《The Bear - First chronicle of the Children of the Bear》11. Cubs


Dyla went into labor at the first frost. Immediately, the midwife was called and everyone was ushered out. Nelly stood by the door, shaking with the task the midwife had given her to keep everyone out, including Bryn. Ulris sat calmly, trying to channel that calm into his master, who paced the room like a trapped animal.

When Dyla's screaming started, Bryn marched towards the door. Nelly stood in his way, trembling, and he batted her aside like a sapling. He yanked open the door and the midwife gave him a glare that normally would have gotten her killed.

Bryn stood by Dyla's side like a stone statue, the only movement was his grey eyes that flicked about, following everything that was happening. The midwife spoke but Bryn missed it as Dyla gave the loudest scream of pain yet and a bloody form emerged. The midwife cut the cord and started to clean the baby off when Dyla screamed again. The midwife nearly dropped the newborn and said, "Stars, there are two!"

"Get me another person!" the midwife shouted to Bryn, which was the only order he ever followed in his life. Nelly stepped in, only a slight bruise on her elbow where she'd caught herself. Seeing the blood, she promptly fainted and Ulris took her place. Having once been a grandfather, Ulris expertly took the first baby and cradled the wailing infant.

With Dyla's third and final scream of pain, the midwife announced the task complete. Ulris and the midwife handed Dyla her children. The babes' mother smiled at them as their wailing stopped and they curled up, uncertain outside her womb. The midwife grabbed two small blankets and quickly swaddled the babes. Dyla turned exhausted to Bryn. "A boy and a girl, my lord, what are their names?"


Bryn paused watching the two as they were handed back to the mother. "Fenrin and Lyra."

Dyla nodded. "Good, good. Fenrin Brynson and Lyra Bryndotter." The midwife left, unnoticed by Bryn or Dyla who stayed staring at their children until finally, Dyla's eyelids began to droop.

Ulris, who had also not moved, whispered to Bryn, "Should I fetch the midwife back?"

Bryn growled and reached for his children. Ulris coughed. "Sir? Have you held a baby before?" Grey eyes gave Ulris a warning glance but he didn't flinch. "May I?"

The new father didn't move and Ulris mimed holding a baby and gently moved Bryn's huge arms into position. Then the steward lifted Fenrin and placed him into Bryn's arm.

Ulris gently spoke about head support and rocking before laying Lyra into the crook of Bryn's other arm. With him the babies looked unbelievably small. Ulris turned Bryn's armchair with a grunt and Bryn sat down slowly.

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