no... this isn't possible! how could this happen?

Shadowpelt is dead... even if I can't believe it with my heart, I must wrap my head around that fact.

Perhaps that is because even though that cat is dead, his purpose lives on.

Jordan had told me, in an aside during one of his few messages, that shadowpelt swore to deliver the world to him.

I stood up, and swept my gaze around the many bowed heads.

If I don't accept this responsibility... who will?

A tyrant? would shadowpelt want that? a meathead, with nothing more than brute strength going for them? No. Shadowpelt had taught me that wether you were powerful or not did not matter when you led people. Without a hand to guide it, a sword is nothing more than a lump of iron.

As I walked among shadowpelts subjects, (I still can't think of myself as king) I offered comfort. The recent strife had led to pain and suffering throughout the forest, and if nothing was done about it, shadowpelt would return to find shattered glass where he left a whole pane. And he will return. But, in the off chance he doesn't...

As I made my way to the edge of the forest, after a long day of settling the occupants of the forest, I still felt fire in my soul.

I will forge these unruly beasts into a blade worthy of you, so that they may fulfill your promise.

And if hell comes knocking at my door for damning a whole forest of sentient beings, I'll meet them with my bags packed. After all, Shadowpelt will undoubtedly have bent the entire place to his will by the time I get there.

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