《Hold the line.》Exciting news!


Alright! The book is finally edited and out, and I'm on my first set of revisions for the digital, and in process of preparing the paperback model. Thats more for me, I've always dreamed of looking at the bookshelf and seeing my name on a spine.

I digress!

Although the book released last night I will be doing a free day on 9/11. Every year I see people come together and enjoy the freedoms our forebears have brought for us. So in the spirit of that starting at 12am(ct?) tonight, and ending at 12am(ct? I think) tomorrow the first book of Hold the line will be free on amazon kindle, I will set up a link in the author foot note so that it can be easily accessed.

Tell anyone you know ( I know most of us on here are pretty heavy introverts, but still) even if they're not interested, tell them to go ahead and grab it, you never know when you might decide to try a new genre.

Plus...FREE BOOK, if anyone is half as excited about a free book as I am, then they'd probably be pretty stoked

I've gone on a tangent again, but I did get to where I was trying to go, so there is that, I'll drop a link in the bottom. I'm not 100% sure what timezone the free book promotion starts on, but I imagine early morning/midday wherever everyone is should be fine to grab it.

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