《Hold the line.》(ch-13) Sidetracked.


It turns out that Lena wasn’t a Drow Elf. She was a changeling. We’re going to keep that between us, even my dumb ass knows that people are going to be suspicious about that. Plus, it’s a hell of a party trick.

Doesn’t help any that her race is an offshoot of the D&D one, not all cute and cuddly change whenever they want. She needs to digest the DNA of whatever race she wants to change into. She can change to any race regardless, but to gain their base racial traits she must digest a part. A significant amount if I understand her right. I didn’t ask how she had to do it, and I would much rather she keep that information to herself.

On the upside, she’s already gained Drow Elf, Human, she says she’s most of the way through digesting a wood elf. The first order of business is to get her to stop calling it ‘digesting’. I’m cool with the fact that it’s something her people do, just the idea of her eating sentients is kind of off-putting.

“Can we call it something else? I understand that’s the best word fit since you are assimilating it, but frankly, it’s disconcerting.” This is a conversation we’ve had at least three times since we got her gear set up and came back to the house. She’s not receptive.

“That sounds more like a you problem, than a me problem. Might as well ask Ianata to stop calling you an asshole, it’s not flattering but it’s who you are.” Straight faced. If she weren’t an underling, and interested in sex in the least I might make a move. Godamned asexual.

“I’m not an asshole, I’m blunt. The way people perceive me is something they need to live with, since I am not changing.” Fuck. I walked right into it again. Her base racial intelligence is annoying. She keeps walking me wherever she wants in conversations. I kind of want to stab her.

Raising her hands in a ‘what can you do’ motion and smirks at me.

I made myself a promise that I wouldn’t punch her in her face. I don’t think she means to be annoying, she just seems like the type who is too smart for her own good.

It does work out for me though, she did manage to finagle enough gold to buy herself some of her own gear. Turns out she is more of a long-distance engagement kind of girl, not much for close combat. That’s fine. It works out for the best, really, since I’ll have some insurance every once in a while. I also managed to buy a spear and have Hels-gift assimilate it, I figured I trained some in the past, and it’s got a knife fight beat by a mile.

If she’s is being honest she can hit one-hundred percent of the targets she shoots at up to one-thousand meters. I’d love to test it out at a range before we go, but schedules must be kept. We spent most of last night buying her kit, and some comms stuff to make keeping in contact easier. We’re finishing packing bags and going over list’s in the main room right now, then it’s off to try and nap.

The rift room is going to take us in to a bad position either way, so we’re going to try and get some sleep beforehand. I’d love to be able to jump in but it’s not an option, the system must have its pound of flesh. Bring it, I don’t give a shit.


Lena had finished her list a while ago, but was taking her time picking at me, ‘getting to know me’ she kept calling it. Lots of annoying questions, random information about her past. She’s a friendly girl, talkative. I’m not a fan of talkative. I’m perfectly fine going days, or weeks without talking or hearing a voice. Or seeing another person, if I’m honest.

“I can’t believe fighting is an option on your planet. I was born as a dark-skinned changeling so I my people shunned me from the day I was born. While the rest of the kids were learning to mimic humans, and elves I was stuck learning how to mimic orcs, and dwoemer. It’s believed the ‘shaded’ are soulless and the only thing we are good for is combat. I was to guard the villages of the ones who refuse to change, but fuck that noise, as you’d say.” It’s a little disconcerting, I can hear the emotions in her voice but she’s not actually making facial expressions. I think it’s a way for her people to show trust? Fucking creepy.

“So, I had to grow up learning all kinds of combat and defense. Put on a scout squad at one point, and found out quick that I’m one hell of a sniper. Put me in a decent position with a decent rifle and enough ammo and I can kill anything. Did I tell you about the time I decimated a squad of ogres?”

“Yes. It was somewhere around the third or fourth sentence you spoke. Then again somewhere a few more conversations later.” I’m done setting my shit up, and I need do that sleeping shit. “I don’t want to cut you off in the middle there, but I need to sleep. I hope your race sleeps.” Instead of waiting for her to answer, and launch into another tale of her greatness, I stand up and start moving towards my bedroom.

“Oh, we do, I must be incredibly well rested since the assim- Ah, I get it. I’ll let you get away from the conversation this time. We will become friends Gnome, you’re a giant softie under your assholic exterior.” Her voice had been rising as I walked away and went through my door, she managed to get the last part in as it closed.

She’s not entirely wrong, helping people is what I’m about. Doesn’t make me a softie though, I might be by her standards, I don’t know what she went through growing up. I’m sure I’ll get her life in excruciating detail in the next few days. If it were possible I’d like to hole up and murder zombies for a few days. I doubt that’s what is going to happen, but it’s nice to dream.

The system will reward me for rescuing people though. So, we’ll be heading into shit situations and trying to extract people from them.

Stepping up next to my bed I pull off my clothes and sink into its wonderfully soft embrace. Within moments I’m drifting off to sleep.

Walking through a golden meadow of waist high wheat, I run my hands among the stalks. My rough calluses catching the soft chaff of the wheat scratching out the sounds of my movement. This isn’t a normal dream for me, normally I’d be at the lake house. If I’m fortunate my brain will forget about the shit-trodden past. I’d be in my hometown, amongst faces that haven’t looked at me with anything but distain for years.

I don’t blame them for hating me, I’m not drunk enough to dwell on those memories.


Making my way through the field I notice a break in the trees with a view of a small village area with children running, and adults smiling and watching. Just on this side of the break I see Hel standing sideways watching the children play, she’s clearly waiting for me. I was wondering how long before her curiosity drug me to her.

Not wanting to ruin the calm feeling, I stop moving close my eyes, and turn my face up, letting the sunlight kiss my face. After a moment to embrace the carefree sounds of children playing. The subdued murmur of friendly conversation opens my eyes and turn back towards Hel.

She’s wearing almost the same outfit as when she came to see me for my funeral, less somber, a light blue and yellow knee length sundress. Her hair is a tied into a single braid in a pleat down her back, but her smile unrestrained. I can almost feel the joy she has at being able to watch the scene in front of her radiate to me from yards away.

Walking up I stand next to her, I don’t have anything to say, so I let the silence between us continue.

“This is my kingdom. The afterlife my peaceful followers receive. There is never any crime here, and no one wants for anything. Every god has a realm for their faithful like this, for the warriors who have gone too long, or the peaceful who have made the universe better. Some of these aren’t even mine, they are the loved ones of those who came here.” The pride in her voice is warmer than the sun coming from above, it’s clear she loves this place, these people with all that she is. “I have control of death in several different realms, I watch over an almost countless number of worlds. But this, this small realm with but a few hundred thousand, is my treasure. Nothing else I own, nothing I reign over is a quarter as important to me as this place is.” Turning towards me, and locking her eyes on to mine she surprises me.

“I’d have you here. Either as a resident, or as a realm protector. No strings attached, and no favors owed. I will never rescind this offer. If you want to come to this realm when you have tired of battle, I will have you. I would even be willing to take on whatever payment Odin asked of me.” The openness in her gray eyes staring into mine is painful. It’s a look that begs an answer, asking me to know something that I’ve never learned.

“Why? Why would you want me here? I’ve never done anything in your name, I do not believe earth is even in your purview.” Some of the joy leaves her face, and I feel like I’ve failed a test I didn’t know I was taking. That’s not a no, I want to know why me?” I point at the children and the people enjoying them play, “I’ve never been that happy, I can’t even imagine being as joyful as those people from watching that. I’m not even sure I could ever reach a level of peace within to even consider that.” Once I’ve finished my small tantrum I realize I’d gotten much louder than intended and some of the people were looking over with concern.

“That is precisely why. Look at those people, what do you make of their minds? What do you suppose they are thinking?” At least I know I’m there is a test now.

“They worry that I have disrespected you, insulted that I have ruined the calm afternoon. Scorn, is the word I’m looking for here.” I’m not usually self-conscious but having insulted a beautiful god in front of devout follower’s I am acutely self-aware.

“You would be wrong. That is concern, and not for me. They worry for you. Not that I will hurt you, I have never, and will never commit violence in this realm against someone invited. They are wonder for your well-being. Your state of mind.” Her searching look is back “I would have you here for that precise reason. If you did not have the soul of a warrior, you would have been a healer. Had you neither you would have been a teacher, lacking any of these you would have been a guide.”

Turning her face back to look at the nearby scene, she waves her arm “These people have helping in their very souls. It is not a part of who they are, it is a part what they are. In any world, of any realm they would have been doing their best to better other people’s lives. You are one such as this, and your soul has gone back through the cycle more times than most. Unlike most it has a past, an imprint, if you will. There’s something about it that inherently wants to stop suffering in any form.”

I don’t have any way to respond to that. I’m not even sure there is a response to that. She may have the wrong soul. I’ve done horrible things back in my old life, things that keep me from sleep. Things that drag me into pits full of razor sharp self-hate that tears me apart from the inside. All that's left is a shell of a man who can’t process the emotions.

“I am not mistaken. Were your soul cleansed and sent back to the cycle I could pick it out of a crowd of billions without effort. You may see yourself as a pariah, nothing more than a dark-blot on the universe that will be better once cleansed. But I tell you now; you are a beacon. Were the changes your one soul has wrought be set on the scales they would shatter in your favor.”

The conviction in her voice is hard to ignore, and I feel like a fraud for the things she believes.

“What you think matters little.” Messing about in my head again.

“You do not have to believe that you are good gnome, I have enough belief for the both of us.”

We stand in the companionable silence, her watching the people. While I try and process what she has said. Eventually some leave and she motions for us to have a seat on a bench they had been occupying.

“That conversation is not why I brought you here. I had not meant to make that offer so soon, but I do not regret it. I brought you here because I wish to know the nature of the favor you are going to ask.

This is the conversation I expected when I got here, guess we took the long way around.

“To be honest, I’m not sure. I’m not even 100% sure what I can use a favor for,” I put up my hand to forestall her from interrupting, “I’d rather bumble my way into it if I’m honest. I swear I won’t waste it though. I have no intentions on using it anytime soon. It’s a nice safety blanket, plus I hear you giving one out is rare, so I’ll hold on to it until it’s necessary.” I don’t know what I’d use it for, and I’m not sure I want to know limitations. If nothing else if I try to use it and it’s not going to work maybe Vidal or somebody will show up and tell me I’m wrong. Give me a bit more thinking room.

The sound of Hels laugh rings out clear as a bell. “I will not mention to him that I offered. More than likely he, or I, will show up to tell you if you can or cannot do something when you ask. If it is I, you may end up owing another favor. Don’t play the ‘new kid in town’ card for too long though. Vidal likes you, but if you annoy him you will live to regret it.” Her tone got more serious as she continued through her admonishment. I’ll take it to heart, I’d rather not make enemies.

She stands up and puts a hand out, “Would you like for me to give you a tour of the local city? I can help you see why living he-“ A dark look crosses over her face. She stops talking, she blinks rapidly a few times then is gone.

“What was that about.” Fuck, I hope I’m not trapped here. She said she brought me, is it my mind, or is my entire being here?

I try my hardest to wake myself up. There’s got to be a way. I walk up to a tree, draw back my fist and swing, my fist impacts the tree with a thud. There is no pain, so I am dreaming, I don’t know how to wake myself up.

As I’m drawing back my arm for a harder punch Hel pop’s back in right next to me. She looks disheveled, and rushed. I’d use the word panicked, but I don’t think she’s capable.

“You must go. When you wake get your companion, and have Ianata escort you to the rift rooms. You are not going to have much time. The Greeks have torn a hole into Valhalla and Apollo’s personal Spartans are moving on your compound. If you are lucky they are sending a message, if you are not they will have soul-rippers. Do. Not. Get. Hit. If you are there’s no respawn, no recycle. It will destroy your soul. There Spartans are one of the only units that carry them standard. Ianata can tell you more, I’ve wasted too much time.”

“Why are they attacki-“ she reaches out and pokes me in the forehead.

Her poke translates to the physical world, pushing me awake so hard it throws me from the bed onto the floor.

“LENA! Lena get the fuck up, and get in your gear, we need to go. Now.” As I’m yelling for her I’m picking up the things I’d set next to my bed to repacked in my inventory and stashing them. I decide to take what extra clothes I can. If a god is attacking the outpost, he means to tear it to the ground.

I look over to see Lena standing in my door, “what are you yelling about? It’s too late for that.” She looks like she woke up and walked over. Hope she didn’t fall asleep recently.

“Hel came to me in a dream. The Greeks are on their way here, and they are bringing Spartans. It’d be best if we were gone by the time they got here. Get your shit, we are going to go knocking on Ianata’s door, then we are out of here.”

Shaking her head in affirmative she turns and sprints back towards her room.

Shit I need to message Ianata.


Gnome: The Greeks are attacking with Spartans, Hel says I need you to get me to a gate. I have a feeling she’s got more information than whatever we have.

Ianata: Our people don’t know anything, Ascarius the demi-god for the town, isn’t here. He left to tour the region a day or two ago. The only people who know were Valkyrie.

Gnome: Then you either have a mole, or he’s trying to thin the ranks. Per Hel they are Apollos Spartans, so they have soul-rippers.

Ianata: I wouldn’t put it past him. I was already awake, I’ll be at your room in a minute or two.

This is so much less than good. I hate to even think that the local demi-god worries enough of her ascending that he would contract someone to destroy her. I wouldn’t put it past someone in a position such as that to be that corrupt though.

Finishing putting my gear away I walk over and open my door, Ianata is reaching for the handle.

“Are you guy’s ready to go? Sooner is better. If Hel wants me to take you I’ll put you there, but I’ve got to defend the outpost until we can get everyone evacuated. Most of the people here don’t have the level to stand up against Spartans.” She seems flustered. Frightened even, I agree completely. If I thought the guy who should have my back was willing to kill a shit-ton of people to get me I would be less than thrilled.

“Yeah, we’re good.” Closing the door behind her Lena follows us out.

We’re walking across the square when an explosion rocks the front gate, tearing one door half off and blowing chunks out of the connecting wall. Far enough away that we only catch the concussion, the wave throws me and Lena off our feet. Ianata manages to hold her ground.


-Apollo is attacking the outpost with a squadron of Spartans.

-The attacking force is of far greater average level than town occupants.

-Lower level residents will evacuate through the rift portals.


-All capable warriors must hold the town while Valkyries direct evacuations

-After general evacuation is complete all residents will evacuate, to include Valkyrie.

(All incoming rifts are being diverted.)

(Evacuees can either evacuate to nearest defensible town, or start pre-planned missions.)

(There will be no reinforcements.)


I going to defend the fuck out of this place.1

By the time I’m done reading my message Ianata has helped Lena to her feet and is heading my direction. I can see the people on the walls firing down outside the compound. Another group tucked against the gate are firing what look like vehicle mounted .50 caliber machine guns.

“Ianata, me and Lena are going to post up at a window on the second floor of the great hall. It will leave us close to egress, and we should be able to fire into the Spartans as they come.”

She is shaking her head before I even finish, “the people fighting at the gate are the strongest we have, our next strongest are coming in behind them. Even if you have the best gear you can have for your level these guys are so far above you it’s not funny. There’s no good you can do, you are part of the ‘general evacuation’ because your level, but mostly because Hel said to get you out.”

I’d love to argue, but she’s got to be right. A god’s personal army has to be a whole bunch of badasses, “Fine, but I want to be one of the last out. I’ll go when I know we can’t hold. I’m not above a tactical retreat, but I will not run like a whipped dog.” I don’t have to like her point.

“Whatever lets you sleep at night. Post up on the pedestal next to the front door, if you are upstairs and they take that door you’ll never make it past them. I’m not kidding, don’t do anything stupid.”

I bite my tongue on what I was going to say.

“Good, get over there. You leave when I tell you though. I’ve got a good working relationship with Hel, I don’t need you ruining it.”

“One more thing Ianata. I’m in for your outpost, sign me up. I’m sure you’ll have it by the time I finish this mission. Good luck, don’t get yourself killed.” She’s been good to me. Besides the guy running this place is a shitbag, and I never met him. Fuck him.

“You too, now go.”

Me and Lena push through the crowd that is crushing into the great hall. Making our way on to the raised pedestal next to the front that looks like it was for a town crier, or executions at one point. It gets boring from there. The wall and door are doing a good job of repelling the attackers, I’m feeling confident that we’ll hold.

Somewhere around an hour after the assault started shit gets bad. Most of the evacuees were through the building. Lena and I were waiting for word on whether we should go through when another explosion rocks the gate decimating all the forces there.

Before our forces manage to plug the hole a group of ten or so men dressed in high-tech red and gold armor sprint through and disappear into buildings.

The view through the gate is bad. From what I can see there are a few fifty man platoons outside the gate. They aren’t slowing down either, a backup force from our side is managing to stem their tide some, but they’re in. The one’s the made it through ha few minutes ago have set fires, and explosions are going off every couple of seconds now, I guess they’re tired of waiting.

Turning my head to tell Lena we’re going to head out I see a man in Spartan armor jumping onto the platform and start sprinting at us.

“Lena, get down!” I point my rifle at him and start ripping off rounds, they barely slow him down. They do make him change to me as a target though.

“Start heading for the rift room, one at the direct end of the hallway I’ll meet you there.” She’s smart, she doesn’t argue and runs.

While I had been yelling to Lena the Spartan had slowed down and was looking at me with his head cocked to the side, “You are Daemon-elf, Gnome. I have you on a kill list. You are a friend of a blasphemer. I will gain great glory from this.”

Running his mouth gives me the chance to throw my rifle into my inventory and pull out Hels-gift. Imagining the knife transforming into the short-spear form my mana almost completely drained.

The Spartan sits patiently while the knife grows, “Ah you wish for a test of arms. I accept.” He reaches onto his arm and pulls a small cylinder. It shimmers for a few seconds before it is an exact match to my spear; four and a half feet, an inch cross guard, and a six-inch blade

He drops into a mid-guard stance and immediately starts testing my defenses. Sending a straight thrust at my face, I deflect with the guard and slash at his chest. Continuing after my slash I send a straight thrust at his abdomen. Quick-stepping back and then forward so fast it looks like he almost blinks he dodges my stab.

“You are not bad at this, it is good to find an almost worth opponent. Too bad I must kill you now, perhaps one day we will meet in the arena. My name is Lelax.”

“Eat a dick.”

He starts thrusting and slashing his spear at me. I can only block because I am rolling through defensive routines, trained since childhood. My uncle was a kendo master, but I had hated the sword. Something about it had felt clunky, off-balance. So, he taught me what he knew of the spear, for my day and age I was good.

But we weren’t Spartans, I hadn’t lived it. The spear was a hobby for me, it was a way of life for the Spartan, and that was before he’d died. I cannot even imagine how long he’d been doing it since.

Within a few seconds, I was bleeding from at least a dozen cuts, none of them deep enough to kill, but every one of them excruciating.

I’m bringing my spear around in a spinning underhand feint when Lelax halts his spear, causing me to overshoot my block by a couple of inches. Reaching out his foot he sweeps my legs and sends me tumbling to the ground. I manage to block a couple of his attacks before he knocks my weapon clear.

As he draws back his spear I pull my pistol from the holster and let off a round at him, hitting a forcefield.

As his spear descends I keep pulling my trigger. Resigning myself to fate his head snaps to the side and his spear tip deflected high, ripping through the upper trapezium in my shoulder.

The rounds keep coming, four in quick succession in almost the same spot every time. The unexpected rounds push Lelax over and away into a diving roll to assess where the threat is coming from.

Without even thinking I grab my spear and start sprint towards the great hall, hoping his roll will put him too far away and I can make it to the room Lena is in. As I pass through the door to the hall I see Lena prone at the end, she’s the one shooting rounds. I’m not sure about her long range, but she’s good with quick shots from a mid-distance. I may have made a hell of a deal for this one, it’s already paying off.

Chancing a look behind me I see that Lelax isn’t there anymore, he’s behind cover somewhere. The rifle she’s got won’t kill him, but judging by the gates earlier it’s enough to hurt.

As I come up on Lena I reach down and pull her up, “Thanks for that, we need to go though. If history is right he’s not going to be happy you interrupted a duel.”

“Duel? You mean him cutting up your giblets?” She’s got a smile on her face, glad she can find the humor here.

“COWARD, COME MEET YOUR FATE!” Lelax is on the stairs with his spear pointed through the door at us.

I point my spear back, “NAH, I’M GOOD, THANKS.”

I grab Lena and we sprint to the closest open rift door, slamming the door closed and activating it behind us.

Without slowing down, I run to the table and pull up the mission I’d already set up.


-A brave new world-

-The apocalypse has begun, you must survive the impending end.


-The end has finally come; zombies and monsters walk the earth. Survive the first days of the apocalypse and find a long-term base of operations.

(Rift world set to ‘Hard: Reduced Hud, equalized monster levels, learning monsters.)

(You have chosen to link-rift with Heplite.)

(As a link-rift you will arrive at the initiation of Heplites rift in a different location.)

(You must leave the rift world for twenty-four hours once you have reached an intervening timeline.)

Reading over the mission one last time I select yes, and wait for the portal door to blink on.

Unlike most of the time’s I’ve come through it’s a black portal. Maybe they're looking to create an air of mystery. I can hear Lelax banging on the door, and see dents starting to form, we don’t have much longer.

“You ready?” Seeing her nod yes, I change Hels gift back and stow it and pull out my rifle.

“Let’s go then, grab onto my vest and come through with me. The transition can be weird sometimes.” Raising my rifle to a ready stance I wait until Lena grabs my shoulder strap and walk into the door.

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