《The Feline Faction》Q&A


Hi guys!!!!!

This is darkness here, just to tell you a couple things.

first, a new chapter's coming up today.

next, from now on this will be a Q&A thread, where you readers can ask questions, show concerns, and insult me to the best of your ability.

bring. it. on!

anyway, other than that, there is really just one thing.

Recently, a certain individual has come to my attention. he goes by the name... zenlith.

Over the last few chapters, he has come up with some troublingly accurate predictions.

So, zenlith, if you are reading this, I would like to declare formal war upon you.

All kidding aside, (I'm not kidding about the war thing. watch your back) Zenlith is an intelligent, thoughtful guy. he picked apart my web of secrets, and attempted to see the true picture. I think. I dunno. he might have just been bored, and decided to write random things, in which case I should be ashamed of myself...

anyway! self-pity aside, I would like to give credit where credit is due. On the chapter titled 'terror' zenlith provided an in-depth backstory for the minor characters who were brutally massacred. even though he portrayed them as humans, it was still one of the best reads I have had in a while.

Plz zenlith senpai! plz write a fiction! plllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzz!

I hope you will all bother zenlith until he dies, or writes a fiction for us. (I win either way)

P.S. Sorry if I offended you zenlith, this was in no way meant to call attention to you in particular, or make you feel uncomfortable. if you want me to take down everything related to you in here, just tell me. I'm talking about you without your permission, so I would like to know if this offends you or not. if it does, It will be killed with fire. Just wanted to say that, and thank you for the wonderful experience you provided by posting your thoughts on this fiction.


anyway, still working on the zenlith altar, gonna put it next to my satan altar.

Also, I want to ask zenlith if I can put a link to his posts so that all of you can all read it.

well, that's it. nothing more to say, I'll leave the rest up to you, the reader. If you have questions, concerns, or you just want to rage at me, you can do it all here.

bye bye!

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