《An 'Ordinary' Adventure》Chapter 2 - Escape? - Part 2


Part 2

Knight’s luck was far from good in this world. Whether it’s being imprisoned or forced to mine, his luck was not the same as it had been at home. He had gone from despair to hope and back to despair in a matter of minutes. Why must God curse him like this? When was he going to get lucky? He thought he was lucky when the voice gave him this opportunity. Yet, even that came crashing down.

His skull was about to be macerated as the huge creature gripped it, increasing its strength second by second. It would not be long before it broke into the bone.


“P-P-Please let him go…” The little girl stuttered.

Despite plucking up the courage to save Knight, the creature simply swatted the girl away. Whatever care for her it had before, was not apparent now.

It was game over for both of them. The little girl still didn’t have a saviour and Knight was going to die. ‘No, it isn’t over. You did the job.’ As soon as these words entered Knight’s mind, the tunnel erupted in noise.


A shrill and penetrating scream echoed inside the creatures’ heads. The tunnel was filled with the noise. Yet, for Knight and the girl, the tunnel fell silent.

The creatures’ thoughts; the creatures’ rasping; even the creatures’ hearts were silent. It was as if time had frozen for them. Time had frozen, except for that dinning scream that ruptured their ears. Yet, only silence entered the girl and Knight’s ears.

“What…happened?” A confused Knight inquired.

"Does it matter? Just hurry up and get to the exit!"

Knight couldn’t argue worth that logic and set off with the girl to the exit he had found yesterday.

* * *

It was chaos. It was a far cry away from the silence the scream, unheard by Knight and the girl, created. Murderous rasps echoed across the tunnels the pair ran through, along with a side-dish of blood-curdling screams.


Rumbles of the ground accompanied the echoing cries and as Knight and the girl got closer and closer to the exit, the rumbling grew louder and louder. The tunnels were shaking. And with cracks appearing in the tunnels, the pair could only assume it was some sort of earthquake.

This continued until a hoarse voice called out joined the sounds.

“Hey, bud.”

Knight stopped running and looked around. The girl wasn't there, she was a lot less fit than Knight after all.

Knight’s first assumption was pretty much confirmed as he noticed the familiar tunnel. It was the voice from yesterday.

“I’m in a rush,” Knight replied sharply.

“That ya should be. But I just wanted to tell ya something.”

Unfortunately for Knight, he had two choices. Either he rushes off to the ladder and waits for the girl there, risking the chance that reimagined Frankenstein’s creature will catch him. Or, wait for the girl here, where the speaker could do nothing but talk. Of course, he chose the latter.

“Fine. What is it?”

“Good lad. So, what you gonna do when you escape?” the voice asked.

“…I thought you were telling me something?” Knight was scared of whoever this speaker was, but he figured he was safe as long as he didn’t step through that ethereal wall.

“…” the speaker wasn’t happy about this comment but, “ya know what? I’m gonna let ya off with that useless reply. Cos yar tight on time and all.”


“So answer then!” the jovial tone vanished with this reply. The speaker had a short-fuse if Knight couldn’t tell from his previous encounter.

“Oh, yeah, Sorry,” apologised Knight, though emptily, “I’m probably gonna meet up with-”

‘You idiot! Don’t tell anyone about me!’ screeched the voice in Knight's head.

“Argh, shit. Don’t just go in there with a shout like that!” Knight snapped back to the voice inside his head.


“…? Who ya talking to lad?” a confused voice inquired.

“Oh, shit…” Knight muttered, “sorry, talking to the girl.”

“Oh? How are ya, little one?” The voice called out.

“Shit…” he muttered again, “sorry, she kind of ran off when I shouted at her…hehe”

“Ah, younglings are indeed complicated” The voice replied like a grandfather reminiscing in his parenting days.

Ignoring the voice's comment he Knight got back to the topic, “anyways, I was saying that I was gonna meet the people outside, see what this worllllld-adada has to offer…”


“Ah, sorry about that. It was a phrase me and the girl made up in the cell. It means…town.” Knight lied again, cautious not to reveal his origins.

“Really?” The voice questioned, having a hard time believing two people would create a new word that means…town.

“Yeah…” Knight couldn’t believe his lie either, “I'm gonna meet the people of the town and grab some food.”

“Right...I’m guessing you meant the town ahead of Dragol’s passing?” he inquired.

“Er, yeah” He lied, ‘Dragol’s passing?’

“Well, ya best scratch that. Do go through the town but just make sure ya go a lot further. Like tha hell away from here.”


“…Now, I ain’t the smartest tool in the skáli but yar on another level.” He replied honestly.

‘Skáli?’ Knight wondered.

"A shed if you must know," the girlish voice informed him.

"How do you know what-" he began to question before the rough voice continued.

“Ya gonna escape prison for hell's sake! People will come after ya…” He informed the clueless boy.

“Oh, shit yeah…” He cussed. Would his good isekai life still not come when he escapes?

“And ya might see me, haha!” The voice laughed.

Knight did not like the sound of that. He thought he might be able to finesse some guards coming after him, presuming they would be weak. But that monster who killed a few guards whilst chained up? He had no chance.

“S-sorry….master” a ragged yet high voice entered the tunnel, “I’m…very slow.”

“Ah, you’re here. Let's go.” Knight replied.

However, the rough manly voice stopped them before they set off, “Woah! Ya jus' gonna let her continue walking when she’s like that? How inconsiderate can ya be?”

“…” Knight pulled his face wondering why the man had to care for a girl he couldn't even see and subject Knight to more effort.

“Who…is that?” The girl inquired, still gasping for air before realising what the voice meant, “wah! Never…mind. I think-cough- you should leave me.”

"No, don’t leave her. Don’t be mean and carry her with you." Knight’s roomie commanded him.

“Right! Don’t have to make a fuss about it” Knight snapped to all three voices before looking towards the girl, “and don't be silly, just get on my back.”

With this he reluctantly crouched low, putting away the ball of light that was needed no more, waiting to give a piggy-back.

Though the girl still tried to refuse, “But I-”

“Just do as I say okay!” He shot her down immediately with slight annoyance.

Nodding her head the girl walked over to the crouched-boy and wrapped her slender arms around his neck.

“Eugh,” the putrid smell of an unwashed body entered Knight’s nose, “the first thing we're doing is getting you washed.”

After supporting the girl's bony legs, and saying his goodbyes to the hoarse voice, Knight set off down the rumbling tunnels...

“... Wait, what's happened to all that noise?”

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